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Little Sylvia & Judge Cole (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 3)

Page 8

by Becca Little

  “So, we have to consummate our marriage, right?” I asked slyly.

  “You’re damn right.” He picked me up and walked me to the edge of the bed.

  Being in his arms felt right. Life was so much simpler with Dalton. I didn’t have to worry about all of the nonsense surrounding me or the nuances of everyday life. I spread my legs as he slid between them and used my hand to guide his cock towards my pussy. I was already wet and ready for him, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside of me again. I wanted to feel my husband’s cock—the one that was promised to me forever. I quickly adjusted to his girth and he began to rise and fall against my thighs. The feeling of the fireplace was warm, but the heat between us was an inferno. I moved my hips against his motion, wanting every bit of his cock to penetrate me. He picked up the pace and his light moans turned to grunts. I clutched the bed and let out long groans of pleasure when he started to furiously glide across my sensitive spot. His muscles glimmered in the light radiating from the fireplace when he started to sweat.

  “You feel so good…” I moaned.

  “So, do you.” He replied with a grunt.

  His body collided with mine in harmony and I met it with the fury of my lust. I couldn’t focus on anything but the intensity of the pleasure he was bringing me. The air outside was cold, but we were both sweating as we continued to fuck. The warmth of the fire hadn’t completely washed away the cold, but it was hardly noticeable with the heat between our bodies. I wasn’t ready for it to be over, but I could feel an orgasm coming. The storm in his eyes suggested he was close as well. My body started to shudder and I could feel the muscles in my pussy clamping on his cock. He reacted with even louder grunts and started to drive himself into me even faster.

  I knew he was close, but I was a lot closer and with a long sigh I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him close. I kissed his neck and his ears as my orgasm started, a long drawn out explosion of pleasure that quickly sent a shock of exhilaration through me. It wasn’t long after I felt my orgasm begin that I felt the beginnings of his ejaculation. The feeling of him exploding inside of me made me start to cum again. Our bodies moved in unison as the height of pleasure overwhelmed us both. He continued to pound himself inside of my pussy until both of us were spent and last glimmer of pleasure began to fade. We collapsed in the afterglow of our passion, staring at the fireplace.

  “I got a new outfit.” I said as we cuddled.

  “You did?” He asked.

  “Well, technically it’s a new outfit for Little Sylvia.” I looked over at him and grinned.

  “Is that so.” His fingers traced my ribs. “You know you’ll still be my Little Sylvia when you’re old and gray.”

  “I’ll be the sexiest Little Grandmother ever.” I winked at him.

  “Grandmother?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “Um, I’m having a lot of babies.” I nodded quickly.

  “Oh jeez.” He sighed. “I guess we better get started then.”

  The honeymoon was amazing and I loved being his Little Sylvia when I could. I got my bottom spanked a few times before we made it back home, but when a month passed and I didn’t get my period, I knew we had created life. I gave him a card with the good news and he held me tight, kissing and hugging me for what seemed like an eternity. I knew our relationship wasn’t traditional and I knew I would always be his Little Sylvia, even when the baby was born, but he was the only man for me. I enjoyed my role. I enjoyed being claimed by him and always knowing that if I stepped out of line, he would give me a healthy dose of discipline to put me back on the correct path.



  The wedding was beautiful and everything I could have ever wanted. Everyone said I made a gorgeous bride, but all of my attention was on the man standing across from me. He was like a dream come true. He was beyond handsome, especially when his lips were turned upwards into a smile that lit up the whole room. How he ever decided I was good enough to stand across from him and hear his vows was something I didn’t understand. Underneath my wedding dress was a scared little girl who felt like she was in way over her head. We had rehearsed the moment enough that I could have done it on autopilot, which was exactly what I needed when it officially began. My mind was fogged with emotions and my heart was beating out of my chest. When the preacher finally pronounced us husband and wife, after I dropped his ring once and nearly tripped over my own dress trying to retrieve it, I was a mess of tears and mascara. Thankfully, he still dipped me backwards and placed the most passionate kiss he had ever given me on my trembling lips. The hard part was over, or at least that was what I thought.

  The first year was filled with absolute lust. We couldn’t get enough of each other and we never wanted to get out of bed, even for food. The honeymoon wasn’t long enough for either of us, and we still acted like we were on it every night when he got off work. The weekends were a blur of eagerness and excitement. God, how I loved his touch. It was always in the right place, and it always drove me wild. I’m surprised my parents didn’t send out a search party when I went days without returning their call because I was too busy being consumed by his carnal appetite for every orifice I would give him. When he was pulled from my arms for work every Monday morning, I spent the day hungry for the moment he walked through the door and we picked up where we left off. How could something so magical ever wear off? I was sure we were going to grow old living that same moment over and over—I was more than okay with that. I envisioned a white picket fence, a yard full of kids, and us in bed while they took care of themselves. I just wanted to live in our blazing indulgence forever.

  “Stephen, don’t go…” I was on the edge of the bed with both hands wrapped around his wrist, my naked body barely covered by a sheet.

  “Julie, I have to go. This is a huge opportunity for us. The management seminar is how the company recognizes future executives. It is what I have spent the last ten years working for.” He lovingly tried to pry my hands away, still wearing the smile I loved so much.

  “Then take me with you. I’ll stay in the hotel all day and wait for you, just like this.” I pushed the sheet away to completely reveal my naked body.

  “You know I can’t. You would distract me so much that I would never get anything done—not that I wouldn’t love that—but they want us focused on nothing but work for the entire week.” He leaned over and smacked my bare bottom with his palm.

  “Hey!” I rolled it towards him. “You can’t just turn me on and leave me here…”

  “I’m going to miss my flight.” He laughed and picked up his suitcase. “But don’t worry; I’ll be thinking about you every minute I’m gone.”

  The taxi honked outside for the third time, and I knew I had to let him go, even if I was sure it was going to kill me. I reluctantly released my grasp and he rewarded me with a kiss that lasted so long I felt my whole body igniting with a fiery thirst for me, but that moment was shattered when the taxi honked for the fourth time. The seal our lips had created was broken, and he hastily left trying to adjust the bulge in his pants, but it resulted in a comical waddle out the front door. I had no idea how I was going to survive without him for a whole week, even though I had two months to prepare for the moment. The worst part was that he was going to be gone for our second anniversary. That alone made me selfishly ask him to give up the opportunity and stay home, but I knew it was something he had to do. There were two sides to Stephen Crane—the husband I loved and the business man who wanted the CEO chair of his investment firm so bad he was willing to do damn near anything to sit in it. I wanted him to achieve that goal, but I also wanted to keep him locked in the bedroom all day long. I guess there were two sides to Mrs. Crane as well.

  “Yes, mom… I know he will be back…” I had called her because her last message said she was going to fly to New York if I didn’t return her call.

  “He’s just trying to provide a future for the two of you, and my future grandchildren
. Speaking of which…” My mother never let one conversation go without bringing up the subject of my uterus.

  “No, mom. I’m not pregnant. I promise you’ll be the first to know when the stick has a plus sign.” I rolled to the side and snapped my birth control pill out of the packet, washing it down with the last drop of my cola.

  “I love you, Julie. Please don’t forget to call me every now and then…” She wasn’t asking for much, and I had been a horrible daughter since we got married.

  “I love you too, mom. I won’t forget. Goodbye…” I held my finger over the button to end the call.

  “Goodbye darling. Your father says hello.” The line clicked on her end and I was once again left alone in the silence of our bedroom.

  As awesome as Stephen was, my father still had not accepted the man who stole his baby girl from him. My mother had only come around when he put the gigantic rock on my finger. Their main concern was the age difference. Stephen had sixteen years on me, which was a lifetime in their eyes. He plucked me from my parents’ garden when I was only eighteen years old, serving as an intern at his firm the summer before college. They were devastated when I decided to drop out during my first year and get married after only being with him for less than a year, but I knew he was my future. I would have been okay with a longer courtship, but he was being relocated to New York which meant I either had to marry him and go with him or endure a long distance relationship until we finally did tie the knot. The latter wasn’t an option in my eyes when he dropped down to one knee and proposed. I was willing to give up everything to be with him. I knew what I wanted and I wasn’t about to let him move across the country without me. I was sure my father would come around once he had a grandchild to spoil, but I wasn’t ready for stretch marks just yet.

  I thought I was going to die without him. Every night I tossed and turned in our empty bed after getting to talk with him for a little bit. Things were going great at his management seminar, but things weren’t going great for me at home. I longed for his touch or even the warm spot in the bed that was always there for a while after he left for work in the mornings. I didn’t just count the days; I counted time down to the seconds. Every one of them passed painfully, a representation of every moment of agony I spent without being in his arms. When the final night came, my excitement was nearly bursting through my sternum. My emotional roller coaster shot to the top and just never went down. I ate dinner in silence, drinking a glass of wine, and waiting for the phone to ring. He had mentioned when he called to wish me a Happy Anniversary that morning that he would be late because the group was going out to celebrate the end of the conference, and even suggested I not wait up for his call, but that was like asking me not to come up for air while submerged underwater. It wasn’t an option. I was going to drown if I didn’t hear his voice before I went to sleep. It was almost midnight when the phone rang, and although I had felt a few yawns creeping on, I instantly got a surge of energy when I answered it.

  “Stephen?” I asked in a hurried tone.

  “Hey baby! I just got back to the hotel. Happy Anniversary!” I could tell from his slurred speech that was drunk.

  “Happy Anniversary…again! Did you have fun?” It sounded like he had.

  “Yeah, we had a few drinks. I’ve got some great news, but I want to tell you in person. I miss you so much.” He was always very affectionate when he had a couple of drinks in him, which I normally didn’t mind at all.

  “I miss you too! I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!” I felt as giddy as a schoolgirl.

  “I can’t wait to see you either. I’m going to do things to you that have never been done before. I’m so fucking horny.” He laughed a little and I heard the squeaking of his bed as he fell into it.

  “Me too baby. You can do anything to me that you like…” I exhaled seductively.

  “Tell me what you want me to do.” He whispered and I heard shuffling of clothes.

  “Wait a second, are you masturbating?” I asked as my brow wrinkled.

  “Maybe… Just tell me what you want me to do. Tell me what is going to happen when I get home.” His practically moaned his words through the phone.

  “Oh no, mister… You’re not getting off that easy. You put that thing away and save every drop for me.” I shook my head even though he couldn’t see it through the phone.

  “Come on baby, I have blue balls over here. I need a sample of what I’m going to get when I get home.” He continued to moan.

  “You’ll get all of the sampling you need when you walk through the door.” I said with a grin. “Go to sleep, honey. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Seriously?” His tone turned to agitation.

  “Seriously. I love you, Stephen.” I said happily, completely ignoring his agitation.

  “Ugh, fine. I love you too…” The phone went silent and I placed it on the night stand beside me.

  I pulled the covers around me and laughed gently to myself at the thought of him suffering alone in his hotel room. If I wasn’t getting anything, he sure wasn’t going to go solo without me. Masturbation never really did anything for me. I could certainly get off, but it never had the same emotional connection I felt when I was in his arms. A life of phone sex wasn’t really my idea of a sustained relationship. It was part of why I didn’t like the idea of a long distance relationship. I understood that he had needs, but I had them as well. We had waited a whole week to see each other, and he could certainly wait one more day. There was an element of sensuality in the idea of him being turned on and ready to go, but forced to wait a whole day to see me. I would take care of him and make sure it was all worth it, but I wanted to see the look in his eyes when he came. I knew it was a little selfish on my part, but I doubted he would remember it anyway. It sounded like he had consumed more than the few drinks he admitted to. I wondered what his big news was—hopefully it was a big anniversary present. I had begged him to give it to me before he went away, but he refused. That was another reason to make him wait. How could I be a proper wife without a proper anniversary present?

  “Honey, I’m home.” He introduced himself as corny as a sitcom, but I was already running to leap into his arms before the key finished turning in the lock.

  “Yay!” Thankfully he dropped his briefcase and caught me or I would have bowled him over and sent us both crashing into the hallways had he not.

  It was like our wedding night all over again. He twirled me in the air as our lips locked together. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held me there, kissing me passionately, our tongues dancing in bliss. I could feel the bulge in his pants already becoming as hard as a rock against the fabric. It was begging for freedom, and my pussy was wet for it. Before his arrival, I had slipped on some new lingerie, although accenting my positives wasn’t really necessary considering how long we had been apart. He balanced me on his hips and used one hand to hold me while the other ran up my back and into my long black hair. He clenched it tight and pulled me off of his mouth, attacking my neck with his lips. They were a little rougher than I remembered, likely due to the fact he had to walk to work every day in the cold. I didn’t care about the texture of them, just that they were rapidly teasing every pleasure spot on the right side of my neck. My mouth fell open in gasps as chills ran through my body. I wanted him to devour me, just like he always did. My head fell onto his shoulder as he continued to kiss my neck. When he moved up to my ear, I shuddered and begged for more. A gentle kiss was followed by a nibble, and then he went back to work on my neck.

  “I’ve missed you so much…” I whispered excitedly.

  “I’ve missed you too.” His voice was a bit of a growl. “I missed you a whole lot last night.”

  “I’ll make it worth it.” I slipped a hand towards his belt.

  “You better…” He feigned anger, although I could tell from his vehement kisses that he wasn’t overly happy about it.

  I unbuckled his belt and went to work on the button holding me back from my prize
as he slipped the lingerie off of my shoulder. He kissed the exposed flesh and then turned me towards the wall. His supporting hand went underneath my thigh and started to caress my pussy through the thin silk as I fumbled with balance, pleasure, and the button. He pressed me to the wall and held me there with his shoulder which gave me more balance to finish the process of unbuttoning his pants. I pushed them down slightly with one hand and brought a foot up to finish the job. Thankfully, my years as a ballerina paid off. He released his grip on my hair and continued to balance me between his kisses and his shoulder as he took my lingerie in both hands. A hundred dollars went down the drain in an instant as he tore it from me like an animal who wanted his meal. It split down the center, exposing my breasts and my midsection. When I saw the fire in his passion, I threw some money of my own away and tore his shirt open without even bothering with the buttons. Technically, they could be replaced, but I didn’t care. I wanted to feel his flesh on mine, and I was rewarded as he slipped both hands underneath my bottom and held me there with one finger continuing to rub the wetness. Amidst tattered clothes, our bodies rocked against each other. I squirmed against the wall as he pushed my panties aside and slipped a finger inside of me.

  “It has been a week.” I moaned. “I won’t be able to hold off for very long.”

  “I know.” He kissed down to my breast and sucked on it lightly while he pushed his finger deeper.

  He bounced me on his finger and each time I slipped down, I felt the tip of his cock touching my clitoris. Knowing I was so close to it and being denied the feeling of it inside me was torture, but I couldn’t focus on anything but the buzz of stimulation he was creating as he moved his finger in and out of my pussy rapidly. Had I not been pressed against the wall, I would have wrapped my hand around his cock, but all I could do was hold onto his shoulders, my nails digging in as he took me down the primrose path to glorious ecstasy. He balled his whole fist up, save for the finger that was moving inside of me, and then picked up the pace. My grip tightened and my body vibrated. My breaths turned into hurried pants against his shoulder. I closed my eyes and felt my pussy tightening around his finger. Moving it in and out became even more difficult, but he kept it buried in my g-spot, massaging it with a light roll every time I felt his knuckle touch my labia and his cock touch my clitoris. My only regret was that he wasn’t in the same moment of indulgence with me. I craved his cock, and I knew I would get it, but it would be after I had my first orgasm, because there was no holding it back. I lunged my hips forward and felt audible moans rising in my throat.


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