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Prison Fling

Page 8

by Cassandra Dee

  “They treating you alright over there?” he asked mildly.

  More than alright, I thought silently. More than you could ever imagine.

  But Jim’s voice went on, without waiting for an answer.

  “No one’s tried to do anything bad, have they?” he asked with a frown. “They haven’t been reprobates and degenerates, have they?”

  Reprobates and degenerates? The words were so hoity-toity that I almost laughed.

  “No,” I answered with as much gravity as I could manage. “Everything’s been fine, thanks.”

  Of course, I had no idea why he was asking. It’s not like if someone had tried to hurt me, Jim would be able to do anything about it. With his scrawny frame, he’d be snapped in half the second he walked inside. Mason was twice his weight, and a head taller, come to think of it.

  “That’s good. I’m glad,” he said with a relieved sigh. “Real glad to hear, Laney.”

  “Mmm,” I murmured noncomitally. “What about you?” I asked. “What’s been going on with you?”

  Immediately, I regretted the question. Because it was a sure-fire way of opening a Pandora’s box of nonsense. If Jim was good at anything, it was running his mouth. I swear, he loved to hear himself talk, whether about his day, his car, his apartment, or his video games. Sometimes, I wondered if he wasn’t a bit of an egomaniac under the play-dough exterior.

  “Well, I went to work. We had a few stray dogs brought in. They were in pretty bad shape, but with a little TLC, they’ll be adopted soon. Oh, and there was this cute little kitten who got stuck in a drain pipe. You should’ve seen her. I was tempted to bring her home with me, but as it turns out, she already had a family. Her owner, a sweet ten-year-old girl, was so happy to see her cat. It was so heartwarming. Just another reason to love my job.…”

  Jim continued to ramble, but I stopped listening, putting him on speaker.

  With his voice babbling on and on, I walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on to boil. Maybe some caffeine would do me good. It’d give me the boost to get through this phone call, that was for sure.

  “Oh!” Jim exclaimed suddenly. “I just got this new vid. It’s really awesome. You’re a pretend assassin and every decision you make alters the outcome of the game. Cool, huh? It’s a riot.”

  “I see.”

  Jim took my response as an affirmation to keep going. He went into painful detail about all the choices he had made thus far, which dragons he’d fought, which guild of thieves he’d bested.

  A part of me wanted to snap – to tell him that I wasn’t at all interested in his juvenile pursuits. Video games were for kids, why the hell hadn’t he figured that out yet? Still, he was a nice guy and I just couldn’t bring myself to be mean.

  But if this boring drone continued, I might just lose my mind.

  The kettle whistled loudly, momentarily drowning out Jim’s voice. Thank God. Another second of that and I probably would have done something awful. I allowed it to boil a little longer, preferring the shrill, ear-piercing sound over Jim’s wheezy voice.

  Finally, I turned off the stove and poured the water into a mug.

  And unbelievably, Jim was still going on about his game.

  He hadn’t noticed my absence.

  The way I’d said nothing for two whole minutes.

  God, would he ever stop?

  Dropping a tea bag into the water, I thought of Mason. I could only imagine what he would do to me right now. Maybe he’d bend me over the kitchen counter and take me from behind. Oh god yes. Or maybe he would lift me up, spread my legs and push deep into my sweetest spot. Oh yeah. Rough and possessive, exactly the way I wanted it. He made me feel like a porn star, the only girl in the world who could satisfy his needs.

  And frankly, I was starting to think he was the only man who could satisfy mine. Even as I sat there, absentmindedly sipping on my tea, my legs were subconsciously parted, as if waiting for him to arrive at any moment. All my life, I’d guarded my virginity like it was my most prized possession but now, I wanted to give it up to an alpha I barely knew. It didn’t make any sense. Why was I so attracted to a felon of all things? Why did he make me so hot?

  Jim’s voice blabbed on, smarmy and annoying.

  “And then I had to go on this mission where the objective was to annoy a chicken. Luckily at the end, I got a pet chicken as a reward. I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do with it, but it’s pretty cool. I named him Clucky. Isn’t that cute?”

  “Mm-hmm,” I answered mechanically. I was too far gone in my fantasy of Mason to give Jim any real attention. God, if only I had met Mason under different circumstances. Maybe things would have been different.





  Dammit. I sighed with disappointment. The truth was that I was living a lie. A hopeless, sad little life where I snuck off into prison bathrooms to get naughty with a convicted felon. That’s who I was.

  Jim’s voice droned on.

  “Anyway, that’s that. I think it’s going to be a pretty good game.”

  “Mm-hmm,” I answered again.

  What was Mason doing right now? Was he still in the library, sitting in his throne-like chair, looking like a king? Or was he at the gym, pumping iron, shirt off, looking like a modern-day Adonis? I smiled to myself, picturing his muscles rippling underneath that bronzed skin. God, I wanted nothing more than to sink my teeth into him. I wanted him. So bad.

  “… what do you say to a date later this week?”

  I startled awake.

  “Huh? Oh yeah, sure.” My words were automatic. By the time I realized what I had done, it was already too late. I bit my lip, tempted to cut him off and interrupt no, I was busy.

  But I couldn’t.

  I’m a good girl, with one naughty secret.

  And Jim rushed ahead.

  “Really? Awesome. I’ll pick you up on Monday then. Seven sound okay?”

  I hesitated. Maybe I could find a way out of this. Tell him I had a commitment or something, but I just couldn’t bring myself to reject the poor guy outright. He worked with animals, and that made him a good person.

  “Yeah, that’s fine,” came my mumble.

  “Perfect! See you then, Laney. Have a nice night, okay? Goodnight!”

  “Goodnight,” I said before quickly hanging up the phone. Uck. Why did I do this to myself? I wasn’t even interested in Jim, so why was I still trying?

  I shook my head.

  Not to mention, another man had licked my pussy. Tasted it, nuzzled, even bit my clit hard. My juices had poured down another man’s throat. I couldn’t possibly keep leading Jim on when I was head over heels with Mason.

  Head over heels?


  Oh god.

  This had to stop.

  But not yet … because I desperately wanted what came next.



  Ah, Monday, my new favorite day of the week. Before San Nemo, Saturdays were my bliss. I’d get out to the golf course in the mornings, making deals on the green. By midday, there’d be a three-course meal at the country club, and then afternoons were either spent by the poolside or in my home theater. Evenings, however, were the cherry on top. There were always a few girls at my penthouse, rolling and frolicking on demand.

  It was great.

  Nothing like it. Pussy, soft and sweet. Ass on tap. Who could ask for more?

  But now, here I was, desperately waiting for Monday afternoon to roll around so I could see my sweetheart. Fuck, I had fallen and fallen hard.

  Still, things weren’t so bad. Laney was an amazing female, worth her weight in gold. She was better than all the girls I’d had before, put together and then doubled.

  And as always, time seemed to slow down right before the brunette showed up. It was just another way for the world to fuck with me. Seriously, it was holding a grudge because this wasn’t fair.

  The minutes tick
ed by ever so slowly.

  Finally, the group of journalists walked in, but no Laney.

  Where was she?

  Coolly, I scanned the room, searching for that angelic face, but the brunette was nowhere to be seen.

  Where was the female?

  Oh shit.

  Did I scare her off with our naughty bathroom play? Did I go too far, too fast?

  But then I remembered that hungry look in her eyes. She’d loved it. There was no denying the truth. Underneath that good girl exterior was a wild and hot woman waiting to get out.

  And sure enough, ten minutes late, the woman arrived, cheeks flushed, her face a little guilty.

  Well, well, what have you been up to? were my thoughts. Being naughty in the restroom again?

  I smiled, eyes gleaming. And instantly, those cheeks reddened even more. Laney looked away, biting her lip, before looking back at me, gaze flickering and shy.

  No worries sweetheart. Soon enough you’ll be mine.

  I kept my eyes fixed on her body, drinking those luscious curves like an aged whiskey – nice and slow, savoring the flavor. Today, the girl wore a form-fitting dress that hugged her every inch to perfection. Already, my fellow inmates were drooling again, but they knew better than to get too close. The glower on my face was enough to stop a train in its tracks.

  “Ahem,” began Laney with a soft murmur. “Welcome everyone,” she said, voice stronger this time around. “It’s good to see some fresh faces in the crowd. I’m sure you’ll find the San Nemo Times a worthwhile project.”

  The girl flashed a friendly smile at some of the new guys, and shit, but my fingers tightened around the arms of my chair with strain. Was I jealous? From nothing but a friendly smile? But yeah, that’s how I roll. Even a look from my girl to another man made me fucking rigid.

  Laney continued, completely unaware.

  “Today, we’ll be working on our assigned tasks. So if everyone could find their mentor and put their heads together? Oh, and for anyone who’s new, please find a friend or partner and join them for the day. We’ll get you sorted out by next week’s meeting.”

  Of course, the room came alive with movement at that.

  “Miss,” gurgled Lil’ Joe. “I need a partner. Can I be yours?”

  “Sweetheart,” added Big Mike. “I don’t got no friends here. What should I do?”

  These idiots were clearly attempting to snare Laney in their traps. But my girl is smart. She knew exactly how to handle it.

  “Gentlemen,” Laney said. “If you wouldn’t mind, come over here for a minute and I’ll find you some materials. Presto! Now you’re each other’s partners.”

  Joe and Mike looked at each other with horror.

  “Fuck,” grunted Mike. “This ain’t what I want.”

  “Speak for yourself!” squeaked Lil’ Joe. “And don’t take all the colored pencils, leave some for me.”

  Shit, these guys devolved into schoolboys given the chance. But I had to applaud my girl and the deft way she handled them.

  Problem solved, Laney walked to me with a sweet smile and swaying hips. Was it my imagination, or was I dreaming? Because as she got closer and closer, the air buzzed with electricity, literally sizzling. Aw fuck. That’s what my little girl does to me.

  “Hello Mr. Evercore,” the woman said in a business-like voice. “Good to see you again. How have you been?”

  I grinned. So she was going the professional route huh? Oh Laney, you can pretend to be innocent, but that’s not going to get you very far with me. Not when I know your true nature, pussy wet and ass out.

  But fine. I could play this game.

  “Good. Real good,” I answered, eyebrows raised. And then slowly, for her eyes only, I pulled an edge of lace out of my jumpsuit pocket. Oh yeah, it was just an inch or two of pink panty, but her eyes widened, breath coming fast. “Had a lot to think about lately,” I drawled, looking her straight in the eye. “How about you?”

  She fidgeted in her seat, legs pressed together. “What?” she asked, distracted, a little breathless. “Oh, I see.”

  Her answer didn’t make sense, but no worries.

  “Mm-hmm.” I leaned back in my chair, drawling. “And you sweetheart? How have you been?”

  She blinked, still having a hard time breathing. Oh shit, that big rack was so beautiful, straining against her thin blouse. Were her nipples showing again? Of course they were. My hands itched to reach forward and tweak one, but they remained by my side, slack and still.

  “Me?” she whispered, before blinking once, hard.

  “Yes. How have you been?”

  “Oh.” Her blush grew darker as she looked around the library, avoiding my gaze. Involuntarily, the female glanced in the direction of the restroom.

  My grin deepened.

  There was no doubt at this point. Laney was thinking about it. Hell, she had probably thought about it nonstop since last week. I bet she’d spent the last seven days soaking wet, re-living the memories.

  “Cat got your tongue sweetheart? Or is there just a lot on your mind?”

  The girl licked her lips then, unable to take her eyes off me. That gaze was glazed-over, like she was dying to be kissed.

  So I did something just as good. I scooted over slightly so that our knees just touched under the table. Slowly, my hand slipped under the hem of that dress, feeling the silkiness of her skin.

  Fuck. That felt good. It would feel even better against my cock.

  Her eyes widened, blinking in realization.

  “Oh! Mr. Evercore. I mean, I don’t think now’s the time for …” Her voice trailed off.

  I chuckled. “You sure about that, sweetheart? There’s a time for everything, and now is just as good as any.”

  The woman cleared her throat, looking down before swallowing heavily.

  “We should really get started on our assignment,” came that delicious murmur.

  Okay. Two could play at this game.

  “As you wish,” came my rumble. I withdrew my hand and waited for Laney to continue. If she wanted to do the professional act for a little while longer, then so be it. Because in the end, I would have her there were no two ways about it. I was Mason Evercore, ruthless billionaire and she’d be eating out of my hand in no time.

  The girl swallowed once more before straightening her skirt and looking me in the eye. Those pupils were dilated, the caramel pools wide and hungry. But there was business at hand, so her voice came out moderated and clear.

  “So after our discussion last week, I thought you might be interested in putting together an article about the nutritional benefits of prison food.”

  I almost choked on laughter. The nutritional benefits of prison food? Please. There were none. The slop they gave us in the cafeteria was as close to dogfood as legally possible. The only saving grace was that I was allowed to use the kitchen to prepare my own meals, hot and delicious. Otherwise, I’d probably be suffering from jaundice or scurvy, or both come to think about it.

  Cocking an eyebrow, I shot her an amused look.

  “You know, there isn’t much to say about the vittles here. Every day you get a choice of either brown or green slop,” came my drawl.

  Laney furrowed her brows in confusion.

  “I’m sorry? But didn’t you say you cooked?”

  My grin became wider.

  “Exactly honey. That’s different from prison food. Not everyone can use the kitchen. Only those who have demonstrated good behavior. Besides, there are only a limited number of slots throughout the day, and you’ve gotta sign up well ahead of time.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know that.”

  “If you want, I could give you a tour,” came my offer. “There shouldn’t be anyone in the kitchen right now,” I said, glancing at the clock on the wall.

  Laney brightened.

  “That’s a good idea,” she replied, cheeks flushed. “It’s research on how food is prepared at the San Nemo. Maybe we can use it for our article.”

bsp; I shot her a look.

  “Sure thing, sweetheart. Come on, let’s go.”

  But my instincts were unerring. Because this whole time we’d been talking, there’d been that smell again. The sweet scent of deliciously aroused cunt, and sure enough, as Laney got up, there it was. Just like the first time we met, a smear of wetness had formed on the seat. Quickly, my fingers reached over to sweep along the hard plastic, before bringing them to my lips.

  “Mmm, sweetheart,” came my low, throaty rasp, eyes gleaming as they held hers. “You’re just as delicious as last time.”

  She gasped, eyes going wide, plump body quivering.

  But this wasn’t the place. Besides, we’d be there soon enough.

  “Come on,” I commanded, indicating the door. “Let’s visit the kitchen.”

  Laney lingered for a moment, demurely brushing her skirt down and pushing the chair under the table. Oh hell yeah, that wet smear was still there. But there was nothing we could do about it now.

  And soon, she was walking beside me in the hallway, form swaying gently. Her eyes went wide as we ventured deeper and deeper into the prison, the hallways poorly lit with ghastly fluorescent lighting, casting everything in an institutional shade of green. As we passed some of the other inmates, I had the urge to wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. This was no place for a sweet female to be.

  Soon, however, we were at the kitchen. As I suspected, it was empty this time of day.

  “Here we are, sweetheart,” I gestured to the place. “Make yourself comfortable.” It was embarrassing for sure, nothing like my penthouse kitchen back in NYC. The place was dismal with appliances from the Stone Age, grimy cabinets etched with carvings and a peeling, linoleum countertop. Plus, there was the smell. Everything in prison has this weird smell, like a cross between rotting eggs and bleach. Fuck.

  But Laney pretended not to notice.

  “This is nice,” she said politely, nodding her head. “So Mr. Evercore, for our research would you mind telling me a bit about it?”

  “Sure,” I answered in my thick drawl. “Or even better. Do you think I have time to make us a quick meal? Showing can be better than telling sometimes.”


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