Book Read Free


Page 6

by Mary Wasowski

  After my shower, I checked over some emails from today, nothing too important, and then just as I clicked the side table lamp off, my phone alerted me to a text message. I turned the light back on and saw that it was from Jake. But how? I didn’t give him my number. Unless he got it from Paxton’s sheet, which would be a total invasion of my privacy. Shut the hell up, Devan, and just read the damn message.

  Hey, Devan, it’s Jake Mercer. Yes, I totally jacked your phone number when you left your phone on the table to use the restroom. #SorryNotSorry for that one. Anyway, sorry if you felt the need to run for the hills after our date tonight. Yeah, bud, you left track marks on the floor. But how about giving me another chance? I swear, no more questions. I just want to spend some time with you. Call it whatever you like, just don’t say no.

  Deciding not to answer him back, I turned off my phone and went to bed. Tomorrow was a new day, and maybe getting some sleep would give me some perspective on Jake Mercer and what to do about him. The few times I saw him this week, I went out of my way to avoid his intense stares that burned through my back. I had never met a man so hell-bent on getting to know me, until Jake. What the hell am I doing? I pinched the bridge of my nose to tamper down a headache I knew was going to hit at any moment.

  “Daddy, let’s go inside. Grandpa is waiting for us,” Paxton called out to me the next morning.

  “Excuse me, what?” I asked my son.

  “We’re here at Valerie’s, and you turned the car off, like, five minutes ago. Can we go inside? I’m hungry.”

  “Yes, I’m sorry, son. I just have a lot on my mind and got lost in some thought. Let’s go see grandpa.”

  “So, how’s basketball camp?” my father asked Paxton, as we met for our weekly Friday morning breakfast.

  “It’s great, grandpa. I love it! You have to see my coach. He’s built like the Hulk, and has some really cool tattoos on his arms.” I laughed at my son’s assessment of Jake. Yeah, he was pretty much on target with his physical appearance, but what about on the inside? Is he a good man, I continued to question myself over and over.

  “Yeah, but does he know how to play a good game of ball?” my father asked.

  “He does, and I want daddy to play him, but he keeps saying no. Maybe you could convince him to change his mind. The coach is great.”

  “Yes, you’ve said that, grandson. I’m happy you are enjoying yourself.”

  I interrupted, “Pax, how about some dessert before I drop you off at camp?”

  “Seriously, dad? You never allow me to have sweets this early in the day.”

  “Yeah, well, today is a special occasion. Go up and see Valerie. I think she has brownies today in the showcase.”

  “Alright! You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  While Paxton made his way over to the counter, I braced myself for the interrogation my father was sure to give me.

  “Talk to me, Devan. What’s going on? Your face turned white at the mention of the basketball coach.”

  “His name is Jake, Jake Mercer, and he’s been coming on strong lately with me. I don’t know what it is about him, but something’s there.”

  “You like him, don’t you?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “No, but I’m your dad, and I know my son. You know, it’s okay to feel something for someone other than your son.”

  “Don’t start, dad. I’ve heard it a thousand times before.”

  “And you will hear it a thousand and one times this morning. Come on, Devan, what’s stopping you from moving on with your life? Hell, you moved it here to Idaho, leaving behind everything you cared about.”

  “Dad, everything I cared about died when I lost Carrie and was left to raise Paxton on my own. I don’t know what I would have done if not for you and mama joining me here. I don’t think I ever said thank you for all the sacrifices you made for me.”

  “You gave us Paxton, that’s thanks enough. Besides, it was no hardship, son. Your mother and I are doing just fine in our retirement, and we love being with our grandson and getting to live in his life, enjoying all his milestones. It’s you that we worry about. You have to begin living again for you, and it’s not going to take you out of the running for Father of the Year. It’s just going to add some fulfillment for you. Son, take a chance. You never know.”

  “That’s just it, I don’t know anything since I lost Carrie. Back then, life was just easier. We were living it up in the city, enjoying our lives as a family and separately too. When she asked me to father a child with her, everything that I knew before that moment just seemed to disappear.”

  “Devan, what are you saying? Are you regretting your decision? Because I think it’s a little late to turn back now.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. My son is the best part of me. I love him more than life itself, more than anything else in the world. So to sit here and listen to you go on about me taking chances on Jake, or anyone else for that matter makes my head spin with uncertainty and guilt.”

  “Why guilt? Because you’re the one that is still here and Carrie is dead?”

  I placed my head in my hands and fought off the tears that I knew would fall.

  He continued, “Son, we know more than anyone how much you suffered when she died, but you also know she would never want you to be living this way. It’s time for you to move forward and try to find some happiness of your own. She was your best friend, and she loved you very much. You were always there for her, even in the darkest of times with her no-good family casting her away. And when she asked you to share the miracle of life with her, I mean, come on, Devan, that’s a miracle in itself. The gift of life is so precious. To trust another human being with that love can never be measured beyond priceless. You see your boy over there with a smile that can launch a thousand ships? He’s your miracle, your miracle with Carrie. You’ve given him an extraordinary life, and he’s not even ten years old yet. You are an amazing father and a damn good man. You deserve some happiness for you, and I mean that with all my heart. Just please don’t close the door to something that will bring those feelings back into your heart. I know you, Devan. You only run on where your heart leads you to. And if this Jake wasn’t like that as well, then you wouldn’t be stressing over it as much as you are doing. Think about that while you are making your head spin.”

  “I’m the man that I am because of you. I love you. Thanks, Pop, I’ll think about it.” I got up to stand, with my dad doing the same. He gave me a look that spoke volumes, and that’s when I took him in for a strong hug.

  “You okay, son?”

  “I’m working on it.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair and then got myself into check before leaving the diner. Dad finished his coffee and was getting ready to walk me out.

  I said, “You know, he did ask me out for tomorrow evening, but since I’ve avoided him like the plague, who knows if the offer is still on the table?”

  “One way to find out: ask him.”

  “Okay, maybe I will. You’ll take Paxton tomorrow then?”

  “Is the sky blue?”

  “Fair enough. Come on, Pax, finish up. We have to get to camp.”

  I can’t say I wasn’t disappointed when I dropped off Paxton to find out that Jake wasn’t there. Miles said he was off running an errand and would be back soon, but I thanked him and made my way back to my car. I already felt foolish just asking about him.

  “Hey!” a familiar voice called out to me. I turned around, and sure enough, the man that was invading my dreams for the last three nights was standing before me, all sweaty with his tanned skin glistening in the sun.

  “Hi, I didn’t think I was going to see you today,” I said.

  “Oh yeah? Miss me, Devan?” he asked as he lifted his t-shirt soaked in sweat to wipe his face.

  “Yeah, you wish. I just wanted to talk with you, but camp has already started, and you should get inside.”

  “I’m where I want to be right now, and Miles has the kids. S
o, what’s on your mind?”

  I hesitated before answering, and then I just went for it and blurted it out. “Saturday night? Still interested in dancing?”

  His lips curved up, and then he ducked his head, but I knew I caught a glimpse of him smiling before he raised his head and answered. “Yeah, I’m interested. How’s seven o’clock sound?”

  “That’s perfect. How about I meet you at the club?”

  “No, how about I pick you up like a real date? Come on, Devan, you’ve come this far. How about a little further?”

  Oh, fuck! His dirty mouth was my undoing with that last tempting suggestion.

  He continued, “You know, I could always look at your paperwork if you’re going to continue to play hard to get. It’s okay. I love a challenge.”

  “Fine! I’ll text you my address, and I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  “Yes, you will,” he said seductively with just the right amount of tease and temptation in his voice.

  I said nothing more and headed back to my car when he called out to me.

  “Hey! Devan, hold up.”

  “What is it, Jake? Regretting saying yes?”

  “Not a chance, but I do have a question.”

  “Ask me,” I said.

  “We haven’t talked since Mario’s, and you never answered my messages. Why the sudden turnaround?” Jake raised his hands up in surrender and then said, “Not that I’m complaining. I want this date. It’s all I’ve been thinking about. I just want to know why you now want it?”

  I pondered this question while we were literally standing a breath apart from the other, and then I simply said, “Changed my mind. See you tomorrow night, Jake.” And then I left with a hard-on between my legs. You’d have to be blind not to notice the smile I left Jake with, and I definitely didn’t miss watching him adjust his shorts. Yeah, maybe this will be okay.

  My head was spinning after the dance we were doing with each other. I have been in a constant state of arousal since meeting Jake, and now I’ve agreed to go out with him on a date. Holy shit! This was typically the part where Carrie would come in and help me through all the reasons why this was a good thing and stop overthinking every reason not to go and just go with it. So that’s what I’m going to do.

  I decided to skip going home and drive right to Alexander Davis Men’s Clothing Company to see my personal stylist, Javi. Yeah, I know that sounds pretentious, but I love the personal attention and am a very good client. I gave him a call, and of course, he said he would make time for me today.

  Once I got there, I had Javi all over me. Two air kisses later and champagne in hand, he was ready to get started. By the time my magic guy was finished, I had two new suits, four shirts, three silk ties that I had to have, and let’s not forget the $2,100 Corthay Arca Patent Leather shoes that Javi insisted I had to wear on my date with Jake. I was thinking a new pair of Chucks, but Javi almost passed out after I suggested it. It was still fun to see the look on his face.

  “You look marvelous, darling. Anything else I can assist you with today?” he devilishly smiled at me.

  “No, thank you. I would like to send my son to college someday.”

  “Oh poo! You never let me have fun.”

  “Wasn’t it you that just gave my American Express a workout? Because I believe I wanted to stop after the first suit and pair of shoes.”

  “Devan, when was the last time you paid me a visit? Stop! Don’t answer that because you probably can’t anyway. It’s been way too long since you splurged on yourself, and what better reason to do so than a date? So, go home and get ready to look sexy for your hot man! I want details.”

  “It’s not until tomorrow night, and I never said he was hot,” I mumbled under my breath, which just about made him lose his mind.

  “Um, my dear friend, have you looked in the mirror lately? You are pretty hot yourself, so any man going out with you better measure up.”

  “Are you finished? Because I really need to go,” I said.

  “My lips are sealed.” He crossed his fingers over his lips and then he went in for the kill. “Fuck me on a stripper pole! You are in need of a spa day today! I’ll call Marco for you.”

  I knew he couldn’t resist messing with me. Fuck my life! I don’t know what the hell I am doing.

  “Javi, really, it’s not necessary.”

  “Oh, yes it is. Devan, you are gorgeous, but even works of art need a few touch-ups from time to time.” He snapped his fingers, and then I had Marjorie handing me another glass of champagne in hand while Javi made his calls.

  I ended up staying longer than I had liked, but it was amazing, and I can’t remember the last time I indulged on myself. I phoned my father to see if he could pick up Paxton, which he jumped at the chance to do so. I had too many people in my life plotting for my happiness, so for once, I decided to just go with it.

  Marco cut and styled my hair. Annalise gave me a manicure, pedicure, and what the hell, a detoxification facial. I felt like a million bucks and was now more excited than ever for my date with Jake tomorrow night.

  Please, God, let it go well.

  I was so fucking excited for tomorrow night, I could hardly focus on anything else today. With my investigative team in place with their assignments, I had some free time for myself. This was very rare, but I was taking my chance. I already knew Devan was a good guy. I felt it from the very first moment I saw the man. There was so much more to the story than the Harpers disclosed to me. I’ll figure it out on my own. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy the shit out of Devan and his sexy fucking ass that has taken over my nightly dreams and has fulfilled every fantasy I ever had.

  “Okay, boys, let’s line up,” I called the kids to go over a few things before we would break for the weekend. “The first thing I want to say is how proud I am of you. We ran you hard this week, and not one of you faltered one step out of bounds. Sports camps are competitive, but they are also meant to be fun, and eventually, on the last day of our time together, my hope is that you leave with more confidence and knowledge of the game so that you will feel encouraged to go out for your school teams. It’s been a great week, and I look forward to seeing all of you on Monday. You are dismissed. Happy weekend!”

  They cheered and whooped with each other while my smile slowly faded as the parents began to show up. One was missing: Devan Knight.

  “Hey, Paxton, do you know where your father is?” I asked, still looking around the gym.

  “He’s not coming, coach. My grandpa is here. Come on, you can meet him.”

  “Sure, I would love that.” Where is he? This is not like him not to pick up Paxton. Has he changed his mind about tomorrow?

  “Hi, Grandpa, is Nonna here too?”

  “No, little man, just me. How about we take a detour and grab some ice cream before I bring you home to your father?”

  “Yes! I’ll race you to the car. Bye, coach!” Paxton grabbed his duffle and ran to his grandfather’s truck while I waved him off.

  “He’s a ball of energy, isn’t he?” The older man said to me and smiled as he watched Paxton run over to the truck.

  I was beginning to feel nervous around him. I didn’t know what he knew of me, if anything at all, so I introduced myself.

  “Yeah, they all are. I’m Jake Mercer, their basketball coach.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard all about you. I’m Paxton’s grandfather, Antonio, but you can call me Mr. Knight until I know you better.”

  “Yes, sir. If you don’t mind me asking, why isn’t Devan here?”

  “He said you were forward.”

  What the hell does that mean? You already know, Jake: you fucking scared him off. Here you were, trying to use your best lines on the guy, but he saw you coming a mile away.

  He continued, “Hold on, son. Breathe before you fall over. Everything is good. I heard on good authority that he went shopping today, so if he went where I think he did, then that’s why I’m here and he’s not.”

  Holy shit! I actu
ally convinced myself that he was canceling on me. Shit, I need to get a hold of myself, or I am going to fuck this up before it even gets started. Yes, I said started. Whatever is happening between us, I have to see where it leads. I know I am not in this alone; I just have to get him onboard with it. He’s gun shy, that’s abundantly clear, but he did agree to go out with me, so that’s a beginning. I’ll take it.

  After I said my goodbyes to Paxton and his grandfather, I couldn’t go home yet. I was too high on adrenaline, the good kind. I left my gear back at the Y and decided to go for a run. Yeah, I worked all day with the boys, most of it outside, and knowing I already had one big run today, I was crazy doing another one. I clocked six miles before I turned back to the Y to pick up my truck. Damn, my legs felt like jelly, but this would just be a warm-up to what was to come on my date with Devan. Would he let me take him home? Time would tell, and it needs to pass a hell of lot quicker.

  It had been more than twenty-four hours since I’d seen him last. It might as well be an eternity, but it all changes tonight. I did my morning workout, showered and then drank my protein shake. My entire body was buzzing with excitement. I couldn’t wait. I felt a vibration in my pocket and pulled my cell to see it was my assistant phoning me.

  “Hey, Marcy, what’s up?”

  “Jake, Mike’s on his way back from Atlanta and coming out to Boise to see you. He said what he has for you will not wait and has to be said in person.”

  Shit! Tonight was my date with Devan, and there was no fucking way I was missing it. It had to be bad if Mike was coming here. All the hairs were raised on my neck. This wasn’t good.

  “Marcy, what do you know? And why don’t I know it?”

  “Calm down, tiger. He just phoned me before he got up in the air. All I know is that it’s big, and he will touchdown in Boise by midnight tonight. I already told him that you would be let’s say…busy, so he will call me when he’s settled in his hotel, and then I will forward it to you. Okay?”


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