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A Family Oath

Page 27

by Auburn Tempest

  Da chuckles. “She’s in good hands, sir. We’ll all make sure of that.”

  Fionn gives him a nod and waves as he wanders across the clearing. He disappears somewhere near the center of the stones, and I smile. “Laters, oul man.”

  “Un-freakin’-believable,” Sloan says. “That was the touch-stone founder of our entire heritage, and yer shootin’ the shite with him like it’s nothin’.”

  I shrug. “He’s cool, but he’s a person.”

  He rolls his eyes and sighs. “Yer ridiculous. Ye know that, don’t ye?”

  I giggle. “You may have mentioned that once or twice.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Clan Cumhaill, will you join us a moment?” Garnet asks. He’s had his head down and has been chatting with the others since the end of the one-on-one challenge. Now, he waves us all over to join them.

  “That was quite a display, Fiona,” Zxata says. “You didn’t even look challenged.”

  I shrug. “Droghun is a fierce warrior when he’s able to access the full strength of his power and ability. Because this was a druid test and Nikon locked all but druid magic, he was at a disadvantage. The Black Dogs have attacked me on more than one occasion. They’re dangerous opponents, but they aren’t druids. Therefore, I had the advantage.”

  “It’s gracious of you to speak in his defense, Fiona.” Suede winks from the front row. “That shows maturity beyond your age and a sense of confidence that isn’t dependent on oppressing others. She has my vote.”

  “Your vote for what?” I ask.

  She smiles. “To take the oath as the representative for the Guild Governor position for Toronto Druids. We all witnessed a druid spirit give you his blessing. You’ve proven that following the sect’s foundational tenets makes you more eligible to claim the title than Barghest. I agree with your motion to have them renamed as Toronto Necromancers.”

  “My motion?” I look around. “I didn’t put forth a motion.”

  “Sure, you did.” Garnet raises his gaze to search the faces of the forty people standing there. “Can I get a playback of the motion Lady Cumhaill raised at the luncheon? Where’s Laini?”

  A tiny girl with pink hair and a round face steps to the front. She closes her eyes, and when she speaks, it’s my voice coming out of her mouth. “Barghest doesn’t deserve the right to hold a druid seat. You are filthy necromancers, plain and simple. Keep your damned seat, but don’t associate it with druids or what we stand for.”

  Garnet looks over at me. “Ring any bells?”

  Da frowns at me, and I shrug. “Not my most diplomatic moment. My mouth got away from me there.”

  Nikon laughs. “Bullshit. It was the best meeting since the mages plucked the tree nymph’s leaves, smoked them in the lounge, then lost control of their magic and sent a herd of conjured dragons down Yonge Street.”

  Suede and a few others laugh.

  I manage to keep a straight face. “I wasn’t hinting for a seat on the council.”

  Garnet lifts one shoulder in a lopsided shrug. “Even so, in the weeks and months since you unexpectedly arrived on our doorstep, you’ve proven yourself a capable power, a fair and just character, and you care as much or more about Toronto and the citizens within her streets than any of us. I believe you are the right choice to fill the druid seat.”

  I shake my head. “My Da is the head of our family. It should be—”

  “You, mo chroi. Fionn chose you for a reason. I, for one, think he knows what he’s doin’.”

  “You have my vote, baby girl,” Aiden says.

  “And mine,” Dillan, Emmet, and Calum add in unison.

  I meet Sloan’s gaze, and he nods. “I don’t get a vote because I’m neither a Cumhaill nor a citizen of Toronto, but if I were, I couldn’t think of a better representative of what it means to be a druid. I think ye should take the oath.”

  My head swims. Take a seat as a Guild Governor on the Lakeshore Guild of Empowered Ones? It would allow me to find out more about things I still need answers for…

  Like, who’s following up on the wizards now that their leader is dead? Did the stupid idea about resurrecting a demon die with Salem? How will the necromancers feed their magic now that I’ve taken away their ritual site? Where can I put the Eochair Prana as a safe final resting place?

  Yeah, there’s a lot I want to be privy to, but do I have to join the stuffed shirt brigade to do it?

  “It’s an honor to be nominated…”

  Nikon snorts. “You’re not winning an Oscar, Red. Take the oath and be the change you want to see.”

  I swallow and let that sink in. “Okay, but if I take the oath, it’s not only me. We all take it. I’ll sit on the council, but Clan Cumhaill is a package deal.”

  “As you wish,” Garnet says. “I’ll say it once, so you know what you agree to. Then, if you choose, you can repeat it after me. Agreed?”

  I nod. “Sounds good.”

  “I swear on my honor as a citizen of Toronto and warrior of the empowered world, that I will be dutiful in the laws of our community, never cause needless suffering, and will fight until my dying breath against all persons who intend to do harm within the boundaries of my fair city.”

  I check with my brothers and Da. “It seems okay to me. Any objections?”

  “Is yer shield tingling?” Sloan asks.

  “No. S’all good.”

  Da nods. “I have no objections.”

  I meet Garnet’s gaze and smile. “All right, Grand Governor. Once more from the top. Let’s do this.”


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  And if you loved it, continue with the Chronicles of an Urban Druid and claim your copy of book four – A Witch’s Revenge

  Irish Translations

  Arragh – a guttural sound for when something bad happened

  Banjaxed – broken, ruined, completely obliterated

  Bogger – those who live in the boggy countryside

  Bollocks – a man’s testicles

  Bollix – thrown into disorder, bungled, messed up

  Boyo – boy, lad

  Cock-crow – close enough that you can hear a cock crow

  Craic – gossip, fun, entertainment

  Culchie – those who live in the agricultural countryside

  Donkey’s years – a long time

  Dosser – a layabout, lazy person

  Eejit – slightly less severe than idiot

  Fair whack away – far away

  Feck – an exclamation less severe than fuck

  Flute – a man’s penis

  Gammie – injured, not working properly

  Hape – a heap

  Howeyah/Howaya/Howya – a greeting not necessarily requiring an answer.

  Irish – traditional Irish language (Commonly referred to as Irish Gaelic unless you’re Irish.)

  Knackers – a man’s testicles

  Mo chroi – my heart (pronounced muh chree)

  Mocker – a hex

  Och – used to express agreement or disagreement to something said

  Shite – less offensive than shit

  Slan! – health be with you (pronounced slawn)

  Gobshite – fool, acting in unwanted behavior

  Slainte mhath – cheers, good health (pronounced slawn cha va)

  Wee – small

  A Witch’s Revenge

  The story continues with A Witch’s Revenge, coming soon Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

  Pre-order now to have it delivered to your Kindle on midnight December 27, 2020.

  Author Notes - Auburn Tempest

  November 22, 2020

  Thank you so much for reading A Family Oath, the third book in the Chronicles of an Urban Druid series—I hope you loved i

  When Fiona’s world becomes complicated, she falls back on the two things she depends on to survive: the unshakeable faith she has in her family and her ability to laugh and see the humor in crazy and stressful moments.

  In these times of turmoil, I think Fi has the right idea.

  May we all love deeper, laugh harder, and accept the people around us without judgment.

  A Family Oath is my 40th published novel (JL Madore and Auburn Tempest combined) and releases on my father’s birthday—November 29th. I find the timing cool and kinda monumental because he died in 2000, when I was 29, which was more than a decade before I started writing. He never got a chance to read my stories—and likely wouldn’t have even if he were alive—still, I think he’d be pleased about how much I love what I do.

  When the world overwhelms, dive into a book and let laughter carry you away for a while. Book four in the series promises to bring you more family moments, magic, and mayhem.

  A Witch’s Revenge is up next, so claim your copy and continue the adventure—with us, with Fiona and the gang, and in the rich lore of Irish mythology.

  Wishing you all lives filled with love, laughter, and magic.

  Hugs to all,

  Auburn Tempest

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  November 23, 2020

  Thank you for not only reading this story, but these author notes in the back!

  Following Auburn’s comment about her father not reading her books (not only because he had passed, but that he probably would not had he lived) I thought about my own dad.

  I’m blessed that he is still alive, and we have talked a couple of times about him not reading my stories.

  In short, he doesn’t enjoy the genres I write.

  Vampires? Nope.

  Science Fiction? Not a chance.

  Urban Fantasy? What am I smoking.

  But, and here is the important part for me, he follows my career and is proud. That’s all I personally need.

  My mom, when she was alive, also followed my career but didn’t read my stories and I never had a problem with this. For some reason, I’m totally ok with a million strangers reading my stories but don’t particularly want my parents to read them.

  I was ok with my older brother listening to Emily Beresford reading the stories. That worked great.

  Thinking about it for a few seconds, I have concluded it might be that the stories are about 10% personal. I don’t mind strangers reading because they probably don’t know the 10% from the other 90%.

  My parents would probably guess and that’s just too much information sharing for me.

  And I am past fifty years old.

  Humans. We are such weird creatures.

  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle

  About Auburn Tempest

  Auburn Tempest is a multi-genre novelist giving life to Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, and Sci-Fi adventures. Under the pen name, JL Madore, she writes in the same genres but in full romance, sexy-steamy novels. Whether Romance or not, she loves to twist Alpha heroes and kick-ass heroines into chaotic, hilarious, fast-paced, magical situations and make them really work for their happy endings.

  Auburn Tempest lives in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada with her dear, wonderful hubby of 30 years and a menagerie of family, friends, and animals.

  Books by Auburn Tempest

  Auburn Tempest - Urban Fantasy Action/Adventure

  Chronicles of an Urban Druid

  Book 1 – A Gilded Cage

  Book 2 – A Sacred Grove

  Book 3 – A Family Oath

  Book 4 - A Witches Revenge

  Book 5 - A Broken Vow

  Book 6 - A Druid Hexed

  Misty’s Magick and Mayhem Series – Written by Carolina Mac/Contributed to by Auburn Tempest

  Book 1 – School for Reluctant Witches

  Book 2 – School for Saucy Sorceresses

  Book 3 – School for Unwitting Wiccans

  Book 4 – Nine St. Gillian Street

  Book 5 – The Ghost of Pirate’s Alley

  Book 6 – Jinxing Jackson Square

  Book 7 – Flame

  Book 8 – Frost

  Book 9 – Nocturne

  Book 10 – Luna

  Book 11 – Swamp Magic

  Exemplar Hall – Co-written with Ruby Night

  Prequel – Death of a Magi Knight

  Book 1 – Drafted by the Magi

  Book 2 – Jesse and the Magi Vault

  Book 3 – The Makings of a Magi

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