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The Conquest

Page 14

by Julia Templeton

  Was this Jorden’s mystery lover?

  “Lady Rhiannon, would you be so kind as to relay a message to your maid for me?”

  Elspeth had been in a wonderful mood since the day they had visited the market and Rhiannon need not wonder why.

  “Certainly, but perhaps ye wish to relay it yourself since she is sitting very near.”

  “I would, but a certain man has been lingering at her side all night. I do not think he would appreciate my interrupting.”

  So Antony had taken notice of the two?

  “Very well, I shall relay any message ye wish.”

  “Tell her I shall be delighted to meet her in the brewhouse storage this evening directly after the festivities.”

  Rhiannon’s surprise must have shown on her face, for he laughed under his breath. “You blush, my lady. Have I offended you?”

  “Nay?” she said, a touch too quickly. “My maid is plain speaking herself, so I do not pretend to guess at the extent of your relationship, especially when ye are meeting in the brewhouse storage.”

  “Point taken, my lady.” The dance took them away for a few counts, and it gave her time to collect her thoughts. Elspeth talked with Antony, who toyed with a lock of her hair. She swatted at his hand, and he laughed at her.

  Rhiannon had noticed the stable master speaking with another servant, even pinching her bum the way he’d been pinching Elspeth’s, so perhaps their relationship was more casual than Rhiannon had ever realized.

  When the dance brought them face to face again, Jorden asked, “Tell me, has the stable boy been Elspeth’s lover long?”

  Her heart leapt at the direct question. “Ye are asking the wrong person, and by the way, he is the stable master.”

  He laughed under his breath. “It is not in my nature to be jealous, Lady Rhiannon, if that is what concerns you.”

  “I do not know why ye should be concerned with her relationship when ye yourself have another lover.” The moment the words were out, she wished to take them back, but it was too late.

  His silver eyes narrowed a little and yet the smile remained. “Ah, I see the stable boy has been talking.”

  Her cheeks turned hot. “Perhaps he has.”

  “Does what he said surprise you?”

  Stunned at his openness to discuss intimate details, she shrugged.

  He laughed lightly. “Ah, I can see by the blush on your cheeks, it does.” Leaning in, he whispered in her ear, “One cannot help who one is attracted to.”

  His good humor was contagious, and she found herself smiling, too. Or perhaps it was the ale, she knew not which. But she liked the charming knight.

  “Well, let me say this while I have ye to myself. Lord Malgor is a lucky man to have such a woman as you for his bride. I pray you find love for him, and he with you.”

  She forced the smile to stay on her lips. Apparently he had not guessed at the extent of her relationship with Adelstan. “Thank ye, Jorden.”

  “You are most welcome.”

  The last strings of the music quieted, and Jorden bowed. “Thank you for the dance, Lady Rhiannon.”

  “Thank ye, Jorden. I shall relay your message as soon as I am able.”

  “Thank you.”

  Seeing Elspeth and Antony still conversing, Rhiannon walked toward the high dais and stopped short seeing Adelstan approach.

  “Can I have the next dance, my lady?”

  “Of course,” she said, trying to contain her happiness. Her heart fluttered uncontrollably as she took his hand. She loved his scent. Knew she would never forget it. How she ached to press against him, to feel his body against hers, to taste his lips. She leaned closer and whispered, “I miss ye so much.”

  “And I you.”

  The music began and their gazes locked and held.

  I want to be alone with ye tonight.

  How she longed to say those words but didn’t dare for fear of someone overhearing.

  The dance brought them together, and she placed her hand flat against his. How large it was compared to hers.

  “You and Jorden looked to be enjoying yourselves.”

  “Aye, we were.”

  She couldn’t read his expression, wasn’t sure if he was jealous or mad. “He asked me to relay a message to Elspeth.”

  Was that relief she saw in those long-lashed eyes? “I see.”

  “He is a handsome devil, is he not?”

  Adelstan frowned, his jaw clenching.

  She tried to keep from smiling but failed. “But not as handsome as ye.”

  “Witch,” he said playfully. “You look beautiful tonight. I like your new gown. It makes your eyes even more vibrant.”

  His words washed over her like warm honey and her stomach coiled tight, sending an ache straight to her groin and her mons. “Thank ye.”

  He leaned in and whispered, “Meet me tonight.”

  Her heart missed a beat. “Anywhere.”

  “Can you get to my room without being seen?”


  “If it is too risky, do not come.”

  Nothing and no one would keep her from taking a chance.

  The dance ended far too soon, and though she wanted to dance with him again, she knew to do so would cause suspicion. “Until tonight,” she whispered, before walking toward Elspeth and Antony.

  * * *

  Rhiannon pulled her cloak closer to her body. Beneath it she was naked, and her body already felt sensitive. She had brushed out her hair until it crackled, and she paced the room, waiting for the guard to make his usual march up the tower steps.

  Elspeth must have met with Jorden, because she had yet to return. Rhiannon could only imagine the two of them now, no doubt making love feverishly, neither one bound by their heartstrings to the other.

  If only she could be so casual about sex, her life would be a lot less difficult.

  The guard’s heavy footfalls approached, and she held her breath, hoping he would not stop, but just keep on going. From time to time her father had placed a guard or two outside her door, but normally that was in way of punishment for having done something wrong.

  The footsteps stopped, the person hesitating outside her door before continuing up the steps. She waited long minutes until the footfalls faded.

  Heart pounding wildly against her breastbone, she stepped out of her room and headed down the stairs. She rounded the corner to Adelstan’s chamber, and had one hand on the door handle when her father appeared.

  She gasped. “Father, what are ye doing here?”

  “I would ask ye the same question, Daughter, though I fear I already know the answer.”

  She looked over her shoulder, half expecting Adelstan to open the door and help remedy the situation.

  “He is not here. I asked him to watch the east wall for an hour or two since we are shorthanded.”

  Knowing it would be best to lie, she opened her mouth, but her father’s cruel gaze silenced her.

  “Ye will be leaving Castle MacKay day after tomorrow. I will see everything is arranged. I am sending a messenger tomorrow morning telling Lord Malgor to expect ye shortly.”

  Fear clutched her heart. “Father, I am not ready to leave Castle MacKay.”

  He had never looked so fierce, his eyes narrowing into cruel slits. “Because ye love your home and your people so? Or is it because ye have no wish to meet your betrothed because ye have already given yourself to another?” He shook his head. “Your mother would be so ashamed of ye right now.”

  Rhiannon lifted her chin. “My mother would understand and sympathize with me.”

  He lifted her chin with rough hands. “Ye will marry Lord Malgor, Rhiannon. Put this infatuation behind ye, and be a good wife and mother. Ye will do this for your people, Rhiannon. Ye will do this for your mother and I.”

  Chapter 16

  After a sleepless night, Adelstan rose to a cool September morning. When he had returned to his chamber he had tossed and turned, knowing exactly why Rhiannon’s father
had asked him to stand in as watch last night.

  Perhaps he and Rhiannon had become too obvious with their affection toward each other. Mayhap during the dance he had read their body language, or noticed how close they had become? Adelstan had hardly helped matters by being unable to take his eyes off her from the moment she’d entered the great hall. He could not help himself. The kirtle had formed to her perfect body, defining the slender lines and supple curves, making him ache for the moment he could take the gown off and feel her beneath him once more.

  Walking to the garderobe, he drew out his cock and pissed, wondering if he should stroke himself to find some relief since his balls were full and heavy.

  Having emptied his bladder, he stroked his cock from tip to root and back again, while he looked out the small window that allowed for ventilation.

  Only servants were up this early, preparing for the day ahead. A chicken rushed across the bailey, the cook chasing after it. The sides of his mouth curved, until he caught sight of a slight figure looking anxiously about as she exited the castle’s side entrance.

  His heart jolted.

  Was it Rhiannon? He pushed his cock back into his braies and watched. It took only seconds to recognize her walk, the small ladylike strides, the erect shoulders, and the way she lifted her chin.

  What was she up to?

  Good lord, she did not mean to escape, did she? Certainly she would take Elspeth with her if that were the case, or at the very least, some clothing and food.

  Intrigued and a bit angered, he tied the cord of his braies, and slipped on his chausses, boots, and tunic, before grabbing his mantle.

  By the time he caught up to her, she was walking the familiar road past the village, and toward the marketplace. His mind raced. The market would not be set up yet. Her steps were hurried, and several times she looked back. She appeared anxious.

  He intentionally stayed farther behind, in the trees.

  How foolish of her to leave the castle alone. Did she not realize the danger in doing so? Any kind of vagabond could come this way and mistake her for a common servant. He knew how often women were raped in such instances, and many times the rapist was never reprimanded. The thought of such an event happening to Rhiannon made his blood run cold.

  As the village came into view, he quickened his pace, staying closer now. She walked to a small hut, and once again looked about, before knocking on the door.

  Several minutes passed when Gerard, the young goldsmith from the marketplace, answered. He looked shocked to see her, but pleased at the same time.

  Adelstan’s gut twisted.

  What the hell was she up to?

  He could not hear them, or even make out what they spoke of. Gerard motioned her inside, and she followed, closing the door behind her.

  Not wanting to risk the chance of being caught staring into the window by a neighbor, Adelstan settled in to wait. A rooster crowed, and he heard movement in a nearby hut.

  Should he barge in? He was half tempted to do just that when the door opened and Rhiannon appeared with the young man in tow.

  They ended up at a shop not far from Gerard’s house. The shuttered windows gave him limited visibility into the shop, but Adelstan could see a furnace and tables and tools lying about.

  Rhiannon sat on a table, looking completely relaxed as the boy showed her something. She nodded, and Gerard immediately set to work with hammer, anvil, and chisel. As the minutes ticked by, the two talked without end, laughing often and always smiling.

  Adelstan had seen the desire in the younger man’s eyes at market, and had not been too concerned at the time, and yet now he could not deny the jealousy that coiled within his belly.

  Once the boy had finished, Rhiannon looked overjoyed. She threw herself into his arms and Gerard’s arms wrapped around her slender body, pulling her close. Her face lay against his chest, and even from here, he could see the huge grin on her face. She looked up at the young man and rested a hand against his jaw. Minutes ticked by endlessly as they talked, nose to nose, and when the boy kissed her forehead, Adelstan nearly made himself known.

  Rhiannon took something from a leather bag and pressed it into his palm. He kept shaking his head, obviously not wanting to take the offering.

  Shoulders slumping, Gerard gave up, and accepted the gift. Rhiannon left him with a final kiss on his cheek.

  He did not want to jump to any conclusions, but why had she been so secretive?

  Adelstan followed her until they were out of sight of the village, and then moved ahead of her, staying to the trees. Finally, when she crossed his path, he reached out and grabbed her. Her yelp was cut short by the pressure of his hand.

  Pulling her up against him, she tried to kick him, but his free arm tightened around her. “What are you about, Rhiannon?”

  “Adelstan?” she said, his name coming out muffled against his palm. “What are ye doing here?”

  “Following you.”

  A blush ran up her cheeks, staining them pink. “I needed to speak to Gerard.”

  “Aye, I could see that, the question is why?”

  She shifted on her feet. “I…I wanted to tell Gerard that I will be leaving tomorrow.”

  His heart missed a beat. “Tomorrow? I have not heard the news.”

  “My father caught me at your chamber door last night. He knows what we are about, Adelstan, and he told me it is time for me to go to Almeron and marry Lord Malgor. He has made a bargain with him, and it is my duty to fulfill it.”

  A bargain.

  Just as his sister Aleysia had made a bargain with Renaud de Wulf thirteen years ago. Now it was Rhiannon who was the pawn in a bargain.

  At least his sister had made the bargain on her own terms. Rhiannon had not been so fortunate.

  Tears swam in her eyes. “I wish I had been born a man.”

  “I am glad you were not,” he said, taking a step closer to her, but she moved away.

  “Do not make fun, Adelstan. I am serious.”

  “I know. Forgive me.”

  She ran trembling hands down her face. “Father told me he would lose too much if this marriage did not take place. If not for that, I would leave here right now with you.”

  Adelstan’s stomach churned. “I am sorry, Rhiannon.”

  “I knew it would be difficult to leave home, but it will be even harder to pretend I do not care for ye once we reach Almeron.” Tears spilled from her beautiful eyes, down her face, and she wiped them away with the back of her hands. “I knew this day was coming, but now that it’s here, I feel so helpless.”

  How beautiful she looked in the morning light. So young, so innocent, so full of life.

  So strong.

  And soon she would be another man’s bride. The thought shook him to the core. But this was his woman. He did not want anyone touching her…or marrying her.

  “Why did you feel the need to tell Gerard good bye, Rhiannon?”

  Her eyes became guarded. “Because he has been a good friend.”

  “How good a friend?”

  She swallowed hard. “I care for him, but not the same way I care for ye.”

  He pulled her close. His fingers wrapped around her slender upper arms, and she looked up at him, but dropped her gaze almost immediately.

  “Then why can’t you look at me?”

  “At one time I liked Gerard as more than a friend, but all we have ever done is share a kiss. A simple peck on the lips, nothing more.”

  Even though it was just a kiss, a peck on the lips at that, and before Adelstan had come into her life, he was still jealous.

  “Why not send him a letter then to say your good byes.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it, as her gaze dropped to his chest. “I asked him a favor while at market the other day.”

  His mind raced. He had left the two alone for only a few minutes. “What favor?”

  “Gerard is a goldsmith’s apprentice and a good one at that. I asked him to make me a gift for some
one. I thought I would pick it up next week on market day, but since we are leaving for Almeron on the morrow, I had to ask him to finish it now. So that is why I was so secretive.” She met and held his gaze. “I swear it, Adelstan.”

  A gust of wind blew, sending a tendril of hair across her lips. He brushed it back, feeling the texture between finger and thumb. His heart ached with the emotion he felt for her. “What is the gift?”

  Reaching into the small leather pouch, she pulled out a ring that rested flat on her palm.

  He picked it up and recognized immediately a favorite Celtic pattern Aleysia had embroidered on many of his tunics and mantles. It had been his mother’s favorite pattern.

  His throat grew tight. The ring was for him.

  “I guessed at the size. I hope it fits.” She slipped the ring onto his finger.

  She looked up at him with hopeful eyes. “I know it might seem—”

  He kissed her hard, touched by the gift. All the jealousy he had been feeling melted away as her arms slid around his neck. “Thank you, Rhiannon. It’s beautiful.”

  Rhiannon’s back came into contact with the giant oak. She felt the hard ridge of Adelstan’s cock against her belly, and her passion built quickly, sending white-hot need through her entire being, especially to the flesh between her legs.

  Adelstan lifted her skirts and touched her smooth thighs and the heated slit between them. He stroked her, brushing over her clit and around it, before sliding within her blazing core.

  “So wet,” he said, sounding pleased.

  With her need reaching fever pitch, she couldn’t stand still and moved against his fingers. As his thumb brushed over her tiny pearl, she cried out as she climaxed.

  Adelstan felt her tight muscles squeeze his fingers, her hot essence drenching his fingers.

  She touched his cock, her hand molding the material around his rigid length, and he nearly spent himself. Her fingers quickly worked the cord of his braies, and she gripped him hard. He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes as she slid her hand up and down his thick shaft.

  His fingers brushed over her clit again, and she drew her hips away. He smiled as she looked up at him, but the grin died the moment he saw the intense need in her eyes.


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