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Always Was Mine

Page 4

by Dawn Martens

  I step back, keeping my hands on her arms. “You do know it’s been almost six years since everything happened, right? You can’t still be taking your anger out on Vinny. You need to let it go completely.”

  “I know,” she whispers.

  I step away from her look around for the kids and see them playing dolls in the living room. “Want me to call them to come eat?”

  “Yeah, that would be great. Thanks.”

  “Where’s Vinny this morning?”

  “Oh, he’s at the clubhouse. Jasper was supposed to be on call for something, but with Eden in the hospital having the new baby he’s not leaving her side just yet,” she says. We got a phone call early this morning about Eden going into labor, instead of going up to the hospital, Jasper asked if we could just hang back, until after they get home. Then we can all storm over and see the new baby.

  “How’s Jasper feeling about all those girls?”

  Lilly burst out laughing. “He’s gonna go insane, I tell yah. He already has three girls, now he has another one.”

  I giggle alongside her, laughing loud.

  “Okay, kiddos, time to eat,” I call into the living room and Rose and Elizabeth come running.

  We all sit at the table and eat while the girls talk about the new Monster High doll coming out.

  I look at Lilly as they are talking. “Aren’t those dolls for older kids?”

  She shrugs. “Yeah, but they love them. What can ya do?” Those dolls creep me out.

  “Where is Gavin?” I ask, finally noticing he’s not here.

  “Oh, he left with Vinny. Said he may as well jump right on in.”

  “Good, I wasn’t the only one that wanted out of the mess I was in. I was shocked when he came to me wanting to help.”

  “He seems like a good guy.”

  I smile. “He is, I’m not completely sure what exactly he did in the club before, he was always a little scary to me. Over the last few months, getting to know him, he’s actually a great guy,” I tell her.

  She looks at me for a moment. “You guys have a thing?”

  I burst out laughing. “No, he’s grown on me, sort of like a brother.”

  She smiles, giving me a sly look. “What about Trevor? I saw you talking with him a bit last night.”

  I blush. “He’s hot. He was nice. But I’m not looking for someone right now.”

  Lilly nods. “You will eventually. And trust me, Trevor is amazing. Little on the skinny side of things, but trust me, when you’re ready, it’ll happen.”

  Shaking my head at her I turn back to my plate and start eating. I don’t need a man, not when the only man I ever did need, died, and I’m trying to get rid of the one I currently have, but finding someone for me seems to be the mission the girls are on. I don’t want to be mean and tell them to just back off, so instead, I just ignore it.

  Chapter 6


  A fuckin’ week. Vicky’s been gone a fuckin’ week, and I have no damn clue where she is. Her mother said she didn’t even know she was leaving. I didn’t want to believe her, I wanted to smash my gun in her face until she told me the truth, but one thing is for sure, she wasn’t lying.

  I’m sitting at the bar, watching two of our new girls dancing and making out with each other on our stage, giving us all a grand fuckin’ show, when Rage comes over. I adjust my jeans, and turn away from the bitches on stage.

  “I need a mouth, think you can send your Old Lady over?” I ask him. Around here, not even Old Lady’s are off limits, to most of us anyways, we share. And one thing I know for sure is that Megan has a great fuckin’ mouth, I don’t even give a fuck that she was my step mother at one time.

  “Yeah, in a sec, wanted to ask if you saw Scraper? Haven’t seen him in a week. I’ve asked around, no one has.”

  My eyes narrow. “That ain’t a fuckin’ coincidence.” How the fuck did I not know about him being gone before now?

  “No shit, brother, I got a feelin’ he’s gone with Vicky to wherever the fuck she’s hiding.”

  I never liked the friendship those two had, but as long as I knew they weren’t bangin’, I left it alone. Now, I’m thinkin’ I shoulda put a fuckin’ stop to it.

  “Isn’t there a tracker on his bike?” We all have them in case some shit happens we can find each other right away.

  “Yeah, and it was dumped just out near the refinery uptown.”

  “Don’t need that mouth no more, get me one of the cops high up on our pay list, tell him I need favor. Tomorrow noon, here.”

  Rage nods and walks off. I get up and go to move out of the clubhouse when Megan storms over looking pissed.

  “Any luck on finding her yet?” she demands.

  “No, we’re thinking Scraper is helping her now, too.”

  “That cunt. When she gets back, I’m gonna teach her a lesson. I told her not to do this shit, to just suck it the fuck up.”

  I stare at her, narrowing my eyes. “You knew about this?” I ask her, my voice low and angry.

  She shakes her head slightly. “We had a chat when she started the new school year, after she learned about your daughter. She came to talk to me about it, wanting my opinion about her leaving you. I told her not to do that, she married you, knowing this was what the life was like. She dropped it. I didn’t think she’d actually go through with it.”

  This was something. Even if she didn’t think Vicky would do it, she should have come told me about. I backhand her and her head whips to the side. “Punishment for not coming to me before now about this, you have to pull extra shifts down at Cheaters Heart.” Knowing how she feels about that strip club we own, that’s a severe punishment to her. I walk away from her and head out.

  I spot Rage on his phone out by his bike and I go to him. “Get your old lady under control. That bitch knew that Vicky had been thinking about leaving for a while now and never said a fuckin’ word.” Rage’s jaw clenches and he nods, stalking back inside the clubhouse.

  Twenty minutes later, I pull up outside of April’s house. This all started because of her, she could have pulled Emily out of the class once she knew Vicky was her teacher. There are two for each grade, it would have been simple to switch her to the other class.

  I use my key and go in. I find her in the kitchen making supper. “April.”

  She turns around, looking shocked. “Hey. What are you doing here?” she says, looking confused.

  “Need a chat. Wanna know what the fuck you were thinkin’ putting Emily in my woman’s class.”

  She swallows noticeably, her face slightly pale. “I didn’t think it would be a big deal.”

  “Yeah, well it is, and now Vicky has taken off because she can’t bear to look at my kid, be reminded of what I did.” I snarl at her.

  “How is that my fault? You stepped out on her,” she sasses me.

  “Check that shit, or you’ll feel the back of my hand.” I step forward as I speak. “You made this play, hoping I’d come to you. You’re so hard up for my cock, you wanted this. But what you don’t realize, I wouldn’t give you my cock again. You’re used, got my kid outta ya, and that’s all you’re good for. Do shit like this again, no one will find you, and I’ll tell Emily you left her behind.”

  “I-I’m sorry. It won’t happen again,” she stutters.

  “See that it doesn’t.” I stomp back out of the house, straddle my bike and roar off.

  When the bitch first showed up to the clubhouse years ago, claiming she was pregnant with my kid, I had to make sure I kept her away from Vicky. Especially since we had just gone through a miscarriage. April demanded that I marry her, and I laughed in her face. Of course the second I did that she tried to hit me, and I put her in her place. Letting her know I was already married and there was no way in fuck I could marry her.

  She was shocked, and then threatened to go to my wife. She got that idea out of her head fast, when Rage came up behind her, putting his gun to her head, and quickly talked her out of it. I put her up int
o her own house, nothing fancy, just a little cottage in Quispamsis, closer to my club than my house. And that was the last of her bullshit, well partly. Every time I came over to see Emily, April would dress like a whore and try to do anything she could to get me back in bed with her.

  I haven’t touched her since I knocked her up in the first place. Didn’t want the drama that was all her. Would I have taken her for another ride on my cock? Yeah, any man would, but after she pulled the stunt she did, showing up in my town, throwing a fit about me being married. Fuck that.

  Pulling up to the club, I nod to a few guys and park my bike. Time to get drunk.

  Chapter 7

  Hangman’s flashback chapter

  “Yo, Hangman, some bitch is at the gate causing a scene,” one of the new prospects shouts out across the room.

  I check the surveillance and see some chick, heavily pregnant, shrieking at the brother I have guarding the lot. She looks familiar, but I can’t quite place her.

  “Send the bitch in. I’ll deal with it.”

  Minutes later, the banshee comes in. “Bout damn time, assholes.” She looks up and spots me. “Hangman.” She smiles, saying my name.

  “I know you?”

  Her face goes from happy to furious. “Do you know me? You better fuckin’ know me. You came through Fredericton several months back?”

  “That’s right.” I snap my fingers, remembering. “You’re the bitch I shagged in the clubhouse bathroom. What are you doing here?”

  She puts a hand over her swollen stomach. “This, duh,” she replies, as she rubs it. “I’m pregnant.”

  I stare at her confused. “And that’s my problem how?”

  “It’s yours, asshole!” she yells at me.

  I shake my head. “Nope, wore a condom.”

  She smirks at me. “Yeah, but I gave you that condom, which, sorry to say, expired years ago. So, surprise.”

  Fuckin’ hell. This couldn’t have come at a worse time. Tori and I just had a miscarriage.

  “If it’s mine, whatever, I’ll make sure you have a place and cash.”

  “No, what you’re gonna do is marry me.”

  At those words, I bend over from laughter, slapping my knees. “Yeah, no. Not gonna happen. I’m already married.”

  “What!” she screeches.

  “Yeah, sorry bitch, you’re too late to milk me for all I got, I’m already hitched.”

  She stomps her foot in anger, face going red. “Then Imma go tell her about this, you pig!”

  At those words, the whole club goes quiet, and Rage sneaks up behind her, gun out and puts it to her head. “You even think to go to my woman; your brains will be splattered all over the fuckin’ room.”

  Her eyes widen, and she stands still with fear, shaking. “I – I,” she stutters.

  I mock her, “I- I what?” I say, stepping into her space.

  “I won’t say anything, I promise.” She cries out as Rage pushes the gun into her skull harder, his trigger finger feeling twitchy.

  “Good, then we won’t have a problem. I’ll set you up in town, place to stay, money for the kid, but you go near my wife, or tell anyone that I’m the father, you’ll be dead.” She nods her head. “Fucking speak when I’m talking to you!” I roar.

  “Ye-yes, I understand. I promise, no one will know.”

  I step away from her, and Rage lowers his gun. “Put her up in a hotel until we find her a place to live. I want her out of my fuckin’ sight right now.”

  Chapter 8


  “Aunt Tori, when is Gramma gonna be here?” Rose asks.

  “Soon, sweetie,” I say, smiling at her. Lilly had to work early this morning, shuffling clients around so that she could work at Eden’s store in the afternoon. I have yet to go to the diner, but I hear it’s a big hit. It used to be called Momma B’s Bakery, but Eden took over a few years ago and renamed it Eden’s Diner. Simple. And she serves just about everything there.

  Eden told me that until I can find a good teaching position she’d love it if I could help her out, working at the diner as a waitress. I must say, it’s been ten years since I had a waitressing job, but I’m sure it’s like riding a bike.

  The principal from my school down in New Brunswick gave me a glowing recommendation, even though she was upset I was leaving. I’m hesitant on applying for work though, because the second I do, I know that Carson will be able to find me quickly.

  I just don’t know how I could go without doing the job I love for that long, but I also know I don’t want Carson finding me, or having a full out war with the Angels.

  I hear someone open the front door and get up off the couch. “Victoria Marie Jensen, get that butt over here.” I hear Aunt Ann shout.

  I smile as she comes around the corner, giving her a giant hug. “How are you? How’s my idiot sister?” Aunt Ann spouts off.

  I laugh. “I’m good now that I’m here. And Mom is well. I think, to be honest I’ve not really spoken to her much, considering she’s found another loser boyfriend.” Ever since my father was killed, she’s had deadbeat loser boyfriend after deadbeat loser boyfriend. Only saving grace is the fact they are all better men than my father was. Not one of them has managed to put her in the hospital yet or almost kill her, like my father used to do so many times.

  “That woman needs a damn brain in her head. How could she have such shitty tastes in men, when she had our daddy as a father?” I heard all about grandpa from Aunt Ann over the years, sometimes from Mom herself, when she was drunk enough, how loving and gentle and kind he was.

  Sighing, I give Aunt Ann a sad smile. Part of me wonders if that’s why I ended up with Carson. Watching my mother have an extremely abusive marriage to my dad, and then every single boyfriend afterwards, it sort of became the norm, relationship wise, to me. I think it’s why I put up with the abuse and cheating for so long with Carson. When I decided to leave him, I also decided to leave my mother. She is just as toxic as he is.

  “Anyways,” Aunt Ann interrupts my thoughts, and I feel bad for not paying attention to her when she was talking. “Eden and Lilly talked, Lilly doesn’t need to work at the diner because she has her own job, she only filled in to help out. Now that you are here, and we don’t need that husband of yours coming to town, you will take over for Lilly, so she can start booking clients at the salon in the afternoons again. I know it’s not the job you want, but Eden will pay you under the table and tada, no paper trail.”

  I smile. “That actually sounds great. Sucks I won’t be teaching but it’s something at least.”

  She smiles back at me. “Good, but you will also still be a teacher. I have a few friends with grandchildren that need extra help, so you work the diner in the afternoons and three days a week you have tutoring.”

  My brows shoot up and I tease her trying not to laugh, “Do I get a say in any of this?”

  Aunt Ann narrows her eyes at me and flares her nostrils in anger. Uh oh. “No, you do not. If I had known years ago that you got caught up in that fuckwad’s life, I would have done something about it. But you didn’t tell anyone. So now, you do what I say. We’re gonna get rid of that dick for you, and I’m going to work on finding you a good man. Once that’s done, you can then decide for yourself when and where you will work.”

  “Okay, gee, when did you get so bossy, Auntie?”

  “Being around the club and the late Mrs. Shepard so often theses last years, I’ve had to get bossy, otherwise I’d never get my way.”

  I laugh. “I love you, Aunt Ann, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my problems.” Truth is, I knew I screwed up when I married Carson, big time, and I didn’t want her to be disappointed in me.


  “We’ll ride out in ten,” Zippo says as he gets up from his chair. Angel usually handles rescue and protection details, but since Eden just had the kid, he’s staying home this time.

  “Got it.” I nod as I move to pack my bag for the case.

  Reaper looks pi
ssed, as usual, about this case. It’s almost worse than Cori and Melissa’s case. I wasn’t with them at that time, but I was around for the night terrors Cori would have. I’d lay with her, sometimes, Angel would too, until she calmed down. Having to hear about the shit they did to her, what they made Melissa watch, made me wish I could murder them.

  This case is about the same. Except it’s the fucker’s own kids he’s raping. The mother finally had enough, calling us in to help. We’re meeting the local cops and a social worker friend to go in and get them out without problems. Three little girls, under ten years old, and the mother. All being saved from that monster.

  “Sometimes, I wish the old club ways were still in effect, so I could kill sons of bitches like this fuck,” Reaper growls as he storms out to his bike.

  Don’t blame him. He’s been a moody bastard for a week now, he was on a case a few weeks back and ended up saving a pregnant teenager from a beating. Her pimp was pissed to find out she was pregnant, and tried to kill the child. Reaper stepped in, and brought her back. She’s due in a few months, and is looking at adoption, she’s only sixteen, doesn’t want the responsibility of a child. Moira stepped in and told Reaper they would be adopting the child themselves.

  A month later that pimp turned up dead, and we all know it was Reaper that ended his life, even though he won’t admit it.


  “Trev, you go around back, Zippo, you take the left, Scraper take the right, I’ll go in direct,” Reaper says from our spot down the road.

  I watch as a few patrol cars come down the road and stop behind our bikes. We had to call them in case shit goes south. Most of the time we have an issue with the cops because they want to do their job and for us to stay out of it. But the system is flawed, it’s why most domestic cases, and cases such as this don’t often get called in to the police. More than half the time nothing is done about it. Fuck, a few years ago, a guy only got six months for stabbing his girlfriend, and when he got out, went and finished the job. The fucker’s life sentence was only ten years, and he could be out in three. Our government seriously needs to fix that shit.


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