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Thrill Me (Teased and Broken Book 2)

Page 8

by Ashley Black

  His face bled out of any remaining color. White hot anger burned off it and punched me repeatedly in the mouth. His insanely huge chest was shaking, as his black heart flipped about in a fit, undoubtedly rattling about in its rather large cage.

  “How is that working out for you by the way? Your own minions turning on you? Some Warlock fucking you over, a crazy cult figure onto your ass for chasing mine.”

  “You,” he flashed a truly dangerous, pussy igniting smile, “and your wonderful ass.” I yelped in surprise, when in a flash of crazy movement, he put me over his powerful thighs like a child about to get spanked, “are in my life. So I would say everything is working out just fine, Enchantress.”


  He stroked his fingers over my cheeks, lightly, and then more insistently.

  I tried to rise, but his hot hand pressed urgently into the center of my back and held me in place. Pinned on his thighs, my ass at his mercy.

  “I am so happy to have your rear end in my life,” he sighed and dropped a kiss upon it.

  Except Thorn being Thorn, could not stop with one and slaughtered my skin with the sensation that was his sinful mouth. Ah, the rub of the smooth ball of metal embedded in his tongue and his hot lips attending to my posterior in one endless suck and caress.

  I felt my legs part, and he sniggered.

  He hadn’t struck me once, and yet, my ass stung with all the heat of his striking it.

  “Thorn,” I barely got out around the hideous panting creature I had been reduced to.

  “Mmmmm?,” he moaned, his mouth full of my right ass cheek.

  “Can you stop kissing my ass.”

  To my relief, booming dark delicious laugher rolled down around me, drowning out even the insistent drum roll of thunder itself beyond his strange little grotto in the cliff face.

  “I want to lick you out,” he groaned.

  My eyes nearly leapt from their sockets to the floor. “What the actual fuck?”

  “Yes, I must taste all of you Elena, including this,” I cried out when he parted my cheeks and stroked his fingers reverently over my anus. It clenched violently in protest. “Let me lick your nether mouth.”

  “Not tonight,” I gasped.

  “I note you didn’t say, not ever.” Thorn sounded amused. “If you are going to be difficult about it, you can shower as much as you like, we could use props, whipped cream, whatever puts you at ease about it, but my tongue will be fucking your asshole Elena, make no mistake.”

  I did not doubt him.

  Fucking crazy.

  “You are so beautiful, why should it surprise you that I wish to taste every part of you?”

  I writhed as he continued to stroke between my shuddering cheeks, and began to massage the puckered skin at my nether entrance. Oh for fucks sake now he was getting to me because I never ever had called it that before. He poked the tip of his finger inside.

  “No!” I cried out. “Get the fuck out of there you dirty Wizard!”

  “Such a mouth!” He laughed. “I ought to teach it a lesson! Dirty Wizard indeed.”

  To my full and absolute relief, Thorn went no further. I felt his hand lift a little and hover just above my trembling butt. The heat of it , warning an erotic assault to my skin was near. His hand snaked between my thighs forcing them wider still. He gripped my pussy and lifted me.

  The exquisite pain and pleasure of that single motion nearly broke my mind.

  “Kneel over me, I want to try something.”

  “You could have just said that without yanking me up by the pussy!” I complained.

  He said nothing, awaiting me to position myself.

  His hand still hovered above my ass.

  The other stroked over and pinched my clitoris expertly.

  Without warning those demonically skilled fingers fell away. He was slapping my pussy hard.

  I cried out in shock of course, and felt my body lift.


  My ass had come up to meet his hand.

  Of course. Damn him.

  “Good,” he grunted. “That is what I thought would happen. Let me know when it hurts. I just want to slap this pussy down Elena. Put her in her place for a moment. That is the mouth I am talking about that needs to be taught a lesson. She is too enchanting for my cock. I am driven near senseless. She intoxicates me. I am drunk until she takes all of me, and then I am sound. I burn to fill and slaughter her as much, and as little, as I desire when you are finally mine.”

  I frowned. “You are insane,” was all I could manage to that.

  When you are finally mine. What did that even mean?

  “You wish for me to stop?” he threatened, after a striking my pussy three more times in quick succession.

  I whimpered. “Fuck, no.”

  He only grunted.

  The teaching my ‘mouth’ a lesson continued until I was begging him to fuck me already.

  Yes, not that I had a lot to begin with, but I lost all, or any semblance, of eloquence when I was impatient.

  The sensation of his slapping my pussy and my ass striking his hand had me throbbing helplessly between the legs with each delicious slap. I could feel the wetness there, my pussy was swollen and pumping urgently with desire for him. That damnable prick.

  I could not help the warm electricity that hissed through my veins. Fed each time that large hot hand struck her. How good it felt. Like demented butterflies had taken flight and were beating their wings urgently against my skin, now aglow with sweat, and rippling helplessly in pleasure. How my body rioted for him.

  He sighed regretfully. His hands slid with reluctance from my incensed skin.

  I rocked back, my ass resting on my calves, as I knelt, breathing hard.

  His hand lay flush against my face. His thumb trembled at the corner of my mouth, and he stared hard into my eyes. Holy shit I think my heart missed exactly one too many beats as I found myself entangled in that stare.

  “Do it quick,” I insisted. “Fuck me up Thorn.”

  Such heart-breaking sadness befell him. I sucked at his thumb. Drawing it into my mouth. Stroking it with my tongue. His gaze flared, while his lips twitched into a vicious grin. He bowed his head, I saw his shoulders fall, and then he pushed me backwards covering my body with his.

  He stared at me, cock hard, proud and full, an intimidating threat of pleasure resting against my slit. He allowed it to twitch against her in his hesitation.

  Such a tease.

  What is wrong?

  “So beautiful,” he sighed. Burning me away, he pushed to the fucking hilt in one pussy shattering stroke. He dropped his mouth to my neck, ran his tongue down it, and swirled it lazily at the swell of my breasts.

  My nipples throbbed, growing harder and protesting. Verily begging like shameless harlots for the attention of that tongue sliding over them, bestowing its warmth and friction from the smooth rounded metal of the ring.

  He delivered. Oh fuck yes! “Oh!” I felt my head fall back, but he gripped my chin and tilted my head to look at him.

  Holy fucking shit.

  His eyes were aflame. Literally, fire was inside of them. A green, beautiful ,emerald fire. His pupils distorted and flickered, as if struggling to -

  “Are your eyes supposed to?” I started to ask.

  “Fuck!” he roared.

  It was truly fucking ear splitting.

  His cock may well have burned inside of me, but my pussy turned to ice around him.

  Retreat! My body sang urgently. Now!

  Except I couldn’t.

  I wouldn’t.

  Thorn’s head flipped back and forth, as if trying to shake off the demonic glaze to his eyes. Somehow I didn’t think one could shake that shit off.

  Then he proved me wrong, when he lifted his head, and asked hesitantly, almost … fearfully “Is it gone?”

  I gawped at him.

  His eyes, restored to their normal emerald hue, blinked at me.

  I nodded, quite unable to speak.

  I said nothing, what was there to say? I pulled his beautiful tortured face down between my breasts again, and felt his lips spread wide in what I imagined to be a truly wolfish grin against my skin.

  So hot.

  My body pinned beneath his.

  It should have been painful.

  It felt amazing.

  My senses were fucked with the scent of him, the sensation of his hard flesh, as that insane physicality bore down on me. His cock slammed repeatedly into me, pushing me away from myself.

  “I want your eyes on me,” his fragrant breath washed over my face.

  Pain flared hot and bright in my chest, for his mouth had unsealed itself from its torment of my breasts. The girls cried for the absence of his wanton attentions.

  My eyes snapped open.

  “I want you to notice me.”

  Yet again, evidence of Thornton Darko being fucked in the head. How could I not notice him? He had held my attention from the first. My guilty heavy metal fantasy rock God.

  He commanded it.

  My pussy was addicted.

  So fucked by this man.

  I had never felt this powerless.

  And yet the vulnerability I saw in his beautiful face was truly pussy shattering to behold.

  “You are so fucking gorgeous,” I groaned.

  A vague flicker of irritation upon his face, and then he drove even deeper inside of me, running a thumb along my clitoris as he gifted me his dark, delicious mayhem of rock star cock. I screamed feeling myself flutter and clench hard around him. I could not stand it. I couldn’t bear it any longer. I yearned to arrive. “Split me apart Thorn, fucking tear me up with that thing!” I wailed.

  He grunted and thrust at a speed I knew wasn’t possible.




  I screamed. The orgasm flooded through me quickly. It was a raging flow of blissful waves pulsing from the wreckage of my pussy laid to waste by him, stiffening my calves, and curling my toes.

  I was beyond panting.

  I was actually puffing.

  Fuck me. This was insane.

  Thorn was kissing me hard, lip bruising, about to bleed, hard.

  I whimpered.

  He moaned and withdrew from me, staring down, his expression fervent, ardent, everything I loved about his intensity.

  “To feel your pleasure pumping helplessly around my cock,” he sighed. “Is the most exquisite thing Elena. I love it. I love you.”

  We stared into each other eyes a moment too long. Then he groaned and buried his face in my neck and sucked playfully, but so intensely, I was so going to have a blemish there the next day.

  “I love you too,” I replied on a whisper.

  His hips suddenly slammed into mine as he entered me.

  He hadn’t come yet.


  Oh no, I didn’t think I could deal with more of his blistering sensual assault.

  I gasped, feeling his cock swelling still more inside of me.

  “I want to make you cum over and over love, see how many this,” he thrust deep,“prick can drag out of you.”

  “Thorn!” I groaned. “I don’t think –

  Words were rendered meaningless as stars exploded before my eyes. He pumped the deepest parts of me, and elicited pleasure with each pounding stroke. His fingers were digging into my ass, gripping it tight pulling and lifting it repeatedly up to meet the wrath of him.

  The pain and pleasure pushed me quickly into bliss.

  He saw it in my face. One hand left my ass to cover my mound.

  He pulled the skin upwards.

  I wailed, for this only made me throb more urgently.

  He was grunting, and cried out in a surprised masculine yelp.

  My pussy nearly snapped him with how tightly she embraced him.

  Finally, sweet release for us both.

  I came.

  I felt his hot ridiculously long spurts inside.

  So deep.

  I imagined they plundered every square inch of my rather tiny soul.

  I was a Witch after all. That came with a fair amount of baggage. Mine was that I believed my soul to be tiny. Thorn had it easy compared to me.

  No soul.


  The man was impossible. Wrong. So insane. He gave my soul whiplash for all the intensity he whipped it with, and yet, I loved him. So suddenly and so deeply it really fucking hurt.

  “You are fucking amazing,” he sighed against my lips, and then sucked upon them, drawing them into an unending kiss that sent shock waves of tingling bliss.



  “He’s what now? When, how? When did the status change?”

  Thorn’s explicit rage pulled me out of a rather delicious dream that involved his mouth.

  I opened one eye, rocked and lulled by the motion of his Aston Martin.

  That’s right, we were headed to the ‘main city’ as he called it today.

  I had not a single clue how I got into the vehicle from our position of spooning the night before.

  How he held me so securely against his junk.

  His immense presence wrapped all around me. Just, so incredibly, yummy.

  Several beeps trilled in the vehicle around me. It sounded like several folk, were trying to reach Thornton Darko all at once.

  “Hold up, some fool is blocking the entrance to the place,” Thorn grumbled. “He looks like. No fucking way? Dan, what the fuck is Elena’s body guard doing here?”

  That’s it.

  Both of my eyes were open.

  The car came to an abrupt stop.

  My phone flashed, a message from Aaron.

  Hey bitch! Have I got some news for you! Brett lives! He is missing and very undead. He lives! Xxx Love you babe

  I was tumbling out of the car to a hiss of disgust from Thorn.

  Aaron’s arms were opened wide. His round face was shining in amusement. He wore a hideously clingy white singlet top with black lettering that screamed HARDEN THE FUCK UP and had squeezed into some skinny jeans. But he was the most amazing sight – my bald, flint eyed baby faced literary agent. Fuck that, best friend.

  “Elena!” he freaked out. “Why are you dressed like you’ve wed ….

  I halted and looked down at myself.

  Thorn had dressed me in a wedding gown. It was heart breakingly exquisite, luxurious, and crazy beautiful. I ran my hand over the bodice, and my palm scratched lightly over a crystal filled Raven.


  A car door slammed behind me.

  I whirled.

  Thorn stood, sunglasses on, dressed in characteristic head to toe black. His massive inked arms folded as his lip lifted in a sneer at my friend. “You were saying?” he challenged.

  “Dracula.” Aaron finished, extending his middle finger at Thorn. Closing the distance between us he gripped me in a hug, lifting me and whirling us around. He then valiantly tried to make off with me, which was perfectly hilarious to be honest.

  “Aaron!” I protested, laughing, easily disentangling myself from him and the escape.

  “Where are you taking my Elena?” Thorn laughed behind us, surprisingly good naturedly, given that he had fell upon some truly shitty news for him. Brett, my heart was swollen in pride, lived!





  This was the absolute best news!


  Holy shit!

  I loved this day.

  “Breakfast,” Aaron called over his shoulder.

  “Of course, buddy,” I linked arms with him. I was grinning so hard it hurt. Damn. It felt so good to see my bestie again.

  “Elena,” Thorn boomed behind us. “You are dressed for a music video I am shooting later this afternoon, please be careful with that garment, the designer already has threatened to fuck me six ways from Sunday and seeing the size of his prick I don’
t want him to make good on that promise.”

  Aaron wiggled his dark brows at me and I suppressed a laugh.

  “I will be careful.”

  “Sammy know’s you as Az,” Thorn grumbled finally in my besties direction. “All this time I had no idea who in the fuck he was making me laugh about all this time and it was you. Just make sure writer of whore fiction is back here at 2pm sharp or she is going to miss an incredible opportunity for you and her to,” Thorn then tilted back and gripped his jeans delivering a few thrusts into his palm, “get fucked full of cash.”

  Aaron squealed happily.

  I kicked his ass, or would have but the material stopped my leg rising mid trajectory. I just fell against him awkwardly instead.

  As we stumbled, giggling away from the dark sexy mayhem that was Thornton Darko, with him glowering after us, Aaron shouted. “2pm Thornton. Absolutely. Considered Elena duly PRICKED.”

  Later, in the café in the blistering heat, seated beneath the only air conditioning vent, Aaron and I fell into conversation.

  “Brett!” I gasped excitedly.

  “Is alive, yes, but the bigger news is that Mr. Cellrager himself actually likes me,” Aaron squeaked, eyes shining.

  I sighed. “Really? Come on Aaron! Of course he likes you! How can anyone not help but like you? You are indisputably awesome my friend. But you’ve given me hope with this news –

  I stopped as a waitress delivered our grease laden feasts for breakfast.

  “Hold up!” Aaron barked taking my plate and began piling his own with my food. “You need to look hot in that gown. I know your flesh Elena, it does this weird doughy puffy thing when it’s been fed too much, so … you can have this,” he waved his hand absently.

  My gaze dropped to the remnants of my rather depressing breakfast. A fried sliver of mushroom, tomato, and wilted spinach.

  “Where is the protein? Give me a fried egg at least!” I complained bitterly.

  Aaron scooped the slippery shining thing onto the plate. “Your belly will regret it later,” he warned.

  I rolled my eyes and sucked it back in hungry abandon and then I noticed Aaron was glaring at me.


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