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Little Sylvia & Judge Cole (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 3)

Page 4

by Becca Little

  I peeled off my clothes and looked at my bottom in the mirror. It had a shade of red still stretched across it. I opted for a long t-shirt and nothing else for the rest of the day. I spent most of it laying on my stomach and studying on the couch. Laying on my back just wasn’t going to happen. I was ready for bed fairly early, and I slept like I hadn’t slept in ages. In my dreams I relived the crash, with my nightmares taking on different shapes. I saw people I knew in front of my car instead of a stranger, some as pedestrians and some as drivers. The last one was of Judge Cole, who immediately got out of the car and started wearing my bottom out at the scene. I woke up with the sun beating on my face, thrashing around in my bed.

  My phone was finally charged and I had a couple of missed texts from my so-called friends who said I should come out with them again the next weekend because we had so much fun. I had missed a whole day of school being processed on Monday, so I went in on Tuesday with an explanation. All of my teachers were very understanding, and I figured out why when they all mentioned a call from Judge Cole. He didn’t tell them why I was arrested; just that it was a big misunderstanding. Surprisingly, it didn’t make the newspapers. I was certain he had something to do with that as well.

  In a small town, the last thing the local paper wants is to have one of the only judges on their bad side—especially when he was a former cop. By the end of the week, everything had returned to normal. I was caught up on my school work, everything I had missed was turned in, and if Saturday wasn’t on the horizon, I would have been happy. Dread filled me when the fateful day rolled around the calendar again. I changed my clothes several times throughout the day, trying to figure out what to wear. I finally settled on my thickest pair of pajama pants, my thickest pair of panties, and a t-shirt that hung low enough to cover my bottom. I knew they wouldn’t stay on for long, but at least they would make the beginning of my punishment a little more bearable. Even though I was expecting him, I nearly jumped out of my skin when the doorbell rang.

  “Come on in.” I said as I opened the door for him.

  “Thank you. Have you had a good week?” He sat down on the sofa and started chatting like he did when we were nothing more than friends.

  “I suppose…” I chewed my lip nervously as I sat down next to him.

  “I saw your father’s car parked in the driveway instead of the garage. I’m surprised that old thing is still running.” He motioned towards it with his thumb.

  “Thankfully it is. My car should be ready in a day or two.” I sighed.

  “Insurance?” He asked.

  “Yes sir.” I nodded in agreement.

  “How are you doing with your money? Are you making it okay?” He seemed genuinely concerned. It was a lot different conversation than the one I had with him after he sentenced me.

  “Times are tough. This house needs a lot of work. I might be better off to just sell it and get an apartment, but at least I know I have a home here…” I shrugged. “My job barely pays the bills, and I’m not sure I will finish college at this rate.”

  “You have to prioritize that.” He shook his head. “If you want, I can have someone look at your finances. I know a few accountants that owe me a favor.”

  “That would be wonderful…” I needed some advice, so his offer was one I couldn’t refuse.

  “Okay then, it is settled. Now, do you want to go ahead and remove everything below the waist so we can get started with your rehabilitation for the week?” His words instantly took on a serious tone.

  “Yes sir…” I stood up and sighed. So much for the careful planning I put into protecting my bottom for a little bit before he worked his way to my bare bottom.

  He moved to the middle of the couch as I stripped my pajama pants and my panties off. My t-shirt hung low enough to give me a little bit of modesty, although I didn’t think it would matter much when I went across his knee. It would be the last thing I was worried about. He took me by the wrist and guided me across his lap. There was no reason to fight or give him any sort of grief. I knew what I had coming, and it was exactly what I had earned.

  He took my right hand and bent it at the elbow, pinning it to the small of my back as I stretched out over his lap. I was almost flat on the couch, with my bottom pushed up by his knee. With a flick of his hand, he removed the t-shirt that was draped over my bottom, completely exposing it. I tensed up when his hand left my bottom, and a second later it returned with a cracking sound I could have heard across the street. I winced and prepared for the next one, which came just as fast, and a lot harder.

  It felt different having him go straight to my bare bottom rather than spanking me on my jumpsuit and my panties like he did in prison—it was actually a lot worse. They dulled it a little bit at least, but when his hand made contact with untouched flesh, it immediately started to sting. I gritted my teeth as he started to really let me have it, bouncing from one side of my bottom to the other so fast it felt like my whole bottom was getting spanked at the same time.

  “Ow… Ouch… Judge Cole, it hurts.” I wiggled around, raising and lowering my bottom to try and throw off the motion of his hand.

  “If you don’t keep still it is going to hurt a whole lot more.” He gave me a sample with several hard smacks in the same spot, right along the crease where my bottom met my thigh.

  “Okay! I’m sorry!” I stopped wiggling and remained stretched out, trying to push my bottom as low as it would go, but he bumped his knee up and elevated it once again.

  Having to not only accept my spanking, but stay still while it was being delivered proved to be harder than I thought. My body instinctively tried to move around. It was practically impossible to just lay there and take it. His hand connecting with my bottom was almost rhythmic, and the tears soon filled my eyes. I knew I would cry. The first spanking had taken me well beyond the point of tears, so there was no use trying to hold them back.

  The only difference was that I was wearing eye shadow, mascara and makeup, all of which began to run down my face along with the tears. With my free hand, I reached out and gripped the couch, just trying to find a focus other than the spanking. He didn’t give me much time to focus on anything else, because his hand suddenly went to town on the tender area near my thigh again. I let out a loud squeal and realized I was wiggling and squirming around again.

  I stopped focusing on the pain and focused on keeping my body still so that it wasn’t repeated. Once he had lit up both tender areas, he started to work them into the rotation, landing several there as he went back and forth across my bottom. That area stung continuously while the rest of my bottom was a raging inferno. My focus shifted between both sensations, depending on where his hand landed.

  “I’m so sorry, Judge Cole! Please, I’ve had enough for one week!” I begged for mercy. My feet were kicking and my knuckles were white from clenching the couch.

  “You’ll get this and a whole lot more, every single week until your rehabilitation is complete, Sylvia. Begging is not going to do anything for you.” He readjusted me into position and I sobbed knowing it was far from over.

  Emotions rushed around in my head. I thought about the life I had lived, and the spiral which took me down the dark path to the driver’s seat that fateful night. I was so upset because I thought Dalton was dating someone when I still burned for him. He wasn’t even aware of how I felt, and after I had earned a weekly spot across his knee, I wasn’t sure there would ever be an option for that need to be fulfilled. Even if he was judge, jury and executioner of my sentence, I still cared about him. He no longer even let me call him Dalton—now he was simply Judge Cole—or Your Honor. I couldn’t wrap my head around that one.

  It really didn’t matter what I called him at that point. He was going to punish me and make sure I learned my lesson regardless. His hand took me to a new threshold of pain, one that I didn’t realize I could cross. My body stopped squirming and I just went limp. I was broken. He slowed down and then stopped completely as I wailed and sobbed, l
oud rolling one leaving my throat. My face was soaked with tears and the spot where they had fell was a mess of my makeup. I continued to sob and he let me lay there as some of the pain faded. I looked over my shoulder at him and sniffled away what I could.

  “Thank you…” I said as I stood. My knees were wobbly and I fell into his arms.

  “I didn’t expect a thank you…” He said as he pushed my hair away from my tears.

  “I know that I would be in prison right now if you didn’t take care of me.” I hugged him tight and he rocked me while I cried on his shoulder.

  “Are you ready for bed?” He asked.

  “Yes sir.” I nodded into his shoulder. “Will you hold me until I fall asleep?”

  “Are you sure?” He looked at me with a confusing glare.

  “Yes… Please.” I whimpered and held him tighter.

  “Okay.” He stood up and kept me in his arms as he did. I held onto tight and he carried me to the bedroom. He placed me gingerly on my side and then crawled into bed behind me, draping an arm over my ribs. I clenched it tight and cried myself to sleep.

  Chapter 8

  It had been a while since there was no nightmare to accompany my rest. I slept like a baby. When I woke up, he was gone. The side of the bed where he was laying had an indention, proving it was not just some strange fantasy. The rest of that proof was felt on my bottom when I rolled over and winced. His cologne lingered in the air, although I could tell it was just the remnants. I couldn’t believe I was still attracted to a man who was so much older, but I still did care deeply for him. If I hadn’t been so overcome with emotions after my spanking, I would have never even considered asking him to stay. I was glad I did, and elated that he didn’t immediately shut me down.

  Even though he had stayed, I knew the chances of us actually ending up together were closer to zero than one percent. I was just the stupid irresponsible child of his ex-partner, a burden he was stuck with because of his chivalrous nature. The woman I had seen him with was beautiful. She was definitely the type of woman he deserved. I was sure she was a lawyer or some politician who carried as much clout as he did. I was nothing more than a kid—a kid afraid to even sleep alone after her punishment. I put my hands over my face and grunted. My life was a mess.

  I painfully sat up and stripped my shirt off. A shower was not going to be fun with my bottom still stinging, but a bath was out of the question unless it was filled with ice cubes. I had a lot of work to do, and getting out of bed meant it was time to embrace that reality. I fell back onto my pillow and blew air through my lips causing them to sputter. My hand fell onto my tummy and it hit me that I hadn’t pleasured myself in over a week. A quick trip into my imagination would do wonders for the mix of emotions I was feeling.

  I pushed my hand between my legs and let them fall open. I was dry when my finger rubbed my labia, so I sucked on it for a couple of seconds and used my saliva to moisten the outside. Once I started moving past the labia, I felt a wetness building inside my vaginal cavity. I dipped my finger into it and rubbed it up and down my slit until it was well lubricated. With the tension building as I rubbed a little bit harder, I coated my clitoris and started to circle it with my index finger. It immediately got hard to the touch and begged for more, but I moved away from it. I had all day to kill, so there was no reason to rush the orgasm. With a week of build-up, it was sure to be powerful. I imagined the fingers belonging to Dalton, closing my eyes as my imaginary crush got me ready for what was to come.

  It was hard to hold back when my thoughts shifted to him. I moved my finger faster and my hips rose to push it inside. My imagination erupted into the incredible sex I wanted from him. He was kissing me everywhere, all at once. I used one hand to fondle and caress my breast as my other one worked on my soaked pussy. My light moans got louder as the intensity built up inside of my body.

  I knew I was going to finish. No matter how hard I tried to hold back, my body was ready to go. My finger got faster as I rushed to embrace it. I moved it in and out of my pussy as fast as I could, still imagining it was him. The surge of emotions and pleasure swelled up my stomach and then rushed out of me. I moaned even louder and rode my finger like my life depended on it. My vaginal cavity clenched around it and then spasmed as the orgasm overcame every thought and emotion. I slowed down the motion until it was completely gone and everything below my waist was sensitive to the touch. Both hands fell back over my head as my body relaxed. I sighed—and then my front door opened. I sat upright in bed immediately. My father’s gun was in the nightstand, so I rolled over and opened the drawer just in time to see Dalton walking through the bedroom door.

  “Ah, you’re up. I went out to get coffee.” He sat two cups down on the dresser and turned to me. “You were out—”

  I pulled my hand away from the nightstand and then realized I was completely naked. “Sorry, I thought you left.” I grabbed a shirt off of the floor and covered myself the best I could.

  “No, I didn’t want to leave you until I made sure you were okay. Am I interrupting something?” His eyes drifted to the bed where I had left a significant wet spot.

  “What, no.” I lied as fast as I could, shaking my head furious.

  “I’ll wait in the living room.” He took his coffee cup and left before I could respond.

  If I could have crawled in a hole and died at that moment, I would have done so. I had no idea he was coming back. If I knew the walk to the convenience store where the cup sitting on my dresser was from, he had only been gone about five minutes before I woke up. Maybe ten if the church crowd was making a run on the store before they praised God. I cleaned up the best I could and slipped into a pair of panties. My pajama pants were in the other room, so I slipped the t-shirt back on and got a different pair from my drawer.

  They weren’t as thick as the ones I wore the night before, but that was no longer important. I opened my coffee cup and smiled when I saw it was the murky white color I liked, a clear indication he had added two creams and one sugar. I sipped it and walked into the living room, doing my best to act like absolutely nothing happened in my bedroom. My hand shook from the after effects of the orgasm and the panic of being caught, but I was able to control them with a little extra effort. I sat down next to him on the couch as he stabbed out a cigarette. I really didn’t know what to say, and was thankful he was the first to speak—and that he didn’t ask any questions about what he walked in on.

  “So, you’re sure you’re okay?” He asked, not really making eye contact.

  “Yes. Thank you so much for staying with me last night. I hope your girlfriend isn’t mad that you stayed out all night…” I let out a long sigh.

  “Girlfriend?” He raised his eyebrows at me. “What girlfriend?”

  “I saw you on TV a couple of weeks ago with someone when the reporters were trying to get a comment for the trial you were presiding over. I figured she was your girlfriend.” I felt my face flushing with another wave of embarrassment. I was zero for two.

  “Linda? No, she is just someone your father and I knew. She was married to one of the guys we used to hang out with.” He shook his head as if he was dismissing the idea completely.

  “I’m sorry, Judge Cole. I just saw you arm in arm and assumed…” I sipped my coffee and tried not to look completely embarrassed.

  “She had a little too much to drink. Unlike you, she was smart enough to ask for a cab. I was just making sure she didn’t run into any walls in the process.” He folded his arms. “We definitely aren’t dating.”

  “You really are a good person, aren’t you?” I looked at him again.

  “I got a couple of ex-girlfriends who might disagree with you, but I try to do the right thing.” He shrugged and sipped his coffee.

  We talked for a little while longer, mostly making small talk and avoiding the gigantic pink elephant in the room. When it was time for him to go, he hugged me again and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. I waited until his car was completely out of si
ght, and locked the door before I stripped down again and hopped in the shower. Everything below the waist was a mess, and cleaning it up meant I had to keep letting the water run down my bottom, which didn’t feel exceptionally great. I got as clean as I could in the agony and then dressed in a fresh pair of pajamas.

  A day of schoolwork awaited me after lunch, so I got to it. The coffee kept me going most of the day, as I rarely drank a full cup. By evening, I was ready for bed the second the sun went down, not even bothering to turn on the television. Normally after an orgasm like I had that morning, I would have been determined to try for another, but the events which transpired after it stripped away most the desire. As I wrestled with the question of whether I should do try it or not, sleep took over. The nightmares came back, and I didn’t have anyone to hold onto. Once again, they were of the accident, and then of Judge Cole sentencing me to a long prison sentence for it. By the time I woke up, I felt like I had been through an emotional roller coaster.

  The day proved to be even tougher than I expected when I left the house. School wasn’t bad, but when I showed up to work, I got word they would have to cut some of the staff because of the season. I was the last one hired, so I didn’t have to ask my boss why I was the first one to be let go when we closed that night. I knew that unemployment was going to be a problem, especially with the DUI on my record.

  I spent the rest of the week putting in applications and dreading Saturday. The spanking occurred just as it had the week before, with my lower torso bared and draped across his lap. He put me to bed after it was over, but he didn’t stay with me that night. Week after week passed. My bank account dwindled, my savings took a hit, and my bottom got lit up regularly as I continued to pay my debt to society through corporal punishment.


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