The Tarnished Jewel of Jazaar

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The Tarnished Jewel of Jazaar Page 10

by Susanna Carr

  “I am in charge of a business deal that’s important to the future of Jazaar,” he explained slowly as his gaze traveled down the sheet that barely hid her curves. His body stirred in response. “Negotiations have broken down. I have to go to Singapore.”

  “What about me?”

  He dragged his gaze up to her face. “What about you?”

  “Where am I going? You can’t leave me,” she said as she casually brushed her hair from her eyes. “It will look bad if the honeymoon ends abruptly.”

  She said it lightly, but Nadir understood her concern. Even though he had announced Zoe was his wife, it would look bad if he left her immediately after the wedding ceremony. It wouldn’t strengthen his fragile relationship with the tribe.

  Nadir knew he could quietly send Zoe to Omaira or to his mountain palace. No one in the tribe would know that they weren’t together. But Zoe was still keeping secrets. What if she tried to run away again? That would shame him in the eyes of his people.

  “The honeymoon hasn’t ended,” Nadir said as he walked towards her. “You are coming to Singapore with me.”

  Zoe went completely still as a tension invaded her body. “Are you serious?” she whispered.

  “Of course.” He rested his arm against the doorframe and looked down at her. “Why do you ask?”

  She bit her lip. “You said you wouldn’t take your wife on business trips.”

  It was true, but it was in his best interests to take Zoe with him. As he had investigated her family over the last few days he had found several reports of her defiance and disobedience. He got the feeling she would not accept being sent away quietly.

  Nadir had also seen in the reports that Zoe had attempted to run away countless times. What if she was running toward something? Or someone—like her lover?

  “This isn’t just a business trip,” he announced. “We are relocating the honeymoon.”

  No matter how hard Zoe tried to hide it, Nadir saw the excitement building up inside her. He didn’t know why she felt the need to keep her enthusiasm hidden. The idea of traveling seemed incredibly important to her.

  “This way I can keep an eye on you,” he said as he tucked a long curl of her hair behind her ear.

  The excitement in her eyes dimmed and she scowled. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “I will be the judge of that.” He trailed his hand down her throat. His fingertips rested on her pulsepoint. “Something tells me that you’ll make a run for it the moment my back is turned.”

  Zoe lowered her gaze. “You’re paranoid. Anyway, I don’t have a passport,” she said, her chest rising and falling rapidly. “I don’t even have luggage.”

  “Mere details.” He lightly caressed her collarbone.

  “But we’re leaving tonight,” Zoe pointed out.

  “That’s for one of my assistants to worry about.”


  He curled his fingers along the edge of her sheet and pulled it from her loose grasp. It fell to the floor and he kicked it to the side. “There are many other things on your to-do list before we leave,” he said as his gaze roamed her body. “Returning to bed is at the top of that list.”

  Nadir curled his arms around her waist and lifted her up. Zoe didn’t protest. She wrapped her legs around his waist and speared her hands in his hair before she kissed him.

  As he rushed blindly for the bed Nadir knew relocating the honeymoon had nothing to do with the tribe’s opinion. He wanted Zoe with him for a little longer. And it wasn’t just because of the incredible sex. At this rate he would gain her complete trust and loyalty before the honeymoon ended.

  The black sedan purred to a stop a few feet away from a sleek private jet. Zoe closed her eyes and ordered herself to remain calm. She had to play it cool or she would raise suspicion. There was no excuse to mess up when she was so close to escaping.

  She opened her eyes and reached for Nadir’s hand as he helped her out of the car. She moved with precision, although her limbs were weak with nerves. She stood on the tarmac at Omaira International airport and looked around.

  She couldn’t believe she was just a few steps away from leaving Jazaar. Forever. There had been times when she hadn’t thought this moment would come, but now after all these years she was about to leave. In style, she thought with wicked amusement as she glanced at the red carpet rolled out for them.

  She should feel relieved. Unencumbered. Zoe slowly exhaled as she walked onto the carpet. She wasn’t sure exactly what she was feeling. Excited. Overwhelmed. Scared.

  The desert wind pulled at her hair and her designer dress. The high heels she wore felt strange. Gone were the threadbare hand-me-downs and ill-fitting sandals. She was about to cast off that part of her life and go after her dreams.

  She wrapped her hand around the stair railing and made her way to the door of the private plane. Just a couple more steps … Her chest was tight with apprehension. What if Nadir changed his mind at the last minute? What if there was a delay?

  Even if the plane took off on time she wasn’t exactly home free. Singapore was far away from Houston, Texas. And she didn’t have access to her new passport. Zoe worried her bottom lip. One of Nadir’s many assistants had it for safekeeping.

  She wasn’t going to think about that right now. Today she was closer to her goal than she had been the day before. She was going to create a wonderful life and make something of herself. She had to remain focused and not get distracted by the sexual chemistry she shared with Nadir.

  As she reached the plane’s door Zoe greeted the flight attendant with a polite smile. She was about to cross the threshold when she froze. She felt a curious pull that made her turn around and take one last look at the deserts of Jazaar.

  She stared in the direction of her old village. It was miles away, and she couldn’t see it, but she had the awful feeling that the place would remain a part of her. Would this new world, this new life, be any better than the one she was leaving behind?

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Nadir said at her side. She glanced up and saw him looking at the majestic sand dunes. “I’ve been all over the world and nothing compares.”

  Zoe pressed her lips together. She knew better than to argue, but it made her wonder how she could have anything in common with Nadir. How could she have a kinship with someone who adored her prison? He might have good memories and be tethered to his desert kingdom, but she wanted to forget everything that had happened to her here. Pretend that this place had never existed.

  She turned abruptly and entered the plane. She halted and stared at the sleek lines and modern decor. It was like walking into a luxury home. The cream leather seats promised the ultimate comfort and the soft green sofas beckoned for travelers to kick back with a drink and chat. A door at the rear offered a glimpse of an elegant dining room and a curving staircase that led to another floor. She’d never seen anything like this and was tempted to explore.

  It was also a surprise to see men in business suits typing away on their laptop computers and speaking quietly on their cell phones.

  “These are a few of my employees working on the negotiations,” Nadir said after he’d greeted the flight attendant. “I’ll introduce you once we are in flight.”

  Zoe gave a nod and went for a leather chair at the back of the room. Maybe it was a habit to find the quietest, farthest corner, but she did not want to be in the way of the hardworking team. She buckled up and grabbed her e-reader from her bag.

  As she turned on the device, eager to delve into a new story, she felt compelled to look out the window. She didn’t move as the sun began to set. She watched the vibrant colors streak across the sky as Nadir sat down next to her.

  “Why are you sitting all the way back here?” he asked.

  “I didn’t want to intrude on your business.” She felt the plane begin to move and glanced over at Nadir as he buckled his seat belt. “I don’t need to be entertained. I have my e-reader.”

  The plane picked up
speed. This was it. She was leaving Jazaar. Her heart started to beat hard against her chest. She curled her hands around her seat belt.

  “You don’t like flying?” Nadir reached for her hand and laced his fingers with hers.

  It wasn’t that. After six years of planning and praying, she was out of Jazaar. It was too good to be true. As the plane lifted into the air Zoe closed her eyes and emotion clawed her throat. She was free. She gripped Nadir’s hand. She was finally free.

  She fought for composure. She didn’t want Nadir to see how important this flight was for her. She slowly opened her eyes and glanced out the window. The tightness in her chest loosened and she exhaled shakily. The sun glowed against the sand dunes.

  “You keep glancing back,” Nadir mused. “Are you already getting homesick?”

  She’d been homesick for six years, the longing so strong and thick that it almost suffocated her. “I don’t have the same affection for Jazaar as you do,” she said hoarsely as she removed her hand from his. “If I were a powerful sheikh I might feel homesick for the one place where I reign supreme.”

  “Your opinion may change now that you’re a sheikha.”

  It was unlikely. A cage was a cage, no matter how gilded it might be. “I think I’d need to do a lot of traveling before I would miss Jazaar.”

  “You’ll have to make the most of this trip.” Nadir leaned his head back on the soft leather seat. “After our honeymoon, my plan is to delegate most of my traveling.”

  Her heart lurched. “Really? Why?”

  “The initiatives I’m making for Jazaar’s future are demanding more of my time and attention. I need to be here.”

  Zoe glanced back at the desert through the window as shock reverberated in her chest. She’d had no idea that he was ending his jet-setting ways. She had married him at the right time. If he planned to curtail his traveling this was her one chance to escape.

  “You’re surprised by my decision?” Nadir asked. “I don’t understand why. My obligation is to Jazaar.”

  “Um …” She tried to keep her expression blank as she faced him. “You don’t strike me as a stay-at-home kind of guy.”

  “Is that right?” His gaze ensnared hers and she saw the amusement in his dark eyes. “What kind of man do you think I am?”

  Zoe grimaced. She’d kind of walked right into that one. She wouldn’t dare tell Nadir that she found him a man of sophistication and glamour. He was a sensual man, a sexy man who could easily seduce her.

  He smiled and her heart skipped a beat. She couldn’t quite look away from the breathtaking sight. It transformed him as the harsh features and deep grooves softened. She wished he would smile more often.

  “Your eyes are very expressive,” he said.

  Her face burned bright. She wanted to squeeze her eyes shut but she refrained. “You have no idea what I’m thinking.”

  His smile slanted with knowing. “If we were alone,” he said in a low, husky voice, “I would grant your wish and seduce you right now.”

  Her body jumped to attention as he made the husky promise. A warm ache twisted low in her belly. She needed to break the spell he had woven between them. She hectically looked around and saw one of Nadir’s employees hovering nearby.

  She dipped her head and stared at her e-reader, although she couldn’t focus on the screen. “I believe you are needed up-front,” she muttered under her breath.

  “I believe I’m needed right here.” He rubbed his thumb against her wrist. She knew he could feel her erratic pulse.

  Zoe cleared her throat. “Anticipation makes it sweeter. Haven’t you heard?”

  “It doesn’t make you sweeter,” Nadir murmured, his thumb drawing circles on the inside of her wrist. “It makes you more demanding, more aggressive, even—”

  She sharply turned her head and met his gaze. “If you don’t know what to do with a strong woman in bed …”

  “Oh, I know exactly what to do.” He lifted her stiff hand and brushed his lips against her knuckles. “And you’ll find out once we’re alone in our hotel room.”

  Her body clenched as heat stung her skin.

  He lowered her hand and moved away. “But now I have to attend to business.” He released his seat belt. “Think of all the possibilities while I’m gone.”

  The pulsating energy evaporated the moment Nadir left. As she watched him approach his waiting employee Zoe wanted to sag against her seat. She pressed her hand against her flushed face, knowing she would spend the entire flight imagining what they would do once they arrived at their hotel.

  What was she doing, teasing this man? Did she think the moment she was out of Jazaari rule she could regain her boldness? Nadir was a powerful man, a fearsome sheikh.

  Not to mention a bold and audacious lover. Red-hot memories tumbled through her mind. The night before he had taken her countless times and—

  Oh, my God. Zoe clutched the armrests and pitched forward as panic ripped through her. They hadn’t been using protection. Not once.

  Why hadn’t she thought about this before? She had taught family planning to the women in her tribe. She knew better!

  Zoe frantically worked out the dates in her sluggish mind. She worked them out again. It wasn’t the right time of the month for her to become pregnant, but it was still a risk.

  She turned to look out the window. Dread weighed heavily on her shoulders. She caught a last glimpse of the desert before her view was shrouded by the clouds.

  She clapped her hand over her mouth as her stomach twisted cruelly. There was only one thing that could trap her in Jazaar. Having Nadir’s baby.


  SINGAPORE wasn’t what she had expected, Zoe decided as she rode the hotel’s private elevator with Nadir. She had imagined the scent of tropical flowers permeating thick, humid air. She had thought she would be greeted by a young, vibrant atmosphere and an explosion of color.

  The elevator doors quietly slid open and revealed the dramatic entrance to the penthouse suite. The dark wood lattice walls flanked a wide window that provided a stunning view of a glittery skyline. An enormous round table sat in the middle of the room. In the center of the table was a slender glass vase with a deceptively simple arrangement of bright red orchids.

  A crack of lightning forked through the dark sky and illuminated the fierce tropical storm that had greeted her the moment she’d stepped out of the airplane. Zoe flinched as a deafening clap of thunder boomed over their heads. Nadir placed a firm hand on her spine and escorted her out of the elevator.

  She was very aware that she didn’t jump when Nadir touched her. Was he aware of the significance? Did he realize that after years of dodging, evading and instinctively protecting her back, she now accepted his casual touch with just a moment’s hesitation?

  They were met by the penthouse butler, a formally dressed older man. He bowed low with a respectful greeting and guided them into an opulent drawing room.

  A butler? Zoe bit her bottom lip as she followed, acutely aware of Nadir’s hand resting possessively on her hip. She didn’t know penthouse suites had a servant on-call. That was going to make it more difficult to slip away unnoticed.

  Another jagged bolt of lightning sliced through the sky and Zoe braced herself for the thunder. The immediate rumble sounded ominous, and she instinctively curled against Nadir’s side.

  “The storm will pass soon,” he murmured in her ear as he tightened his hold. “They don’t last very long.”

  Zoe wasn’t so sure about that. The storm howled in growing fury and the rain lashed against the windows, but she wasn’t going to tremble or slink into a corner. She had learned never to show her vulnerabilities in front of anyone and she wasn’t going to start now. She was embarrassed that Nadir noticed her moment of cowardice and grateful that he didn’t tease her.

  As the butler offered tea, Zoe was pleased that her hands were steady when she took the fragile china cup. She stepped away from Nadir’s hold and sat on a sleek black sofa.

  She didn’t know what was wrong with her. She had to snap out of it. She had dealt with plenty of thunderstorms when she was growing up in Texas, but it had been a while since she’d seen one.

  Zoe hoped she hadn’t lost her steely nerve along with everything else. She needed it now more than ever if she was going to grab her chance for freedom.

  Once the butler departed lightning flashed again, casting the room with an eerie glow. Zoe cautiously placed her teacup on a low table before the thunder rumbled. Her spine straightened as she felt the sizzling tension in the room.

  She was alone with Nadir. She couldn’t help but glance in his direction. He watched her with intensity. The naked desire in his eyes made her shiver with anticipation.

  Zoe bit her lip and dragged her gaze away. She would have to ward him off. No way could she risk a pregnancy—not when she was inching closer to her goal.

  She didn’t want to avoid Nadir. She was eager for his company … for his attention. It was definitely a sign that she needed to move on before she got in too deep with him.

  “They are waiting for me at the office,” Nadir said with a hint of regret.

  “I’ll find something to occupy my time,” Zoe promised briskly as she rose from her seat. She wanted him to leave, but at the same time she wanted him to stay.

  “No need.” Nadir flicked his sleeve and looked at his watch. “Your assistant will be here in a few moments to go over your itinerary.”

  “My assistant?” Why did she need an assistant? Or was that code for babysitter? “Hold on. Did you say I have an itinerary?”

  “Yes.” Nadir set down his drink. “Rehana will take you shopping, to the spa and sightseeing.”

  She was right. The assistant was really a nanny, a minder. That would ruin all her plans. She had to think fast and get rid of the assistant without making Nadir suspicious.

  Zoe slowly approached him. “That’s very thoughtful of you, but I—”

  “And your Arabic tutor will arrive later this afternoon.”

  She stumbled to a halt and stared at him. “You arranged lessons for me?”


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