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Succubus Tear (Triune promise)

Page 5

by Andreas Wiesemann

  What the hell? Cain tried to make sense of what she just said. Was that a part of a poem? A song? A prayer? But Al’bah’s bearing soon overtook his confusion and drowned it in a flood of chaotic desire.

  Cain felt a tingling spread from her hands to his body. The tingling quickly turned into a delicious burning sensation in his chest and abdomen, causing him to cough slightly. He tried to push her hands away, but found his body drained of strength. Al’bah watched his efforts with an amused smile. She leaned closer, backing her hands away as Cain resisted again, causing each hand to grasp-

  “Hmmm, so eager,” Al’bah moaned as her entire body shivered in ecstasy.

  Al’bah’s wings continued to flutter. Tickling his skin, tingling his skin, driving his body into a mad frenzy. “If your curiosities are still unsatisfied, I could tell you more tomorrow.” She looked at him with that sensual smile, teasing her fingers along the lines of Cain’s chest, abdomen, and hip muscles. She nestled her cheek to his, burying her face in his hair, breathing deeply, taking in his scent. “I was hoping to partake of your touch, your attention, your warmth. I am so cold.”

  Cain tried to protest, but Al’bah’s passionate and teasing touches kept stealing his coherent thoughts, leaving behind only desire. Her breath fluttered across his skin while her fingers caressed and explored every inch of his body and curled around every lock of his hair. Her kisses upon his neck and shoulders were so soft, so perfectly accompanied by her playful tongue that explored his well-developed muscles.

  Al’bah playfully pushed Cain down upon the bed, against his feeble attempts to get up. His body rejoiced in the attentions she gave, but a part of him fought her. There was something unnatural about all this, but the more he resisted, the weaker his body became.

  Cain gasped; he tried to push her off, but his hands plunged into Al’bah’s hair and became tangled, causing it to fall upon his chest. Her black, slick hair was cold and heavy, a perfect contrast to the heat of both of their passions. His touch caused her to shiver, and when she opened her eyes they begun to glow a soft, soft violet, making her blinking wildly exotic.

  Cain tried and failed to pull his gaze away; her eyes seemed to have a mesmerizing effect. She telegraphed a ravenous curiosity, a sense of exploration of something completely unique. Though her motions were powerful and provocative, he thought they felt of desperation, like the actions of a true virgin. Clearly, she needed to feed a hunger unfamiliar to her. The way she stared at his body told him she needed to touch and taste him.

  She moaned faintly as she closed her eyes and brought her lips an inch, then a half inch, from Cain’s. “I await your response.” Her breath teased his face, smelling like blood then of fragrant wine.

  She wants me to kiss her! Why won’t my body respond? Why can’t I stop this? The sensation of helplessness sent shockwaves of panic coursing through his body. His breathing instantly went rapid, desperately trying to match his frantic heartbeat.

  Al’bah opened her eyes slightly, pursed her lips, and teased his skin with her breath. “Please, I mean you no harm. Let me show you my affection,” she said quietly. “I surrender to you, but please, do not be afraid. Do not reject me. I need you.”

  Like a flipped switch, control returned back to his body. He glanced at Al’bah, who looked at him with a soft fear. Her hands were posed in a begging gesture. Cain could see the beginnings of transparency of Al’bah’s form, and he felt her weight start to lift from his body, as if she were a dream fading away.

  “Please, do not reject me. I need you.”

  Her agony and desperation spilled over to Cain’s senses. It sparked the remembrance of the tortures he stopped, and what would happen if—

  “No!” Cain sat up. “Don’t go! Please, don’t go!” He reached out. “No! No! Don’t go!” It took a moment to actually realize he had his arms around Al’bah. Her skin was so soft, so smooth that he hadn’t even realized she was in his arms until he felt her trembling heart and heard her crying softly.

  “Please…do not let me go.”

  “I won’t…I have you.”

  He brought his lips to hers, tasting her desire, tasting the blood that was his, still on her tongue, surrendering any resistance he had left to her kiss.

  Oh, God…

  Chapter 7

  Waters and Light

  “Friendship isn’t something you owe, Charlie. Only animosity holds actions like a debt, and spends it on vengeance.”

  —Cain Lamentson

  4:01 a.m.

  The feverish heat of their passions cooled, and a calming sense of satisfaction settled upon the night. Al’bah watched Cain close his eyes and drift off to sleep. She sighed deeply and caressed his face. His expression now carried faint peace, which magnified the allure of his hard features.

  Oh! Such miracles! Al’bah marveled, looking upon her new form. A physical form crafted in the likeness of humanity! Everything was so overwhelming, so new. Even the senses she had been given were just as new, and no less overwhelming.

  “Oh, Cain,” Al’bah whispered, snuggling close to his body and resting her head upon his shoulder. “I can hear your heart. I can feel your soul.”

  A strange noise broke the stillness of the night, making Al’bah look around the room with soft fear. I doubt I will sleep as easily as he, Al’bah thought, curling her fingers in his hair and wrapping her legs around his. Her fear was well placed. Was her form solidified? Was she truly upon the realm in which humans dwelled? She had almost lost everything. Cain was so scared of her, so close to rejecting her, and he nearly broke his Bonds out of blind panic.

  “Cain,” Al’bah whispered in his ear. “Belag-sel-shen-ka-rel-shi-yu-ya.”

  Cain’s response was immediate. He rolled toward Al’bah, took her into his arms, and spoke in his dreams. “Stay, you’re mine.”

  Al'bah dared no more. She would not dare to control Cain. She sighed softly, feeling his flesh and blood feed her soul, filling her essence with an immense power and warmth. Al’bah closed her eyes, allowing sleep to take her senses. And although no one could see, she smiled in her dreams and wept tears of joy.


  Al’bah opened her eyes. The sun was shining through the window.

  And it was beautiful.

  Studying and caressing his face for a few tender moment, she looked fondly to Cain, who was still asleep. Carefully, she untangled her body from his. Once free and standing, she noticed a savage sensation of pain coming from her Bond.

  What pain is this? Her Bond’s hand was restored, but the pain was not there. It was emanating from his head. Al’bah knelt to kiss him on the forehead. There! She straightened and started to look about the room.

  It was beautiful.

  Strewn about were clothes, various artwork, and baubles of numerous sizes and shapes. Some she could recognize. Most she could not. She picked up the thing that Cain had wielded against her like a weapon.

  What is this? Poison? She sniffed a strange scent that came from the bottle and looked back upon her Bond, wondering why he would willingly drink poison. She stuck her tongue out and tasted a drop that fell upon her hand. No, not poison. Alcohol. She placed the bottle down and examined the other objects. Oh, so much to learn! What are all these things?

  Did it matter? She was free! It was a miracle! Even if her freedom lasted for one fleeting lifetime, it was a no less a miracle. Al’bah moved into the sunlight pouring into the room, closed her eyes, and raised her face to the light.

  I cannot remember the last time I knew true light.

  For a moment, she felt one with the radiance filling her vision behind her closed eyelids. Letting out her breath, Al’bah felt the torturous pangs of thirst that plagued her for as long as she could remember. How I long for water! I cannot even remember the last time I knew water.

  Oh, how the legions of hell savored the tortures of thirst and desperation! Such cruelty, such mindless satisfaction the damned took from denying water to the punished. But this time,
I can smell it. I can smell water! There is water here! I will find it!

  Turning her head to the heavenly scent of water and opening her eyes, she saw the smell led away from Cain. Al’bah turned to look at him. She did not like the idea of leaving his presence for even a moment. But the thirst that parched her throat became more desperate to be fulfilled, and she instinctively knew her flesh would die without water. “Please forgive me,” she whispered hoarsely and exited the room.

  Even with the overpowering need for water, a wash of horror spread its icy roots in Al’bah’s gut. She trembled, glancing around corners and staying as far from darkness and shadow as she could. She slowly calmed down, realizing her spiritual awareness could sense nothing of Taint’s presence, and she at last began to notice more of the abode of her Bond.

  Hmmm, these other rooms are not as beautiful. They are more barren, and they feel less inviting. Indeed, the other rooms that Al’bah could see on her way to the scent of water appeared empty and forlorn, whereas the room where Cain slept appeared full and more content.

  Al’bah entered the room where the scent of water was strongest, but she could not see where it was coming from. She saw what looked to be a strange altar with an odd cover. She lifted the cover and saw a shimmer inside. Al’bah peered closer and shrieked upon seeing a distorted face within and closed the cover with a hollow bang. She scooted away from the altar and panted, unsure of what she had just seen. Again, there was no sense of another spiritual presence anywhere, even from the altar, just the tantalizing smell of water.

  She lifted the cover again; her trepidation burst into elation! ”Water!” she gasped, about to cup her hands to partake of the water there, when she stopped. No, it can not be this way. This water must be sacred. After all, it is in an altar of sorts.

  She looked at another spot where the smell was coming from. There! It was an odd-shaped metal instrument that protruded from the wall completely littered with holes and shaped like a cone. Al’bah reached up and was about to touch it when she realized, Strange, I can smell Cain’s blood here. I—

  Al’bah’s jaw dropped as she stared upon the two sets of dates written in blood upon the wall.

  She gasped, and with a trembling hand she reached out to touch both dates. A primal despair filled her awareness. Oh, how close her Bond had come to taking his own life! Al’bah wept bitterly as his lingering despair filled her being. She cradled her left hand, allowed her tears to fall upon it, and then smeared the date which Cain presumed he would die, today. Wait, how did she know that? She looked at the smear of blood upon her hand and realized she absorbed Cain’s state of being from the moment of inscription.

  She held her hand out and the remaining smear lifted from the wall, and was absorbed by her flesh.

  Al’bah sniffed and wiped her nose, catching the scent of even more blood. She turned and saw his traces upon odd metal pieces from the wall and turned one slowly.

  A spitting noise sounded, startling Al’bah for a moment. Her alarm subsided in an instant, as freezing cold water poured upon her body.

  And it was beautiful.

  Al’bah drank deeply. A merciful coolness flooded through her body. The water pouring down her parched throat dragged the memory of a time when water had touched her lips before. How long ago was it? Who was she then?

  There were fragments of faces, voices, and emotion. But above all this was the memory of a silver goblet that held slushy ice water. Oh! How she longed for her memory before her punishments. Al’bah paused for a moment, grieving for the loss of so much, allowing the cool water to carry away her tears.

  Her grief forced the memory to change, turning into one of the endless days of her torments. The damned had encased her in superheated rocks, covering all but her screaming mouth. Then they let fall a single drop of water onto her tongue. They laughed as her suffering intensified.

  Al’bah shook her head. No, I am not tormented here. I will not bring that state of being with me. There is water here, there is light here. I am…no longer thirsty. After several long, beautiful moments, Al’bah sighed and rested her head upon the wall. Her knees lost all strength, and she slowly lowered herself to sit.

  “Water,” she whispered over and over again, as her body trembled from a chaotic mixture of laughter, weeping, and sighs. One mercy after another, one miracle after another—what a glorious turn of events! She roused herself from her blissful stupor, intending to return to Cain, when his voice sounded at the door.

  Chapter 8

  Reality Is Stranger Than You Think

  “There is nothing so dangerous and so beautiful as the love from an uncorrupted Succubus.”


  Cain awoke with dull sunlight in his eyes. An all-encompassing, senseless gray-white irritation that could only come from an overcast sky. What day is it? Ah, yes, Wednesday. I don’t have to work today, thank goodness.

  He started to roll over to get his face out of the light when he remembered some of the events of the night before. His eyes shot open, and all thoughts of extra sleep were driven from his mind as he propped himself up to look around his room.

  Was it a dream? Strange, could have sworn last night was more than a dream. Cain yawned and got up, shivering as the fiercely cold air in the apartment hit his body. What the hell? Why am I naked? He tried to piece a few fragmented memories and thoughts together. But another bout of shivering drove out everything but a need to be warm.

  He stumbled to the thermostat and adjusted it to max and glanced over at his dirty clothes strewn everywhere. Blech! I need to clean my room. He kicked his dirty clothes to the corner and looked at the junk that needed to be thrown away. Ah, I’ll get it later.

  His favorite shirt caught his eye; it appeared to be completely stained by blood. “Wait a second…blood!” He looked at his right hand. His wound was gone. Nothing remained but a thin, twisted white scar. He looked up and slowly realized he could hear the shower running down the hall. He called out, apprehension building in his chest. He didn’t know how to feel on this matter. Part of him hoped he’d had just a peculiar dream. Another hoped it wasn’t a dream.

  “Al’bah?” he said cautiously at the bathroom door. He heard a voice but couldn’t tell what was being said. He slowly opened the door and went in, knowing Al’bah was in there even before he opened it fully. Her scent permeated everything in the room and made the air almost substantial and decidedly enticing.

  Al’bah was looking around the shower curtain. Her face was full of bliss and framed by her hair, a mass of slick blackness begging to be touched and caressed. Her skin had a gentle wet sheen every bit as tantalizing as melted caramel on an apple. “I find this experience enjoyable,” she said as she opened the curtain wide, presenting Cain with a pleasing view of her body, which was even more breathtaking in the light of day that poured through the opened window on the shower wall. “Would you join me?”

  Cain stood there gaping at the sight before him, unsure whether or not he was still asleep. He probably would have stayed there wondering if he had gone insane, debating what he knew versus what he was seeing, if it weren’t for Al’bah.

  With understanding dawning upon her face, she stepped out of the shower, and with the slightest touch, she ran her fingertips across his chest. Cain gasped, as her touch left him breathless and shivering. He felt the spot where her fingers were just a moment ago burn, freeze, and tingle all at the same time, sending goose bumps all over his body.

  Al’bah breathed, making a strange noise of approval, and glanced down, toward Cain’s pelvis.

  Cain stood his ground, refusing to cover his nakedness or to display any sort of voluntary signal to indicate being swayed by such provocation. His resolve was tested to the absolute limit from Al’bah’s approving blue-violet eyes dancing back and forth from his eyes to other parts of his body. By the way she smiled, biting her lower lip, the hot blush upon her cheeks. And how she was more comfortable in her nudity than he was.

  The standoff wa
s beginning to become unbearable, and at last Cain broke the silence. “Um, sure. I’ll join you.”

  Satisfied, Al’bah stepped back into the shower and under the water. She held out her hands with an expectant smile.

  Cain felt more than a little irritated. He never allowed any woman to control him. And although he had no intention to let Al’bah do so either, he felt as though he lost a battle of wills with her. He turned around and opened his linen closet to get two towels and washcloths.

  He shot a glance at Al’bah, trying his best to convey to her that he was still in control of himself, and set the linen on the nearby stand. He stepped into the shower, squinting against the glare of the sunlit water that almost seemed to glow. A million thoughts and questions ran though his head. And yet “Where are your wings?” was all he could think of to say.

  Al’bah stared into Cain’s eyes for a full minute before she shyly turned her head, then her body. She guided Cain’s hands to the small of her back. Two long white lines marked her skin where the base of her wings were. “Here,” she whispered, turning her head to glance at Cain, her eyes carrying an unmistakable invitation.

  Cain’s mind went far and away as he watched the constant stream of water splash over him and onto Al’bah’s back, flowing over exquisite feminine curves, indentations, and swells. She slowly turned back around, allowing his eyes to trace the flow of sparkling water over her body. Her shoulders, neck, and her chest, so close he could almost feel the tips of her hardened flesh against his own. The water continued in delicate streams over her strong abdomen, vulnerable hips, and slender legs.


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