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Royally Bad (Bad Boy Royals #1)

Page 4

by Nora Flite

  Then my eyes tracked down, and I spotted two things. The first was almost lost among the parade of tattoos on his skin. If I hadn’t seen it on Francesca, it wouldn’t have stood out to me. The red-and-black crown sat on his ribs, the same spot hers had been.

  I was intrigued, but then there was the second thing:

  His scar.

  It curved along the lower right side of his stomach. Immediately I pictured a butcher’s knife, or . . .

  A bullet wound.

  It was a crazy thought. Kain seemed wild, but that didn’t mean he got into gunfights.

  “Oh, baby girl,” he said, reaching for my dress. “I want to see those tits of yours in all their glory.”

  His flattery caused my heart to stutter. I grabbed for the fabric, helping him pull the dress up and over. It messed up my hair; I was quick to smooth it. Kain wasn’t paying attention, he was fixated hungrily on my chest.

  Taking the hint, I reached back, popping my bra off. The air swept over my nipples; it would have firmed them, but Kain had already pushed them to their peak. He breathed in sharply, flicking his stare up to mine. “You might be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

  Kain leaned in, fingers wrapping in my hair, ensuring I couldn’t break away when he kissed me. Each swirl of his tongue on the roof of my mouth brushed my nerves away.

  My worries.

  I was melting into the floor, the heat between us boiling. His cock flexed, I could feel the thick veins through his briefs and my panties. The fear that he might be wide enough to cause me pain was turning me into mush. Riding him would be like riding a roller coaster.

  Reaching between us, he tugged his underwear aside. The warm, naked flesh of his prick ground along my slit. I cooed as he bumped my clit, but my hands came down, gripping his shoulders. Fuck, his muscles were solid. “Wait. Use a condom.”

  He laughed darkly. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t do you wrong like that, you don’t want to carry one of my kids, trust me.”

  It was a weird thing to say. It made me pause, my lusty haze breaking under his sobering warning. Kain slid a foil packet from the pants around his thighs. The condom peeled cleanly down his full length—watching was erotic.

  “Lean back,” he said flatly, “and brace yourself. I’m about to find out if this pussy is as homebred as you keep trying to say, or if you’re about to fall apart from how hard I fuck you.”

  His eyes roiled like an animal’s in heat. Did mine look the same? “Shut up and show me what you can do. You told me to fuck you and forget you, right?” Gripping his ass, I pulled him against me. “Do it. Rock me until I forget who you are, Kain.”

  Shivering, he angled himself. “I love hearing you say my name. Try to do it while you’re screaming, baby girl.” Then he plunged forward, his cock head stretching me so abruptly I saw flashes of color behind my eyeballs.

  Kain drove into me like he wanted to make a point. Maybe he did—maybe he wanted to show me I couldn’t handle him.

  That I couldn’t forget him.

  No, I told myself, wrapping my legs around his waist. This is a one-time hookup. One and done. I’ll never see him after this.

  And that was just fine.

  Just . . . fine.

  Closing my eyes, I moaned at the sensation of his hard hips cutting into my skin. Each thrust caused his ridges of muscles to bump my breasts or graze over my swollen clit. He bent me in two, the rug tickling my cheek as I sank in.

  Somehow, Kain found a way to dig in further.

  In my skull, the echo of his force thumped over and over. Anyone below us in the house could hear. He bit my earlobe, thrumming my clit with a free hand—and they definitely would hear my screams from that.

  “Kain,” I breathed, lashes fluttering like a hummingbird. “Fuck, Kain! That’s so damn good!”

  “I know.” His arrogance had always pissed me off. In this setting, it made my pussy squeeze around his shaft even tighter. The crest of orgasm teased me, my muscles clenching in delicious pressure.

  “When you come,” he hissed, wrenching my hair so that I had to look into the furious pits of his stormy eyes, “count for me.”

  Confused, I opened my mouth. “What?”

  Licking my lower lip, then my teeth, he inhaled. “Count out each time you come. Do it, or I’ll stop fucking you right before you finish. I mean it.”

  Kain was too serious, too . . . unstable. I believed him, his harsh words sending static down into my pussy. My thighs shook, and his knowing smirk knocked me over the edge. “Count,” he reminded me when I started to whimper.

  Shaking violently, my hips twitched as the orgasm took hold. It was in my veins, my bones, my everything. I was a single hot point of pleasure. Making words was hard . . . but I did it for him. “One!” I shouted it like it was my last breath.

  His groan was lower than the center of the earth; lava and pure, unfiltered rock. He found speed where surely there should be none, his fingers circling my sensitive clit faster and faster. “Again,” he demanded. “Come for me again, beautiful.”

  Buzzing with energy, I arched into his strokes eagerly. I’d never had multiple orgasms before, but in this little black bubble with a man who was secretly a beast . . . I knew it was going to happen.

  “Two!” I cried, sweat sliding down my throat. He licked me there, tasting my salt as I panted with the strain of climax. My inner walls milked him, the condom too thin to hide each swell of his nearing release.

  “More, I’m not done with you. More, Sammy.”

  Hearing my name broke down another mental wall. My nails cut into his back, I lavished attention over each of his rippling muscles. I imagined his ink would rub off on me from our friction.

  I didn’t need to imagine the third orgasm.

  “Three,” I whispered, the word sticking in my throat. Kain filled me to capacity, his teeth bared. He looked at my face as he came, but he never slowed down. The monster kept fucking me, his seed shooting into the condom.

  I didn’t stop counting; I just couldn’t count anymore.

  Blackness crept into my vision. Kain had made me come until I passed out.

  The last thing I saw as I faded away were his tender, unguarded eyes.

  Even if I wanted to forget what we’d done . . .

  I could never forget how he looked at me.



  Slipping out of the room, I concentrated to make sure every step I took was as quiet as a church mouse’s. I wasn’t about to wake Kain up and let him see me fleeing, and worse, what if anyone else in the house saw?

  Closing the door, I faced the hallway and took my first real breath of air.

  Francesca slammed into me, her arms choking away that single breath.

  “Sammy!” she screamed, the noise raking over my nerves. “How could this happen?”

  “It—it’s not what you think!” I blurted, staring wildly at Kain’s door. Was she going to kill me for sleeping with her brother?

  Hugging me harder, she rubbed her cheek on my shoulder. That was when I realized she was crying. Was this that big of a deal?! “Sammy.” She sniffled. “I don’t know what to do. I can’t believe that bitch! I hate her. I hate her!”

  My brain ticked like a clock, striking twelve. This isn’t about me.

  Carefully, I untangled her and held her at arm’s length. It was early in the morning, but mascara and makeup ran down her cheeks. Francesca was a mess. “What happened? Who’s a bitch?”

  Pushing out her lower lip, she stepped backward. “That fucking Monica, that’s who. She was supposed to be my maid of honor, Sammy! Then she goes and texts Midas pics of her vajayjay! How the hell am I supposed to let her be my bestie now, huh?”

  Lifting my hands cautiously, I kept my voice calm. “It’ll be okay. I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

  Wiping at her face, she focused on me. I took the opportunity to put on a reassuring smile. Slowly, she copied me—going from depressed to thoughtf
ul. Digging her nails into my forearms, she leaned closer to me. “You’re a genius, Sammy!”

  “Ha-ha, thanks, but I’m not.”

  Bobbing her head, she gripped me until I winced. “Yeah,” she whispered, almost to herself. “This will be perfect.”

  “Um,” I said blankly.

  “You’ll be perfect.”

  My mouth crinkled up like a flatlining balloon. “Hold on.”

  She threw her arms around me in a hug that was much more cheerful than earlier—but just as painful. “You’re going to be such a good maid of honor!”

  Inch by inch, my stomach crept into my feet. “Francesca . . . I can’t do that, we barely know each other.”

  “I feel like I’ve known you forever!” Staring me in the eye, she put on her saddest tone. “Plus, if you don’t, I’m screwed. Sammy, I’ll have no one! My whole family and friends will laugh, they’ll say, ‘Oooh that Frannie, she’s too much of a bitch to have a bestie! See?’” Her eyebrows knitted together. “I’d fall apart in front of everyone.”

  She was being ridiculous . . . and even still, I felt a twinge of sympathy. I wasn’t close to being married, but if it was my big day and my best friend had destroyed our friendship, and I now had no maid of honor . . . wouldn’t that be awful?

  Kain warned you about this. I snapped a peek at his door. He said if you helped her, she’d keep asking for more.

  Like always, I couldn’t turn down someone in need.

  Sighing, I pulled her in for a hug. “I just hope I can fit into her dress.”

  Francesca squealed, jumping in a circle and taking me with her. When we made a full rotation, I spotted Kain watching me through the crack in his door.

  My heart floated up and away. He was still mostly naked, a tight pair of black briefs wrapping against the morning wood he sported. I’d seen that cock in its full magnificence last night. It didn’t take much to imagine it all over again.

  He saw me watching, his hand reaching down to graze himself. One firm, quick squeeze of his shaft and my clit twitched in response. Dammit.

  I didn’t like how satisfied he was by my open-mouthed reaction. Gripping Francesca, I faced her. “We don’t have much time until the wedding. Tell me everything I need to know.”

  Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I let her guide us down the hall. She gabbed and giggled and flipped her hair. All the while, the hungry stare of a certain Kain Badd burned slowly through the back of my skull.

  He was watching me. He didn’t stop until I was out of sight.

  The next few hours were a blur of arms, busy hands, and ear-splitting shouts. There was an entire team on foot, all dedicated to making the daughter of the Badd family into a star.

  Two women coiled her hair, another worked on her toes. She had three makeup artists—even her little fluffy white Yorkie had someone working on him.

  I’d planned to just put on a dress and shoes. Francesca would have none of it.

  Forced into a chair, I was set up like a piece of meat for some hyenas. The women chattered and yanked at me, forcing my hair into such a tight twist that my eyes watered. I finally put my foot down when they tried to do my makeup like the bride’s.

  There was no way I was letting them pancake it on.

  My stomach rumbled as I sat there. I was grateful when I was offered a mimosa. Someone else handed me a tray of pastries, so I took a raspberry Danish—okay, two.

  Eventually the room quieted down, the staff clearing out. Francesca stood by as the remaining assistant strapped her into the dress I’d created. I sat in front of the vanity, observing with genuine pride.

  She really was beautiful.

  “I have to show my dad.” She giggled. Swishing her veil, she beamed. “I’ll be right back! Get your shoes on!”

  When she charged out the door, the last of the attendants went with her. Left alone in the fluffy white sitting room, I leaned down to straighten out the low-cut top of my dress. No matter how I pulled at the material, nothing could make it less . . . what was the word? Streetwalker?

  It was a style I’d have never worn. The rose-cream color didn’t fit a wedding, if you asked me, though they’d clearly paid someone a lot of money for the outfit; I was positive that was real gold on the zipper.

  At least they match the heels. They were meant for Francesca’s former friend, and she must have been a fan of height. Scowling, I wiggled my toes into the pink and glittery torture devices. I tested them, wobbling after a couple of steps. The door opened behind me. “Francesca, do you have any other heels besides these?”

  Kain slid inside the room, and just as fast, he slid into my blood. I went hot all over, scanning the way his rich navy suit fit across his muscles. It brought out the flecks of silver in his eyes . . . eyes that were busy roaming my nearly naked chest.

  “What the hell are you doing in here?” I hissed.

  He came my way, not stopping. Kain walked his fingers up my ribs, brushing dangerously close to my breast. “I’m getting ready for the wedding.”

  Glowing pink, I summoned enough strength to push him away. He smiled, leaning on the wall to watch me. “Get ready elsewhere, I have to practice walking in these heels.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll hold you up in case you trip when we’re walking together.”

  Tiny hairs stood up on my arms. The confident slant to his stare had my blood pumping ever faster. “You’re not serious. You’re the best man? You?”

  Plucking at his suit jacket, he looked down at his knuckles. “Am I not best man material?”

  I was too stunned to banter. Slumping into a padded chair, I dug my nails into the back of it. When I’d agreed to help Francesca, I hadn’t considered that it would throw me closer to the one man I wanted to be miles away from.

  “It’s actually perfect, when you think about it,” he said. “Now I get to dance with someone I actually like. It helps even more that I know how good you can move those hips of yours.”

  The memory of grinding my pussy deliriously on his pelvis rocked my brain. Grabbing the mimosa, I used it to wash the dryness from my mouth. “I might have to walk down the aisle with you, Kain, but I don’t have to spend another moment with you before or after.”

  “‘Walk down the aisle,’” he teased. “Like we’re husband and wife. I know I fucked you into a blackout last night, but I don’t know if I’m ready to marry you.”

  “Marry you?!” Standing quickly, I threw my hands down. The glass was empty, or I would have gotten mimosa all over my dress. “I don’t want to be near you!”

  Laughing, Kain pushed off of the wall. “Please. You really think you’re done with me?”

  He was getting closer; I tightened my jaw and stood tall. I wasn’t going to let him intimidate me. I definitely wasn’t going to let him get under my skin . . . or on my skin . . . and fuck, now I was thinking about his naked body all over again.

  Kain was on me, his breath caressing my cheek. “You’re all red,” he whispered. “That because of me?”

  Pressure pounded in my ears. Every air particle was affected by him, the distance between us pointless. He wasn’t touching me yet, but my lower belly flipped and went wiggly like he was.

  I ran my tongue over my lower lip—he followed it with his eyes. “Kain, what happened last night was a mistake.”

  “This mistake made you scream so hard I think the whole house heard you.”

  My eyes shot wide. “That—don’t act like you were that good!”

  His arm passed my ear, his palm touching the vanity behind me, blocking me in. Every wave of heat that came off of his body sank into me. Were my knees shaking? “Listen to me, beautiful. I know I was good. And you know I was good. So stop playing, and if you ask nicely, maybe I’ll take you for another round. I’d love to eat that sweet pussy of yours, didn’t get to last night, ya know? I’d hate for you to think I wasn’t a gentleman.”

  Words failed me. Even my muscles were failing me. Gripping the top of the chair, I sank back onto i
t. Kain didn’t let me go, he followed me down, his sharp nose brushing the tip of mine.

  When he licked his teeth, my clit swelled, imagining his tongue on me.

  Rubbing my legs together, I swallowed loudly. “You’re definitely not a gentleman.”

  “Then what am I?”

  A jerk, an asshole, a dickhead . . .

  The best fuck I’ve ever had.

  Francesca busted into the room. “Okay! Let’s finish up and—Kain!”

  Her brother spun away from me, all evidence that he’d been soaking my panties vanishing. “Sis,” he said, grabbing her shoulders. “You look amazing.”

  She blushed, doing a twirl for him. “Think Midas will run from the altar?”

  “If he does, he’s a damn idiot.”

  It occurred to me as they laughed together . . . just how similar they looked. She had the same angular jaw as her brother, and he had her thick lashes and sparkling eyes. They were comfortable together. It made me a little envious that I had no siblings.

  Studying how Kain treated his sister, my mood shifted. He was protective, kind, even sweet. None of the sides he’d shown to me.

  No. I saw something like that in his eyes . . . right before I passed out.

  I had to forget that moment. Guys who were full of themselves just hurt the women who fell for them. I was not about to fall for Kain Badd. Not a fucking chance.

  Francesca fanned her face. “Oh, gawd, it’s just a few minutes away. Sammy, get up and make sure this dress is on me right.”

  “It’s fine, really.” Standing, I weaved around Kain, leaving a wide berth. There was never enough room between us. Tucking the ribbons on her corset, I pulled—then nodded. “You’re perfect. Trust me.”

  Pulling at the top of her dress, she puffed out her cheeks. “Whoo. My tits are sweating, I’m so nervous.”

  “Let’s get you out there,” I said, eyeing the clock. “It’s almost showtime.”

  Francesca marched in front of us as we left the room. The plan was to head out a back kitchen door and into the rose garden. The groom wasn’t allowed to leave the pavilion near the front of the house until she was stashed away in her own personal tent.


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