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Dirty Angel (The List #2)

Page 16

by N. K. Love

  Soon enough my coffee’s gone and his has gone cold. I love coffee but it didn’t taste as delicious as when Jax makes it. I take the mugs into the kitchen and wash them up.

  I still haven’t replaced my strapping after removing it in the shower this morning. When I stepped out of the cubicle I wiped away the condensation in the mirror and stared at my face. I was flushed and glowing from the steaming hot shower but it perfectly represented how I felt I ought to look. I was beaming. Not that I haven’t been happy since my separation. Of course I have, but it doesn’t come close to this level of happiness. It probably isn’t even a physical change, more internal. I’m still me but it’s funny how quickly reflections can alter.

  My phone startles me, breaking the silence, ringing from inside my back pocket. As the alarm isn’t on, the doors security code isn’t activated so I unlock it with the key and go into the garden through the bi-folding doors, not wanting to disturb Jax.

  I slide my phone out and see that it’s Bella’s.


  “Hi is that Bethany?”

  “Hi, yes it is, is that Bella’s?”

  “Yes. Hey Bethany, it’s Becky. I’m calling to confirm your next waxing appointment.”

  Oh yeah, I remember Marcella said something about rebooking for three weeks’ time. Has it really been three weeks already? That has flown by.

  I tell Becky I’ll have to call her back to arrange it because I’m off the road at the moment so I’ll need to arrange a car. She also reminds me that I could double up the appointment and top up my spray.

  I wish I’d had both done a few days ago so I would’ve been smoother and glowing for Jax. Although he didn’t seem to mind, he behaved as though he found me irresistible.

  Whilst outside I text Wills and then call Eddie to check how he is and talk shop. I’ve been keeping in touch with him regularly by email but it’s good to catch up and hear how well everything’s doing. It goes to show that I don’t need to babysit my business every day to maintain control. I’d prefer not to micromanage anymore and eventually spend my time more wisely.

  I’ve slowly strolled down the lawn without realising so I turn to go back up to the house and see Jax walking down towards me wearing pyjama bottoms and that hoody. There’s a lovely smile on his face and cute puffy just-woken-up eyes.

  Now he’s reached me I feel like I need to do something like hug him or high-five or maybe kiss his cheek or something; no that’s just weird. I’ll just fold my arms. Okay Beth, think breezy. Make sure he doesn’t think you want to marry him or boil all the bunnies in his fields…

  “Good afternoon, sofa comfy?” Try again Beth. I divert to a flippant tone. “Was I taking up too much room?”

  “No, I’m just not used to sharing a bed… To sleep that is... Anyway, how are you?”

  “I’m great… thanks to you. So I guess you were right…”

  “I’m always right. Which time specifically are you referring to?”

  “I had been overthinking things. But in your hard earned sexual wisdom you’ve shown me that the only thing getting in my way is me.”

  “Very insightful B… I’m glad a few hours with Doctor Jax has cured your ill placed confidence issues.” Role play role play, Jax in white with a stethoscope. “I’m renowned for my sexual healing skills you know? Anytime you need another session, my door’s always open…”

  Nice to see playful Jax is out and he doesn’t seem to be acting any differently towards me so far.

  Is that his cryptic way of saying that he’d like to do it again? I can’t do these second guessing games today, I’ve got enough to think about as it is.

  “Do you mean your bedroom door’s always open?”

  “Always… That’s if you wanna upgrade us. Now that your friends-that-flirt label is somewhat obsolete—but my no strings rule still applies.”

  I’m strumming my fingers on my chin looking to the sky in a dramatic consideration pose.

  “Well Doctor Jax, as it happens I think I may need to make an appointment in the very near future as my masseuse has been neglecting my treatment recently so I may need that seeing to—”

  “Of course Miss Taylor, say no more, I’ll have my secretary book you in.”

  He has the most gorgeous smile… There. Simple. Awkwardness averted, we’re flirty, we’re fine and we’ve settled each other’s concerns in a few sentences. Phew!

  So last night was the start, not the end and I can’t wait to have him inside me again. Now I know that I don’t have a problem holding back with him, I’m super excited to see where our next trip takes us.

  We chat as Jax scatters the pool with food for the wild ducks from a sealed wooden box nearby. I tell him about my wax at Bella’s and after declining his persistent offers to ‘sort it’ for me, he offers to take me. So I give Becky a quick call back and she manages to fit me in for their last appointment again this afternoon; a wax and spray with Carmen.

  Jax said he’s got a few hours of work to catch up on in his office and then we can kill lots of birds with one stone by running some errands along the way.


  As planned, we’ve managed to get nearly everything done. I’d made a traditional English cooked breakfast for lunch as neither of us had eaten. But Jax took his into his office and set to work. I had a quick shower to exfoliate but kept my hair in my shower cap because I’d already washed it early this morning. I put my vest and cashmere back on but teamed it with a loose fitting gypsy style skirt because the sun decided to make an appearance.

  After that I took my laptop to the sofa to catch up on emails I’d missed over the weekend. I’ve also signed up for a small businesses seminar in the hope that it’ll help me work out my next best move for Next Chapter, or just my life in general. It’s not until the end of May but it’s a step in the right direction.

  Jax worked most of the afternoon. I decided to try and make myself useful and had a clean and tidy around the house from top to bottom, doing anything I could with 1.5 hands. Out of curiosity, I tried the door in the hallway upstairs adjacent to Jax’s bedroom. It must be a third bedroom and it looks as though it’d be the smallest of the three but it was locked. I took my domestic chores outside; sweeping up, watering plants, pulling weeds in the yard.

  Jax startled me when he crept up on me in the yard. I swear for a man of his size, it’s surprising but he has the ease and stealth of a wild cat. Just like when he wrapped his arms around me in the kitchen, I didn’t have a clue he was there.

  Jax unlocked one of the outbuildings and drove a huge quad bike out. I had a quick look inside and saw that there’s also a motorbike in there too. I practically had to beg him for a go on the quad, which he eventually agreed to under duress. He wouldn’t let me on it alone, so firstly I rode behind him. He’s a skillful driver but as much as I tried to focus on the ride, I couldn’t help admiring his position; legs astride wide, imagining and wanting to be beneath him. Or maybe even if I’d just swiveled around and straddled over his thighs—now that’s my kind of thrill seeking. But admittedly, when he let me drive, it was epic. I loved the speed and the adrenalin that being in control gave me, especially with Jax behind me. He said I handled it well and promised me another ride soon.

  When we drove over to Bella’s, Jax waited in the car, although he did try to convince me to take his phone to film everything – I think he was joking. Carmen did a great job with my wax and I opted for some lovely sparkly clear and lilac coloured pubic crystals. Carmen showed me her book of stencils and I was drawn straight to a beautiful apt design, which she executed to perfection. Then she covered it up so she could do my spray. Finally, as a favour, she tightly French plaited my hair so that I can leave it in and have wavy hair tomorrow.

  I walked to the car with a spring in my step like a gazelle. My skin looks sunkissed, as opposed to the tangerine, sungroped look I’ve seen quite a lot when I’ve been out lately.

  Whilst driving to Wills, I discreetly sat back and watche
d him handle his 4x4. He is a careful driver and it’s a smooth ride. Even this was a turn on for me. Changing gears, gripping the wheel, the sexy side-glances he kept giving me, knowing full well I was totally checking him out. It was even better than the quad bike action. So competent.

  Jax let me play DJ again. I scrolled through the music on his phone and found the perfect album for the moment. I subjected Jax to the terrible sound of my voice singing Motown throwbacks. Thanks to my parents, it’s one of my favourite genres. I sang along to “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. Holding my fist to his mouth like a mic, I tried to entice him into a duet but that was a non-starter. I love that song so it didn’t stop me from attempting the duet solo, which he found amusing.

  We went to grab some dinner to take back to Wills from the takeaway place around the corner. Jax was still undecided about what he wanted so I went ahead and ordered my calorific battered cod, chips and mushy peas before him. He took that as his cruel opportunity to fluster me in public, which, let’s face it, doesn’t take much where he’s concerned.

  First he place his hand at the bottom of my back and casually drew circles with his fingers. He knew touching me would throw me off guard. Then he simply commented about how much he loved to eat out. He said it to me but loud enough for the server to hear and surely even she could pick up on his provocative tone. His innuendo married with a cheeky devilish lick of his lips, triggered me to blush like a tomato. Intentionally causing my mind to abandon all thoughts of dinner and replace them with vivid visions of Jax’s face buried in my pussy, working miracles between my legs…

  By the look of the ridiculous smile on his face, he suspected as much so just for good measure he added “Especially when it tastes so delicious.” Then bit his bottom lip.

  In the meantime, the server kept asking me stupid questions. I stumbled over my words to answer. Since when does it take fifty questions to buy dinner around here; is that large or small? Would you like salt and vinegar? Would you like your peas in a pot? Would you like a bag? I’d lost my appetite for food by the end of it.

  I pointlessly tried not to show Jax how he’d so easily affected me—he already knew.

  Then I smiled sweetly because it was his turn to be served and I wasn’t about to give in, seeing his behaviour as a challenge. He ordered the same as me but when the server fired questions at him I distracted him by casually saying, “I’m having a party tonight if you wanna come.”

  Jax just looked puzzled, trying to deal with his order and probably wondering what the fuck I was on about. I kept a straight face, happy that he was taking the bait.

  “What do mean? Where?”

  Biting on the pad of my thumb, I reached up to his ear and whispered, “In. My. Mouth—”

  Discreetly grazing my teeth across his ear before returning to my position with a face full of innocence. I didn’t manage to fluster him but I still enjoyed his reaction, knowing that I’d thrown him off guard too and shown him that I at least try and give as good as I get.

  He told me that he’d love to come—all night.

  By the time we left, the server was more flustered that I ever was. It’s called the Jax Effect sweetheart.

  Wills house was fine. No burst pipes or break ins as I’d panicked over. We sat and ate our food whilst chatting in the garden, then washed it down with cold bottle of beer each. Sooo naughty, but equally as nice.

  I left him with another bottle of beer whilst I went to throw a few more things into bag to take with me. I watered the plants inside and out plus her allotment patch and asked a neighbour to put the bins out for us. Before we left, Jax massaged my hand and arm then used the first aid kit to change the strapping after the one I put on before we left got covered in spray tan.

  Jax sat me on top of the kitchen island and stood in-between my legs. He concentrated on my hand whilst I concentrated on him; his gorgeous skin, the rise and fall of his chest, his immaculate fingernails and the furrows in his brow when he studied my hand. At one point I plucked up the courage to playfully close my legs to pull him in closer. He just glanced up at me, smirking and then said something about last time we were in this position I’d turned him down.

  A lot has happened since we were in his kitchen testing the boundaries of our relationship.

  He regarded me silently for a second and I couldn’t read his face or guess his next move. Was he bitter about that? Surely last night counteracted all of that, well it did for me anyway. It’s true, I had turned him down, for all the wrong reasons. But I was sure my thighs tightening around his waist were enough to show him I’d be happy to rewrite that memory right there and then.

  Jax didn’t make the obvious move. Instead, he put a pin in the strap and stepped away from me cautiously. Grabbing his keys off the side, he told me he’d wait in the car. I couldn’t gauge why he’d not took the opportunity.

  Jax drove over to his muscleman shop in silence. It wasn’t awkward, just strange.

  Now he’s just parked up and left the engine running whilst he’s gone in to pick up his tubs of protein powder and bars. The shop looks like it’s closed but somebody opens the door and he disappears inside.

  The inside of his car is pristine and smells fresh and masculine, like him.

  Five minutes later, I watch him stalk back to the car with a heavy carrier bag in each hand, helping to pronounce his awesome frame.

  Fuck I want him so bad. The tinted windows present my horny little Jax-filled mind with endless possibilities. All of which end in me obliterating number 5. Sex in a car!

  He puts his bags in the boot and climbs back into the driver’s seat. I must have filled the car with fuck-me vibes because his expression changes the second he looks over at me as he reverses the car. I’m not even trying to hide it this time.

  Maybe that’s why he didn’t make his move in the kitchen; he was trying to encourage me to act on my instincts, just like we had talked about. He knew I wanted him back then when I pulled him into me but I just couldn’t follow through. I know that it was my fear of rejection that stopped me from making my move, which resulted in me being rejected anyway.

  The energy is crackling between us but I just look out of my window for the next ten minutes as we head back towards his house.

  I contemplate all the countless nights I lay alone in bed sexually frustrated. Or when Mike was beside me and I still couldn’t satisfy my needs because he didn’t want it. He was never mean about it, sometimes he was even apologetic but regardless, that didn’t stop me from feeling rejected constantly.

  Now’s not the time for me to keep a lid on my desires, I need to break the mould. Jax is a good person, who is very sexually driven, so why on earth am I holding back?

  I think about how exhilarating it felt last night and intentionally switch up the music to some of my favourite slow sensual songs. I only play a short verse or chorus from each whilst I search for the next one. He is frowning at first but with my carefully selected choices, I make it clear that I’m playing out my thoughts via his car speakers. His frown turns upside down and he now finds it amusing.

  ‘Amusement’ isn’t what I was aiming for but it’s a good start.

  Jax pulls into a supermarket, where we efficiently whizz a trolley round, grabbing lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and meat. We make a good team, with similar tastes in food. I’d already learned that he didn’t have a cleaner but he still impresses me down the cleaning isle where he deftly selects what he needs and casually moves on.

  We make light work of it and have a laugh along the way. I actually enjoy it. Even all the times I clock women breaking their necks to get a view of Jax from all angles. I’m equally intrigued by his reactions to them. He is polite when they smile or say “Hi” but where possible he barely makes eye contact and I didn’t catch him eyeing up a girl once. Even I involuntarily perved on a blokes crotch when he came towards me with extra-super-skinny jeans on, we are human after all.

  We headed over t
o the check out where the young cashier is soon paying more attention to checking Jax out than she is the shopping. Oh great, the Jax Effect strikes again.

  Suddenly she’s sitting upright, pushing out her cleavage, being embarrassingly blatant. She’s trying to make conversation with him and then hanging off his every word. I feel like doing star jumps, shouting to her ‘Hello—I am here!’

  It’s be pointless, she’s firing questions at Jax. “Well you obviously know what to eat to look after your body. Do you like cooking?”

  I can’t blame her really but the public drooling is unnecessary! This girl’s relentless, she doesn’t give a shit that I’m standing here. Actually, I may as well not be here. Jax doesn’t flirt back, although he must see that she’s pretty cute looking. Plus she hasn’t given him a choice about noticing her tits that are practically crawling out of her neckline to greet him. He keeps his answers short and concentrates on packing the bags. If Jax was enjoying it or irritated by it, neither emotion showed. He was just polite, giving nothing away.


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