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Passion, Victoria 4: Beth's Saviors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Becca Van

  Passion, Victoria 4: Beth’s Saviors

  Lisa McDonald, aka Elizabeth Lamb, witnessed a dirty cop killing an innocent man in cold blood just over three years ago. She has been on the run ever since. Beth has been living in the town of Passion, Victoria, for a little under two years and is beginning to relax and live a normal life.

  Noah D'Angelo and Zachary Beech meet Beth on a night out and know she is perfect for them.

  When trouble comes to Passion, Zach calls his brother, Tomas, to help protect their woman. Tom is instantly drawn to the feisty woman and the three men decide they will share Beth if she agrees, but danger follows her to Passion and her life is in danger. Beth is kidnapped by the dirty cop and all seems lost. Will her three men get to her in time and become her saviors? Or will they be too late?

  NOTE: This book was previously published at 18,000 words under the name Becky Wilde with another publisher. This version has been extensively revised and expanded to 36,000+ words.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 36,387 words



  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Becca Van

  First E-book Publication: December 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight


  About the Author



  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Fear skittered up Beth’s spine as she walked down the hall toward her bedroom. Noah D’Angelo and Zachary Beech knew she had been hiding under the alias of Lisa McDonald. Since they were cops and she was trying to hide from the law, did that mean that other law enforcement officers knew who she was, too? After spending two years in the town of Passion, Victoria, she’d thought she was safe. She should have known better.

  Noah was currently waiting in her living room for her to pack a bag so he could take her back to the police station. He’d said he wanted to help her. Did she really believe him? Was she going to end up in even more trouble than she already was? How the hell had he found out her real name was Elizabeth Lamb? Had Tasha let her name slip accidentally?

  No, she couldn’t see her doing that. Natasha Cameron was a loyal friend and she would trust her with her life. Beth paused halfway down the hall and took a deep breath because she realized that she trusted Noah, but what had her really scared was that kiss he’d just given her.

  What the hell was he doing kissing her like that? Her breasts were still achy and her pussy was so damn wet her panties were soaked through. She couldn’t afford to be attracted to one lawman let alone two, but she was. Just looking at Zachary Beech was enough to get her motor revving, too, and she didn’t like that one little bit.

  Maybe now was the time to pack up, but instead of going back with Noah, she would leave some other way. There was no way in hell he was going to let her leave by the front door without so much as a word and the only way to the back door was through the living room and the kitchen. The only other way she could think to get out without Noah noticing was through her bedroom window. If the neighbors caught her climbing out the window, which was at the front of the house, they were going to think she was a real Loony Tune. Beth harrumphed. There was nothing for it. That damn police sergeant had ruined everything and she wasn’t about to let him dictate to her.

  Beth was so pissed off she was seething. Why the hell had she participated in that toe-curling, panty-dampening kiss? Why hadn’t she pushed him away instead of clinging to him like some moon-eyed damsel in distress?

  Because he’s hot and he makes your panties wet.

  Shut the hell up. I don’t need your input.

  Beth stomped her foot and knew she had really lost the plot. She was now having conversations with herself. And answering back.

  “Shit, shit, shitty shit,” Beth muttered. “Why me and why now?”

  After being on the run for so long and not being interested in men, why did now have to be different? And why did it have to be two policemen?

  Beth stomped around her room, slamming closet doors and drawers as she grabbed clothing without being aware of what she took from her cupboards and threw them haphazardly into two suitcases. She felt her skin prickle with awareness as Noah leaned against the wall watching her. She was in so much trouble. Why couldn’t he have stayed out in the living room?

  He and his partner had been
dogging her for months. Nearly everywhere she turned she came face to chest with Noah D’Angelo and Zachery Beech. They asked her out constantly and she refused every time. Why didn’t they get the hint? Why didn’t they back off or go looking for another woman to harass? She wondered why they even bothered after she’d been so bitchy to them. Beth had felt really mean, but every time she cut them down with a bitchy comment those two men would just smile and walk away, until the next time.

  Were they gluttons for punishment? What man would keep coming back and asking her out when she’d been so nasty? Maybe those two men had a screw loose or something. She just couldn’t work out why they kept asking her out.

  There was no way she was going to start a relationship with either one of the men. They were cops for Christ’s sake. She was running from the law and didn’t trust any law enforcement officers. She just hoped what he said was true, that they were trying to help her and not setting her up to hand her over to the law. For some reason she actually trusted Noah when he said he and his partner wanted to help her. She just hoped her instincts were right for a change.

  Maybe it would be better to go with him after all. There would be no safer place than a police station for her to hide out in, but how the hell was she going to keep her libido under wraps? Those two men got to her like no other man had ever before and that worried her, big time.

  No. What if whoever had been asking about her in town found out she was with the police? She could be putting Noah and Zach in danger. Pain pierced her heart but she tried to ignore it. Beth needed to keep her head together and wait for the perfect opportunity.

  She slammed the suitcases closed then went to her bathroom to retrieve her personal items and put them in her beauty case. Once she had everything she needed she grabbed the case, entered the bedroom once more, and saw Noah push himself up straight.

  He was so damn masculine with his black hair and piercing blue eyes. Beth felt he could see into the depths of her soul when he looked at her. He towered over her five-foot-five frame by at least a foot and when he was standing near her she felt so small and feminine. He had very broad, muscular shoulders, which tapered down to a narrow waist and long strong legs. He’d once told her his age was around thirty, which put him at about seven years her senior, but at the moment she felt as if she was one hundred years old.

  She was so tired of looking over her shoulder and being on the run, having to pack and move without a moment’s notice. The last couple of years had been a godsend but she still never slept the night through. Every night it was the same. She relived that terrible incident time and time again, getting no more than a couple of hours of sleep at any one time. The only plus side of stopping in this town was that she’d made friends and didn’t want to leave them. Maybe it was time she took a stand and fought to get her life back.

  “Are you done, babe?” Noah moved toward her.

  Beth retreated, her eyes wide with apprehension as he stalked toward her.

  “My name is Elizabeth or Lisa, not babe,” she said with haughty disdain and lifted her chin in the air, hoping to convey a supercilious look she was far from feeling.

  “Whatever you say, babe,” Noah drawled out and gave her a wink as he picked her suitcases up from the bed.

  She relaxed once more when he didn’t get too close to her as he grabbed her cases and led the way out of her house. He opened the back door of his police cruiser and stashed her cases in the back seat as she closed and locked her front door.

  Beth could feel him watching her and looked at him surreptitiously from the corner of her eye as he drove through the quiet streets of Passion. When he pulled into the driveway of the police station and the house he shared with his partner Zach, he drove around to the back, she figured so no one knew she was going to be staying with him and his partner.

  Noah grabbed her bags from the car and led the way to the open back door of their private living quarters. She gave Zach a grin as he passed by.

  “Hi, hon, how are you doing?” Zach looked down at her as she moved closer.

  Beth stopped mid-stride and glanced up into the brown eyes of Zachery Beech. She felt pinned to the spot as he gave her the once-over. His eyes traveled from the top of her head right down to the tips of her toes, then back again until his eyes were once more locked to hers.

  Beth took a deep, fortifying breath as she gazed at the muscular Adonis leaning against the door jamb. He was just slightly taller than Noah with a more muscular physique. He had eyes you could drown in as they always reminded her of a sad puppy, but his smile was so wicked she creamed her panties every time she met his gaze. It looked as if he had no intention of moving to let her pass him, so she cut him down with her tongue.

  “My name is Elizabeth or Beth, or Lisa, not babe or hon, fucking use it.” Beth pushed her way past the arrogant man, making sure she accidentally hit him with her beauty case.

  Zach’s laughter followed and when she turned to look back over her shoulder, she was spellbound by the sight he made. He threw back his head and let out deep belly laugh. He looked so damn sexy, her breath caught in her throat and her nipples began to harden even more. She knew she was in big trouble when her pussy clenched and dripped cream onto her already drenched panties.

  “I just love a feisty woman,” Zach said, and then his gaze slid down to her arse.

  Beth turned away as heat suffused her cheeks and was glad she had. If she hadn’t, she would have smacked into the doorframe and hurt herself. But the embarrassment she would have felt at doing that in front of him would have been worse.

  Noah led her to a large bedroom off a hallway, placed her cases upon the king-size bed, and watched her as she took in the sparseness of the room. Other than an adjoining bathroom, a large closest, and a bedside table, the room was bare. The bed was made up with a rich, navy blue cover, which seemed to brighten up the room. Since the men hadn’t been in Passion very long, she assumed they hadn’t had time to do any decorating or to go out and buy a few things to make the place more homey. Not that it mattered to her. She wasn’t going to be hanging around long enough to care.

  “I’ll leave you to unpack,” Noah said as he headed toward the door. “Dinner should be ready around six. Just follow your nose and you’ll find the kitchen.”

  Beth didn’t want to unpack anything. There was no way she was going to live with two cops for long. She knew if she didn’t unpack, the two men would realize she had no intention of staying. She had hardly anything in her beauty case besides personal items, brush, toothpaste and toothbrush. She had folded a backpack up tightly and shoved it in the small case. At least when she did escape, she would be able to take a couple of changes of clothes with her. She’d saved whatever spare cash she could every week once she paid all the bills and stashed it in a secret pocket within her backpack. She had enough money to tide her over and her passport handy in case she decided to leave the country, or she could head to a different state where she could start all over again.

  Beth walked over to the window and looked out over the backyard. She noticed the window had a lock on it and there was no key in the keyhole. She tried to open it to see if it was locked, gave a sigh when it didn’t budge, and turned away.

  She started unpacking, hoping she had at least some clothes to match, as she had thrown them into the cases without looking. She was just about done when a deep male voice spoke from behind her, making her jump with fright.

  “Dinner’s ready, honey. Why don’t you leave the rest of that until later?” Zach was standing in the doorway.

  “I’m not very hungry.” Beth lowered her eyes to the floor. She couldn’t bear to look at such a brawny, handsome man. Zach and Noah got to her like no other man ever had and she was unsure how to deal with that.

  She caught movement from beneath her lashes and opened her eyes wide as Zach moved toward her. She backed up a step for every step he took toward her until her back was plastered to the window.

  “You need to keep your streng
th up, Beth. I don’t want you getting sick. Now, I’m not going taking no for an answer. So I suggest you move your pretty little arse to the kitchen or I will throw you over my shoulder, haul you in there, and force-feed you.”

  Beth stood staring at him wide eyed until he stopped a few feet in front of her. She gave a sigh of relief and the tension began to leave her body when he didn’t move any closer and just stood watching her. She nodded her head, then moved around him cautiously and headed to the kitchen. Noah was placing plates full of food onto the small wooden table. She stood hesitantly in the doorway, not sure of where she was to sit.

  Zach walked up behind, making enough noise to wake the dead. She presumed his actions were in deference to her nervousness and was thankful he was being so thoughtful. A shiver worked its way up her spine when he placed his hands on her shoulders and guided her to a seat at the table. She sighed with relief when he let her sit at the end since she hated being hemmed in and wouldn’t have been able to relax if she had felt trapped. But she couldn’t help tensing up when Noah pulled out his seat and sat to her left.

  “I hope you like steak and vegetables. I don’t know how to cook anything fancy.” Noah grinned at her when she looked at him.

  “This is fine. Thank you.”

  The two men chatted amicably between themselves as Beth picked at her food. She was so nervous she barely tasted anything that passed her lips and gave a sigh of relief when the two men leaned back in their chairs as they finished their meal. They both looked at her plate of barely touched food and scowled at her.


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