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Scent of a White Rose

Page 9

by Tish Thawer

  This was the only way that Yum Camil could guarantee that his bloodline would continue, since the humans his son had bitten ended up as a new species entirely. That had been an unforeseen twist to his plan. Balam had explained that Yum Camil hadn't meant for the humans he infected to be a threat to anyone, but that like any dying God, only wanted to meet his end knowing that some part of his race would live on. Obviously he had not taken into account how the two species, his demons and his son's vampires would interact. Who would have ever guessed that they would be like poison to one another?

  Apparently the woman Terrance bit six months ago was one of the demon descendants of Yum Camil. Her demon blood had infected him and was the reason behind his fuzzy thoughts and his now permanent darkness.

  It was more important than ever to find out just who this woman was. And since the infection prevented me or Terrance from accessing any further information about her, I had no idea how we were going to do that.

  Before ending our conversation, I had asked Balam if there was any hope of saving Terrance. His answer had been just what I expected: not that he knew of. Dax was not going to be happy about all I had learned. And right now, I couldn't imagine facing all of them with this kind of news. How was I supposed to explain that all of our lives had just changed and that we were now being faced with demons?

  Our feedings were going to have to become very strict and limited to only people we'd fed from before. Because now that it was clear that at least one family with demon blood resided in our area, who knew how many more could be out there? I just couldn't take the risk of any other member of my clan becoming infected.

  By the time I finished my phone call, the club was in full swing. I found Dax talking to one of the members of the liquor board who had apparently stopped in to make an impromptu inspection. They seemed to be going through the checklist that the inspector was carrying with him. As the owner, I should have made an appearance and schmoozed the pencil pusher like I always did, but after everything that had happened, I just didn't have the energy to deal with that tonight.

  Just as I slid back inside my office, Christian appeared in the doorway.

  "Evie, are you alright?" he asked.

  I could tell he was nervous, and like the rest of them, probably wanting to know what I had learned. But with Dax and the rest of the clan occupied with their jobs, it was the perfect opportunity to have a conversation with Christian about his potential triggering. "I'm fine Christian, but please come in."

  * * * * *


  Business Acquaintance


  As we drove to the café, I just couldn't bring myself to question Dad about his relationship with Meredith. So instead, I sat there imagining all the expensive things I was going to buy with the credit card he'd given me, while he pretended to have a business meeting with his whore. Yes, I was that mad.

  How in the hell could Dad continue to tell me that it was "too soon" to move on, when he apparently didn't have any trouble moving on from Mom's death whatsoever? The more and more I thought about this, the angrier I was becoming. The rage inside of me was building at a steady pace, and I felt the tears threatening to spill.

  "So, like I said, I figured you could do some shopping while Meredith and I have our meeting. I think I remember you mentioning that you needed some supplies for school and some new cookware to replace the things that I ruined at the house," Dad said with a chuckle. "I'll text you once we're done, and then you and I can go to see that new movie that came out. Sound good?"

  I can't tell you how hard it was not to scream at him. It took everything I had to say, "Sure Dad. That'll be fine." I had to keep my head turned towards the window, because if I actually looked at him, I knew I would break. But apparently, diverting my face wasn't enough to hide the waves of tension that were rolling off of me.

  "Is something wrong Rose?" he asked.

  Damn it, why couldn't he have just let it drop? "Well, Dad, now that you mention it, I guess I'm not really looking forward to seeing Meredith again, since it's obvious that she is more to you than just a business acquaintance." I knew my voice carried a tinge of anger, and I didn't care.

  A sigh escaped his lips, as he shook his head back and forth. "Rose, I'm so sorry. I had no intention of dating Meredith when we first met, but after getting to know her, we really hit it off, and spending time with her has truly helped me deal with my grief. I didn't say anything because I just didn't think you would understand." Guilt as thick as molasses dripped from his voice.

  "Oh no Dad, I understand just fine. You banging someone that looks just like Mom really helps lessen the blow that she's truly gone." Fuck being nice; I'd had enough of being kept in the dark.

  "Rose Reynolds! You watch your mouth. How dare you say such a thing to me? I loved your mother with all my heart and I would never disrespect her memory by using someone else as a substitute for what we had together. Yes, Meredith does have similar features to your mother's, but what's really important is that she makes me feel alive again, which is something that I never thought would happen. Don't you dare think you are old enough to understand what I've gone through."

  I was confused by his last comment, but didn't have time to dwell on it since we had just pulled up to the café. I threw open the door and bolted from car, "Enjoy your lunch Dad. Maybe I'll see you at home?" I ran into the crowd before Dad even had a chance to shut off the car. I noticed Meredith sitting at one of the café tables as I ran by. She looked up, preparing to smile, but then got the most curious look on her face. I was extremely angry, and seeing the most vicious frown form on that bitch's face had only made it worse.

  * * * * *


  "Jeremy, what's happened?" Meredith asked me as I approached the table.

  "Rose knows about us, and it didn't go well," I explained.

  Damn it. I hadn't wanted her to find out like this. I had hoped to have a successful business meeting with Meredith before things turned personal. I was planning to tell Meredith that I wanted to let Rose know about us, and then ask Rose to join us for dessert. That way they could spend a little time getting to know each other before I shared the news. So much for that plan.

  I had never seen Rose act that way. She had always been so level-headed, and such a good girl. I couldn't believe the venom that her words had carried.

  "I should go after her." I started to panic, because I suddenly remembered the last words Rose had said, "Maybe I'll see you at home." I had to find her before she did something stupid.

  "Jeremy, I think you should just let her blow off some steam. She'll cool down after a while and then we can go look for her. The fact that she doesn't have a car yet is definitely a good thing right now. She shouldn't be able to get too far," Meredith reasoned.

  "I guess you're right." Resolved to let Rose cool down before we continued this conversation, I sat down and reached for Meredith's hand. "Thank you. I'm really glad that you're here."

  * * * * *


  Watching Dad reach for that bitch's hand made me want to scream. I had run into the nearest alley between two of the shops and propped myself up against the brick wall while I tried to catch my breath. Then I had peeked out to see how close behind me Dad was. But, to my surprise, he wasn't even following me. He had sat down with Meredith instead and then reached for her hand.

  That was it. I'd had it. I had been feeling guilty that I was going to be moving out and leaving Dad all alone, but it was pretty fucking obvious that he had someone else to fill the void that Mom, and now I, would be leaving in his life. What a bastard.

  * * * * *


  Dream Come True


  As I entered Evie's office, I could tell that whatever she had learned from her Sire had left her shaken. Her hair had drifted a little darker and it looked like she had run her fingers through it a number of times. But I just couldn't control my
curiosity. "What did you find out from Balam?"

  After she lowered herself into her chair, she closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. "I think it's best if I tell everyone the information I learned from Balam after closing, but right now there is something else that I want to discuss with you."

  Damn, I really wanted to get to the bottom of this, and waiting until closing to find out what Evie had learned was going to be torture. "Okay, what is it?"

  "Well, I'll cut right to the chase. I have reasons to believe that you are being triggered to become the new Sire." Even though she looked tired, the smile on her face indicated that for her, this was good news.

  "Are you kidding me?" I was starting to feel a little anxious, since this was the second time that someone had mentioned this to me.

  "No, Christian. I'm not kidding you. And if I'm right, it will be a dream come true for me. From the moment that I found you on the Swedish island of Gotland, it was clear to me that you were a wonderful person." She paused, reflecting briefly. "It was actually a coincidence that Dax and I even stopped on your island. I remember that we were travelling through the Baltic Sea and there was a problem with the ship. Once it docked, we decided it would be best if we explored the island to feed, rather than remain with the boat." She looked at me with such pride in her eyes. "It was the best decision that we ever made."

  Evie rose from her chair and continued to relive the story that brought her and Dax to find me. "I remember stumbling upon your little village and seeing all the hardworking people, and the sense of community. As we watched from afar, I told Dax that I only wanted to have a small clan so that we would always remain as close as the people we saw there."

  "I've always wondered why you created so few vampires for your clan." I had never asked, mainly because I thought it would be rude, but apparently she had gotten her wish. Our small clan had always been happy...until now.

  "We watched your village for several days and fed only when someone would head to the stream for water. Dax had dug out a burrow that provided us safety while we slept, but then one day, we awoke to screams."

  I knew the day she was referring to; it was the last and first day of my life.

  "The crew of the boat had discovered your village. When we reached them, they had already started to plunder and pillage. I remember seeing you fighting so fiercely to protect that young girl. Dax and I fought off everyone we could while trying to not frighten your townsfolk, but by the time we reached you, you had been stabbed through." Evie had circled behind me and now rested her hands on my shoulders. "There was no way I could let you die. Not after seeing what a wonderful person you were. So helpful to your village, such a hard worker, and an amazing fighter. I knew in that instant that you would become my son. My first vampire son."

  Evie squeezed my shoulders and then made her way back around to sit behind her desk once more. "If you are in fact the one being triggered, I want you to know that I couldn't be happier or prouder."

  I sat stunned for a moment. Not because of her speech, but because I hadn't thought of that day in so long. It was going to take me a minute to shake the memories from my head. "I'm at a loss for words. Honestly, I feel like there has to be some mistake. I haven't shown any signs of being triggered and..." My words drifted off as I truly didn't know what to say.

  "Actually, you have been showing signs. Remember in the private room when I launched myself at you? It was because you had commented on something that I had thought–not said. I was so shocked and surprised that I literally flew across the room to see if I had imagined things. But then we were interrupted and I couldn't explain."

  As I sat there dumbfounded, she continued, "Then there's the fact that when I was trapped in the comatose state, you just happened to know what the right thing to do was. I actually think that's because you are developing the psychic ability called claircognizance, which means 'clear knowing'. Then, when you were outside the office tonight, you had the most quizzical look on your face so I scanned you and found that you had heard Dax and my conversation by accident. I can honestly say that I have never experienced any of these things myself, but it leads me to believe that you are in fact the one being triggered." Evie sat there just looking at me with a smile on her face.

  I couldn't move. I sat there stunned then had to shake my head in order to knock my brain back into gear. "I just thought my hearing had been doing weird things. I have heard some people whisper a couple things, and then accidentally honed-in on your and Dax's conversation. And as far as the "knowing"–I'm not sure how I knew how to help you when you were comatose. But really Evie, I don't see how that can equal me being triggered. I thought there were specific signs to look for." I was confused and a little nauseous. I just couldn't wrap my head around this. I couldn't possibly be the one.

  "I have been wondering that too, so when I spoke to Balam, I asked him if all Sires show the same symptoms when they are triggered. He informed me that each Sire is different. It's the fact that you are starting to display any new powers that identifies you as the one being triggered. Now, as to what those powers might be, that's something that is individual to each vampire. The scanning ability, the sedative of eternal life, and the poison of true death are all things that are passed between Sires during the Passing of Powers ritual, but each Sire usually has an additional power or two that they develop during their triggering. When I was triggered, I actually developed the ability of telekinesis. I could move objects with my mind." Evie demonstrated by moving a stapler from one side of her desk to the other. "It is not something that I use very often, and it's also something that only Dax and Balam know about."

  I must have looked comical to Evie because I was sitting there with my mouth gaping open and my eyes bugging out of my head. I couldn't believe the shit that was happening lately. No way could I be the next Sire. And I couldn't believe that she had never told us that she could move shit with her mind! I also couldn't believe the amount of information and history that was being kept just between the Sires. Now I was really curious as to what other secrets Evie would be sharing with us later tonight.

  "Christian, are you okay?"

  When I finally looked up and met Evie's eyes, I could tell that she was worried about me. And honestly, I didn't know if I was okay or not. This was just so much to process and we hadn't even gotten to the situation with Terrance yet. I just wasn't sure if I could deal with this right now, and truth be told, I wasn't sure I wanted to become the next Sire. The one thing that I did know about becoming a Sire was that it meant I would have to leave the only family I had known for over 600 years. I couldn't imagine leaving my family or Rose. Wait...Rose. If I became the new Sire, I would be able to change Rose! No petitioning, no waiting, I would be able to change her and then we could truly be together forever.

  "Evie, if I am the one who's been triggered to become the next Sire, can you tell me how the consort bond works?" I couldn't hold back the excitement in my voice. This suddenly had the potential to become very good news.

  "I know what you're thinking Christian, and yes, you would be able to choose Rose as your consort. But, that is a very important decision and one that isn't without consequences."

  Just as I was about to push the subject, Dax opened the door and strolled inside to take the seat next to me. "Liquor board inspection is done. We're good." He looked between the two of us, and probably noticed that I was on the edge of my chair and Evie was leaning forward with her forearms resting on her desk. "Everything okay? You guys look a little tense."

  "Everything is fine. I was just explaining to Christian that I believe that he is the one being triggered to become the new Sire." Evie looked at him with a firm set to her chin.

  Dax pushed out of the chair and started pacing. "Dammit, Evie! I thought we agreed to not bring this up until everything was settled with Terrance."

  "If you recall my dear, I didn't agree to anything. I know you expressed that you thought it was for the best, but I never agreed to remain quiet.
Plus, after what I have learned from Balam, I think it's necessary for Christian to understand what is happening to him. He may actually be of great use to us in figuring out what's happening with Terrance."

  Great. This sounded ominous, and not something I really wanted to be involved in. Like I had said, Terrance was an asshole and I didn't want to have anything else to do with him.

  Dax sighed, and the look he gave Evie wasn't exactly a loving one, but then he said, "Okay Evie. Whatever you think is best." He then quietly left the room, closing the door behind him.

  "Why do you think I'll be able to help figure out what's going on with Terrance?" I really didn't want to know, but I thought it would be best if I knew exactly what Evie was expecting of me.

  "I'm not sure yet, but I feel that if we can keep tabs on your developing powers, especially the claircognizance, it might be of use in the situation." Evie rose from her chair and I followed suit. She hugged me then held my shoulders tight as she looked into my eyes. "Everything will work out Christian, you'll see. Just please come to me if you experience any strange sensations or if you have questions about what's happening to you. Again, I can't tell you how proud I am of you."

  As I headed for the door, I looked back at Evie and forced a smile onto my face. I wanted her to know that her pride in me was definitely something I appreciated, but I was sure that my smile only came off as fake. I didn't share her sentiment that everything would work out. As a matter of fact, whether it was my new found psychic ability or not, I suddenly felt that things were going to get a lot worse.


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