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Worth The Fight (Worth It Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Breanna Mansfield

  “Ma, I’d like you to meet Bridget,” I say while walking over to her and putting my arm around her shoulders.

  She looks up at me and smiles such a breath-taking smile that all I want to do is lean down and sip her lips.

  My mom gasps and I look over to her. Her eyes are wide open, a little in shock.

  “Oh! Aaron Michael. You didn’t warn me! I’m in no shape to be meeting someone. I’m so sorry darling, please excuse my looks. Aaron is to blame,” she says while patting her hair.

  “Oh no ma’am, I think you look mighty fine just the way you are,” Bridget says with the same warm smile she just gave me.

  Never in all my life did I think I’d be introducing a woman to my ma. I also never in all my life thought it would make my cold heart warm at the sight.

  “Oh you are just so sweet. Please, call me Ma. Everyone does. I’m sorry dear, I don’t have any snacks handy to offer you. If I had known, I would have made you some cookies,” she says and I snicker.

  I know my ma way too well.

  “That is quite alright. Truly,” Bridget laughs.

  “Yeah Ma, we would have been here sooner, but we got a bite to eat for lunch,” I say while running my hand up Bridget’s back.

  “Good, so you’re not too hungry then? Dinner won’t be ready here for another couple hours. I’m making a roast. I hope your lunch was good, yeah?” she asks.

  “Absolutely delicious Ma, think I may eat there more,” I say with a smirk.

  Bridget’s face is starting to flame red. I like the fact she didn’t miss my double meaning.

  Before we can say anything else, Hudson comes flying inside.

  “Ma! Do you have any lemonade left?” she hollers from the living area.

  When she walks in, she sees Bridget and comes over right away and wraps her up in a big hug. Bridget doesn’t miss a beat and hugs her back like they have known each other for a life time.

  “I guess it looks like you’ve met Bridget already?” Ma asks.

  “Yup!” she beams at us. “Has Aaron taken you to the stables yet?”

  “No, we just got here, and met your Ma,” Bridget replies.

  Before I can say anything else Hudson loops her arm through Bridget’s.

  “Wanna go out with me? I just came in to grab a drink. I am grooming some of the horses right now,” Hudson asks

  “Oh my gosh, I’d love too.” She turns her head and looks at me, “Is that alright? I don’t want to be rude,” she finished, looking at Ma.

  “Oh darling girl, go see those horses. I will be here all night,” Ma winks at her.

  “Have fun,” I chuckle before I kissed her on the forehead.

  Her and Hudson walked out of the kitchen, arm in arm, chatting excitedly.

  “Sooooo. . .” Ma drug out.

  I laughed a little and shook my head.

  “It’s still new, Ma. Don’t be going and getting attached. She may decide she doesn’t like me,” I winked.

  “Oh that is a big load of crap if I ever heard one. She looks at you like you hung the moon. Tell me about her,” she asks while patting the barstool at the island. She is chopping up carrots for the roast.

  “She is some kind of nurse, and she has a dark past. Her mom died when she was sixteen. She doesn’t know her father, and she has a twin brother. That’s about it,” I shrug.

  “She seems lovely, Aaron. So how’s the business going?”

  I loved the fact my Ma wasn’t one to nag for tiny details. She asked questions and moved on. She knew if I wanted to tell her something, I’d tell her. Not to drag it out of me.

  “It’s going good. So I was thinking about something for the ranch though,” I tell her.

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?” she replies while rummaging through the fridge.

  “I was just thinking of how much the ranch has helped Hudson. She spends so much time with those horses, and she seems to be in higher spirits,” I lead.

  “Mmhmm. Go on.”

  “Well, I was considering it, and we can get Deans Ranch to be a certified ranch for therapy horses. So other people, who may have depression, vets with PTSD, anxiety, ADHD -- anything really -- could come here, and groom the horses, or take them on short rides to help them like it has Hudson.”

  Ma’s eyes started to get glossy and she cleared her throat.

  “I think that would be wonderful. Your dad and I would sure love the help in caring for them too,” she smiles warmly. “If your horses can help others like they have helped my little girl. . . .” she trails off.

  “I know, Ma. I know.”

  She shakes her head.

  “You are such a wonderful person, my sweet boy.”

  I stand up and go give her a hug. She wraps her arms around me and tells me how proud she is.

  If she only knew the damage I’ve done as well. She wouldn’t think that. Speaking of, I had a phone call to make.

  “Well, by the way ma. Bridget and I are going to be staying in the guest house for a while, too. We are gonna get some R and R time. If that’s alright?” I ask.

  “Of course! I’ll never say no to my child wanting to stay with me,” she says

  “Thanks. Love you,” I say as I wrap my arms around her.

  I walk out to the truck and grab our bags. I lift my chin and look out at the property. The house sits almost in the middle of it; the ranch barn is about three acres north of the house. The house is a two-story ranch. It’s built of cedar logs, and the wraparound porch looks so comforting right now. The guest house is to the west of the house, about a hundred yards away. It’s a one-story cedar log house as well. There is no use in moving the truck around to the guest house because we use ATVs and RTVs around here. We take them back and forth from the ranch barn to the houses.

  I walk to the little pull barn to the east of the house and start to walk toward my favorite RTV. Right as I go to throw the bags in the back I stop and think maybe I should take an ATV. That way Bridget can climb on the back and hold on tight on the way back to the house. Sounds like a good plan to me.

  I throw the bags on the front rack and pull out of the barn. I head west to the guest house and I breathe deeply. This place will always be my sanctuary. I have no idea why my grandfather willed it to me, out of all of my siblings and parents, but I’m grateful for it.

  I walk into the guest house and smile, I always loved this build. It was spacious and warm. It had a welcoming feeling when you walked in the door. Open floor plans, nice kitchen to cook in, and three huge bedrooms.

  I put our bags in the master bedroom, because let’s face it -- I want her at my side.

  I turn the air on and head back outside to the ATV. That’s when I remember I need to call Chris back. Shit.

  I put the phone up to my ear and mounted the ATV. As I’m waiting, I see my mom come out of the big house and wave to me. I smile and wave back as I decide I should take this call back inside of the guest house.

  “Hey, I was wondering if you forgot to call,” Chris answers.

  “Nah, just busy. So, what’s up? What did you find out?”

  “I was calling to tell you that I found out who those two uniforms were. The ones seen walking out of Brandon’s clubhouse,” he says casually.

  “Yeah? And?” I say

  “They are not PD at all. He is paying them to dress up as cops, so they can lure women away from people. Pretend to arrest them kinda thing, ya know,” his voice is deadly.

  “What do we do about this? Because if they are okay with being paid to do this, no fucking way in hell am I paying them more not to. I’d rather them move away, if you know what I mean,” I tell him. My blood is fucking boiling.

  “Don’t worry, Aaron. I had some of my Angels take care of the problem. So we won’t have to worry about those two again. Let’s just hope that Brandon doesn’t just get two more,” he sighs.

  “We need to get this shut down, Chris. Like soon. What’s the word on the mystery guy?” I ask while I sit back on the arm of the
couch in the living room, looking out the big picture window.

  “We have a couple ideas, but I want to confirm them before I tell you. I will give you a hint, though. I am glad you and your lady left town for a bit,” he replies and chills ripple all over my skin.

  “Chris. . .” I trail off as I take a deep breath. “The fucking Angels better not be following me around. You know goddamn well enough that I won’t stand for that bullshit. You either trust me or you fucking don’t.”

  “Calm down, Aaron. I’m not having you tailed. You used to be my best friend. I know I can trust you, Christ. I know you left town because your girl’s doc told me,” he replies with humor in his voice. He liked knowing something about me that I didn’t know.

  “Explain,” I tell him barely restraining the rage that he has tabs on my girl.

  “Your girl’s doctor? He’s one of my Angels. So chill the fuck out. I’m only telling you this because that note she got the other day at work wasn’t fucking pretty. And I’m also only telling you this, because like I said, you used to be my friend. Hold the girl close because I think her past and yours are about to get twisted up together, and it’s going to be one hell of a fucking storm.”

  I groan out loud, running my hand through my hair, thankful that I decided to come down to Savannah. I head to the bedroom and put on a different pair of jeans while juggling the phone on my shoulder.

  “I’m real tired of the fucking riddles, Chris. I need answers and I need them now.”

  “Then I best get to work and stop chitchatting like a fucking school girl then,” he replies and the line goes dead.

  “Fuck!” I say out loud. This shit is about to get completely fucked up. So many scenarios are rolling around in my head about what he told me, and I don’t fucking know what way to even think.

  All I know is my girl is in danger, my sister is clear of it, for now, but so many other women’s lives are not. When did a little bribe get to be so fucked up? This is going to be one hell of a fucking fight. I have to fight to keep Bridget protected. I have to fight to keep Hudson’s past far the fuck away from her. I have to fight to keep women I don’t even know safe. Fight, fight, fight. But shit. It’ll be worth it.

  I walk out the door and mounted my ATV. I start it, shift into first gear, and take off before my Ma can ask me who was on the phone. I know she thinks it’s just work, and I should be able to take time off, but she has no clue it’s never work that calls me when I’m away.

  I wish I could let all of this shit out, but no one will understand the debts I have to pay, the wrongs I have to right, and the redemption I have to get redeemed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The text I got a little bit ago was pretty unnerving, but I think I’m doing a pretty damn good job at hiding it from Hudson. I am not too sure what I’m going to do when Aaron gets down here. That man can read me like a damn book, and that drives me crazy.

  “So how did you and my brother meet?” Hudson asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  We were in the stables, brushing the horses. She showed me the stalls, a little bit of the property, and some of the cool things they do to help the horses here. They own their own horses, they board horses, and they also foster them. They take on two foster horses at a time, and nurse them back to health. When they get them from the previous shitty owners, the horses are in pretty bad shape. The horses they have now they’ve had for a couple months, and you could still see the ones rib bones. Poor babies.

  “We met at the hospital when Tim went to the ER because he’s a fucking idiot.” I hear the most perfect deep tone reply before I can answer.

  I look to my right and my ovaries literally sigh. The sight I’m graced with isn’t even possible to put into words.

  Aaron is wearing those blue jeans that I like, the kind that hug his thighs, a thin worn black t-shirt that was rippling in the wind, his arm of tattoos on full display. He was holding a saddle in one hand while leaning on the stable with the other hand.

  I swallow at the desire I feel starting to build. Will I ever tire of laying my eyes on this man?

  “Well, Tim is a darn idiot,” Hudson giggles.

  I crack a smile and nod my head.

  “Yup, I gave him stitches,” I shrug.

  “You’re a doctor?” Hudson asks.

  “No, I’m a nurse practitioner,” I smile

  “Oh! I didn’t know that NP’s worked in ERs,” Hudson asked genuinely.

  I nervously laugh.

  “Well, that’s because they get paid crap. Usually only RN’s pay rate. I just haven’t gone to an office setting because I haven’t found the right one yet,” I lie with a shrug to my shoulder.

  “Well, I have faith you’ll find one soon,” she tells me with a warm smile. “What are you doing here, butt face?” she asks Aaron.

  “What are we, twelve?” he snickers. “I came to ask the beautiful lady if she wants to take a ride?” he asks while lifting the saddle in his arms.

  My face lights up and it takes everything inside of me not to squeal and clap like a walrus.

  “Yes please!” I say excitedly. “Do you wanna come, Hudson?” I ask her.

  “Uh,” she swallows, “no, that’s okay. I think I’ll pass this time. I told Ma that I’d help her set the table, and I’m sure she’s really going to need help now that she knows there is company. You know how Ma is,” she finishes.

  “I sure do, Huds,” he replies with a nod of his head. “Let me go pull the horses from their stalls, baby girl. I’ll be right back.” He walks off to the back of the stables.

  “You’ll have loads of fun, Bridget. Sometime we will go out together and spend all day out there, but today is not that day for me,” Hudson tells me. I’m not exactly sure, but it seems like she’s saying so much more with a lot less words.

  “I’ll look forward to that,” I tell her while reaching in for a hug. “Thank you for bringing me out here. I haven’t smiled so much in a long time.”

  “I agree. Maybe one day we can share stories,” she says with a lift to her eyebrow.

  I just smile and nod. My heart swells with knowledge that I just made a real friend.


  My heart is still thumping with excitement as I follow Aaron up a little stream. We have been riding slow and steady for about forty minutes now, with Aaron slowing and showing me things here and there. I absolutely loved it out here.

  My horse was a beautiful brown with white spots, and her name was Rapunzel. She was fierce and she had the best kind of sass. Aaron’s horse was white with black socks and a few black specks. Her name was Apple Jacks, or AJ for short. If I knew better, I’d say that the two were best friends. They kept nipping each other playfully, and they would always look back at the other when one got too far away. Rapunzel kept biting AJ’s back legs, and Aaron would laugh and mumble something about women.

  I had a smile that was most likely going to be glued to my face for a long time. This was exactly what I needed.

  “We are gonna stop here for a bit. The stream has a beach-like spot where the horses like to step into and drink. I got some water and little bags of chips we can snack on. Nothing too heavy or else Ma will have my hide for ruining your appetite for her roast,” Aaron calls back to me.

  “Sounds good to me,” I call back with a megawatt smile.

  His horse slows down and I look around and smile at the view. The stream widens out, and there is a tiny pebble beachy spot. The stream isn’t very deep, maybe three feet at its max, but it’s still beautiful. There are woods on the east side of the stream, directly to our right. There are rolling hills on the west side, where we are riding, to our left.

  Aaron jumps off AJ, takes her reigns, and clips them to the side of her saddle. He points to the pebble beach, pats her side after he grabs our snack out of the little sack on her saddle, and she trots off to the water. He then comes over to me and my insides melt with the smile he gives me. I can feel the stretch of my own smile on
my face. He reaches up and holds out his hand for me.

  I don’t even hesitate to grab his hand.

  “Ready to climb down and take a little break?” he asks in that deep voice of his.

  I just nod, and his smile gets bigger. He has a perfect smile and his eye teeth are a little longer than normal, giving him a defining look. He has dimples that I love and his hair is moving with the wind.

  I can feel my eyes roaming his face, trying to memorize every single feature because things this great never last. It’s been a proven fact.

  I swing my leg over Rapunzel, and Aaron’s arms go around my waist bringing me to his chest. He runs his nose along mine, and then kisses my forehead and puts me down.

  I’m left standing there on unsteady legs, half from riding, and half from the weakness he gives me.

  He clips Rapunzel’s reigns and shows her where AJ is, and she trots off after her as well.

  “Aren’t you afraid they will run off?” I ask while he grabs my hand and we walk towards the beachy area too.

  “Nah. I mean, it’s happened before with beginner horses, but these girls are seasoned enough to know that this is a common stopping point. Mainly because we know the horses love the beach,” he smiles.

  “What do you guys do when the beginners run off?” I ask.

  “Well, usually we bring a seasoned horse with us whenever we are showing the young ones the property. So, if one got the need to run, we have another horse to run with the young one.”

  “With it? Not after it?” I ask as he steps up onto a big rock overlooking the stream.

  “Yup, with it. When the young horses run, they don’t do it to escape us. They do it because they are free out here. I mean, if you were a horse who lived in a barn wouldn’t you want to run with this open land in front of you?” he asks while lifting me up on the rocks with him.

  “Yeah, that makes sense. I’m not even a horse and I want to run with this view,” I laugh.

  “I agree one hundred percent. When I come back home like this, it makes me nearly forget the troubles and fights back in Carrollview,” he says with a distant look in his eyes.


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