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A Fox's Revenge (American Kitsune Book 7)

Page 3

by Brandon Varnell


  “I love you… so much…” She sighed in bliss.

  Kevin removed his hand from her panties and grinned. “I love you, too.” He then stuck his fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean. “I especially love how you taste.”

  As they stared at each other, Lilian felt her desire for him rise again. She wanted him so badly. She wanted to mate with him, but she didn’t. Lilian held back. Kevin was already compromising his own morals for her sake, so the least she could do was keep her own desires in check. Wasn’t this also the reason she hadn’t let Iris in on their fun?

  “I can’t believe you two!” a loud voice snarled.

  While Kevin jerked back in surprise, Lilian only turned her head to stare. Iris stood in the entryway to the kitchen, wearing a pair of panties and nothing else. Her hair was messy and sticking up everywhere, and her eyes had dark circles under them, yet she still somehow managed to look alluring, like she had just finished having a night of wild and raunchy sex.

  She was glaring at them. “I can’t believe you two would get all frisky while I’m still asleep! How am I supposed to masturbate to you two if you’re going at it when I’m not even awake?!”

  “Don’t tell us that you plan on masturbating while you watch us!” Kevin snapped. “That just makes me not want to do anything while you’re awake!”

  “So you would deny me even this?” Iris asked, her tone laced with an angry growl. “What kind of sick pervert are you?”

  “I don’t want to be called a pervert by someone who masturbates while watching her sister during foreplay!”

  Lilian gazed at Kevin with tired eyes as he argued with Iris. Despite his words, he was refusing to so much as look in her twin’s direction. What’s more, his cheeks were stained with a redness that was reminiscent of a fire truck.

  Were she not so tired, she would have giggled. Kevin had grown more confident in the past eight months, and he could even please her need for intimacy, but he was still the same Kevin. Even now he became shy and embarrassed over situations like this.

  “Maybe that’s why we decided to start doing it right now?” Lilian cut into their argument as she stretched her arms above her head. By the great Lord Inari did she feel satisfied. “Maybe we didn’t want to have sexy-times together while you watched us and fingered yourself. Did you ever think of that?”

  Kevin facepalmed, and with the hand that he had used to please her with to boot. She almost giggled at the sound of his wet hand slapping against his face.

  “Do you two really have to talk about sexy-times and masturbation first thing in the morning? Can we just for once curtail any kind of dirty talk?”

  “Sorry, Beloved, but it’s all written right here in the script.”

  “The what?”

  Iris gave Kevin a heated glare. “Maybe I wouldn’t talk about sex if you hadn’t fingered my beloved Lily-pad on the kitchen table!”

  Kevin’s face turned the most interesting shade of crimson as he began sputtering. “T-that’s only because she started licking me!”

  “I don’t care what your reasons are!” Iris scowled and somehow managed to make it look terrifyingly sexy. Lilian didn’t know how her sister did it, and she dared not ask for fear of what Iris would ask her to do in exchange for that information. Just thinking about it made her hot and bothered again. “I want my sexy-times, too, dammit! If you two are gonna get all frisky on the kitchen table, then you should invite me to join in!”

  Kevin’s stare went flat. “Um, no.”

  Iris huffed and crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing them together in a most enticing manner. Maybe it was because of what she and Kevin had finished doing, but Lilian found herself staring at her sister’s tits as they bunched together like a pair of water balloons. The void vixen’s light pink nipples were hardened into soft points. Lilian hated herself for it, but seeing Iris’s hard nipples made the temptation to take them into her mouth and suckle on them strong.

  She closed her eyes and took a slow, deep breath. Don’t think about that. You’re with Kevin. Incest isn’t accepted in the human world. You don’t want Kevin to hate you.

  “Why not?” Iris asked with a plaintive whine.

  “Because I don’t wanna,” was Kevin’s childish response.

  Lilian knew the moment Kevin said those words that they were the wrong words to say.

  Iris’s expression became challenging. “Are you saying I’m not good enough for you?”


  Iris smirked at them, and Lilian suddenly felt like she had grabbed a live wire. That look on her sister’s face was downright sinful. It brought to mind images of when she had washed her sister’s naked body several days after returning from California. Even now, that particular moment had haunted more than a few of her wet dreams. They were often mixed in with her dreams of Kevin, which usually ended with them having a threesome.

  I’m so not telling my sister that I’ve dreamt of having a threesome with her and Beloved. That’s definitely not happening.

  Iris stalked up to them like a predator stalking her prey. She and Kevin could do nothing as the raven-haired succubus moved, her hips swaying with an alluring sensuality, her bare breasts bouncing as she slinked over to them. Lilian told herself that the reason she was beginning to feel hot had nothing to do with her sister’s beautiful and half-naked body. Nothing at all.

  “Since you seem so confident that I’m not good enough, why don’t we test that out?” Iris suggested, licking her pink lips.

  “I-I didn’t say that…” Kevin mumbled, unable to tear his gaze away.

  “Hmm… is that so? It certainly sounded like that’s what you were saying.” Iris’s grin was terrifying. “Not that it matters. I’m in the mood thanks to you two, and I always get what I want.”

  Just before Iris could pounce on them, which Lilian knew she would do, their mother stumbled into the kitchen. Camellia’s pure white toga was ruffled and falling off her curvaceous figure, revealing slender shoulders and a bust that was nearly two times bigger than Lilian’s. Five tails the same black color as her hair hung limply behind her.

  I’m surprised she’s wearing clothes.

  The woman’s eyes were half closed. She yawned widely as she rubbed the sleep out of them. She also took several whiffs of the air, as if smelling something strange.

  “Hawa? Why does it smell like something is burning?” she asked.

  Lilian and Kevin froze. It was only now that her mom mentioned something burning that she could smell it as well. It was the acrid smell of something, well, burning.

  “Oh, no! The food!”

  “Crap! Quick, Lilian! Get the skillet into the sink! The sink!”

  “Don’t worry, you guys. I got this.”

  “Don’t use your void powers in here! You’ll destroy the whole apartment complex!”

  “Then what do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to do nothing! Just sit there and look pretty!”

  “Heh, so you think I’m pretty, do you, Stud?”

  “Oh, shut up!”

  “Beloved! Turn on the water! Hurry!”

  “I’m hurrying! I’m hurrying!”

  Standing on the sidelines, Camellia remained silent as Lilian and Kevin tried to put out the fire that had once been blueberry pancakes. Meanwhile, Iris did what she did best. She sat on the table, crossed one lean leg over the other, and looked devilishly pretty.

  Lilian would have asked her mom to help, but honestly, she knew that her mom would probably end up making the situation worse. Camellia was, after all, the clumsiest woman on the face of the planet. The woman could trip over air.

  In the end, she and Kevin couldn’t save her pancakes.

  Or the skillet.


  Kotohime eyed the skillet that still sat in the kitchen sink with a flat look. The once shiny metal was black and burnt. There was also a giant hole in the center of it, the edges curled from having been melted. She didn
’t even know how that was possible. Cookware like this was more than capable of withstanding high temperatures.

  “I can’t believe we’re eating cereal for breakfast,” Iris complained as she stuck her spoon into her bowl of Fruit Loops.

  “I can’t believe we even have cereal,” Kevin commented before idly chewing on his Wheaties. “I haven’t gone shopping for cereal in years. There was never any point, since I stopped eating cereal once Mom started traveling and leaving me at home.”

  “I bought the cereal,” Kotohime confessed, turning away from the burnt skillet to look at Kevin. “It was something I bought in case of emergencies. For example, if you, Lilian-sama, and Iris-sama failed to wake on time and needed to rush out of the house… or if Kevin-sama and Lilian-sama started sharing intimate relations on the kitchen table and Lilian-sama forgets that she’s cooking breakfast…”

  Kevin and Lilian both blushed bright red. It amused Kotohime, the way Kevin attempted to hide in his shirt and how Lilian turned her head to keep people from noticing the bright red flush of her cheeks. She doubted that Lilian was embarrassed by what they had done. She was a kitsune. But the twin-tailed redhead most certainly felt mortified about burning breakfast.

  The family of kitsune, plus one human and two maids, were gathered around the kitchen table, which Kotohime had cleaned while her charge changed into a new miniskirt and panties. Kevin and Lilian sat on one side, while Iris sat with Camellia on the other. Kotohime and her sister, Kirihime, stood next to their respective charges like any good maid.

  She and her sister were a study in contrast. Their faces held the same general shape and features. Porcelain skin. Soft cheeks. A small nose. Full red lips. However, their outfits couldn’t have been more different.

  Kotohime always wore long, flowing kimonos. She had a strong preference for furisode, which had voluminous sleeves that hid her hands from view. Those sleeves served as excellent distractions during battle. Her enemies were sometimes so drawn to the sleeves that they never noticed the katana until their heads were already falling from their bodies.

  On the other hand, Kirihime wore a traditional French maid outfit. The black dress was decked with frills along the hem and had slightly puffy shoulders. A white apron covered her front. More ruffles ran along the outside of the apron, as though accentuating the firmness of her modest bust and thin waist. A pair of gloves adorned her hands. The white choker that she wore had a single black cord running through its center, and the white stockings cladding her legs were held up by black elastic bands. Black slippers and a white bonnet finished her outfit. Three furry black tails with white tips jutted from underneath Kirihime’s outfit. They looked a lot like Kotohime’s own five tails, which she kept hidden underneath her kimono.

  “D-don’t blame what happened on me,” Kevin muttered. “I-I just arrived home when Lilian pounced on me.”

  Lilian’s cheeks swelled like a balloon as she pouted at her mate. “Are you saying this is my fault?”

  “Ah.” Kevin scratched his cheek with an index finger and looked anywhere but at Lilian. “W-well, not precisely. It’s just that… well… you know, you’re kinda the one who started it… and stuff…”

  Lilian had to concede Kevin’s point, even if Kotohime knew she didn’t like it. However, she knew her charge, and so she also knew that the redhead wouldn’t take those words without returning fire.

  “Well, yeah, but it was also your fault for getting injured during your spar with Heather. If I didn’t have to heal that wound on your chest, none of this would have happened.”


  Kotohime hid a smile behind the sleeve of her kimono as Kevin doubled over like he’d been shot in the back with an arrow. She could see the metaphorical arrow as it came out of nowhere and pierced the boy. Being the good maid that she was, Kotohime discreetly reached out and plucked the arrow from his back.

  “I’m just upset that you two had an illicit affair without me.” Iris looked awfully put out as she glared at the pair, her crimson succubus eyes staring at the two and making them squirm as though they were children who’d been caught touching each other in inappropriate places. Well, they had just been getting frisky on the kitchen table, so it was an apt description.

  “We weren’t having an illicit affair,” Kevin snapped at her. “The very term implies something that is morally wrong or unacceptable. Lilian and I are mates, so there is nothing wrong about what we were doing. It would have only been an illicit affair if you had gotten involved.”

  “Yeah, I guess you're right,” Iris conceded with a half-hearted shrug. Then she grinned at Kevin. “Wanna have an illicit affair?”

  “Don’t make me smack you with my tails,” Lilian threatened her sister, who pouted at being denied. Again. Kotohime wondered how many times that made now.

  As someone who had been mated with a human once before, Kotohime understood Lilian’s concern. Polygamy and incest were accepted and even practiced in the yōkai world, but they weren’t legal in the human world, and that wasn’t even going into the issues of morality. Kevin, as a human, would have a hard time accepting a polygamous relationship with Lilian and Iris.

  There’s also the matter of stamina, Kotohime mused to herself. A human, no matter how strong, cannot possibly have enough stamina to satisfy two kitsune.

  “Camellia doesn’t mind eating cereal every now and then.” Camellia seemed to have ignored the last few minutes of conversation. She happily munched on her cereal with a childish smile. “Tee-hee, it’s been a really long time since Camellia had Frosted Flakes.”

  Kirihime, standing behind the five-tailed vixen, frowned. “I do not recall you ever eating human cereal, My Lady.”

  “Tee-hee, you weren’t with me. It was when Camellia went into a human town.”

  “M-My Lady?!” Kirihime squeaked. “Are you telling me that you snuck out of the manor to visit a human city?”


  “W-why would you do that? Don’t you know how dangerous that is? You could have been hurt, o-or taken advantage of by some human! It’s dangerous!”

  Kotohime smiled as her sister tried to scold the older kitsune. She didn’t do a very good job. Kirihime was a pushover when it came to Camellia. No matter what happened, or how much she tried to reprimand the woman, in the end, she always let the five-tailed kitsune have her way.

  “Hawa, don’t worry,” Camellia tried to reassure her maid-slash-bodyguard, who didn’t look very reassured. “Camellia knew what she was doing.”

  “K-knew what she…” Kirihime slumped over with an air of depressed resignation. “I really wish you wouldn’t go off on your own, My Lady.”


  Camellia did what she did best: tilted her head and looked cute.


  Kevin sat down at his desk with a weary sigh. His body still ached from his spar with Heather, and then there was the moment between him and Lilian in the kitchen. Just remembering that moment made him feel warm and tingly in a “I really want to go for another round” kind of way.

  Speaking of stuff that happened in the kitchen…

  “Have you two noticed something off about your mom?” Kevin asked Iris and Lilian. The two fox-girls who were leaning against their desks, which were situated in front of and behind him respectively, glanced in his direction.

  “What do you mean by off?” Lilian asked, tilting her head. “Is there something wrong with her?”

  Kevin scratched at his cheek. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with her, per se. It’s just that she’s been acting kind of different lately.”

  Iris raised a delicate eyebrow. “Different how?”

  “Well, she’s not as clumsy for one thing,” Kevin pointed out. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but she hasn’t been randomly falling on top of me lately. She’s also taken to wearing clothes before leaving the bedroom. Even as far back as last month, Camellia always ran around the house naked. She sort of reminded me of a more childish ver
sion of you, Lilian.”

  Lilian’s pout was one of the most adorable things he had ever seen. It still amazed him how someone so gorgeous could also look so cute. He often said that the sexy/adorable dichotomy she had going for her should be considered illegal.

  Her long red hair whipped around her face as Lilian shook her head. Bright green eyes stared at him with a sort of childish petulance. She was wearing her standard off-the-shoulder green shirt, which revealed a healthy portion of her creamy cleavage and flat stomach. Her normal shorts were nowhere to be seen. Instead, she was wearing a skirt that stopped around the middle of her thighs.

  “Muu, I don’t see how Mom’s actions are similar to mine. I was trying to seduce you. Mom just doesn’t believe in wearing clothes.”

  “You really shouldn’t mention how you tried to seduce me in public.” Kevin felt a bit of heat rising to his cheeks. Several people who also heard the comment looked at their small group, gazing at the trio like hyenas looking at a tasty morsel.

  A quick glare from Kevin made them look away.

  “But now that you mention it, she has been acting kind of differently.” Lilian tapped her lower lip with her index finger. “I wonder if she’s starting to grow up.”

  “Ha!” Iris’s barking laughter caused several nearby conversations to stop. “Mom grow up? That’s like asking Rikka Takanashi to stop being a Chūnibyou. It’s not happening. Can you imagine Mom growing out of her childish personality and acting like an adult?”

  “Well, no,” Lilian admitted.

  Kevin saw the look on her face and almost winced. He knew that his mate wished Camellia would act more like a mother to her and Iris. She had admitted, if only to him during their version of pillow talk, that she wanted her and Camellia to have the mother-daughter bond that other people had.

  “You never know.” Kevin placed a hand over Lilian’s. “She might eventually get better. Maybe whatever happened when she gave birth to you two is slowly reversing.”

  Lilian directed an appreciative smile his way. Iris snorted.

  “You two can believe that if you want to. I prefer not getting my hopes up.”


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