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Daughter of Lions

Page 24

by Banks, Catherine

  “Fine,” I said angrily as I folded my arms over my chest. “You know it just seems weird that Dad was threatening to tear off any guy I tried to date’s arms and now he is pushing me to choose a mate.”

  “You know it’s different for lions,” Sarah said, “If Brandon were human we would be threatening him and telling you to stay away from him, but he is a lion, and our next Alpha, and mates are chosen early for us.”

  “Some of us anyways,” Mark muttered.

  Sarah sighed. “Yeah.”

  “Okay I get it. Is there anything else we need to talk about?” I just wanted this all over with.

  “Now we can enjoy the day and have fun. We just wanted to get the serious talk out of the way early instead of ruining it at the end,” Mark said as he patted my knee. “We love you, Victoria, and just want you to be happy.”

  “I’ll be happy when we get to the store so I can buy a new pair of pants and some new shirts,” I said with a smile. And when Bob was dead.

  The rest of the drive was silent and the shopping trip was uneventful. I begged Mark to let me get food from the food court and finally he caved. Sarah and I sat at a table, waiting for Mark to get the food.

  “Are you nervous about school?” Sarah asked.

  I nodded my head. “Yes. I hate going to a new place.”

  “At least you have Brandon and Paul with you,” she said with a smile.

  Mark set a tray piled high with burgers and fries on the table. “Dig in.”

  I grabbed three burgers and ate them slowly and enjoyed the quiet alone time with Mark and Sarah. It was nice to be out without Brandon for once, not that I did not want to be around him, but sometimes it was nice to revert to the old times. I missed spending time with Mark and Sarah. I wished I could have more time with my Dad too, but running a werelion pride of over two hundred took most of his time. He rarely had free time even for himself, not even considering the time I wanted him to spend with me. We finished our meal and went back to the house. That night and the next day went by uneventfully and the morning of my first day at the new school dawned cold.

  “Can’t I go back to sleep?” I asked Brandon as I leaned against him to try to steal his warmth.

  “No. We have to go,” he said as he rubbed my arms.

  I stared at the school entrance like it was a shark’s mouth waiting to devour me. “Fine,” I muttered before taking a deep breath and walking towards the office.

  “Brandon,” a girl said in a chipper voice. “Where have you been?”

  I turned to see a girl that looked like a runway model. She had long slender legs, hair that flowed as she walked like in the commercials and slight curves that would make any guy’s heart stutter. Her smile was incredibly gorgeous, just like everything else about her. Instantly I disliked her. The only positive I could find was that Gina was better looking.

  “I spent a few months out of state at a different school. Things didn’t work out,” he said with a genuine smile. Oh yeah, I hated her. I turned back around to head to the office when Brandon said, “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend.”

  I turned around, thinking he was talking about me meeting her when he said, “Brittany this is Victoria, my girlfriend. Victoria this is Brittany.”

  I smiled at her. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend,” she said softly as she eyed me disapprovingly.

  “That’s because I didn’t have one when I went here. I met her when I moved,” he replied as he stepped closer to me and linked a hand with mine.

  I moved closer to him so that he would put his arm around me and slipped my hand into his back pocket on the furthest of his jeans’ pockets. “She’s your girlfriend?” Brittany asked in disbelief. “She must really put out or something.”

  I was not ugly and I had a good body. Where did she get off thinking she was better than me? Anger overrode my senses and I released Brandon, moving to punch her in her gorgeous face, but Paul stepped between us and smiled down at me. “No fighting at school, Victoria.”

  I groaned. “Just let me punch her in the nose. It’s too straight for her rotten heart.”

  “Paulie?” she asked in shock.

  I glared warning daggers at him and he rolled his eyes. “Brittany, you should walk away now. My sister here does not like being insulted, especially by anorexic crybabies.”

  She stared at him in shock as he turned to face her. “Your sister?”

  Paul put his arm around me and smiled. “Yep. So, you might leave now while I can hold her.”

  “I’m not scared of that frumpy, dirty girl,” Brittany said as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. “The worst she could do is get dirt on me.”

  “That’s it!” I yelled as I ducked out of Paul’s arm and punched her in the stomach and then punched her nose sideways, breaking it and ensuring that unless she got plastic surgery, it would never grow back to its perfect straightness. “You should really learn not to insult people that are standing right in front of you and have been raised with boys who like to fight. And my brother and boyfriend would never be interested in a self-absorbed, bulimic, easy girl like you anyways.”

  “My nose!” she whined in pain. “You broke my nose.”

  “Yeah, that was the plan,” I said with a smile. I held my hand out to Brandon. “We need to get our schedules.”

  Brandon frowned down at me and said, “You should not have done that.”

  “I am not going to let her insult me without consequences.”

  Brandon held open the office door for me and sighed. “I would have done the same thing if it was a guy.”

  “Exactly,” I said as I stood in front of the school secretary. I smiled at her, putting on the charm. “We need our class schedules.”

  She smiled. “You must be Victoria. Your Dad is the sweetest man!”

  “Yes, he is quite the charmer,” I muttered as she rummaged through her stack of papers.

  “Here you go Victoria. Brandon, honey, here’s yours. Have a good day.”

  I walked out of the office feeling very uneasy. What had my Dad done while he was here? I knew he was a flirter, but he must have put it on strong for that woman. “Brandon, honey, what classes do you have?” I asked, mocking her tone, as I looked at my schedule.

  He grabbed mine and compared them. “We have all of the same classes together,” he said with an innocent smile, “I wonder how that happened.”

  Now I understood. “You and Dad planned this out, didn’t you?”

  He kissed my cheek as he handed me back my schedule. “You are so smart.”

  I glared at him. “What? Are you worried I might fall for a human?”

  He draped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me against his side as he led us towards our first period. “That is one thing I am definitely not worried about.”

  “Why not?” I asked as I relaxed in his hold.

  “No guy could be with a girl that is stronger than him.”

  “I’m stronger than you,” I said with a smirk.

  He gave me his famous smirk, the one I hadn’t seen in months and said, “Whatever helps you sleep at night, babe.” I heard the wailing of sirens and saw them examining Brittany. “It really is a shame that you ruined her perfect face.”

  I pinched him. “Really?”

  He winked. “Just don’t ruin her twin sister’s face. That girl is hot.”

  I rolled my eyes at him and stepped inside the classroom with him right behind me. In the space of two milliseconds my eyes had found Bob’s face, Brandon pulled me behind him and Bob was up out of his chair.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked angrily.

  “This is a school,” Bob answered calmly. He looked at Brandon with barely controlled rage. “Why are you standing like that?”

  Brandon stood from his half crouch. “What game are you playing at?”

  “No game,” Bob said with a shrug. “I am just at school on the first day of the year.”

bsp; “Sit down,” the teacher said behind us. “Whatever problems you boys have with each other can wait until after school.”

  I wanted to yell at the teacher that he had killed my friend, but knew that would get the human police involved, which was something we could not let happen. I took Brandon’s hand and tugged him towards seats on the opposite side of the classroom. Bob glared at Brandon and my joined hands while Brandon glared at Bob. What the hell were we going to do? It would not be long before Brandon and Bob got into a fight, which was not something we could have happen at the school.

  I sat down and then a sudden thought popped into my head. With Bob here, I had a better chance at catching him off guard to kill him. I shook my head. No, I couldn’t kill him at school in front of witnesses. But… A smile split my face. But I could lure him away from school and kill him there. Assuming I could get rid of Brandon somehow.

  Bob continued to glance in my direction and halfway through class Brandon laid his arm on the back of my chair, his hand cupping my side possessively. Bob’s eyes filled with a hatred that was downright frightening. I wanted to tell Brandon to stop, but pushing his arm away would only make Bob happy and upset Brandon. I sat through my first period of my first day at my new school, rigid with fear. As soon as the bell rang I was up out of my seat and dragging Brandon by the hand out the door. He stayed beside me as I searched for Paul. I felt like a rubber band pulled taut and ready to snap. I finally saw Paul and waved at him. He walked over to us and was smiling until he saw my face. “What’s wrong?”

  “Bob’s here,” Brandon whispered.

  Paul’s eyes widened and then rage made his eyes glint with gold. “Where?”

  “Going to school here,” I whispered, “He is in our class!”

  Brandon pulled me against his body and hugged me. “It will be alright.”

  “No it won’t. He is ruining every part of my life,” I said as I pulled away from him and paced.

  “Well we can’t kill him on school grounds, especially not in front of humans,” Paul whispered.

  “We should call Alpha,” Brandon said, “And take Victoria home.”

  “No!” I yelled and then lowered my voice so I wouldn’t attract attention. “No. I am not running away from him.”

  “That’s good, because we all know that you really just want to run to me,” Bob said from behind me.

  I spun around and punched him in the jaw as hard as I could. He staggered backwards in shock and I clutched my hand to my chest as I felt the knuckle trying to heal the break I had just caused. “Stay away from me you scumbag. If we were anywhere else I would kill you right now,” I said angrily.

  Paul took my hand and examined it while Brandon took a protective stance in front of me. “I don’t know what game you are playing at, but it is not funny. Just leave her alone,” Brandon said furiously.

  “I’m not playing at any game. She just needs to realize that she and I are meant to be together.” Bob glared at Brandon. “And that you are only in the way.”

  The hatred I saw in Bob’s eyes reminded me of the night he murdered Michael. I ran forward to attack him, but Brandon caught me and pulled me back. “Not here, Tori.”

  “Get your hands off of her,” Bob said angrily.

  Paul moved forward and snarled. “Stay away from her.”

  Bob glared at him a moment and then looked at me. “If you want to know the cure, meet me at the school after hours. I will come the next three nights. I have talked to two hybrids and know exactly how to help you. Make sure you’re alone,” he said, pointedly looking at Paul and Brandon.

  “She won’t come,” Brandon said angrily.

  Bob smiled at me. “Sure she won’t.”

  I watched him walk away and felt all of my energy drain away. Why did a scumbag like him have to know my cure? And just what was it? I knew I shouldn’t even be considering meeting him, but part of me was too curious to avoid it. Then again, how would I get off pride property without Dad or one of the others following me? Could I meet him here, get the cure and then kill him?

  “Victoria,” Paul said softly, “He’s lying. He does not have a cure.”

  I cleared my head and smiled. “I know, Paul. He just wants to kill me.” Except that wasn’t it. He didn’t want to kill me, not anymore.

  “Brandon,” yelled a girl behind me. “It has been too long since I have seen your sexy face.”

  I didn’t bother turning around. I didn’t want to get in another fight on my first day. I was lucky I had not gotten in trouble for my first fight. I looked up at Brandon and saw his sexy smirk, the one I thought he reserved only for me, on his face as he looked over my head at whoever was behind me and felt sadness encompass my entire body. My heart clenched and I stepped away from him, moving closer to Paul. That cinched it. I would get out of the house tonight and meet Bob. I needed to know the cure. I needed to be free.

  “Hey, Cindy,” Brandon answered as he walked forward to meet whoever it was.

  Paul tried to meet my eyes, but I avoided looking at him and started walking towards the back of the school. Paul walked beside me silently, keeping guard in case Bob showed up and being a good brother. Why was I so stupid to think Brandon wanted me? Obviously these girls he had histories with would take his attention away from me. I hopped the back fence and walked into the forest behind the school. I knew I shouldn’t be ditching the first day of school, but Dad would understand.

  I walked until we were hidden from sight and sat on a fallen tree. Paul sat beside me and asked, “When do you have to make your decision?”

  “The last day of the month,” I whispered. Or tomorrow night, if things did not go well with Bob.

  “You should talk to him,” Paul whispered, “I know he really likes you.”

  “Liking is not enough to declare someone your mate.”

  “Okay, he more than likes you, but I am not going to tell you his feelings because that is his job.”

  “That’s the thing, Paul, he doesn’t. We spend every day together, but I do not really know how he feels about me.” I turned and looked at him. “Wouldn’t he have told me if he wanted me as his mate by now?”

  “He did before Michael was murdered,” Paul answered, “Why should he have to tell you again?”

  “Because it seems like he is only around me now because he feels obligated since Michael is gone.”

  Paul exhaled. “Women have the strangest heads. I don’t even know how you came up with that thought.”

  I huffed. “This is all just too much.”

  Paul hugged me and whispered, “Things will work out. You’ll see.”

  “Victoria,” Brandon called.

  “Over here,” Paul answered as he stood up. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

  I wanted to grab Paul and make him stay, but I just sat numbly as he left and Brandon took his place next to me. “Why did you leave?” he asked softly.

  “I was giving you and your friend space,” I said softly as I kicked at a pinecone.

  “What?” he asked.

  I looked up at him. “You like her so I was giving you space to talk to her alone.”

  Brandon frowned. “Cindy?”

  Why were boys so dense? “Yes, I saw the way you looked at her Brandon. I know you like her.”

  He rubbed his temples. “Victoria, I thought we were past this?”

  “Past the fact that you have crushes on human girls?” I asked.

  “I don’t…”

  I growled and stood up to look at him in the eyes. “Do not lie to me, Brandon.”

  He sighed. “Okay, I do think she’s pretty and fun, but she’s a human.”

  “You wish she was a lion or that you were a human too, don’t you?”

  His eyes sparkled as he looked at me. “Yes, sometimes I do wish I could be human. Did you forget that I was born into this life? That I did not get to choose it like most? Of course I wish I could be normal and be with a normal girl.”

  That comment stung me more t
han I liked to admit. “Well I can’t help it that I am not normal. Or did you forget that I didn’t choose this life either, that I was born this way too?” I turned away from him and headed deeper into the forest. Obviously I had been right. Obviously he did not truly want me as his mate.

  “Victoria that is not what I meant. Wait. I’m sorry,” he said as he followed me.

  I spun around and poked him hard in the chest, catching him off balance and making him stumble backwards. “Stop telling me how you really feel and then lying and saying you didn’t mean it! I don’t want to be your pity mate. I don’t want you to feel obligated to be with me just because Michael is dead now. I don’t need you to protect me or play the hero by mating with the freak. I can’t help it that I am not normal, but I can help you by not mating with you. Just leave me alone!”

  I ran away from him into the forest and angled towards the freeway. “Victoria!” he yelled. “Come back!”

  I ignored him, running faster and emerging from the forest to run across the freeway and onto pride territory. I ran towards the house and straight to my room, slamming the door shut and burying my face into my pillow as I screamed.

  I heard my door open and then a hand touched my back. “Bad day at school?” Mark asked.

  I rolled over and then flung my arms around Mark’s neck as I cried. “I can’t take it anymore.”

  “Can’t take what?” he asked as he stroked my hair.

  “Victoria!” Brandon called from outside the house.

  “I don’t want to see him,” I whispered to Mark. “Please, just send him back to school.”

  Mark nodded his head and I curled up on my side as he walked out of my room. I heard the front door open and Mark grumbled, “Outside.”

  “But,” Brandon began.

  “Out!” Mark yelled, “Before I throw you out.”

  Brandon must have obeyed because there was no more sound or movement. I wanted to look out my window to see where they had gone, but stayed on my bed. I had to figure out my plan for the night. I had to figure out what I was going to do. Tonight was probably the best night to escape because it was the night before the full moon and all of the lions would go on a hunt tonight, tomorrow and the next day to celebrate the moon. They would leave one behind, so I would have to figure out how to disable whoever it was, or sneak away from them. My bedroom window was out of the question because they would expect that. The bathroom window made too much noise, which left the front and back doors and Dad’s sliding glass doors of his office. They made noise, but I could be out of them fast enough that I might be able to evade whoever they left to guard me.


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