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Daughter of Lions

Page 18

by Banks, Catherine

  “Victoria, can we talk in private somewhere?” he asked.

  My heart began beating faster. Was he going to tell me now that he couldn’t be with me?

  “Victoria!” Paul called with Michael standing next to him. “Come with us to the lake.”

  I looked at Brandon. “Can we do the serious talk later? You could come to the lake with us?”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and shook his head. “I’m not in the mood for swimming. Just find me later when you have time.”

  I grabbed his arm. “Brandon, it’s not like that. It’s just that I have not seen him in five years and I would like to spend time with him. I’m not blowing you off.”

  He exhaled loudly. “I know. Go, have fun with your friend. You deserve some fun.”

  I smiled happily at him and then waved at Paul. “I’m coming.”

  As I jogged towards the lake I saw Brandon talking with Margaret, one of the females with girl-next-door-looks and a sweet smile. She had curves that made guys stare as she walked by, even if they were standing with their girlfriend. She was putting on the charm as she talked to him, showing off her perfectly straight, white teeth. It looked like I already knew what he had wanted to talk about. I slowed down and walked as I grew closer to the lake and where Paul, Michael, Sheila and the cubs were playing. I did not want to frighten the cubs again so I stood on the far side of the lake. Seeing Brandon talking to Margaret bothered me, but what had I expected? Sure him kissing me and then telling me he wanted to kiss me this morning was extremely confusing, but maybe he was simply attracted to me and even though he knew he could not mate with me, decided to give in. I nodded my head. Yes, that had to be it.

  “Vicky!” Paul called, “Come over here.”

  I took my tank top and shorts off and laid them on the hot sand. Michael walked towards me with a determined look on his face. I quickly walked into the water and then dove in, reveling in the cool water covering my body. I surfaced and swam towards Sheila and Paul and saw Michael walking towards them with my clothes in his hands. I treaded water ten feet out and smiled at them. “Hey guys. How’s it going?”

  Sheila stroked the fur of her two cubs and smiled. “It’s going well.”

  Paul kissed the top of Sheila’s head and headed into the water towards me. “Things are looking better now that our brother has come home.”

  Michael laid my clothes out right beside Sheila and then turned to me with a bright smile. “Yes, the chosen one has come home.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You are not the chosen one. Arrogant one? Yes. But chosen? No.”

  Michael jumped into the lake in a cannonball and his wave pushed me backwards. I sputtered and wiped at my face and then Paul grabbed me around the waist. “We have so missed playing with you.”

  I turned and bit his nose. “Got you.”

  His jaw dropped in shock and then he lifted me up out of the water. “Payback.”

  I struggled against him, trying to get him to drop me, but it was no use. In a matter of seconds I was flying through the air. I dove down and then swum back underneath the water without surfacing. I could see his feet moving around as he looked for me. I circled around him and then yanked his pants down before swimming quickly to Michael and grabbing him by the waist and pulling him underneath the water.

  I surfaced, but only had a moment to gasp for breath before Michael pulled me back under the water. I struggled against him a minute and then let him pull me to him. He hugged me and then stood up, letting us both surface and breathe. He smiled down at me and then he nuzzled my neck. “It’s been too long since I have seen you.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck as he held me. “I agree. It is much more fun when we team up on Paul together.”

  “What was that?” Paul asked from nearby.

  Michael released me and then together we lunged at Paul and shoved him under the water. Sheila laughed loudly, rolling onto her back as she gulped for air from her fit of laughter. “I love you two.”

  Michael and I gave each other a high five, like we had done when we were little, and then laughed loudly. Paul wiped water from his face and glared. “I will get you both back, don’t worry, I won’t forget.”

  I heard a shrill scream and then turned to see Margaret jump into the lake. Brandon walked towards the lake, but instead of jumping like she had, he just walked in. He turned towards me and met my eyes for a moment before swimming out towards her. So he wouldn’t swim with us, but he would swim with her? Was he doing this to make a point to me? To show me that he was choosing a lion girl over me?

  I headed towards the beach, at an angle to keep me away from the cubs and subsequently my clothes and said, “I don’t feel like swimming anymore.”

  “Vic,” Michael whispered, “Don’t stop visiting with me just because of him. Please.”

  I wanted to hang out with my old friends, but I could not watch while Brandon flirted with another girl. “I’m sorry,” I whispered as I walked away, heading towards the forest and the ocean. Maybe there I would not have to see him.

  “Vic! Wait up!” Michael called as he jogged after me.

  I stopped and shook my head at him. “Go hangout with Paul. You and I can hang out tomorrow or something.”

  “But I want to hang out with you,” he said with a sexy smile.

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry, Michael. I just can’t…”

  Michael picked my hands up in his. “Vic, it’s me. Do not hide from me. Tell me what is wrong.”

  I didn’t want to tell him, but at the same time I did. Michael always made me feel safe and I had always been able to tell him everything. “It is just frustrating because yesterday he kissed me and told me he was confused just like I was and then just this morning he told me he wanted to kiss me again, but then I left for the funeral. When Paul asked me to go swimming he had asked me to go somewhere so we could talk privately. I just have to assume that he was going to tell me he couldn’t try to date me because I wasn’t a lion since he is with Margaret now. I don’t know for sure though.”

  “He kissed you?” Michael asked.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “But you are single?” Michael asked.

  I looked up at him in shock. “Huh?”

  He wrapped a hand around the base of my neck and pulled me forward. “I’ve missed you, Vic. Have you missed me?”

  “Yes,” I answered as butterflies grew in my stomach.

  He bent down and kissed my lips softly, but passionately. His taste was so familiar and so reassuring that I did not doubt his feelings for me. I relaxed into him and he hugged me against him. I pulled back and he smiled down at me. “I have wanted to do that since we were kids, but I knew you would not understand.”

  “Michael, I don’t know… I mean do you?” I asked nervously.

  He laughed. “You know what I have been thinking about these past five years?” I shook my head. He touched the tip of my nose. “You. Every single day I have thought about you and how much I wanted to see you, but every time I came to visit you were not here. I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.”

  “I’m not a lion,” I whispered.

  He stroked his finger down my jaw line. “No, you are better. You are my best friend.”

  He kissed me again, this time more fiercely. I almost moaned out loud when his tongue caressed mine, overloading my brain with his scent and taste. With Michael I knew I would be safe. Or at least I hoped I would be. At least with Michael I did not have to try to interpret his moves.

  “Step away from her,” Brandon said angrily from beside us.

  Michael pulled back from the kiss, but kept his arms around me as I turned to face Brandon. “Why would I do that?” Michael asked.

  Brandon looked at me in shock. “Victoria, what are you doing?”

  “She’s feeling wanted and her pain is leaving. That’s something you only made worse,” Michael said angrily.

  Brandon growled. “Like you want a mate who is not a l
ion?” Brandon said mockingly.

  Michael stepped away from me and into Brandon’s face. “She is just as good as any of the females here. Did you really think I would let you hurt her by flirting with others in front of her? Did you really think she would just sit around and wait for you to break her heart? What kind of friend do you claim to be when all you are doing is hurting her?!”

  Brandon shoved Michael in the chest. “I never said she was not as good as the females and I did not bring Margaret to the lake, she brought me here.” He turned to me. “I told you I wanted to talk.”

  I shrugged. “Judging by your actions with Margaret I’ve already guessed what you wanted to tell me. Plus, you just admitted it by what you said to Michael. I get it, Brandon, you want a lioness for a mate. I don’t hold it against you, but that does not mean I am going to sit and wait for you to change your mind.”

  “You think he is going to take you for a mate? He is just using you, Victoria. Don’t you get it?! He is jealous of how much the pride likes me and that they do not need him anymore because they have me. He is using you to get at me.”

  I stepped back from his hostility and looked at Michael. Michael shoved Brandon’s chest. “You don’t know anything, you stupid punk. Just tell her your decision so she can move on with her life and try to find some happiness.”

  “Do. Not. Shove. Me.” Brandon said through gritted teeth.

  “Stop it,” I said angrily. “Both of you just stop.” I grabbed handfuls of my hair in frustration and growled. “Why can’t you both just tell me the freaking truth? What do you both really want? If neither of you can honestly see mating with me, then tell me now so I don’t waste my time with you.”

  Brandon frowned and looked at his hands. “It’s not that simple, Victoria.”

  “Yes it is!” I yelled. “All you have to do is answer whether or not you could mate with me right now. I’m not saying you will have to, but if that answer is no then there is no reason for us to try, right? So both of you give me your answers. Now!”

  “I would like to try,” Brandon said, “But I just don’t know for sure.”

  “Yes,” Michael said, “I have only been waiting for the chance to discuss it with you.”

  “No,” Brandon said angrily. “Victoria, no.”

  “You have made your choice,” Michael said. “You turned her away. Don’t be a greedy jerk and try to keep her to yourself.”

  Brandon looked at me pleadingly. “Please Victoria.”

  “What do you want me to do?” I asked Brandon in exasperation. “You want me to stay alone and miserable while you go romping around with the females and try to decide what you want to do? You want me to be miserable every time I see you with one of them?”

  “You want me to be miserable every time I see you with him?!” Brandon asked. “You think I am going to be able to hang out with you while you are with him?”

  “You think I am going to be able to hang out with you while you are with Margaret?! God, Brandon.”

  “I know things are all messed up right now. I know this is confusing to you and me, but don’t push me away, Victoria.”

  “You are the one who is refusing me. I didn’t say that I couldn’t be with you,” I whispered softly. “I’m sorry, Brandon, but I am not going to stay away from my friend when you outright refused me.”

  He moved towards me, almost touching me, but Michael shoved him in the chest, making him slide backwards on the leaves. “Do not touch her,” Michael said as his eyes changed to his lion’s eyes.

  Brandon’s face shifted slightly. “I told you not to shove me.”

  “Keep your hands to yourself and I won’t. You rejected her so do not touch her.”

  His face returned to normal and he whispered, “I did not reject you. You are my friend, Victoria. You know that. These past two months we have spent every day together.”

  “And now you are rejecting me as a mate,” I whispered, “It does not get much clearer than that.”

  “I am not rejecting you!” he yelled, “I just…don’t know yet.”

  “Just let her go,” Paul said from behind us. “What would you want if you were in her place, Brandon? Think about her.”

  Brandon walked a ways off and said, “Victoria, can I talk to you privately for a moment?”

  “Why can’t you let this go?!” Michael yelled. “Why do you insist on causing her pain?”

  I touched Michael’s arm. “It’s alright.” I walked to Brandon and looked up into his face, determined not to cry. “What is it, Brandon?”

  “I know I am ruining everything. I know this is hurting you and I am sorry. I just need to think about things for a while. Can you promise me one thing?”

  I hated when he opened up to me and became so vulnerable. “What is it?” I asked.

  “Will you promise me not to agree to be his mate until at least your birthday?” he asked me quietly.

  “Why?” I asked with a little anger in my voice. My birthday was in September, three months away.

  “Just give me that long to think about everything. Please. Just give me that long.”

  I rubbed my forehead and sighed. “Unless you find a mate or decide for sure that you can’t have me as a mate, I will refrain from choosing a mate until my birthday.”

  He hugged me and kissed my cheek. “Thank you.” He glared once at Michael and then jogged off into the woods.

  “What did he ask you?” Michael asked.

  I shook my head. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

  Michael started to reach out towards me, but Paul put his hand on Michael’s chest and said, “You and I need to talk.”

  I waved to them. “I will be at the house.” I walked away from them and ground my teeth together. What the hell had just happened?!

  “Victoria,” Mark whispered from beside me.

  I jumped sideways, clamping down the scream that tried to come out. “Holy crap! Mark you scared the crap out of me.”

  He smiled. “I guessed that by your reaction.”

  I exhaled as I tried to slow my heart back down. “Geez.”

  “What’s wrong, Victoria?”

  I laughed bitterly. “Everything. My entire personal life just got a swirly in the port-a-potty and I am not sure which way is up now.”

  “Port-a-potty’s don’t flush,” Mark said with a smile.

  I growled at him. “You know what I mean!” I plopped down onto the ground and screamed into my hands.

  Mark sat beside me on the ground and steepled his hands under his chin. “Why don’t you tell me what’s happening?”

  I shook my head. “No. I can’t do that because you will tell Dad.”

  Mark laughed. “Alright. Well I am here if you do want to talk, or if you want me to beat someone up.”

  I hugged him. “That is an offer I just might take you up on soon.”

  “Is it Michael or Brandon giving you trouble?” Mark asked.

  “Both actually,” I muttered.

  “Both?” he asked in shock.

  I nodded my head and stood up. “Yeah.”

  Mark’s head tilted as we heard growls off in the distance. “I’ve got to go, but you should find Sarah. I am sure she could help you.”

  He jogged off deeper into the forest while I jogged off to the house. Sarah was sitting outside on the grass alone. I sat down in front of her and she studied my face and body a moment and then asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “I need to talk to you someplace private for advice,” I said softly. “And it is something you can’t discuss with Dad or anyone else who might tell Dad.”

  She stood up and nodded her head. “Okay, this way.” I followed her back into the forest, the exact way I had just come, past Mark, Brandon, Michael and Paul who watched us walk by and then still deeper until we made it to Sarah’s house on the outer edge of the forest where the ocean and it met. I had forgotten that her house was isolated from everyone else’s and from everyone. We sat down on her soft leather couches
and she smiled. “So, what’s up?”

  I spilled everything, every last detail about Brandon and my interactions and about mine and Michael’s as well. She listened with a stoic face the entire time, never giving away any emotions as to what she thought about what I said. When I finished I whispered, “I just don’t know what to do.”

  “You like Brandon?” she asked.

  I nodded my head. “Yes, but what if he decides he can’t take me as a mate because I am not lioness? I don’t think I could deal with that.”

  “What if he decides that he can?”

  I groaned. “I know, but what about Michael? He says he can. He says he wants me.”

  “Do you want him?”

  “Yes. Maybe. I don’t know! It feels safe and normal to be with Michael, but Brandon is…” I paused as I searched for the right word.

  “Like fire?” she asked. I nodded my head. She smiled. “Let me ask you a question that I don’t want you to answer right now, but that you need to think about and when you know the answer you will know your decision. Which one could you not live without? If I were to tell you that you had to choose, that I would take one away and you would not ever be able to have them, who would you choose to stay?”

  “But does that matter if neither one can really take me as a mate and end up leaving me for a lioness?”

  “Isn’t it better to experience being with them, even if it is for a short time?”

  “Not if I end up having to watch them with another girl and feel their loss every day.”

  She smiled. “You are too much like me. I’m sorry Victoria, but that is the best advice I can give you. Maybe you should think less about which one will take you and instead just enjoy yourself.”

  “What did Brandon mean when he said that the pride did not need Michael anymore now that he was there?”

  “You don’t know what they are, do you?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “Males.”

  She laughed. “Yes, but more specifically they are Alpha males.”

  “I thought Alphas were just dominant.”

  “They are the most dominant, but Alphas also possess an ability that other dominant males do not.” I waited for her to elaborate and she smiled. “They can live among humans without revealing their secret by eating someone or changing and can suppress their aura, that feeling that makes humans cower when your dad walks by. Basically they have the ability to hold their human shape even under extreme duress. It’s something they are born with, not something they learn. You are either an Alpha or you are not.”


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