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Passion, Victoria 4: Beth's Saviors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Becca Van

  “You’re okay now, darlin’. He can’t hurt you anymore,” the strange man said calmly as he dragged the dead policeman off of her.

  Zach rushed forward, lifted her into his arms and hugged her tight. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him. A blanket was wrapped around her from behind. She looked at the door with fear when she heard a commotion and sobbed with relief when she saw Tom and Noah. They rushed to her and touched her arms and shoulders. Zach made soothing noises as he stood with her trembling in his arms and then she began to sob incoherently. Her arms were pulled from around Zach’s neck and she was passed over to Tom. He just held her tight while she cried. Eventually her tears slowed and the shaking eased and she was able to hear what Tom was saying.

  “Ah, honey, I’m so sorry. It’s my fault you were hurt. He can’t hurt you anymore, baby. God, I’m so glad you’re safe.” Tom squeezed her to him.

  Noah and Zach cuddled her as well. She was surrounded by warmth and love and never wanted to let go.

  “Babe, we need to get you to a hospital.” Noah ran a finger gently over the uninjured side of her face.

  “Are you hurt anywhere else, honey?” Zach asked.

  Beth nodded and sniffled and panted, trying to get her emotions under control.

  “That bastard shot me,” she cried again, trying to make light of such a terrifying situation, now that it was over.

  “Fuck!” Tom roared. He carried her over to the bed and carefully lowered her to the mattress. “Where did he shoot you, Beth? God, if he wasn’t dead I’d kill him all over again.”

  Zach and Noah sat down beside her when Tom reached for the blanket. She slapped their hands away. She was naked and didn’t want the other men she could hear talking in the other room seeing her nude body.

  “No, not that bastard. That one,” Beth said and used her good arm to point to Green Eyes through the open doorway. He winked at her and she gave him a grateful smile.

  Tom quickly handed Beth over to Zach as he turned to face Green Eyes.

  “You did what, Colt?” Tom yelled and lunged at Colt.

  “Tom! Stop it! I was trying to make a joke.” Beth began to cry again and when she tried to get to her feet Zach wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her into his lap. “Noah, Zach, you have to stop him.”

  Beth managed to wiggle out of Zach’s hold and stumbled toward the door. She was just in time to see green eyes, Colt, sidestep Tom and shove him hard. Tom ended up stumbling out the front door and down the wooden steps until he landed on his knees in the dirt.

  “You would have done the same thing I did, if you had been in the same situation, Tom. It’s only a flesh wound. He had a gun against her head. He was gonna kill her, man.” Colt held his hands up in front of him in a placating gesture as Tom gained his feet.

  “I’m gonna kill you for hurting my woman,” Tom roared.

  “Tom, stop it for God’s sake,” Beth yelled as she walked down the front steps of the cabin, the blanket trailing behind her as she maneuvered between the two men. “It was the only thing he could do, Tom. That other arsehole was using me as a shield with a gun to my head. What did you want him to do? Put his gun down and hand me over to the bastard?”

  “No, baby. I just didn’t want you to be hurt any more than you already were,” Tom said in a soft voice and he shuddered. Beth threw herself at Tom, wrapped her arms around his waist and held tight. His body was shaking and then he sank to his knees taking her with him.

  A huge bear of a man walked up behind Beth and quickly wrapped a bandage around the top of her grazed, bleeding arm then tied it securely.

  “Thank you.” Beth looked at the giant and smiled at him. Her face and arm were throbbing and she felt sick. Sweat formed on her brow and upper lip and she didn’t know if she was going to be sick or pass out. She did the latter and fainted for the second time in her life.

  Chapter Eight

  Beth woke to the sounds of a hospital and opened her eyes before glancing around the room. Tom was sitting in a chair beside her bed with his head against the mattress, sound asleep. Zach was on the other side of the room standing at the window looking out.

  “Hi,” she said quietly so she wouldn’t wake Tom.

  Zach turned at the sound of her voice and rushed over to her. He bent down, gave her a hug, and carefully kissed her lips.

  “Hi, baby, how are you feeling? We’ve been so worried about you. You’ve been asleep for two days straight.” Zach’s voice sounded hoarse.

  “I’m okay. My head’s feeling a bit fuzzy and my arm is sore but I’m alive. God, I love you so much, Zach. I never thought I’d ever get to tell you just how much you mean to me.” Beth gave a wobbly smile and moisture filled her eyes.

  Zach got up on the bed beside her and carefully took her into his arms before lying down and cuddling her close.

  “I love you, too, baby. We all do. We were so scared when Tom told us that bastard got a hold of you.”

  “I was too, Zach, but he can’t hurt me anymore. Who was he?”

  Zach gave a bark of laughter as he looked down at her. “Do you mean to tell me after all you’ve been through, on the run for three years, as well as being abducted by that fucker, you don’t know who he was?”

  “No, other than a dirty cop, I have no idea.”

  “Oh, baby. You’re one of a kind.” Zach kissed her temple, being careful not to touch her bruises. “He was the son of a prominent government official. He was in deep with a drug cartel and you saw him murder one of his suppliers. He owed him money and didn’t have the cash to be able to pay, so he killed him instead. He can’t hurt you anymore, Beth.”

  “Beth, baby, how are you feeling?” Tom rasped in a sleep-roughened voice as he lifted his head.

  “I’m fine, Tom.” Beth looked deeply into his eyes. She raised her hand and caressed his cheek, feeling two days’ growth of stubble tickle her palm. “I love you, Tom.”

  “Ah, baby. I love you, too,” Tom rose to his feet, kissed her lips and gave her a gentle hug.

  “Glad to see you awake, babe,” said a familiar voice.

  “Noah,” Beth breathed a sigh of contentment as her third lover walked through the door.

  “How do you feel, babe?” Noah walked toward her with a gleam in his eye.

  “Never better, especially now that I have all three of the men I love in the room with me, together.” Beth gave them a big smile as happiness, love, and hope filled her heart, taking away all the emptiness and pain she had lived with for so long.

  * * * *

  Beth spent only one more night in the hospital and was released the next day.

  Noah, Zach and Tom took Beth back home to their house at the back of the police station early the next afternoon, settled her into the living room on the large modular sofa in front of the wide-screen TV with a rug over her lap. Zach and Tom sat beside her and snuggled up next to her as they watched a movie. Noah spent the rest of his shift walking between the station and the house, checking on her regularly as if he was scared she would disappear at any moment.

  Bear, Tony, and Colt Spencer had headed to the new club which had opened only the day before, so Zach had informed Beth. It was a place for the men of Passion to go for a good workout using the latest elite gym equipment as well as having a place they could share a quiet drink and a meal with their friends at the bar on the other side of the building if they so desired.

  “How do you feel, sweetheart?” Tom asked Beth as she covered a yawn with a hand over her mouth.

  “I’m fine, Tom. Stop worrying.” Beth frowned at him.

  “Of course I worry about you, Beth. I love you and you’ve just been through hell.”

  “I’m fine now.” Beth gently stroked his cheek and snuggled into his side.

  “Yeah I know, baby, but I was so scared when I woke up and found you gone. I never want to let you out of my sight again.”

  “It’s all right, Tom. He’s never going to bother me again, thanks to you thr
ee and your three friends.” Beth yawned again.

  “Put your head down on my lap, baby. Have a nap while I hold you safe in my arms.” Tom pulled her down against him and she rested her head on his warm thigh.

  Zach sat down on her other side, picked Beth’s feet up, and placed them over his lap. She sighed with contentment at having two of her lovers watch over her. She snuggled into Tom and drifted off to sleep, satisfied with the knowledge that her men would keep her safe.

  Beth woke with a start, a loud cry escaping her through her lips, her body was covered with sweat and she was shaking uncontrollably. She felt arms gather her close and the bedside lamp in her room was turned on.

  “It’s all right, baby. You’re safe now,” Tom crooned as he cradled her in his lap.

  Beth was too overcome with emotion to speak. Her hands curled into Tom’s chest hair, clutching him close to her as she tried to crawl inside him as she sobbed against his chest.

  She felt two more pairs of hands stroking her back, arms, and head until she calmed and her tears dried up. She lifted her head to see three pairs of eyes frowning down and over at her with concern.

  “Sorry,” she said in a tear-roughened voice. “I didn’t mean to wake you all.”

  “Beth, don’t ever say you are sorry to us, babe. We love you and want to take care of you. If you’re hurting, we hurt right along with you,” Noah frowned. “Do you want to talk about your nightmare, babe?”

  “No, it’s over now. I just want to try and forget it and get on with my life.”

  “What do you want to do now you’re free, baby?” Zach asked.

  When she turned to look at him she saw that he was tense. Is he so unsure of me? Surely not. These three men are always so domineering and confident. She glanced over at Noah and Tom and saw that they looked just as tense.

  “Well, I love working at the library. I didn’t think I would, but I want to stay there. I love to see the concentration on kid’s faces as they read a story or are read to. I used to be an accountant working for a large firm. I was just another number in a large company, where no one cared about you except for the profits rolling in. I get so much joy out of enriching a child’s life with books. I want to stay at the library. I’m hungry,” Beth said with a laugh when her stomach growled loudly in protest of being empty.

  “No wonder. You slept right through dinner, honey.” Zach stood and pulled on a pair of pants. He held out a hand toward Beth, “How about a midnight snack?”

  “Oh yeah. Have we got any chocolate fudge ice cream?”

  “Yeah, I think we do.” Tom got to his feet and moved in close and lifted her from the bed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled the skin of his neck with her nose and then sighed with happiness at being in his arms. He slid her down the length of his naked body and she had trouble holding back a moan of desire. Her cheeks felt heated, not with embarrassment or shyness, but with full-blown, unadulterated desire. If she hadn’t been so hungry for food, she would have jumped their bones already. Having Tom’s naked chest brushing against her body and seeing the muscles in Noah’s and Zach’s thick arms and brawny chests and strong legs turned her on big time. Not to mention the prominent bulges tenting the front of their boxer shorts.

  “Just let me put my robe on.” Beth walked to the hook on the back of the door where her robe was hanging and pulled it down. She threaded her arms into the sleeves and then knotted the belt around her waist. Zach put his jeans and shirt on while he waited on her.

  “Oh, you’re such a spoilsport, babe.” Noah winked at her and raised an eyebrow lasciviously.

  Beth gave a laugh as she pulled the belt of her robe tighter and followed Zach out to the kitchen with Noah and Tom following, after they pulled on their jeans and shirts. She sat at the kitchen table as her men got her a sugar-packed midnight snack, watching as their muscles flowed sensuously under their skin as they moved. She was so lucky to have found love with not one, but two, hot sexy cops and another impending cop. Who would have thought that after being so frightened of anyone in law enforcement, she would now be living with them? She had never even contemplated having a relationship with one man, let alone three gorgeous, sexy men.

  “Thanks,” Beth said with a grin as Noah placed a bowl of her favorite ice cream in front of her. She dipped her spoon into the bowl as she watched her men walk to the table and sit down with their own bowl of dessert. She knew they loved watching her eat ice cream and decided to play them for all she was worth. She licked the spoon clean and had her men squirming in their seats as they watched her erotic play.

  She took another spoonful and placed it in her mouth, savoring the flavor and letting it slide down her throat. Her three men never took their eyes from her or her mouth as she teased and tantalized until the spoon was once more licked clean. She was certain they could see the gleam in her eyes and smiled saucily as Tom groaned and shifted in his seat once more. Noah placed his hand on the table beside her bowl and then lifted it again.

  The sparkle was mesmerizing but she stared for a moment incomprehensively and then she felt tears gather at the back of her eyes until they began to trail down her cheeks. She raised her head and looked at her three men. Beth slowly reached out and picked the ring up off the table.

  Noah, Zach, and Tom rose from their chairs, turned hers until they were standing in front of her and then they all knelt down at her feet. Tom reached out and took the ring from her fingers as Zach and Noah each took one of her hands.

  “We love you so much, Beth. You have given us hope, joy, laughter, and love. You are our heart and souls and we can’t live without you. Will you marry us, Elizabeth Lamb?” Tom asked and handed the sapphire and diamond ring in a setting of white gold over to Noah.

  Beth was so happy. Emotion welled up into a huge lump, constricting her chest, and she had to gulp air a few times before she could speak. Happy tears continued to flow from her eyes.

  “I love you all, so much, but how can I marry all three of you? It’s just not possible. It isn’t legal,” Beth said with concern. There was no way she could choose between the three of them. She loved them all equally and didn’t want to hurt anyone of them by marrying one of the others.

  “We’ve already talked about this, sweetheart. You will marry me on paper as I am the oldest by a few minutes and Noah is going to legally change his name to Beech so we all have the same surname. In our hearts you will be married to all three of us, Beth. So what do you say?” Zach asked again.

  “You three are so special. You are my hearts and souls as well as my saviors. Yes, I’ll marry you all.” Beth sobbed with joy through trembling lips and blurry vision as the tears continued to flow.

  “Ah, babe, thank you.” Noah pushed the beautiful ring on her finger. “You won’t regret it. We are going to make sure you are very happy, safe, and loved.”

  The ring was a perfect fit. Beth slid down to the floor and hugged her three men to her. If it hadn’t been for them and their persistence, she would probably be dead. She couldn’t wait to marry her three saviors and begin the rest of her life loving her men.

  “Take me to bed and love me,” Beth said with a husky voice.

  “We do, baby. We will love you for the rest of our lives.” Zach scooped her up into his arms and headed to the bedroom. His brother and friend close at his heels.

  Zach placed Beth on the bed in the middle of the mattress and stepped back to stand beside his brother and best friend. Beth kept her gaze pinned to them as their hands tore their shirts up over their heads and off. Her breath hitched at seeing such masculine, tanned, brawny, ripped bodies and her breasts swelled, her nipples hardened and began to ache. Heat began to spread slowly inside, warming her blood, making her clit throb and her pussy clench until cream leaked from her cunt.

  Three sets of large hands moved down to the waistband of their jeans, the buttons were pulled from their holes, and then their zippers were lowered. She held her breath as they pushed the denim pants down over the
ir hips and exhaled when they shoved their underwear down their legs and kicked both jeans and boxers off over their feet.

  When they stood up straight once more, their hands down at their sides and their cocks standing proud and pointing right at her, the embers smoldering inside turned to a raging inferno. She spread her arms and legs and laughed with joy when they all dove for her at the same time. Noah ended up between her legs, nudging them further apart with his own, making room for himself. He leaned forward, his palms flat on the mattress beside her shoulders, and bent down to gently kiss her lips. That kiss was full of love and reverence, filling her heart and soul with adoration. He shifted and then took her face tenderly between his hands and stared deeply into her eyes.

  “I love you, Beth, so damn much.”

  “I love you, too, Noah.” She moaned when he began kissing all over her face, a light touch of his lips to her nose, her eyelids, and then her cheeks. He nibbled and kissed his way down her throat, across the top of her shoulder and then down her chest until he reached her breasts. He licked over one aching peak before sucking on it firmly until she was groaning and then laved over the other before giving the other nipple the same wonderful treatment.

  Zach cupped a cheek and gently turned her head toward him. She stared deeply into his brown eyes and tears of emotion burned the back of her eyes when she saw love in his. “I love you, honey.”

  “I love you, too, Zach.” Zach leaned over and kissed her mouth, brushing his lips back and forth over hers. Her heart was now so full of happiness and love, she felt like she was going to burst.

  Beth felt movement from her other side and Zach released her mouth. Tom gave a slight tug on her hair to get her attention. She turned to face him and gasped when she saw that the amber flecks in his brown eyes looked like they were sparkling. He grasped her chin between finger and thumb then caressed it with his thumb, causing her to shiver with desire.


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