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Bound Forever: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 7

by Sienna Blake

  She gets angry with me because of the things I can’t tell her. But she always forgives me. She always gives in and comes back. She knows what we have is more important… right?

  I shake my head so these thoughts come loose. Dammit, what’s wrong with me? I need to concentrate if I have any hope in hell of finding Jacob before he finds her.

  My eyes come to rest on the series of photos on my wall. The others seem to fade into the background and the ones of her seem brighter, catching my eyes. Her, her, her.

  She’ll forgive me this time, won’t she?

  In the pit of my stomach an uneasy feeling rests there. It’s been there since she walked out of the dining room two days ago and didn’t come back. I start to wonder if she ever will.

  How did we even get here? I wasn’t even supposed to get this close to her. But she derailed me so completely…

  Chapter Fifteen

  Eight months ago…

  It’s her. I know it’s her. She looks different but I recognize the petite planes of her heart-shaped face and her tulip-lips. Her hair is longer and lighter. Her body has filled out. Jesus, has her body filled out. I eye her shapely legs in those shorts. The small waist and swell of breasts in her shirt as a patch of sweat on her back and her chest makes the material stick to her. Shit. What happened to the skinny-limbed girl from three years ago? Somewhere along the line, she became a woman.

  I watch from the shadows across the street as she leaves Dixie’s bar and strides out into the night, her walk strong yet cautious, carrying two large canvas bags over her shoulders. I wonder for a moment what she has in them.

  I frown. It’s late. Too late for a single woman to be walking home at night. Especially looking like that. Anyone could be watching her, waiting for her to step out alone in the dark. I know she owns at least one gun and knows how to use it. I imagine it’s tucked away in her purse. She isn’t stupid about her safety. But still… any kind of freak could be watching her.

  I slip through the shadows as I follow her.

  I know everything that’s on her police file. I’ve memorized it. Her stats, her statement to the police about her relationship with Jacob Tyrell and what she saw. But I also know the things that don’t appear in her file. Like the love she has for her grandparents. She misses them, I can tell from those carefully chosen cards that she sends them. They miss her too. They told me so. And besides, they talk about her fondly all the time. They have both told me stories about her, about her childhood and about how they raised her after her parents passed away when she was young. I’ve caught the gleam of a tear or two in her grandma’s eyes when they talk about her. Even occasionally her grandpa.

  I know that she’s smart. I’ve been watching her for a few days now. She’s careful enough that she doesn’t fall into a routine. It helps that she does shift-work at a bar. She pays for everything in cash. No bank records, no contracts, no trail. Finding her at all was damned difficult.

  So far there’s no sign that Jacob is still in her life. But if I know Jacob Tyrell, it’s only a matter of time before he finds her. And when he finds her, I’ll be here waiting for him. My belly clenches briefly with guilt at the idea that I’ve been toying with: I could use her as bait. I shove that guilt aside. I don’t have to make that decision yet.

  I keep pace with her as she turns down the street. I frown when I realize she has veered off the path to her apartment. Curiosity stirs in me when she stops in front of a local soup kitchen. She makes her way up the short set of steps and pushes her way inside, pausing for a moment, trying to handle the door and her large bags and her purse all at the same time. I want to help her with the door. I could. I’ll just pretend to be homeless or just a passerby, never to be seen again.

  What the…? Where did those thoughts come from? I sink further back into the shadows and berate myself when I realize I almost stepped out and revealed myself.

  She reappears several minutes later without her bags. With her is an older man, a chaplain, and they talk for a few moments before they shake hands and she walks back off into the night. He disappears inside and I deduce that he must work here. It must have been leftovers from Dixie’s bar in those bags that she just dropped off at this soup kitchen.


  Her police file said that she had been enrolled in a nursing degree before she was forced to quit due to the witness protection program. What it didn’t say is how wonderfully suited to nursing she would have been. Here she is, on the run and still finding time to care for others.

  How dare Jacob Tyrell take this woman away from her life? She would have done so much good as a nurse. I can see it now, it was her calling. Her natural empathy with other human beings, her desire to help. All these things in her even Jacob Tyrell couldn’t beat out of her. Something inside me stirs as I follow her for the final blocks to her home.

  * * *

  I shouldn’t keep following her. She doesn’t have any contact with Jacob and there are other leads that I could follow up instead. But for some reason, some stupid reason, I can’t help myself. I chalk it down to how our lives intersected all those years ago. Yeah, that must be it. It’s the connection of when our lives mangled together in a sick twist of fate all those years ago. Not that she knows the extent to which she has affected me. I wonder if she would even recognize me if she saw me.

  When I walk into the club called Bound after her I can’t believe the sordid hell I’ve entered. What the hell is she doing here? Is this even the same girl? Did I follow the wrong girl from her home?

  I creep along the exposed brick walls of the club until I find a spot to stand. I watch her from across the club. She’s wearing a short black dress showing off more of her body than I’ve ever seen and not leaving much up to the imagination. All that kickboxing she does has transformed her body. Her dress clings to her firm pert breasts, her tiny waist and over her round ass. Her lovely legs are on display and her shapely thighs and calves are fixed taut from the heels she wears. Holy hell. Something flutters in my belly.

  I’m not the only one who has noticed her. I watch these men eye each other up as they vie for her attention and I find myself gritting my teeth. One of them, a smarmy blonde with artificially whitened teeth that glow in the black light, manages to convince her to let him buy her a drink. He leans over the bar and she stands at his side, looking, in my opinion, anxious. Her fingernails tap on the bar and her right knee shakes. Maybe I should go in there and tell that guy to fuck off?

  She looks over to me in that moment and our eyes lock. A stab of something hot goes through me. God dammit. Does she recognize me? We stare for a few moments longer, or it could have been minutes, I don’t friggin’ know. I should look away but I just can’t. I don’t see recognition in her eyes but something in her recognizes our connection. It’s like she knows, deep down somewhere, that we mean something to each other.

  Blondie pushes the drink in her hand and she turns back to him. Even as they talk, even as he leans closer to her and brushes her hair around her ear and places his fingers on her arm, she keeps looking over at me. I wage a war internally with the part of me that’s screaming to go over there and scoop her away from him. He only wants one thing from you, I want to scream. Don’t let him use you.

  No. I’m not getting involved. I can’t. Too dangerous.

  Soon they leave together. She gives me one last glance where her eyes are light with life, then a deadened look comes over her as she focuses back on the man leading her away and her face turns to stone. Oh shit. I’ve seen this look before. I’ve seen it in addicts. Sex is her fix.

  Jacob Tyrell drove her to this. I swear my heart cracks a little. I thought she was handling her past so well, but…

  Something in me feels like it dies.

  I shouldn’t have been there then. And I should be here now, a few weeks later. Tonight, she’s in another dress and yet another guy with too much gel in his hair buys her a drink. I shouldn’t be standing in the same spot as last time, but I d
o. Idiot. It’s like I want her to notice me, isn’t it?

  Her eyes flick over to where I’m standing. Our gazes fuse and that goddamn strange tension in my belly is there again. What am I doing? Letting her notice me is dangerous. The guy at her side grabs her arm, breaking us both from our reverie. My body tenses and I think I even hiss. He’s grabbing her too hard and without any respect. She’s delicate, you fucker, I want to yell at him.

  He says something to her I can’t hear from where I’m standing but he looks upset. She tries to pull away but he wrenches her back into him. A spear of possessiveness slams through me and I’ve pushed off the wall before I can rationalize what the hell I’m doing. I stride around the bar towards them. I’ll fucking teach him some respect.

  As I approach him from behind I can hear her saying, “I just remembered I have to meet someone. Maybe next time.”

  But he doesn’t let her go. He grabs her and gropes her like the dirty leech that he is and I swear to God I’m going to break every single one of those fucking fingers off.

  “Let go of me, you pig.” A trickle of pride interrupts my anger as I notice her ready to knee him the balls. For a split second I consider letting her.

  But the rage wins and I grab his shirt and yank him off her, something I shouldn’t be doing. Jesus, it seems like I can’t help doing a lot of things I shouldn’t be doing in regards to her. Hell, what’s one more?

  “She said she had to meet someone. Now back the fuck off.” I stare him down, standing between them. He cringes as he glares up at me towering over him.

  “Shit. Okay, man. I’m going.”

  “The fuck you are.” I yank him forward as I side step. “You apologize first. And make it a good one.”

  He starts to ramble. But it fades in my ears as my senses center around her. She’s staring back at me, her eyes wide with shock. Once again I catch a glimpse of the innocence that used to shine from her eyes. My stomach tightens with all these weird feelings…

  I realize the idiot has finished his apology. I push him away and I think I tell him to get lost.

  She seems to snap out of it and the bare innocence is clothed again behind a sexy put-on face and the seductive way she chooses to stand before me. “So I guess I owe you a thanks then, huh?”

  She gives me the fake name that she’s using at the moment… Shelley. I wonder what she would do if I told her I knew her real name. She holds out her hand and gives me the hungriest smile I have ever seen from her.

  Internally, I recoil. She wants to use me like she has used all the others. I’m just another guy to her. No… no fucking way.

  I let out a laugh. “Sorry, honey. I’m telling you now, I’d be bad for you. You don’t want to mess around with me. I just thought I’d do my moral duty and help out.”

  She bristles. “I don’t need saving.”

  “I was talking about him. He was about to get his balls kicked up into his head.” I sigh and lean in towards her. The bartender is getting just a little too interested in our conversation and what I’m about to say no one else needs to hear. “Why do you do this to yourself? Are you happy with what you’ve become?”

  Her eyes become stricken. “W-what? What the hell are you talking about?”

  My chest cavity fills with a strange sadness as I gaze over the package she is presenting to the world. I’m not going to deny that she is sexy as sin in the little clothing she is wearing, but it’s the kind of sex that’s stained with dirt. I want to tell her that she looks beautiful even in a simple white top and shorts and no makeup as she sleeps in her bed, or when she curls herself into that ratty old armchair of hers with a book. I want to say that she’s a thousand times sexier in fitted jeans and a silk top… but I don’t. That would be stupid.

  Before I can stop myself I say, “You’re so much more than this. You just need someone to remind you.”

  Shit. I’m an idiot. I’m going to complicate everything. I need to get away from her. Being around her makes me do stupid things. Such stupid things. I can’t get involved.

  So I do just that. I turn and walk away through the crowd and out of the club, grabbing my leather jacket as I go. I pause just outside the door for a second. I want to go back. Why the hell do I want to go back? But I push myself to keep going.

  I flinch when I hear her voice calling after me to stop as I stride across the parking lot. She’s followed me and my skin tingles, feeling her eyes on me. But I don’t stop. I shouldn’t.

  Until something sharp and hard clocks me on the head.

  “What the hell?” I spin.

  She stops a few paces from me, vibrating like a furious little pixie, now shoeless and holding one shoe in her hand. I realize she threw one of her heels at me. If I wasn’t so annoyed and angry at myself for approaching her in the first place I would have laughed.

  “Where do you get off talking to me like that?” she yells.

  “Shit,” I say mostly to myself. “I knew I shouldn’t have come near you.”

  “But you did. And you saved me from that creep and you made him apologize to me, which was probably the sweetest thing anyone has done for me in a long time, but then you said the most awful things… and… and now you’re just walking off. What the fuck?”

  “I’ve seen you in there more than once. You come in alone, each time with a different dress on, but each dress has the same M.O. Up to your ass and showing so much cleavage that you could catch flies with it. And boy do you catch some flies.”

  Her cheeks flush and I’m instantly sorry I’ve been so harsh with her. But… maybe harsh is what she needs? She fiddles with her dress, looking terribly uncomfortable. Maybe this is what she needs.

  “So I dress like this,” she says. “So what? I don’t ever get any complaints.”

  “Of course they don’t complain. They’re getting exactly what they want from you.”

  “I’m an adult. I can… do what I want.”

  I can see this conversation is getting to her, so I soften my voice. “Is this really what you want for yourself? Really?”

  She drops her other heel and steps towards me. What the hell is she doing? She moves until she is close enough to touch me. I should step away but… a large part of me wants so badly to close the final distance between us. I do neither, frozen in place between what I want to do and what I should do.

  “You said I just needed to be reminded. You could remind me.” She lifts her hands up towards my chest. Shit. That’s enough to snap me out of it. My hands snatch out to grab her wrists and I pin them to her side. God dammit, she feels breakable in my hands. I’m mesmerized by the way her eyes reach out to me. Like I’m the only one who can save her. Protect her.

  “You’re right,” she continues, her voice barely a whisper. “I don’t like who I am. But I don’t know how to be anything else anymore. You can’t just leave me like this. Please… don’t leave me like this.”

  I can hear the desperation in her voice. I can hear the plea for me to help her stop doing what she’s doing. I’m glad when I realize that she doesn’t want to keep going the way she’s going. She just doesn’t know any other way of dealing with what happened to her with Jacob. An odd feeling comes over me. For the first time in my life, I’m not the most broken person here.

  “I wouldn’t be good for you,” I say. Am I trying to convince her or me that this isn’t a good idea?

  “You said that already.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  “Let me be the judge of that.”

  Could I get involved? Could I? She’s already shown that she doesn’t recognize me; that’s one complication out of the way. But… what about the others?

  “I have rules,” I say.

  “I’m very good at following rules,” she is quick to retort. I’m not sure I believe her.

  “Do you really want to get involved with me, kitten?” I refuse to call her Shelley. It doesn’t sit with me at all. And I can’t call her by her real name. I shouldn’t but I shuffle closer and b
rush my lips across her cheek. Shit. I really shouldn’t have done that. Now I want to touch more of her. “Should I take your silence as a no?”

  She doesn’t say anything. I wonder desperately what she’s thinking. I almost hope she tells me to fuck off so I can disengage from her. From this added complication. “So,” I ask, “what’ll it be?”

  “Yes. I’m saying yes.”

  My heart skips a beat. I ignore the voice in my head that says that this is not a good idea. She wants help, she asked me for it. I can’t turn her down. I won’t use her. I’m going to give her what she needs. Just for a little while, I swear. Then I’ll disappear from her life. “We start now. You can tell all your little boyfriends that they can fuck off. No more sex with strangers. No other men. Or you’ll never see or hear from me again. Is that clear?”

  Again I get silence from her.

  I pull back. “I said. Is. That. Clear?”

  She nods. Her head is tilted back and her eyes are hooded with so much lust that for a moment I imagine her under me, looking just like that.

  Shit. I need space from her. I’m not going there. I can’t.

  I step back and let the cool night air rush around me and my head clears. I place my fingertips on her upper back. “I’m taking you home.”

  I lead her to my bike, a Ducati Diavel, my black carbon beauty. I take her back to her place, letting her give me directions to her home. I’ve already been inside her apartment, smelled her sweet scent on the bed sheets, and brushed my fingers across the scant clothes hanging like bones in her closet. I wonder if she’d be so trusting with me if she knew how much I already know about her.

  A few times on the ride I catch myself leaning down to smell her hair; it smells citrusy and it mixes with the vanilla scent of her skin, making me think of key lime pie. Yeah, that’s what she smells like. Once, I almost turn to take a shortcut to her place before I remember that I’m not supposed to know where it is yet. I can’t seem to think straight with her bundled in my arms in front of me. She fits so well there… I wonder how else she would fit. Dammit. Stop it, Cade.


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