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A Magic King

Page 33

by Jade Lee

"But he's a wizard. What does he need that for?" She shuddered at the thought of such a small boy hacked at with even the thick wooden swords they used in practice.

  "He wants to be part of my new militia."

  "Your what?"

  "Well, with my parents and brother home again—Oh, you'll be meeting them any minute now. Grandmother too, but I'll try to get rid of her as soon as possible—"

  "What?" She nearly jumped out of bed in horror. She hadn't taken a shower in days. Her hair must be a rat's nest. Trust a man to just drop information like that as if it wasn't a major thing to meet her new in-laws for the first time.

  But Daken held her down, blocking her escape by trapping her between his arms. "You look fine. Adorable." He kissed her hard on the lips for emphasis. "Now do you want to hear about my new army or not?"

  "Not," she snapped. "At least not until after I've showered." But curiosity got the better of her. "Oh, okay. Tell me."

  "Well, with the return of my family, I am relegated back to the position of second son—"

  Understanding dawned. "That's what you meant by losing your crown. Oh Daken, I'm so sorry."

  "Don't be. My heart has always been in weapon play."

  Jane sighed, knowing it was true. Though how a pacifist like her had ended up with a warrior for a future husband was beyond her.

  "Anyway," he continued. "I'm sure the incident with Borit will more than convince the Elven Lord of the need for some sort of military protection."

  Jane interrupted, her political persona of the Oracle stepping forward. "You have my support for an army to wipe out the Tarveen, of course. But waging war on Borit, obnoxious though he may be—"

  "Borit's dead. As well as most of his army."

  Jane stopped mid-thought. "Dead? How?"

  "The Tarveen. When we disappeared, the Tarveen had only one choice. They were stopped in front by the water. To the left was the fire, and they were already moving forward. Their only choice was to the right where Borit and the bulk of his men were."

  "But his horses and weapons—"

  "Weren't enough against the whole Tarveen hoard. He counted on us to blunt the initial Tarveen assault. With us gone, he took the brunt of their frenzy. And, to his credit, he and his men killed most of the Tarveen before they were overcome."

  "Neatly solving Ginsen's two biggest threats," Jane finished for him. "And I'll bet you think he's going to be very grateful. Grateful enough to grant you a wish. Like an army."

  Daken grinned. "I certainly hope he'll be grateful, but more than that, Ginsen's a smart man. I think he'll realize that as our communities expand, we'll encounter more and more problems. There are other threats beyond the Tarveen and greedy kings. It only makes sense to have a military force."

  "Under your command?" she asked, slowly accepting the logic of his position.

  "Can you think of anyone better?"

  "We can live in Bosuny? I can still work as the Oracle? Steve can get his training and have access to all of Kyree's old books and we can give him the Tarveen's Holy Book too.

  "Where else would a national militia be based?"

  She nodded, already making plans. "We could have a little house near campus. Within walking distance because I've never kept regular hours in my entire life. And we'd have to have an attic for Steve with a separate entrance. That way he'd have his independence, but I can still keep an eye on him. I'd want a big backyard for the kids—" She stopped as she felt his low rumbling laugh build. "What? What's so funny?"

  "I was just wondering if you planned to get married before we build our palace, or whether you were waiting for me to propose."

  She gave him an irritated frown. "Well, of course we'll get married. And you're right. You haven't proposed. Get down on one knee this instant." She was teasing him, but still he obediently dropped to the floor, then waited patiently as she gave him her hand.

  "Ready?" he asked with way too much humor lacing his voice.

  "Last time you used your sword," she reminded him.

  He obediently withdrew his grandfather's sword and placed it on the bed before them. Jane straightened, trying to look serene, but knowing she only managed an excited smile.

  "Will you—" he began.

  "Do you still have that tunic I bought you in Bosuny?"

  Daken clearly struggled to keep from laughing, but when he answered, his voice was level and grave. "Of course, I do. I knew I'd use it eventually."

  "Well, of all the arrogant—"

  "I didn't say with you necessarily. There are lots of other women who would give their right arm to marry me."

  "Harumph," she snorted. "You better ask me quick before I change my mind."

  The laugh lines around his eyes deepened, but his expression remained close to serious. "Jane—"

  "Wait!" She quickly brushed her hair out of her eyes, smoothing it as best she could. "I want to see your face."

  Daken shut his mouth, remaining where he was, letting the silence stretch on and on and on.

  Jane waited. And waited. "Daken?" she prompted after a good two and a half minutes.

  "Oh?" he pretended innocence. "Are you ready now?"

  "Daken!" she protested.

  "Ah, I see you are." He winked at her, then bowed his head, but then he quickly glanced back up. "You're sure you're ready?"


  "Will you, Jane Deerfield, the great Oracle, do me the greatest honor of becoming my—"

  "Yes!" She threw her arms around him, drawing him back onto the bed with her.

  "—My wife?" he finished after she finally released his lips.

  "Huh? Oh," she felt herself blush red hot. "Are you finished now?"

  He nodded solemnly.

  "Then, yes. I'd love to. And I love you."

  She tilted her head back, and he framed her face with his hands as he stared into her eyes. "I love you, Jane."

  Then they kissed long and deep before he raised his head, clearly intending to leave her. But she stopped him, shifting to what she hoped was a mischievously alluring pose.

  "Now about those children..." she began, pulling him back down onto the bed with her.


  Jane felt lazy and content as she watched from the porch while Daken finished checking the harnesses. They had loitered with his parents for a full month, helping his family and people readjust to a life out of captivity. It was perhaps still early to leave. The Chigan lands were in for a bad winter since most of the crops had been destroyed. Everyone worked hard to replant, hoping for some crops before the first frost.

  Finally, they decided to go. Daken was anxious to begin training an army to eradicate the last of the Tarveen. Jane wanted to return to the Oracle's work, especially now that she knew exactly what happened to damage the mainframe. When Dr. Beavesly completely drained the power from the computer during his escape from the witch's spell, he overloaded many of the circuits and probably fried a dozen or more boards. It would take her a good long time to get it up and running, and she was anxious to get to work.

  She still had a lot of stuffed shirts in Bosuny to impress.

  But even with all that wonderful work ahead of her, Jane was reluctant to leave the peaceful land of Chigan. She and Daken had been married here. She felt loved and accepted by a family again, as though she'd finally found a real home of her own. It would be hard to leave such ready warmth to create a new home in Bosuny.

  She started walking aimlessly, wandering through what once was a huge orchard of peach trees. Her thoughts spun back to her time and all her world lost. She had a new world now, a new home, but still there was an ache in her soul knowing her own people failed to build a lasting peace. They destroyed everything good they'd ever done.

  She curled an arm around a tree trunk as melancholy settled around her, depressing her spirits. Then she stopped. Right in front of her stood the pantar, her sleek body still and silent, like a life-sized photograph.

  "Hello, Old One," Jane said softly, slowly step
ping forward until she stood directly in front of the cat. "Is there something you need?"

  The cat stepped forward, her movements graceful and proud. Then she dipped her head, touching her forehead to the cross that was now a permanent part of Jane's belt buckle.

  "You know what that means, don't you? You remember."

  The cat lifted her head, gazing at Jane with dark, soulful eyes. Suddenly she stretched up on her hind feet and placed her front paws solidly on Jane's shoulder.

  Jane staggered under the sudden weight, but then steadied, determined to remain standing.

  The cat leaned forward and licked both Jane's eyelids, kissing first the left, then the right, just as her mother had always done when she put Jane to bed.

  Knowledge blossomed within her like the sun bursting through the clouds, and with it, so many pieces finally slipped into place.

  "You're my mother, aren't you? Oh God, my mother. You're still alive, and you've watched over me all this time."

  The cat leaned forward again, rubbing the tip of her nose against her daughter's. Then with a flick of her tail, she disappeared, leaping joyfully through the trees.

  Jane let her tears slide unheeded down her face, an unspeakable joy flooding her heart and mind. Her world hadn't died. It had changed. There were souls still alive who remembered, who carried on the good that was, teaching it to the ones who followed.

  Suddenly, Jane was running. She felt free for the first time since coming to this new Earth. The loss of her world had been a heavy weight on her heart, but now it lifted. Her world wasn't dead. She carried it within her—the good and the bad. And she would teach it to her children.

  Bursting from the trees, she ran headlong and joyfully into the future, a prayer of thanksgiving on her lips.

  The End

  Want more from Jade Lee?

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  The Jade Lee Romantic Fantasies

  Book Four

  Excerpt from

  Seduced by Crimson

  The Jade Lee Romantic Fantasies

  Book Four


  Jade Lee

  USA Today Bestselling Author

  Instead, he stretched out his fingers to touch more and more of the phoenix's body, the tail feathers blossoming and curling around her breast. Objectively speaking, the art was incredible. The monks had taken a great deal of joy in their work. Apparently, Patrick did too. He stroked the red feathers and brought her nipple to a tight, hungry peak.

  She hated that she responded to him, but how could she not? His touch was gentle. Reverent even. But...

  "I'm not your thing!" she snapped, contorting away from his hand. "I'm not a tool or a sacred vessel or any damn religious artifact. I'm just a girl, Patrick."

  His hand froze a scant millimeter above her breast. Her traitorous body ached for its return. She had to force herself to breathe normally and not inhale deeply just so her breast would graze him again.

  "Have I touched a nerve?" he asked.

  She glared at him. "You were touching a whole fat lot of them. Damn it, Patrick, I'm done with this game. If you have to boink some girl, then go get some druid chick. I'm not playing." He straightened, his hand dropping into his lap. Once again, her body betrayed her. She felt disappointment at his withdrawal.

  "It has to be you, Xiao Fei." Then he huffed out a breath. "Come on, this can't be a surprise to you. You must have participated in the Cambodian gate closing we read about. How else did you get that tattoo?"

  She swallowed, the low burning in her gut spreading heat into her body. "It didn't work," she ground out. "They all died."

  "Not all of them. You survived."

  Seduced by Crimson

  The Jade Lee Romantic Fantasies

  Book Four


  Jade Lee


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  Seduced by Crimson

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  The Jade Lee Romantic Fantasies

  Book One

  Excerpt from


  The Jade Lee Romantic Fantasies

  Book One


  Jade Lee

  USA Today Bestselling Author


  Reviews & Accolades

  A fantasy of superior quality, bridging the gap between the romance and SF&F genres.... Expert blend of a star-crossed relationship, superb world building, and riveting suspense.


  ...imaginative and action-packed... will delight the sword and sorcery enthusiasts among us.

  ~Publishers Weekly

  As they watched, the dragon extended its neck, diving toward the city as a queenfisher would for its prey. It plummeted straight down. Straight at them.

  All about, people screamed and grabbed their children. They trampled one another in their haste to escape while Kiril and his horse skittered to avoid a similar fate. And still the Copper came while Natiya simply stared, mesmerized. She felt the sweat of Kiril's body as he gripped both her and his horse. But most of all she felt her egg, wild and exultant inside her.

  That's when she knew the truth. She knew who the dragon recognized, knew it was coming for her and the Queen's egg she carried. And somehow, from its place pressed deep inside her belly, the egg returned the call.

  "Quiet!" she hissed to the egg. "You'll get us killed!" But the egg did not listen. It was screaming silently, creating waves and waves of joy—felt, not heard. And Natiya pressed her hands to her stomach trying in vain to silence it.

  "Hold still!" Kiril rasped in her ear.

  "I can't," she gasped. She barely had the control to look up, to see her death as the Copper shot like an arrow toward her.


  The Jade Lee Romantic Fantasies

  Book One


  Jade Lee


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  with an excerpt from


  The Jade Lee Romantic Fantasies

  Book Two

  Excerpt from


  The Jade Lee Romantic Fantasies

  Book Two


  Jade Lee

  USA Today Bestselling Author


  Reviews & Accolades

  The seductive and dangerous magic of dragons returns.... so darkly intense and so highly compelling!

  ~ Romantic Times

  4.5 stars

  ...refreshingly original. Recommended to anyone who loves a good fantasy romance and dragons!

  ~Romance Book Wyrm

  "Your body betrays you." Unable to resist, he cupped her breast, stroking a thumb across her tightened nipple while she shuddered. "Just as mine betrays me."

  "What of the woman up there?" Sabina growled, knocking his hand away. "Are we just vessels for your lust?"

  "I don't know her name," he admitted. "But I know yours, Sabina. I know you, and have loved you since you were ten years old."

  "You don't even know what love is!" She reached down and grabbed his prock. The movement was bold and hard, and he nearly fell to his knees at the exquisite pain. But to do so would likely kill him, so he locked his knees tight and held his breath.

  "This is not love. This is lust. Beasty lust." She
shoved him backwards, and he stumbled. "And you disgust me."

  He braced himself and glanced out over the cliffs, straightening slowly, his organ still impossibly hard after such rough treatment. He made his voice equally cold, equally cruel. "And yet you came to me. You traveled alone in winter through the mountains to find me."


  The Jade Lee Romantic Fantasies

  Book Two


  Jade Lee


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  Also available from Jade Lee


  The Jade Lee Romantic Fantasies

  Two Sexy Short-Story Adventures in One


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  Sexy Bites

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  JADE LEE has two passions (well, except for her family, but that's a given). She loves dreaming up stories and playing racquetball, not always in that order. When her pro-racquetball career ended with a pair of very bad knees, she turned her attention to writing. An author of more than 30 romance novels, she's decided that life can be full of joy without ever getting up from her chair.

  A USA Today Bestseller, Jade has been scripting love stories since she first picked up a set of paper dolls. Ball gowns and rakish lords caught her attention early (thank you Georgette Heyer), and her fascination with the Regency began. Plus, she now gets to play in the best girl-heaven place of all: a Bridal Salon! In her new series, four women find love as they dress the most beautiful brides in England. Check out Jade's website for details on the series and most especially Wedded in Sin.


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