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Drakkar ~ Beyond the Lie (A Dark Order of the Dragon Novel Book 3)

Page 23

by Sandra Bischoff

  Lance broke the surface of the water gasping for air. Jared waved at him from the shore. The two were there from the moment the sun rose over the mountain on the other side of the Hudson River. So far, though, there was still no sign of Giovanna’s body and it looking like Absinthe pulled another one over on them.

  They were no closer to finding her today, than they were two years before.

  “Bring it in, bud. I think we have to call this as it looks,” he yelled to Lance.

  “A wise choice, your Highness.”

  Jared spun around, reaching for the blade hidden in the sheath on his lower back. Only, he came up empty. The man standing before him, dressed in a stylish black suit, leaned on his cane with a gloved hand. In his other one he held Jared’s dagger. His black eyes watched Jared intensely from under equally dark brows.

  “I’m both impressed and amused you would think me a threat, Mr. Bonatelli, especially when I am here to lay your mind at ease.” He held out the dagger to Jared, who took it hesitantly.

  “Mr. Lyoshka, what could you have to say to me that would put my mind at ease?” Jared replaced the dagger where it belonged.

  Lance stepped next to him and grabbed a towel. “Hey, Mikhail. Didn’t think you were the outdoorsy type.”

  The demon frowned. “I’m not. But given this was the safest place for me to meet with the Prince, here I am. By the way, I’m very intrigued as to how you are able to walk in daylight.”

  Lance growled. Jared held up his hand to silence him. “It’s not something I broadcast.”

  “Naturally. That could be . . . disastrous.”

  “To say the least. But you’re not here to talk about my ability. Why are you here, then?” Jared leaned on the boulder where their gear was, casually waiting for Mik to get to the point of his intrusion.

  “Your Highness -Jared, if I may,” he asked.

  Jared waved him on.

  “There is no need for you to continue your search here. It is useless.”

  “Oh?” Jared raised his brow. “Why is that?”

  Mikhail gave him a serrated smile. “Your little Siren is safe.”

  “Why should I believe you? You were one of the ones imprisoning her. Forcing her to sing for you.” Jared crossed his arms over his chest.

  Mikhail scoffed. “I never imprisoned her. That was your sister. I gave Giovanna purpose. I helped her use her gift as a release, if you will. If in the process I benefited financially, then so be it.” He shrugged. “I cared for her. I always hoped one day she would be free of Absinthe. I even went so far as to try and barter for her freedom. Your sister wouldn’t give her up.”

  “So you’re telling me that this whole thing was staged? It was an elaborate way for you to get Giovanna away from Absinthe for good?”

  “Not staged. What happened was all real.” Mikhail nodded. “She was gravely hurt.”

  “Then why are you telling me this? Where can I find her?”

  “You can’t. The reason I am telling you is so you can thank your son,” Mik offered.

  “Thank Drakkar? What does he have to do with this?”

  Lance rolled his eyes. “Just spill it already, Mikhail. Gods I hate demons.”

  Mik curled his lip back from his serrated teeth. “I can assure you, the feeling is totally mutual for shifters.”

  Lance snorted.

  “Enough, you two. Mikhail,” Jared interjected.

  “Very well. Drakkar came to me and begged me to help Giovanna. Apparently she left him a note saying I was the only one he could trust. I told him his trust was misplaced, but he insisted.” Mikhail yanked on the cuffs of his leather gloves, pulling them on tighter. “I told him I would think about it.”


  “And, he left. After I debated my whole -‘Switzerland’- stand, I decided the Princess was the wrong side for me to entertain anymore. I called in a favor.”

  He tapped his cane in the gravel. The image of Giovanna asleep on a pallet of furs formed on the surface of the water. Her blonde hair spread out over the pillow like a set of golden bird’s wings. Jared moved closer to the edge on the lake. She stirred slightly, but did not awaken.

  “Where is she? Does she need medical attention,” he asked the demon.

  “She has been attended to and sleeps comfortably. My associate is watching over her even as I speak.” The vision faded. “He is sworn to her safety and will protect her with his life. This is the debt he owed to me.”

  “And once she is well again, will she be free to return home?”

  Mikhail smiled sadly. “And what home is that, Highness? Is she welcome to live in yours with her son? Will your current wife accept that? Or shall she return to her human life? She’s been dead to everyone for so many years. Will her family welcome her back as returned from the dead?”

  “I don’t know.” Jared stared into the chilly depths of the lake.

  “You and I both know she has no place to go right now. When she is ready, let her decide her own fate.”

  Jared nodded. The demon spoke the truth. He couldn’t force any kind of arrangement on Giovanna or Alex. Doing so may cause resentment from either party, or even both. No, better to let Giovanna make her own decision.

  “Alright. As long as this associate of yours keeps her safe, I have no argument against what you’ve set up,” he agreed.

  “Jared-” Lance spoke up.

  “No, Lance. It’s best this way. I’ll let Drakkar know, when he’s ready, that she is still alive. Until then, we concentrate on making him feel at home with us.”

  “A wise choice again, Highness.” Mikhail nodded.

  Jared held out his hand to the demon. “Thank you, Mikhail. My family is in your debt.”

  Mikhail wiggled the fingers of his free hand before taking Jared’s hand in his gloved one, shaking it. “This is not your debt to owe. It is your son’s. Don’t worry. When I call it in, he will not be in any danger. I’m not heartless. But the day will come when I need help, and from what my visions have been telling me, it will be soon.”

  “Well, we will be here when you need it.” Jared gave him a curt nod, releasing Mikhail’s hand. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we should be getting back home.”

  “Absolutely. I too must get back to work. Till we meet again, Highness.” Mikhail inclined his chin, vanishing in a wisp of black smoke.

  “So now we’re making deals with demons? How can you be so sure Giovanna is safe,” Lance asked as he pulled a t-shirt over his head.

  “If she weren’t, she would not have been lying on furs. She’d be thrown in a dungeon or cave somewhere. Whoever has her is taking care of her. I have to trust my gut on this one.” He met Lance’s questioning look and picked up their bag of gear. “It’s time to go home.”

  Lance stepped closer and Jared put a hand on his shoulder. They both took one last long look at the cliff and the lake. After a moment of silence, they simply faded from the shore.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Drakkar stepped out of the bathroom dressed in jeans and drying his hair with a towel. After he’d eaten and drank the blood Alex brought up for him, he started feeling like himself again. It was amazing what a little nourishment and rest could do for the soul.

  He paused by the mirror and turned slightly to see the puckered, red scar on his back. Drake reached over his shoulder. His fingertips touched the top of it and he flinched. It was worse than any other laceration he’d endured. This one was going to leave a permanent mark. The lines from endless floggings by Absinthe faded into nothing, but this went deeper than those ever could hope to have gone.

  Setting the towel aside, Drakkar picked up a blue t-shirt and pulled it on over his head. He sat on the edge of the bed to put on his socks and a pair of Vans. They weren’t the kind of shoes he usually wore, but they were more than comfortable. He’d have to remember to thank Nick when he saw him. Clearly the guy was as sick of his combat boots as he was.

  “New life, new wardrobe,” he muttered, opening the door t
o the hallway.

  The house was quiet given the hour. He’d heard Jared and Lance talking earlier as they passed his door on their way to bed. Alex was most likely fast asleep as well. No one was stirring except him. It was probably better that way. At least now he could snoop around and get his bearings.

  Drakkar descended into the foyer on the circular staircase. The smell of frying bacon made his mouth water. It was the one thing he couldn’t resist. No bacon willpower. Not even a little. He followed the scent into the kitchen where Lance’s wife, Elizabeth, was cooking.

  “I thought you’d be asleep like the others,” he said sitting on the barstool at the counter.

  Elizabeth smiled warmly and ran a hand over her belly. “I am more of a day person, one of the only ones here. That and the wee one was giving me a craving. Would you like some?”

  “I’d love some, thanks.”

  She piled a plate with bacon and eggs, shoving it across the counter toward him with a fork. He shook his head and picked up a strip, biting into it. He closed his eyes, savoring the heaven that was bacon.

  “Aye, my thoughts exactly.” She bit into her own piece, sighing. Seconds later, she yelped and touched the top of her stomach.

  Drakkar jumped off his seat and came around the counter. “Are you okay? Do you need me to get help?”

  “No, no.” She let out a gust of air. “Seems the babe wanted to let me know he approves as well. Here.”

  Elizabeth took his hand and placed it on the spot where the baby kicked her. A few heartbeats later it kicked again. Drakkar pulled back his hand and stared into Elizabeth’s smiling green eyes. She nodded and he placed his hand back in the same spot. Again, the baby kicked. Drake grinned.

  “He’s a strong one. Maybe even a football player.” He removed his hand and took his place at the counter again. “Does he kick like that a lot?”

  “Aye, and his father says the same thing. He has hopes that the babe will grow up to play for the Saints.” She leaned on the counter and crooked her finger at Drakkar, who moved a little closer. “May I impart a secret on you?”

  “Sure, if you trust me with it.”

  “Aye, I do. The babe is a girl. Christian just doesn’t know it yet.” She grinned.

  Drakkar laughed. “That should put a damper on his plans, huh? How do you know?”

  “The Goddess told me last night, but said not to speak of it to anyone. But I could not keep it a secret any longer. So now you and I share the secret.”

  “I feel honored.” He bit into another piece of bacon. “I promise, I won’t say a word.”

  “What won’t you talk about?” Lance entered the kitchen and took Elizabeth in his arms. With a low growl, he claimed her lips. “It’s not nice to keep things from me, Beth. You know I have ways of making you talk.”

  She giggled, slapping at him playfully. “You’ll not get it out of me, Christian. I swear it.”

  “Fine, then. I’ll wait you out, wife.” He grabbed bacon and shoved it in his mouth. “As long as you keep making this little slice of heaven for me.”

  “Aye, and good luck with your wait.”

  Drakkar sat back, amused by the banter between the wolf and his mate. He’d never witnessed anything like it. They were so happy just to be in the same room together. They didn’t want or need anything else. Someday he hoped to find something just like it.

  Speaking of which.

  Drakkar coughed, interrupting the love birds. “Alex said someone was here for me?”

  “Oh, yes. He’s waiting for you in Jared’s study,” Elizabeth said pointing in the direction of the foyer.


  Lance smirked. “Don’t worry, I’ll be around if you need saving, kid. His bite is definitely worse than his growl.”

  Who in the world was waiting for him?

  Drake slid off the bar stool with a gulp. He waved a good-bye to Lance and Elizabeth as he headed to the foyer. When he got there, all he could do was stare at the closed sliding whitewashed doors of his father’s study.

  Drakkar placed his hand on the warm wooden surface. It must be his father. But he definitely heard Jared enter the bedroom. He’d even heard the water turn on in the shower. Surely the man must be tired. Jared had been awake since Drakkar brought Annabelle back two nights ago.

  But if not his father, then who?

  He slid one of the doors open and stepped inside. He turned and slid it closed again. Letting his gaze roam around the room, it felt warmer than the other night. The soft glow of table lamps scattered around the room created a cozy, homey feeling. Even the furnishings appeared more comfortable. The large, brown leather sofa along one wall faced a wall of cream-colored book cases. In the center of the room stood Jared’s large mahogany desk littered with picture frames containing photos of his family and friends. There was even a new, empty one laying in the center of the blotter waiting for a photo.

  Drakkar moved closer. The leather chair behind Jared’s desk slowly turned around. The man seated there raised his chin regally. Drakkar swallowed. He knew this man. It was the only person Absinthe hated more than Jared.

  “Are you going to stand there gawking at me or are you going to some in and sit so I can finally get to know my grandson,” King Xavier inquired.

  Drake shook himself and sat in the chair across from Xavier. He rubbed his hands on his knees. From all of the stories Absinthe filled his head with, he half expected the King to chew him up and spit him out before there was a chance to say hello.

  “Well? Don’t you have a voice,” Xavier demanded.

  “I, uh, that is-” Drakkar stammered. He honestly didn’t know where to start.

  Xavier gave a curt laugh. “My daughter did a number on you, didn’t she? Absinthe always said she would make my life hell. She lived up to her word.” The King rose from behind the desk and walked around it to sit on the edge closest to Drakkar. “You are the spitting image of Jared. How did she live with that?”

  “Absinthe hated every minute of my existence and she made sure I paid for it, repeatedly,” Drake said through gritted teeth. He didn’t want to relive his past with the man who very well might be the whole reason for it happening. He’d heard the rumors spoken in the shadows by Absinthe’s staff. He knew all about the child that was taken from her by the King. If he hadn’t done that, maybe Drakkar would have lived a happy childhood with Jared and Giovanna.

  But life wasn’t built on maybes and what-ifs.

  “For that, boy, I am sorry,” Xavier uttered. “So very sorry.”

  “My name is Drakkar. And all of your sorrys don’t mean a damn thing to me.” Drakkar got to his feet and walked toward the door.

  “Drakkar, wait,” the King said. “This isn’t how I wanted our meeting to go.”

  Drakes hand hovered over the handle on the sliding door. He made a fist and brought it to his lips. “Oh? How did you expect it to go? How did your first meeting with my father go when you found out he was your son?”

  Xavier sighed. “Much the same way, I’m afraid. The two of you have the stubbornest set of genes I’ve ever seen. It must come from Semiramis, surely it’s not me. Please, would you entertain an old vampire and tell me about yourself? We don’t have to speak of Absinthe. I know her flaws and I’m sure she imparted all of mine to you.”

  He turned to face his grandfather and finally took in his appearance. The man was obviously tired. The rings under his eyes attested to that. His once youthful light brown hair was overflowing with grey and his once clear blue eyes were sunken in and dimmed. The war between he and Absinthe had obviously taken its toll.

  Drakkar almost felt sorry for him, except for the fact he knew how the man treated his only daughter and that was deplorable.

  “Why did you do it,” Drake asked

  “Why did I do what?”

  “Why did you kill Absinthe’s son? If we are to move forward, I need to know why.” Drakkar leaned against the door.

  The King stared at him. “I was young and
foolish once. I passed a decree in my ignorance to kill any and all half breed vampires in an effort to purify the race. All was fine until Absinthe’s child was born. I was forced to make the hardest decision of my life. She despised me for it even to this day. Anyway, after the Oracles spoke of the prophesy and many years went by, I corrected my faux pas and revoked the decree. But it was a case of too little too late. The damage was done.”

  “Absinthe never got over that, you know. That’s why she stole me from Giovanna and Jared, raising me as her own. It was all in hopes that someday I would be the downfall of her brother and claim the throne. But I’ll tell you what, I don’t want it. I want no part of being King someday.” Drakkar spoke from the heart.

  “I don’t blame you, my boy. I don’t blame you at all.”

  After an awkward start, Drakkar’s meeting with his grandfather went rather well. But in all honesty, when the sun set, he didn’t want to be cooped up in Jared’s home anymore. He needed to get out. He needed to go for a ride.

  He needed to find Serenity.

  Their connection grew over the last few months and he missed her. Granted it was only a couple of days, but it felt like a lifetime since they even texted each other.

  Sitting on the couch in the family room off the kitchen, Drake flipped the channels on the television. They went by so fast, he didn’t see what was on most of them.

  A hand closed over his on the remote. Drakkar stopped flipping channels immediately.

  “Please, stop. All of that is making me extremely dizzy,” Alex said from behind him. She stepped around the side of the couch and sat next to him, holding Annabelle. “Someone was awake and wanted to see her big brother.”

  “Oh really?” Drakkar leaned over and gave Anna his finger. She latched onto it with her little fist and squealed happily.

  “Kind of. I heard Xavier leave as soon as the sun set and figured it was safe to come down and see if you were in once piece. How did it go?”


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