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The Feud

Page 35

by Kimberley Chambers

  ‘No, it wasn’t fucking Ronny. I haven’t heard from him or Paulie since that day in the Flag when I found out our son likes taking it up the arse. What have we done so wrong, Jess, tell me? We’ve got two kids, one gay and the other screwing pikeys. They’ve had a privileged upbringing and this is how they repay us. Well, not any more, Jess. I’m putting my fucking foot down from now on and if they don’t do as I say, I want the pair of them out of this house immediately.’

  Jessica didn’t know what to do for the best. There was no reasoning with Eddie when he was in this kind of mood and she was afraid what he might do when the kids came home.

  ‘So, who told you then?’ she asked solemnly.

  ‘Jimmy fucking O’Hara. I got it straight from the horse’s mouth. I’ll kill that boy of his, on our baby’s life, if he’s touched our Frankie. I’ll fucking kill him, Jess.’

  Frightened by Ed’s demeanour, Jessica tried to hug him, but he pushed her away. ‘Please don’t talk like that, Eddie. You’re scaring me. I’ll have a chat with Frankie when she gets home. For all we know, it might not even be true.’

  Eddie stood up and snatched at his keys that were on the table. ‘Frankie needs a good hiding, not one of your little chats. All this is your fault, Jess. You’ve been so fucking lenient with ’em, they’ve ended up with no morals whatsoever. I’m off out and don’t expect me home tonight. I’m sick of the sight of this house and I’m sick of the sight of everyone that lives in it.’

  As Eddie slammed the front door, Jessica and the glass both shuddered.

  * * *

  Frankie did the pregnancy test in the pub toilets. Too nervous to get the result for herself, she came out and thrust the stick into Joey’s hands.

  ‘Urgh, it’s all wet. It ain’t got your piss on it, has it?’ Joey whinged.

  ‘Stop being such a fucking pussy! It only takes five minutes. You check the result for me, I can’t do it – I’d do it for you.’

  The twins sat in silence. The five minutes seemed more like an hour to both of them. Frankie glanced at her watch. ‘Go on, then, check it now.’

  ‘What exactly have I got to look for?’ Joey asked.

  ‘If there’s a blue line, I’m pregnant and if it’s clear, then I ain’t.’

  As Joey studied the stick, Frankie shut her eyes and said a silent prayer. Her brother’s voice interrupted her before she even had time to finish her conversation with God.

  ‘Fucking hell, it’s got a blue line. You’re pregnant, Frankie, you’re pregnant!’

  Jessica sipped a cup of tea and weighed up all her options. She could stay at her mum and dad’s house, but she didn’t want to involve them in this. Her mum always gave unwanted advice and Jessica knew deep down that her dad had never really taken to Eddie. Another option was to stay around Vicki’s, but again, Jess didn’t want to involve her and Doug either. The problems with the twins were bad enough without the whole world finding out about them.

  Finishing her cuppa, Jessica chose option number three. She would ring Raymond and ask him to stay round at hers. Jessica trusted her brother more than anyone and if he came over, at least she wouldn’t be alone in the house.

  Raymond was having a meal with Polly and her parents when his phone rang. He excused himself and took the call outside. ‘What’s up, sis?’

  ‘Oh, Raymond. Please can you come round? Something bad’s happened and I don’t know what to do.’

  Raymond sighed. He’d had to shoot away often recently and he didn’t want Polly getting sick of his lifestyle and dumping him.

  ‘I’m a bit busy at the moment, Jess. Can’t I come round tomorrow?’

  Jessica started to cry. ‘I don’t know how to handle this alone, Raymond. Eddie’s found out that Frankie’s been seeing Jimmy O’Hara’s son and he’s gone off his head. I’m frightened to stay here on my own, in case Ed comes back drunk and starts trouble.’

  Raymond knew only too well that anything to do with Jimmy O’Hara was enough to tip Eddie over the edge. ‘Stay calm, sis. I’ll be round within the hour,’ he told her.

  Ignoring her brother’s advice not to tell Jed about the baby, Frankie rang her boyfriend and told him to meet her at the pub. Finding out the test was positive had prompted her to be straight with him. She loved him and just hoped Jed loved her as much as he said he did.

  ‘Just get rid of it, Frankie. We’ve still got some of our birthday money left. I’ll help you pay for an abortion. Mum and Dad will never have to know,’ Joey begged her.

  Frankie shook her head. ‘No, it’s not fair, Joey. This is as much Jed’s baby as it’s mine. I can’t get rid of it without telling him. I love him and I couldn’t do that to him. For all I know and you know, he might want me to keep it.’

  About to plead with Frankie once again, Joey saw Jed walk in and quickly shut up. As her boyfriend walked towards her, Frankie felt her whole body shake from head to toe. She couldn’t tell him here. The pub had been almost empty earlier, but now was quite busy.

  Jed was more perceptive than most boys his age and he immediately clocked the twins’ serious demeanour. ‘Blimey, what’s up with yous two? Look like you’ve seen a ghost, the pair of yous do,’ he said, smiling.

  Telling Joey to stay put, Frankie dragged Jed outside. ‘Can we talk in the motor? Where you parked?’ she asked him.

  Jed led her to his new pick-up truck and opened the door for her. ‘Do you like it? Four grand, I give for this. Bought it yesterday, I did, off some old grunter.’

  Barely noticing the black metal monster on wheels, Frankie nodded dumbly.

  Lifting her chin up, Jed was surprised to see tears in her eyes. ‘What’s a matter? Not dumping me, are ya?’

  Frankie shook her head. She had never felt so nervous in her life and Joey looking out of the pub window wasn’t helping matters.

  ‘Jed, I’m pregnant,’ she whispered.

  Jed burst out laughing. ‘Is that why you’re crying, you dinlo?’

  ‘I’m scared, Jed. We’re so young, what are we gonna do?’ Frankie asked, crying even more.

  Jed took her into his arms and kissed her tears away. ‘Look at me, Frankie,’ he ordered her.

  Frankie did as he asked and was surprised to see him grinning. ‘It’s not funny. You’re acting as though you want the baby.’

  Jed chuckled. ‘Of course I want the baby. I love you, Frankie, and we’ll get married, if you want.’

  ‘Married!’ Frankie exclaimed excitedly.

  Jumping out of his seat, Jed ran around the other side of the truck and dragged Frankie out. He sat her on the tail of the truck and got down on one knee.

  ‘There’s people watching now, so don’t make me look a cory. Marry me, Frankie – I love you.’

  Young, naive and hopelessly in love, Frankie said an immediate yes, without thinking about the consequences.

  As Jessica finished explaining the full story, Raymond sat silently, sipping his beer. He knew more than anyone how much Eddie hated Jimmy O’Hara and he couldn’t believe, if true, how Frankie could have been so bloody stupid.

  ‘He swore on our baby’s life that if it was true, he’d kill this Jed. What am I gonna do, Ray?’ Jessica sobbed.

  Hugging his sister, Raymond was more worried about his brother-in-law. Eddie was the most hot-headed person he had ever come across and he dreaded what he was capable of doing to the O’Haras. The problem was, they were no mugs themselves, and if another feud broke out between the two families, everybody’s lives, including his own, would be in danger.

  ‘Let me have a drive around, see if I can find him, Jess. I tried to ring him on the way here, but his phone was switched off.’

  Jessica grabbed hold of her brother’s hand for dear life. ‘Please don’t leave me here alone, Raymond. The twins will probably be back soon and if Ed comes back and you’re not here, I’m frightened of what he’ll do. He could be anywhere. He said he wasn’t coming home tonight, so you won’t know where to find him, anyway.’

ng how shaken up Jessica was, Raymond agreed to stay. None of this shit could be doing her pregnancy any good and he was worried if he left and Eddie came home and created a scene, she might have a miscarriage.

  * * *

  Unaware of what was happening at home, Joey looked at his sister in total and utter disbelief. ‘You can’t get married! You’re only sixteen.’

  Frankie smiled at Jed as he came back from the bar with a bottle of champagne and three glasses. ‘’Ere you go. Get this down your neck,’ Jed said, as he handed a glass to Joey.

  Joey had always been frightened of his sister’s lover, so he chose his words very carefully. ‘I’m sorry, Jed, I’ve nothing against you, mate, but my parents are gonna go mental. It’s bad enough Frankie’s pregnant, but marriage – there’s no way my dad’s gonna let that happen.’

  Jed didn’t seem worried in the slightest as he threw a loving arm around his wife-to-be. ‘It’s got fuck-all to do with your dad. If he don’t like it, it’s tough shit. Me and your sister wanna be together, and that’s all that matters,’ Jed said, smiling at him.

  ‘But if you say you’re getting married, Frankie, Mum and Dad will chuck you out,’ Joey pleaded. He was desperate to make her see sense.

  ‘Look, Joey, as much as I love you, I think I’m gonna have to move out anyway. Jed said I can live in his trailer with him on his dad’s land until he buys us somewhere of our own,’ Frankie told him.

  Seeing her brother’s eyes well up, Frankie squeezed his hand. ‘Don’t get upset, Joey. I’ll only be five minutes away and you can come over whenever you want.’

  ‘Course you can,’ Jed chipped in. Frankie’s brother wasn’t his cup of tea. It was obvious the mush was as queer as a nine-bob note, but if Joey visiting made Frankie happy, then it was OK by him.

  The thought of life indoors without Frankie was unbearable for Joey. ‘When are you thinking of moving out?’ he asked.

  Frankie was adamant as she answered. ‘I’m gonna go home in the morning and tell Mum and Dad everything. If it all kicks off, which it’s bound to, then I’m going straight away. I’m sorry, Joey, but this is my life and if Mum and Dad can’t accept Jed or the baby, then I’m leaving tomorrow, for good.’


  The following morning, Eddie woke up with a sore head, stiff neck and a mouth like a camel’s arse. He had spent the night at his salvage yard and had slept on the uncomfortable leather chair. Annoyed with himself for getting so drunk, he walked over to the sink, cupped some water in his hands and washed his face. He’d had the day from hell yesterday, but was now feeling guilty for taking it out on Jessica.

  Spotting his car keys lying on the floor, Eddie turned the cabin upside down searching for his mobile. Gina would be ringing at some point today and he needed to find the bastard thing. With no joy, he ran out to his motor and was relieved to see it lying on the passenger seat. He tried to switch it on, but the bloody thing was dead. ‘You stupid fucking cunt,’ he said, cursing himself.

  Still in a complete daze, Eddie nearly forgot to lock the Portakabin up, but remembered just in time. He needed to get home to sort things out with Jessica. Maybe Jimmy O’Hara had been winding him up, although he doubted it very much. Too cocksure of himself, O’Hara was, to be lying.

  Eddie started the motor and glanced at his watch. Today would probably drag on forever, but at least by nightfall he should know the truth.

  Jessica had lain awake all night and had got up at the crack of dawn. Neither Eddie nor Frankie had come home last night and she was worried sick about both of them. Not knowing what to do with herself, Jessica made Raymond a fry-up, then busied herself with the housework. In times of need, she always turned to her chores to help her; she found them therapeutic.

  At 7 a.m., Jessica could stand the suspense no longer and gently tapped on Joey’s bedroom door. Her son had arrived home late last night and informed her that Frankie was staying at a friend’s house. Jess had tried to question him, begged him to talk to her, but Joey had burst into tears, then locked himself in his bedroom and refused to come back out.

  ‘Joey, it’s Mum. I desperately need to talk to you, love. It’s not about you, it’s about Frankie. She could be in a lot of trouble and I need your help to stop anything silly from happening.’

  Joey got out of bed and unlocked his bedroom door. He was furious with Frankie for what she had done and was planning to do. He was also annoyed with her for leaving him in the shit to deal with the aftermath of her stupidity.

  Noticing her son was all puffy-eyed, Jessica tenderly rubbed his arm. ‘Are you still upset over Dominic?’ she asked kindly.

  Joey said nothing as he flopped back on his bed. Every time Dominic’s name was mentioned, it felt as if a dagger was being jabbed through his heart. He missed him dreadfully and with all that had happened with Frankie, he needed to see him and be comforted by him, not talk about him.

  Jessica cleared her throat. ‘I know about Frankie and Jimmy O’Hara’s son. Your dad knows as well and, as you can imagine, he’s none too pleased. For your sister’s sake, Joey, I need to know everything. Is it serious? Does she see him much? Are they sleeping together? Tell me all you can, Joey, it’s important that you do.’

  Joey looked away from her. It was Frankie’s job to tell their mum, not his. ‘She’s coming back this morning, Mum. You can ask her for yourself.’

  ‘So, it is true, then? Jimmy O’Hara told your dad yesterday and I wasn’t sure if he was winding him up. What’s his name, Joey?’ Jessica asked softly. She had to bluff to get the truth out of him.

  ‘His name’s Jed. You should remember him, Mum, he’s the one that Dad stuck me in the boxing ring with when I was little. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m busy. I have to go somewhere myself. Anything else you need to know, Frankie will tell you. This is none of my business.’

  Jessica sat with her mouth open. She hadn’t realised Jed was that terror of a child who had knocked her son out cold. ‘Are you going anywhere nice?’ she asked. She couldn’t think straight, this was all too much for her.

  ‘Nowhere special. Please, Mum, just leave me alone. I need to have a shower and get out of this house.’

  With the weight of the world on her shoulders, Jessica closed Joey’s bedroom door and went downstairs.

  Aware that his sister looked upset, Raymond hugged her. ‘Shall I see if I can find Eddie?’ he asked her.

  About to answer, Jessica ran to the window as she heard a car pulling up outside.

  ‘Speak of the devil, eh, sis?’ Raymond joked, as he went outside to speak to his brother-in-law.

  ‘Is everything OK?’ Raymond asked him.

  ‘Not really, but I’ll know for definite later. Did you stay here with Jess last night?’ Eddie enquired.

  Raymond nodded. ‘She was a bit upset and rang me. Listen, Ed, I know the score, Jess told me about Frankie and O’Hara’s boy. If anything kicks off and you need backup, I’m there for you, you know that.’

  Eddie put his arm around Raymond’s shoulder. ‘Cheers, mate, much appreciated.’

  Raymond laughed as Eddie lifted a massive bouquet out of his boot. ‘Fucking hell, they ain’t for me, are they?’

  ‘Get over yourself, you fucking tosser. Listen, Ray, can you do me a big favour? I’ve got a gut feeling today’s gonna be a bad day. I’ve got a bit of running around to do, but do you think you can stay here? I don’t wanna leave Jess and the kids on their own.’

  Raymond immediately agreed. ‘Frankie ain’t here though, Ed. She never came home last night.’

  Eddie felt his pulse start to quicken. ‘If I find out she’s in that pikey’s fucking caravan, I’ll kill him, then kill her,’ he told Raymond.

  Aware that Eddie’s eyes had turned cloudy and angry, Raymond led Eddie back to the house. ‘Just calm down and go and see Jess. You going off your head ain’t gonna do her pregnancy any good, is it?’

  Eddie handed Raymond his phone and he told him to put it on charge and make himself scarce for
five minutes.

  Jessica was in the front room and didn’t look up as her husband walked in.

  ‘Jess, I’m so sorry for having a go at you. None of this is your fault, I know it’s not. You know the old saying, “You always hurt the ones you love”? Well, I don’t mean to, but I suppose because we’re so close I take my frustrations out on you.’

  Jessica had never been one to carry on an argument. She had only ever done that once with Eddie, when he had shoved Joey into that boxing ring and she had gone back to her mother’s for a few days.

  As Eddie knelt in front of her, Jessica smiled. ‘Look, I’m on me fucking hands and knees, begging your forgiveness. Don’t tell anyone, will ya? Got me reputation to think of, ain’t I?’

  Jessica looked at the beautiful flowers and hugged Eddie as he sat down next to her. ‘I’ve been so worried about you. I thought you’d gone round the O’Haras and done something stupid. Please don’t drink that Scotch any more. I can smell it on your breath,’ she pleaded, burying her head in his neck.

  Eddie stroked her long blonde hair. ‘I’m sorry, babe, and I swear I won’t touch another drop of Scotch. Raymond said Frankie never came home last night. Do you know where she was?’

  ‘Joey came back and said she stayed at her friend’s house. She was probably round Stacey’s,’Jessica answered, trying to smooth the situation over.

  ‘Listen, Jess. I promise you that whatever Frankie’s up to, I’ll try and deal with it in the nicest way I can, but if that don’t work, then I’m gonna have to go one step further. Do you understand what I’m saying?’

  Jessica clung to her husband for dear life. ‘Yes, Eddie, I understand,’ she whispered.

  Not too many miles away, in Upney, Stanley was in a deep sleep and totally oblivious of his wife prodding and poking him.

  Annoyed that he was glued to that stinking armchair of his and snoring like a pot-bellied pig, Joyce bent down so that her mouth was only an inch away from his ear. ‘Stanley’, she screamed as loudly as she could.

  Stanley shot up in such shock that he lost his balance and fell head first out of the chair. ‘You stupid bloody woman. What did you do that for?’ he grumbled as he rubbed his right elbow.


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