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DARK ANGEL: A Mafia Romance -- Book One: Hunter, Hunted

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by Angela Jordan

  She smiled and turned away from him – and to my surprise, she shot me an unmistakably dirty glance at me as she left our table. I was taken aback, my mouth slightly open.

  What was that about?

  Angelo immediately noticed my expression. “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  I sighed, then let out a small laugh. “If looks could kill, I’d be on the floor bloody right now.” I shook my head, trying to brush off the insult. “But it’s no big deal, really.”

  His eyes flashed with anger. He apparently thought otherwise. When she came back with our wine, I noticed that he was staring at her intently. And there – unbelievably – she cast another glare in my direction, right as she handed me my wine glass.

  “Deanna.” His voice was sharp, a warning.

  She jumped visibly, but in the next moment composed herself and batted her lashes at him. "Yes, Mr. DeSilvo?"

  "If you can't treat my guest with respect, perhaps you should have Tony take care of us instead. In fact, do that." He smacked the table as he spoke, punctuating his words. The waitress looked like she was going to burst into tears as she hurried away from the table.

  He watched her go, then turned to me. "I'm sorry about that, cara," he said.

  I waved it off. “No problem. An ex-girlfriend of yours?" I couldn't help but ask.

  I’d been half-joking, but he didn’t smile. He just shook his head. "I don't date my employees.” He raised his glass to me, smiling. “But let’s forget about it. Salute.” We drank, looking over our glasses at each other.

  My eyes widened when I tasted the wine. “Damn, that’s good,” I blurted out.

  He laughed softly, but didn’t comment. “So, Karen,” he said, leaning in a bit closer. “Tell me about yourself."

  I relaxed into my seat and told him that I was a romance author. I was pleasantly surprised when he didn't react with the usual sneer when he heard what I did for a living. Instead, he seemed interested in my work, but I was careful not to give him too many details. When a young man came to our table with the antipasti, our conversation paused once again.

  After the waiter left I asked Angelo about his business and found out that he owned two restaurants, Bliss and DeSilvo's. I'd been to DeSilvo's before and told him that it was one of the best Italian restaurants that I'd been to in the city, which seemed to please him. The conversation kept flowing, along with the wine. It was strange how well we clicked. We seemed to get along so well, as if we'd known each other for years instead of just a few hours.

  As the meal came to an end, I felt something change in the air. There was an intensity about him that had me eyeing him cautiously as he leaned forward.

  "So, Karen. Do you feel as if you know me now?" His deep voice had lowered seductively. I knew exactly what his meaning was, and though I didn’t quite trust him, the fire in that gaze of his was hard to ignore. I felt my nipples pucker at his words, and they hardened even more as his gaze drifted down to look at them. Instead of covering them up I enjoyed the thrill of him knowing exactly what he was doing to me. His dark eyes met mine again and I felt like he was staring straight into my soul.

  "I do," I said softly. "But I'm not going to sleep with you tonight."

  His slow smile was predatory. "On the contrary, I think you will. In fact I think you'll end up begging me to fuck you."

  What? I was shocked at his foul language, but dirty talk had always been a major weakness of mine. He smiled at me cheekily, watching me try to maintain composure. My heart was pounding in my chest, but I couldn't give in. Angelo was the type of man who would take any hesitation as a sign of weakness, and I knew he would use it against me ruthlessly. I quirked a brow up and returned his confident stare. "I don't beg easily, Angelo."

  "I don't want it to be easy. You have the most amazing eyes, cara."

  "And yours are like sin." I could tell he liked that, by the desire burning in his dark eyes.

  "Are you going to deny there is something going on between us? You and I both know that this whole evening has been like foreplay. I know you’re intrigued, just as I am. If you could read my mind, Karen, you’d see some very dirty thoughts.”

  This was what I had been missing. The thrill of excitement that this dark angel stirred inside of me. I leaned in closer and let my gaze drift down to his lips before staring back at him. "Maybe I would…” I began, putting my finger to my lip seductively, “…if I cared to look." I cracked a teasing smile at him.

  His nostrils flared, and his eyes burned with aroused excitement. "You're playing a dangerous game, Karen. Be very careful how you push me."

  Suddenly, a sharp voice interrupted us. "Angelo."

  We both turned as a beautiful blonde woman stormed up to our table. She looked like a model, with her tall, willowy build. I wondered if she ever ate. Next to me, I heard Angelo sigh. Hmm, I thought to myself. This should be interesting. Angelo seemed to have a lot of female attention. First the waitress, now this? I eyed the door. Perhaps now was the perfect time to make a graceful exit.

  "You told me you were working tonight," the woman accused, glaring at him.

  "I was working, Nicole," he replied.

  She gestured to me. "Well, you aren't working now. I thought we were going to have drinks tonight."

  Something in Nicole's petulant tone grated on my nerves, and it wasn’t just the fact that she’d killed the mood completely. I glared at Angelo. "I should be going..." I said, but before I could move Angelo's hand whipped out and grabbed my arm, holding me in place.

  "Stay." His words were a command, not a request.

  Oh, hell no...

  I shot my own glare at him. "Clearly you have some things to deal with here at the restaurant. And by the way, Angelo… don't you ever speak to me like that again. Now, take your hand off me." I'd lowered my voice to a whisper so only he could hear me.

  His hand flexed on my arm but he let me go. I could see the anger on his face as I got up from the booth. His eyes were commanding me to stay, but I chose to ignore it. He was a player, that was clear enough, and not someone I wanted to get involved with.

  "Thank you for dinner, “ I said stiffly.

  He glared. "We still have unfinished business, Karen."

  I shot a pointed look at the blonde that was fuming by my side, then smiled at him. "I think you have enough unfinished business here without me." And before I had time to second-guess myself, I walked away.

  The restaurant was packed now, and it took me several minutes to work my way through the crowd until I was finally out in the night air. It was still warm outside, but a cool breeze teased at the tendrils of hair wisping around my face.

  I took a deep breath, feeling almost drained of energy. Being around Angelo was like being close to the sun. He was vibrant, full of life, but as soon as I stepped away from him it was like being thrust into a dark, dull world, devoid of all sensation. I immediately wanted to go back inside just so I could be back in his presence. This was a weird, unfamiliar feeling.

  Was this how the men I dated felt around me?

  Someone once told me that I was like an addiction. That being with me was like touching a flame so that the burn was all he felt, making him crave more. Disgusted with myself, I shook off the urge to go back in and started down the street, ready to get away from the crowd of people trying to get into Bliss.

  Just then, someone grabbed me from behind.

  I let out a startled scream that was muffled by a hand over my mouth as I was dragged back into the alley behind the restaurant. Blood roared in my ears and panic raced through me as whoever lifted me off my feet, taking me deeper into the shadows of the alley, away from the lights and safety of the crowd on the street. I fought to break free, but the man easily held me with a powerful arm wrapped around my waist.

  "Shh, quiet, Karen. It's just me."

  Rage boiled my blood as Angelo whispered into my ear. I relaxed in his arms enough so that he loosened his hold, and as soon as he did, I jabbed my elbow into h
is stomach and broke free of him. He’d dragged me back into the alley behind Bliss. For a New York alley it wasn't as bad as some, but it was still an alley. Clearly he had lost his mind. I whirled to face him, panting.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I cried.

  "I told you,” he said. “We have unfinished business between us."

  I threw up my hands in exasperation. We had unfinished business so he’d decided to scare the crap out of me and drag me into an alley? Sometimes men baffled me.


  "I told you not to leave," he growled out.

  I sighed. "Unfortunately for you, Angelo, I don't have to answer to your beck and call. I had a good time with you tonight and yes, I'm attracted to you. But I'm not interested in getting involved with a man who is seeing other women."

  "So says the woman who dumped a guy a few hours ago," he said sarcastically.

  That was a direct hit, but I couldn’t let on that his words had stung me.

  "That's the point,” I said quickly. “I knew it wasn't working so I ended it. That’s the difference between us"

  "I'm not dating Nicole," he burst out, nearly shouting.

  "Obviously she doesn't realize that. Look, we had a good time tonight. We get along and I like you, but I'm looking for something real."

  His eyes narrowed on me. "And why exactly do you think I'm not? That's pretty fucking judgmental of you, Karen."

  He was right. It was. "I'm sorry. That was unfair of me. Look, can we discuss this somewhere else? Maybe we should go back inside—"

  He stalked forward. I tried to stand my ground but his large muscular body pushed me back against the alley wall. My breath caught in my throat as his arms came up and he caged me in. Usually I'd have kicked a guy's ball into his throat for pulling a move like this, but for some reason I paused for just a second. And in that split-second, desire flooded my system as Angelo pressed his hard body against me. Oh, shit.

  "I tried it that way, but you decided to leave." His voice was a harsh growl filled with hunger. "Now, it's my turn. Look me in the eye and tell me you don't want me, Karen. Tell me that and I'll leave you alone. Say it and this ends."

  I looked at him, ready to speak, ready for it to end. But I couldn't do it. If I said I didn’t want him, it would be a lie.

  I couldn't see him clearly in the shadows but I knew his face, his scent, the feel of his body against mine like I had been born knowing it. He was like something from a dream, a dark fantasy, holding me captive against the alley wall. I ignored the sounds of traffic and laughter drifting from the nearby street as I looked up at his handsome face. It felt like we were in our own little world.

  He'd put the decision in my hands, and I wasn't going to back down.

  "I do want you," I whispered.

  His mouth came down on mine, searing me with a fiery kiss. The taste of him exploded on my tongue, like the fine wine we’d shared. I was drunk on him and I wanted more. I needed more. I arched my body against his as we fed off each other’s hunger and energy. I felt his rock-hard erection press against my core, and my pussy clenched with need. This was so fast, so intense, but it was everything I wanted.

  He pulled back from me, breathing hard. Desire flared in his dark eyes. "Come home with me, Karen. Let me show you how good we can be together."

  I wanted to. God, how I wanted to, but I knew if I did it would give him power over me. And that wasn't the way I wanted this to start. I wasn’t comfortable not being in charge. If he wanted me, then he was going to have to deal with the real me.

  It was time to up the stakes, to show him who was in charge.

  "I want you, Angelo," I said. "Right here. Right now."

  Before he could react, I pushed my lips back into his and ran my hands up his hard chest. I wanted to rip his shirt off of his chest so I could get to the bare skin beneath. Instead, I trailed my hand down his chest, moving lower to stroke my hand over his growing erection.

  He gasped, a mix of pleasure and anxiousness. “Someone will see us,” he grunted.

  "It's dark," I whispered, nipping at his lower lip. "No one will see us here."

  "God damn it, this is crazy." His lips crushed down on mine, voraciously feeding off of me, and I met him beat for beat. The lust was making my knees weak. I sucked on his tongue as he shoved it inside my mouth, driving us both crazy with need.

  He shoved into me, grinding his cock against my body, and grabbed my ass in his large hands, pulling me tighter against him. I silently cursed as my skirt stopped me from parting my thighs wider. He began rocking against me, causing little shock-waves to radiate out from my clit up through my belly. I wanted to wrap my legs around his waist. Even through all the clothing, I could feel how wet I was.

  It wasn't enough. I needed to feel him inside me.

  As if he’d had the same thought, he stopped kissing me. "Pull up your skirt, cara. Do it now before I tear it off you," he commanded. "I want to feel how wet you are."

  "You first," I countered. "I want to feel how hard you are for me."

  Not giving him the chance to argue, I went to work on his belt and hand his pants unzipped in a matter of seconds. Shoving my hand into his boxers, I grabbed hold of his thick cock, stroking the hard shaft with my hand. He was so thick I could barely get my hand around it. I swirled my thumb over the head of his cock, spreading the pre-cum over the tip. He let out a groan.

  When I tried to speak, my words came out in a moan. "Angelo, you're so big,” I panted. “I can't wait to feel this inside of me."

  He cursed softly, and I felt him jerk my skirt up over my hips. Before I could respond, I gasped in pleasure as he pulled my thong aside and two of his fingers shoved inside me.

  "Oh, god!"

  "You like that, cara mia? Just wait until you feel my cock inside you."

  "Yes," I moaned, beyond speech now as his fingered thrust inside me. I whimpered as he curled those clever fingers so they hit my G-spot and his thumb flicked over my clit. God, the man knew how to work his hands. He took my lips in another scorching kiss as I moved my hand up and down his thick cock. His breath hissed out as his cock jerked in my hand.

  "I'll give you what you want,” he grunted. “Right here, right now. Turn around."

  I wanted to protest when his fingers left my dripping pussy, but he didn't leave me waiting for long. Not waiting for me to comply with his command, he spun me around so I faced the wall. My hands braced on the rough brick and I moaned as he ran his hands over my bare ass. I loved this rough treatment, and I knew he could tell how much I wanted him.

  "Look at this pretty ass,” he said, his voice low and persistent. “This is crazy. We're in an alley, steps away from hundreds of people but I don't give a damn. Nothing is going to stop me from fucking your tight little pussy."

  God, that dirty talk again. I looked over my shoulder as I felt movement behind me and saw him reaching down into his pants for his wallet. I watched as he pulled out a condom, and in no time his hard cock was sheathed. I let out a startled yelp as his hand came down on my ass in a hard slap.

  "Ass out, cara. Spread your legs. Further," he commanded.

  I spread my legs further and arched my back so my ass stuck out. I gasped again as he tore the thong off of me, the sound of the material ripping loud in the silence. He gripped my hips hard and I had to muffle my cry as he shoved his entire cock into me with one hard thrust. He filled me so completely, the pleasure bordered on pain as his thick cock parted my tight muscles.

  "Oh my god," I moaned. "You’re so big. Fuck me, Angelo. Fuck me with that big cock."

  He pressed his body against my back, gripping my hips so hard I knew I would have bruises later. "Do you feel that, Karen?" he whispered in my ear. "I'm all the way inside you. Your tight little pussy is gripping me so hard it's going to hurt when I pound you with my big cock. But you asked for it, so I'll give it to you. Do you know what happens to naughty girls that want to fuck in alleys? They get fucked hard."

; That was all the warning I got as he pulled back and began thrusting into me from behind. My knees went weak as he drilled into me with a fast, punishing rhythm. His thick shaft rubbed against the sensitive nerves in my pussy, the pleasure so acute I could barely breathe.

  "Harder," I demanded as he continued to thrust inside me. "More."

  It was so erotic, feeling him stuff me full of his cock, the sound of our flesh slapping as my ass hit his pelvis with every thrust. I gave into the pleasure completely, grabbing onto the rough wall for purchase as I began pushing back on him, driving him further inside me so his balls slapped against my clit with every hard thrust.

  "Shit, I'm going to come," I moaned. "Just a little more..."

  "That's right, Karen. Come on my cock. Do it. Come now."

  "It's so good, Angelo." I moaned as I pushed back faster, on the edge of ecstasy. I barely held back a scream as Angelo used one of his hands to reach around and slapped my clit with the pads of his fingers. On the third strike I had to bite down on my arm to stifle my scream as I came, drenching his cock with my release.

  "Fuck, your pussy is so tight I can barely move inside you," Angelo groaned as he jerked his hips in sharp, quick jabs to prolong my climax. When I relaxed around him he pulled out swiftly and spun me around so I was facing him.

  With a casual display of strength, his hands gripped my ass and he lifted me, pushing my back against the rough wall. I wrapped my legs around his back, positioning myself over the bulbous head of his cock.

  "You almost took me with you, but I want to see you. I want to watch those pretty gypsy eyes of yours when I come inside you."

  His words almost had me coming again.

  "Then do it. Come inside of me, Angelo. Give it to me," I demanded.

  My breath caught as he rammed his thick shaft back into my tight, hot pussy, still quivering from the orgasm he’d given me. He cock slid in easily this time, now that I was drenched with my own release. Our eyes caught and held, and I felt like I was falling into him. It was an intimacy that thrilled and terrified me. His dark gaze was so intense I felt like he was stealing a piece of my soul as he stared into my eyes.


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