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Filthy F*ckers: The Complete Series Box Set

Page 90

by Hildreth, Scott

  “Maybe he’s confused.”

  “Men don’t get confused,” she said, keeping her focus on the television. “They make up excuses when they don’t want to admit things.”

  “Do they really?”

  “They sure do.”

  I sat down across from her and let out a sigh. “Where did dad take you on your first date?”

  “To the park.” She looked at me. “The one with the rollercoaster. By the beach.”

  “Belmont Park?”

  “That’s the one.” She smiled. “We got ice cream, and he took me on the rollercoaster. Scared me to death. I hated that thing so much we rode it until I liked it.”

  “How old were you?”

  “It was 1959. I was sixteen. You can see the beach from the top of it, you know.”

  The park had been an attraction at Mission Beach for nearly a century, and the rollercoaster she spoke of was now a national monument. Restored, and still operational, the wooden coaster drew spectators and riders from all over the world.

  Despite its popularity, I’d never ridden it.

  “The sun sets on that beach. I watched it many a time from the top of that rollercoaster,” she said. “We lived in Point Loma. Our house wasn’t much bigger than this living room. We could get there in ten minutes.”

  “Of all the places dad took you, which place was your favorite?” I asked.

  She picked up one half of the sandwich. “For a date?”

  “Yeah. On a date.”

  She dipped the corner into her soup and held it in place. “The park.”


  “There’s a little boy or girl within us all, Percy. Finding a way to release that child is the secret to living a life of happiness. That rollercoaster – and your father – were my secret.”

  “How’d you know he was the one?”

  “I just told you.”

  She lifted the sandwich and took a bite. “Grilled cheese and tomato soup. My favorite.”

  “I met someone,” I said.

  “A girl?”

  “She’s really nice.”

  “Are you ready for that?” she asked. “To give it another try?”

  “I think so.”

  “I just hope that she--”

  “It’ll be fine, ma.”

  “You sure you’re ready?”

  “There’s only one way to find out.”

  She took another bite of the sandwich and then looked at me. “Take her to the rollercoaster. If she makes you feel young – and if she offers you a bite of her ice cream – I want to meet her.”

  I smiled. “I’ll do that.”

  “Now hush,” she said. “Lauren’s back on.”

  Chapter One Hundred Eighty-Five


  He pulled the motorcycle into the parking lot, circled it once, and then came to a stop in a spot designated for motorcycles.

  With my eyes fixed on the rollercoaster, I climbed off and removed my helmet. “Are we going to ride it? The rollercoaster?”

  “Rumor has it you can see the horizon from the top of it,” he said. “Sun’s going to set in a bit. Thought it might be cool to see it from up there.”

  I gazed at the massive structure. The string of cars crept to the top of the first hill. The riders anticipated what was next, proven by the sight of their hands shooting up into the air. After reaching the crest, the cars shot down the other side.

  The evening air filled with their screams.

  “It’d be awesome,” I said.

  He stepped to my right and extended his left elbow. “Come on.”

  I slipped my arm through his and walked at his side as I took in the sights. A boardwalk separated the beach from the amusement park. Other than the rollercoaster, old-school rides like bumper cars, a tilt-a-whirl, and a carousel were within my view, and a several other rides were positioned at the other end of the park.

  The excitement of riding a rollercoaster with Percy filled me. It seemed like an odd choice for a first date with a biker, but I loved the idea. The thought of it turned my legs to rubber.

  We stepped onto the platform, behind several others in line waiting for the ride. I counted the people, then counted the cars as they crept up the last hill. I grinned at the thought of us getting on the next ride.

  When the ride stopped, my heart began to race.

  “Have you ever been one of these?” he asked.

  “Not yet.”

  “Me neither. We’re both virgins, I guess.”

  “I suppose so.”

  The people were smiling and laughing as they got off the ride, all seemingly happy with what the rollercoaster offered them. Then, the cars inched forward, coming to a stop directly in front of us.

  Percy paid, and we climbed into one of the small cars. After securing ourselves inside, I held my breath and waited.

  The cars crept forward.

  I glanced at Percy, and then at the upcoming hill. Slowly, we climbed, inch by inch, until we were near the top of the first hill.

  He raised his hands in the air. “Come on.”

  I did the same.

  We reached the top, paused, and then shot down the hill like a rocket.

  With our hands over our heads, we both screamed. Before I could catch my breath, we’d reached the next hill.

  Down we went. My heart rose into my throat. A joyous shout escaped me, but was promptly swallowed as we cascaded down the next hill.

  The cars shot to the left, tossing us into one another. As it crept up another long hill, we shared a look.

  He leaned forward and kissed me softly. It wasn’t a long kiss. It was simply a peck on the lips. At that moment, however, it took my breath away.

  The car careened down the hill, and we eventually came to a stop right back where we started.

  “Holy cow,” I said. “That was a blast.”

  “Want to go again?”

  “Can we?”

  “Let’s go until the sun sets.”

  I pumped my fist. “Yes!”

  We rode the rollercoaster until sunset, catching bits and pieces of the orange sky as we were able. After a dozen rides, the colorful horizon melted into the sea of blue beneath.

  And then, when it grew dark, we got off what would be our last ride of the night.

  “Jesus fuck,” Percy said. “I’ve never had so much fucking fun in my life.”

  “Me neither,” I said.

  With his hands pressed to his knees, he heaved to catch his breath. “That was fun.”

  “The most fun, ever.”

  “Do you like ice cream?”

  I scrunched my nose. “Who doesn’t like ice cream? Heck yes, I like ice cream.”

  He peered toward the shops that lined the boardwalk. “Come on.”

  With my arm wrapped around his, we walked side by side to a building with the name Sweet Shoppe carved into a wooden sign.

  “This must be the place,” he said.

  I gazed through the glass at the display of candies, fudge, and ice cream. “Ever been here before?”


  “Ice cream virgin, too. Huh?”

  “I’ve had it before,” he said with a laugh. “Just been a long time.”

  I tried to think of the last time I had ice cream, and came up with nothing. “Yeah. A long time for me, too.”

  We each ordered a two-scoop cone, and when they came, we gasped. The waffle cones were monstrous, and the dips of ice cream were so big I doubted we could ever finish them.

  “Holy cow,” I said when he handed me mine. “That’s massive.”

  He chose mint chocolate chip and chocolate, and I picked butter pecan and pralines and cream. I took my first bite as we walked outside.

  It was unlike anything I’d eaten. Ever.

  “Holy crap.” I held my cone at arm’s length. “You’ve got to taste this.”

  He took a step back and smiled. “Are you offering me your ice cream?”

  I giggled. “It’s really good

  He took a bite and then smiled. Ice cream covered his lips, but instead of licking them, he kissed me.

  That moment was like a dream come true. Truthfully, the date was like a dream come true. At least so far. I’d always wanted to have a relationship with someone who was able to accept me for who I was. Percy did that, and in doing so, he wasn’t afraid to act like himself, either.

  He may have been a big badass biker, but at that moment, he was nothing more than a man covered in ice cream, giving his date a kiss.

  He held out his cone. “Here. Try this.”

  I reached for it, pulled the entire scoop of mint off the top, and took a bite out of the chocolate scoop that was beneath it.

  As he stared at me with an open mouth, I plopped the scoop of mint back on top and licked my lips. “I don’t like mint ice cream. That chocolate is good as heck, though.”

  His eyes searched my face. When he was done, he smiled. “I can’t believe you lived next door to me for as long as you have, and that it took me this long to figure out who you are. You’re perfect.”

  I chuckled. “I would take me a lifetime to figure you out.”

  “Are you willing?” he asked. “That’s the question.”

  I made a fist and held it between us.

  He locked eyes with me, and then pressed his knuckles against mine. “This could be one hell of a ride.”

  “It better be,” I said. “But I think we’ll both enjoy every minute of it.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  We shared a look, and then ate our ice cream. After we rode the rollercoaster again, he motioned toward the beach.

  “Go for a walk?”

  I wanted to take a barefoot stroll in the sand, but was afraid to ask. He must have sensed it, because as we approached his motorcycle, he stopped and took off his boots.

  “Are you self-conscious about your foot?”

  “When it happened, I was pretty upset. Scouts were already looking at me for a baseball scholarship. Most felt that I’d go pro. That accident knocked me out of sports altogether. I couldn’t change it, so all that was left was to accept it.”

  “Do you think you’ve done that?”

  “Accept it? Sure. I don’t have a choice.”

  “Are you self-conscious about your leg?” he asked.

  “Very. I can’t accept or change it. All I can do is hide it.”

  “It’s part of who you are. Embrace it.”

  I wished it was that easy, but it wasn’t. I kicked off my shoes, put them in the saddlebag, and shrugged. “Easier said than done.”

  “We’ll work on it together,” he said.

  Since the accident, my life had been one series of complications after another. I had my doubts that it would ever get measurably better.

  But on that night, thanks to Percy, a common girl evolved into someone special.

  She became a princess.

  And, when she did, everything changed.

  Chapter One Hundred Eighty-Six


  Sharing a home with Joey simply happened. It wasn’t planned, nor was it something I wanted. Her presence in my home, however, proved to me the value of having a woman in my life.

  The time we spent on the road together solidified my belief that she was a special woman. Her ability to ride across country without complaint wasn’t something that could ever be taught. A person either possessed the inner desire to ride, or they didn’t.

  And, she did.

  Our first date knocked me to my knees. Simply being in her presence was like taking a drug. A drug I had no idea existed, but one I quickly realized I needed.

  She transformed me into the man I always wanted to be, but was afraid I would never become. I couldn’t decide if she found me, or if I found her. Either way, she was exactly what I needed, and I wasn’t afraid to admit it.

  We walked hand-in-hand along the beach. The impressions we left in the sand were washed away mere moments after we were gone, but the memories of our evening together were sure to last a lifetime.

  “I want you to know a few things about me,” I said.


  “I’ve always got good intentions, but I don’t always do good things.”

  She paused. Caught off guard, I took another step. As our hands separated, I turned around.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  I thought for a moment, and then responded. “Sometimes I do bad things in hope that the end result is an improvement on my life or the lives of others.”

  She drew a design in the sand with her toe, and then looked up. “Like dropping a bomb on the home of a terrorist? I know you don’t do that, but you mean the same thing, right? Like beating up Josh?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “That’s okay. I trust you’ll always do what you believe is right.”

  I took her hand in mine, and we continued walking along the beach.

  “I’ve lived a fairly promiscuous life,” I said.

  “Are you planning on continuing?”

  “No, I am not.”

  “I guess you could just look at it as experience then, huh?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “Anything else?” she asked.

  I squeezed her hand. “I don’t know how to do this.”

  “Do what?”

  “Be with someone.”

  Trailing behind me slightly, she tugged on my hand. I paused and turned to face her. She reached for my free hand, and then looked me in the eyes.

  “All you have to do to be with me, is exist,” she said. “It’s that simple.”

  It sounded easy enough. “I think I can do that.”

  “Be with me, then.”

  “I’m afraid I already am.”

  Chapter One Hundred Eighty-Seven


  Shirtless, he stood in front of me. The chiseled structure of his perfectly sculpted body would have commanded anyone’s attention, but my focus was on his eyes. The green specks around the iris gave perfect contrast to the golden-brown centers. Peering into them provided me a keen sense of comfort, and at that moment, I needed it.

  My knees wagged back and forth in anticipation of what might come next. He responded by lifting my shirt over my head. My heart thrashed in response. As the garment fell at my feet, my breathing all but stopped.

  He reached around me and unclasped my bra. The tips of his fingers gently traced the outline of my shoulders as he brushed the straps over my arms. My eyes fell closed momentarily. I heard myself inhale a quivering breath.

  With one hand cupping my breast, he lightly pressed the tip of his index finger against my lips. My mind fumbled with where to place my hands. I had so many options, all of which I’d held in reserve, yet they dangled at my sides like heavy weights.

  It was the most sensual moment that I had ever experienced, and I was on the cusp of making a fool of myself. Certain that revealing my lack of experience would lead to the demise of our sexual relationship, I did the first thing that came to mind.

  I flattened my palms and pressed them against his chest.

  I had no idea what to expect, but what I received caused me to grin a giddy smile. His taught muscles invited me to explore every inch of him with the tips of my fingers. Ever so slowly, I draped my hands down the length of his torso, savoring the rippled structure of his abdomen.

  His jeans put a temporary stop to my pleasures, preventing me from further exploration. Desperately wanting to proceed, but uncertain of how to do so, I opened my eyes.

  He was looking right at me. One hand cupped my breast while the other rested along my waist. His mouth held a content smile.

  My desires throbbed between my legs with every beat of my heart.

  At the foot of his bed, naked from the waist up, we stood with our eyes locked on each other. Somehow, despite our combined desires, we’d reached an impasse.

  I waited.

  His thumb brushed against my nipple. A tingling ran throug
h me, causing me to shiver. As if he sensed my satisfaction, he did it again. While I relished in the pleasure of his touch, his other hand slid from my waist, along my lower back, and came to a stop in the back pocket of my jeans.

  My eyes fell closed.

  Using my butt cheek as leverage, he pulled me into him and kissed me deeply.

  Dear God.

  I ached for him. My mind was reeling. He wedged his thigh between my legs. The tingling started again.

  I couldn’t take it any longer.

  I reached for his belt. With our tongues intertwined and our naked chests pressed to one another, I pulled against the leather strap and reached for the buckle. After what seemed to be an eternity of my bumble-fingered fumbling, it finally came free.

  Frantically, I shoved my hand deep into his pants.

  Holy cow.

  He was different than the boys I’d been with in the past. It made perfect sense. He wasn’t a boy. I held man’s girth in my hand. A real man.

  I squeezed his cock. After receiving no objection, I began to eagerly stroke the thick shaft.

  Our lips parted, and he leaned away from me.

  With his eyes fixed on mine, he pushed his jeans along his thighs and then to the floor. After adding his boxer shorts to the pile of clothes at our side, he stood before me completely naked.

  I looked him up and down. The muscles of his biceps were tense and bulging. His wide chest paid perfect complement to his narrow torso. The scars on his hands gave hint to his protective nature, and he stubble that had grown since he last shaved gave him enough edge to create pause.

  But. It was what he had on the inside that had drawn me so closely to him.

  In short, he was my perfect man.

  There was one thing I was versed on, and although it wasn’t all I had to offer, it was what I was comfortable giving him at that moment.

  I desperately wanted to please him. I lowered myself to my knees and looked up. “I want you in my mouth.”

  “You don’t have to--”


  A slight sigh escaped him.

  He took a step forward.


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