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Page 13

by Mary Wasowski

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “No, you don’t.”

  I never pegged the sexy Devan Knight to be so stubborn, but he was down to his core and made me fight for everything he generously gave me. After another battle of wills, he finally agreed to hear me out, and then I released his arms, but not before crushing my mouth down to his lips. He protested for about a second and then opened up for me and returned my kiss.

  After I released him, he called his mom and asked her to watch Paxton and to tell him that he would call him as soon as he could. He assured her everything was fine and not to worry. She seemed appeased by his explanation, and then he disconnected the call. He didn’t look back over to me and then slammed his way into the bathroom to shower. While he was in there, I got dressed and calmed my fucking breathing. This was not how it was supposed to go down with Devan, but with him showing up at my house last night and hearing what he did, it all had to be thrown at him now.

  I gave him his space and waited for him downstairs. I felt anywhere near his bed would test my self-control, and in the end, I probably would wind up losing and giving in again to his earlier demands. He hadn’t come down yet. Maybe he was praying that I would leave, but no chance of that happening. His bottom floor was designed in an open floor plan with the upstairs landing covering half the first. It looked as if it was designed from the ground floor up in a modern layout. The huge kitchen island was equipped with granite counter tops with double sinks installed. Tall cabinets lined the walls that included a built-in refrigerator. This home was no joke and had to be worth more than I ever made in the military, but for a man that lived under the radar, his house certainly didn’t reflect it.

  I was going to give him another five minutes to come downstairs, or I was going up to get him. I paced and paced until I heard movement from the top landing on the second floor. I knew he hated me right now, but that didn’t stop me from staring at the beautiful, angry man glaring back at me. He was dressed in weathered jeans with the knees cut out, a Yankees baseball t-shirt, and walking around barefoot. His hair was still wet and slicked back off his face. He slowly descended the stairs and stopped right in front of me.

  “Still here? I figured you would have left by now,” he said as he walked over to tap the cabinet door that housed his refrigerator. He retrieved a couple of beers and handed me one. I accepted and thanked him for it. He said nothing for a few beats and then turned to face me again.

  “When we met, everything inside of me was screaming to walk away from you, and I didn’t listen for once in my life. Now I come to find out that everything I was battling against to believe was real, was all one big fucking lie! For whatever reason, I trusted you, and you stabbed me in the heart with your deceit and lies. How do you expect me to believe anything you have to tell me when I know that about you?”

  “Paxton,” I said in return.

  “What about Paxton?”

  “You are going to listen to me for him, and if you still choose not to believe me, after all, is said and done, then I will walk out this door, and you will never hear from me again. If you send me away, it will surely break my heart, but even with the distance between us, I will still love and protect you. Both of you. Always, Devan. If not for any other reason, believe that about me. I can’t just walk away without taking a piece of you with me.”

  He slammed the bottle down on the counter, and I was surprised it didn’t shatter. Running his hands through his thick mane of hair, he finally conceded and said, “Okay, Jake, you win. Are the Harper’s coming after my son?”


  “They hired you to find us?”


  “Do they know where we are?”

  “No, and they won’t. I told you, Devan, this was never a job to me. I knew from the minute I laid eyes on your photo that you were a good man, and there was so much more to this story than they ever disclosed to me. I had to find you and prove what I already knew in my heart. I never planned on…”

  “What…fucking me?”

  “No! You, stubborn man. Loving you. I fell for you, Devan Knight, and I know it hasn’t been a long length of time between us, but I believe you fell for me too.”

  “Even if that’s true, it doesn’t matter now.”

  “Yes, it does. Everything matters. Just give me a chance, please.”

  He paced and gripped the back of his neck before he said, “Fine! Tell me.”

  After I spoke with my mom about Paxton, I was relieved to know that he was okay. My mom was spoiling him rotten by taking him to the toy store for early birthday presents.

  I wasn’t in the habit of oversleeping on any given day, but Jake had me twisted to the point that I just wanted to bury myself under a rock and not come out. And to make matters worse, I almost fucked him again. What the hell was I thinking when I asked him that? And then I kissed him more than once. It’s no wonder why I have a headache the size of Texas.

  “Okay, Jake, tell me what you know.”

  “I will once you stop pacing your kitchen. Come and sit down, and then we can talk.”

  “I’d rather stand,” I said in defiance, which earned me a glare from Jake.

  “I run an investigation firm out of Seattle. I have a team that works with me there, along with contacts all over the country that I call on from time to time when I need something done. The individuals you saw at my house the other night work directly with me in Seattle but were here in Boise to report back to me on what they discovered on the Harpers. We learned some disturbing information about Tobias Harper, and if I wasn’t before, I am now one hundred percent certain that he is not a good man and should never be allowed near Paxton.”

  My throat felt constricted all of a sudden, and I struggled to catch my breath. I can’t believe they know about my son. “Tell me about these disturbing findings.”

  “Do you recall Carrie’s father ministering at St. Augustine’s?”

  “Yes, he was there pretty much throughout our child and teen years. He got into some trouble right before we graduated, and he was forced out by the deacons. The cover story that he told everyone was that he was retiring and moving out west, but we knew that wasn’t the truth.”

  “Devan, this is important. How much do you remember about the trouble he was in back then?”

  “Not too much. All I know is that it changed Carrie in some way, and once she told her father she was gay, he flipped and threw her out. She moved in with me and my parents, and we got her through it. If you know the story, then you know they sold their house and moved right after we finished high school. The day they left, we watched from the window. Carrie was quiet and just hung onto me for support as the moving van pulled away. That was the last time I would see the Harpers until Carrie’s funeral years later.”

  “Why didn’t you tell them about Paxton?”

  “I almost did, and then seeing them again confirmed that even with the years that passed, her father was still this cold and bigoted asshole filled with hate. I promised Carrie that their hate would never touch our son, and it hasn’t until now. You’ve practically brought it to my front door, and I have no idea what to do!”

  “No, Devan, I swear I will make this right. I have a padded file and a witness statement on how he nearly raped Amy Dennis, the victim that brought charges against him.”

  “Yeah, I remember her. Carrie liked her a lot. She used to volunteer at the house. We never saw her again after the charges were dropped.”

  “She’s okay. She’s married with two boys and seems to have a good life in Arizona.”

  “Did you tell her about Carrie?”

  “No, I didn’t. I was just there to get the info on Harper.”

  “Jake, what he did or didn’t do to that girl was a long time ago. What does it matter now?”

  “It matters because it proves what a scumbag he really is. If he hurt that girl, who’s to say that he didn’t hurt others? Or even his own daughter?”

  “No, not possible
. Carrie would have told me. We shared everything.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. What are you getting at?”

  “Listen, Amy told me that she and Carrie experimented with each other. It never went further than kissing, but after their shared kiss, it just confirmed what Carrie already knew about herself. She liked girls. From what I was told by Amy, Carrie told her family that she’s gay, and then the father went after Amy.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say. Maybe he lost his fucking mind for a minute. Who knows why people do what they do.”

  “What about Carrie and Paisley’s relationship? Was it as real as they made people believe?”

  “Are you fucking serious? Of course, it was. They were in love and building a future together. We all lived together after college; I should know.”

  “Okay, what about Carrie’s personal things? Did she keep a diary or a journal?”

  “I never looked through her boxes, nor cared to after I left Atlanta. It was a rough time for me back then. My parents boxed everything up and stored them for me.”

  “Where are they now?”

  “I don’t know, maybe at their house. They have a barn on the property and use a room in it for storage. I never asked, Jake. I was too busy raising a son. Can I ask you a question?”


  “How did the Harpers put together that they had a grandchild?”

  “By this,” he said as he pulled a photo from his back pocket, which he then handed to me.

  I took the photo from him, immediately recognizing it.

  “Where did they get this?”

  “They never said a name, just a mutual friend of your parents.”

  “Fuck my life! My mom probably never realized what she did.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I had taken Paxton and my parents on a vacation to the Bahamas. We took some family pictures, and this photo here was one that I had given copies of to my mom. The one person she kept in touch with through the years was their friends, the Robinsons. Who knows how she got ahold of this? Maybe my mom shared it with her at one time. I just don’t know.”

  “And the Robinsons? Do you think they still keep in touch with the Harpers?”

  “No, they passed away. And I’m not sure how much they did keep in touch when they were alive. When we relocated here, we simply started over. I knew it was probably difficult for my parents in the beginning, but they had Paxton to keep them too busy to miss their old life. I’m sorry. I never really asked.”

  “Devan, we need to go through Carrie’s things. I need as much information on her past as I can. I already did a background check on Paisley’s parents. They no longer live in New York and are currently in London.”

  “Yeah, I knew that. I have kept track of them over the years but at a distance. Jake, I have to protect my son at all costs. Carrie made me promise.”

  He slowly walked over to where I was standing and caged me in against the kitchen island. I didn’t resist this time and simply fell forward into his arms. I was too exhausted to fight him, not that I wanted to.

  “It’s going to be okay, Devan. I swear on my life that he will never get anywhere near your son.” He cupped my face in his hands and grazed his lips over mine. “Please, baby, let me back in. I need to taste you and feel your body against mine.”

  “You hurt me, Jake. How do I know you’re not playing me right now?”

  “Look at me.” He gripped my chin. “I am not lying to you, nor will I ever again. I meant what I said when I said that I have fallen for you and love you. I didn’t see you coming, Devan Knight, but I’m not sorry for it either. Whatever is happening between us is something I have never known before until I met you. Please just give me another chance, and I swear I will never let you down again.”

  I closed my eyes, fighting every emotion I allowed myself to feel for this man. I felt his strong presence. With every step he took to be closer to me, his breath warmed my skin. I let out a sigh and opened my eyes to see him biting back his tears.

  I admitted, “I hated you yesterday.”

  “And now?”

  “I believe you. My first priority has to be my son. If that means going up against Harper, then I will.”

  “You won’t run? You’ll stay with me and work this out together?”

  “I make no promises, Jake. I have to talk with my parents and see Paxton. Anything beyond that, I just don’t know.”

  “That’s fair. I’m sorry for hurting you.”

  “I know you are. Don’t do it again, okay?”

  “Never again, I promise.”

  “We’ll see.”

  I let Jake kiss me, and then he held me so tight to his body, it was hard to breathe. Maybe everyone is right about Jake resembling the Hulk. I silently laughed to myself, and then he asked me why I was smiling.

  “Private joke.”

  “Yeah? Now you have to tell me,” he said.

  “You’ve seen yourself in the mirror, right?”

  “Um, yeah.”

  “I think the nickname the moms have given you suits you.”

  “He-Man? Yeah, I heard that one, but my personal favorite is the Hulk.”

  For the first time since last night, I actually felt better. I must be crazy to be okay with this, but the fact remains, I do trust Jake, and I know he will not allow anything to happen to Paxton.

  When I reached the point of exhaustion and hunger, Jake walked us over to the couch. I plopped my ass down on it. He told me not to move while he made me something to eat. I was too tired to fight him, and I agreed.

  “This smells great. What is it?” I asked.

  “You don’t go in there much, do you?”

  I shrugged and kept eating.

  “I do, and I cook often, but it’s always a surprise. My mom probably added a few casseroles to my freezer.”

  “This was simple. It’s a vegetable quiche.”

  “Sounds about right. I was just telling her last week to stop feeding me desserts because I’m going to get fat. I guess she took my advice and stocked the freezer.”

  “Yeah, show me where you have an inch a fat anywhere on your body?”

  “Don’t you know? You’ve seen it. You kissed it. You licked it, and I think I still have a bite mark or two you savagely left on me. By the way, I didn’t mind your marks.”

  “Oh, I remember, love, and I can’t wait to do that again.” He winked and finished off what he had on his plate.

  “I have to pick up Paxton. He has to be wondering where the hell I am. I’ve never done this before.”

  “We can go together if you don’t think that will be too confusing for him. We can go through Carrie’s boxes, and maybe I’ll find something in there that I can use against Harper.”

  “I don’t know, Jake. You were only supposed to be my son’s basketball coach, not…”

  “Say it, Devan. What? Your lover? Your boyfriend? Because our last kiss confirms we are those things and so much more. At least, it’s what I want.”

  I got up from the table and placed my dirty dish in the sink. I couldn’t look at him right now, he was so fucking intense and serious all the time. I was afraid he would see right through me, and then I would be so lost to this man. I didn’t have to wait long for him to come to me. He placed his hands on my hips and pressed into my back with his hard cock rubbing up against my ass.

  “I want you, Devan, and I know you want me too, but as much as I am not a patient man, I will wait for you to be ready if that’s what it takes. You just need to give me something to believe in. Can you do that?”

  Another test? Okay, if Jake wants me as bad as he says that he does, then he will have no problem granting my next request.

  I said, “Bottom for me, Jake. Let me fuck you until you scream my name. That is what I can do, and I want to…right now.”

  My voice was never more clear and direct in all my life. The wicked gleam in his eyes showed exciteme
nt and want.

  “I haven’t done that in a very long time, but I’m willing to try for you.”

  I breathed him in and nestled my face in the crook of his neck. “Thank you, Jake.”


  “Telling me the truth.”

  “I meant what I said, babe. I will never lie to you again,” he said.

  “I know that now. I also know you are a top who has no problem in the dominant role but is willing to give me the control that I need to trust you, even if it’s a modicum of it.”

  “Yes, you can have all of me, Devan.”

  In one swift move, I turned around to shove Jake against the countertop and dropped to my knees in front of him. It didn’t take long to unbuckle his belt and pull his jeans down his thick legs.

  “What are you doing?” he breathily asked as I began to stroke his cock that felt like hard steel in my hands.

  “If you have to ask, then I really am out of practice.”

  “No, you’re fine, but I thought you wanted to fuck?” he said, and then gripped the sides of my head as I took him deep inside of my mouth.

  “Oh, shit! Fucking hell! So, good!” shouted Jake.

  Just the reaction I was looking for. Before I took his ass, I needed to taste him with his hot release filling my mouth. Our first night together, I allowed him to take the lead, and all I could do was lie there and be blissed out in what he was doing to me. Now, it’s my turn to return the favor.

  “Babe, I’m not going to last,” he uttered.

  I sucked him so hard that before I released my mouth, he tilted his head back and screamed again and again as he reached his orgasm. His dick continued to pulsate. He was so fucking hot. My mouth was open, and it was a direct hit. I then grabbed his cock and milked every last drop I could suck from him. I had never felt such a rush of adrenaline like this before. I never wanted it to end. I stood up and held him in place as he went weak in the knees on me. Jake was too big in size for me to pick him up like he did to me, so I settled on holding him by his shoulders as he kicked off his jeans that were bunched around his ankles. He held me all the way back to my bedroom and then collapsed on my bed.


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