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Boston Avant-Garde 6: Chiaroscuro

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by Kaitlin Maitland

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Author’s Note

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Loose Id Titles by Kaitlin Maitland

  Kaitlin Maitland

  Boston Avant-Garde 6:


  Kaitlin Maitland

  Boston Avant-Garde 6: Chiaroscuro

  Copyright © December 2013 by Kaitlin Maitland

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  eISBN 9781623005498

  Editor: Kierstin Cherry

  Cover Artist: April Martinez

  Published in the United States of America

  Loose Id LLC

  PO Box 809

  San Francisco CA 94104-0809

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  * * * *

  DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

  Author’s Note

  Every book involves equal parts fact and imagination, but I’d like to take a moment to say thanks to my friends in the local Wiccan community for their advice and invaluable help with terminology and tradition. Also, for anyone interested in learning more about the Narragansett Nation, they have a history filled with tragedy and perseverance. You can find more information online at

  Chapter One

  Mattie English took a few steps back to get a better view of the painting she was trying to display. For the millionth time, she lamented the blessing and the curse of the gallery’s location in historic Salem, Massachusetts. The building had tons of character, but the narrow streets made it tough to take advantage of any light coming in through the first-floor windows.

  Twirling a lock of loose hair around one finger, she gazed out the window at the sidewalk. It was the last week of October, and the tourist traffic was picking up. By the time Halloween night rolled around, the Salem streets would be a madhouse. As annoying as it might be to locals, they couldn’t ignore the needed economic boost. Mattie and her three gallery partners depended on sales from the month of October to get them through the winter.

  The bell above the front door gave an insistent ring, and Mattie snapped out of her ruminations. Pasting a welcoming smile on her face, she smoothed invisible wrinkles from her long skirt. If she were lucky, the potential customers wouldn’t notice the lingering odor of turpentine she wore like perfume or the indigo paint spattering her sandals. Even better, if they did notice, they’d simply chalk it up to atmosphere.

  “Good morning. Welcome to Derby Street Gallery.” Mattie injected every ounce of sparkle she could muster.

  “Ms. English, it’s a pleasure as always.”

  Mattie fought to keep her smile from melting into a glowering frown. It wouldn’t do her any favors to be rude to Tobias Meecham. In the last year the man had managed to wheedle his way to the top of the local artists’ food chain. Not to mention he was the self-proclaimed guru of the Wiccan community.

  “Mr. Meecham.” Mattie forced herself to be warm. “What can I do for you this morning?”

  “If I might introduce Daniel Hyde.” Mr. Meecham gestured to his companion.

  Mr. Hyde peered at her as though she were the item on display before pointedly turning to speak to Meecham. “You weren’t exaggerating the startling contrast of dark hair and blue-gray eyes.”

  Meecham smiled as though he were responsible for her genetics. “I had hoped to show off some of your artwork to Mr. Hyde, Matilda. I’m surprised to see you here instead of in your booth on Artists’ Row.”

  Using her full name earned the pompous ass another black mark. Between the two of them, she couldn’t decide who was weirder. What was Meecham doing here anyway? And who the hell was Mr. Hyde, and why would he be interested in her work? He was middle-aged with a shaved head and an intense expression in his dark eyes. He wore a custom-tailored business suit and didn’t look like the type who bought his own art. His gaze hadn’t strayed to any of the paintings hanging on the wall or the sculptures displayed on the shelves. In fact, the only thing Mr. Hyde seemed inclined to stare at was Mattie. His unsettling gaze raked every inch of her body from head to toe, lingering on her breasts and hips as though he were examining a potential purchase. Her best friend, Selena, would have given him a saucy look and demanded to know if he approved. Mattie wasn’t that bold.

  “Wednesdays are my morning to open the gallery,” Mattie explained. “We all take turns during the tourist season.” This referred to the fact that Salem’s Artists’ Row was only open from May to November.

  Mr. Meecham’s mouth split into a smile that wasn’t at all reassuring. “Matilda is a member of our Circle, although lately she’s been rather inactive in the community.”

  Okay, now the conversation was heading into a decidedly personal zone. One of the things that had drawn Mattie to Wiccan beliefs in the first place was the individualism. There were as many ways to practice Wicca as there were Wiccans. If she didn’t want to attend Circle meetings, that was her business. It wasn’t like she was the only one. There were half a dozen locals who had started drifting away once Meecham had taken over.

  “I’m more interested in her art than her religious affiliations.” There was something in Mr. Hyde’s tone that made her skin crawl. “I’m searching for a few special pieces to complete my Beacon Hill home. Perhaps you’d like to join me for dinner tonight to discuss your work? Meecham seems to think your…style would suit my tastes perfectly.” His expression told her what his words didn’t. Mr. Hyde was interested in more
than her art.

  Mattie nibbled her lip. As creepy as this guy seemed to be, he didn’t strike her as dangerous. Besides, it would be foolish to refuse. His oily personality might not appeal to her, but she wasn’t in a financial position to turn down the chance at a big sale.

  Would a sugar daddy be all that bad?

  Mattie’s heart gave an unpleasant lurch. She was chronically unlucky in love. About the time she thought she’d found the greatest guy, he always turned out to be flaky, unfaithful, or in the case of her most recent relationship, emotionally unavailable.

  Damn you, Lars Aasen.

  “I’d be happy to meet in order to discuss art, Mr. Hyde.” Mattie offered a winsome smile. “Would you like to swing by my display at Artists’ Row this afternoon? We could catch an early supper at the Lobster Shanty.” On the outdoor patio with hordes of people to chaperone.

  The barest hint of distaste colored his features, but then he smiled, and the expression was gone. “That would be perfect. I’ll plan on seeing you later today.”

  The front bell rang again, signaling another customer, and Mattie was glad of the distraction. “If you’ll both excuse me? I’ll see you later on, Mr. Hyde. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  “Likewise,” he murmured.

  A shot of aversion left a sour taste in her mouth. She had a few hours to do some digging on Mr. Daniel Hyde before she had to decide if the money was worth braving the creep factor. Fortunately for Mattie, Selena was in a committed relationship with two guys who knew just about every shady character in the Boston area. If Daniel Hyde were keeping any skeletons in his closet, Malachi and Demon would unearth the details.

  * * * *

  Lars Aasen rolled onto his back and flung his forearm across his eyes. “This can’t happen again.”

  Owen snorted, the caustic noise sounding doubly so in his husky baritone. The man never raised his voice. He didn’t have to. The don’t-fuck-with-me attitude kept all comers at bay, even when working upstairs as a bouncer for one of Boston’s most illicit nightclubs. If a customer got pushy, Owen turned on the cutting sarcasm and sent them on their way.

  “You’ve said that the last half a dozen times you’ve shown up in my bed,” Owen pointed out. “This is my room, remember?”

  Lars hid his eyes to keep from staring at Owen’s form lounging beside him, back propped against the headboard. The bedroom suite with its kitchenette and attached bath was a perk given to Owen because of his job at Club Triptych. Normally managers traded off shifts and rooms on a seventy-two-hour rotating basis. Not so Owen. He stayed full time at the club. Whether it was his loyalty to his employer or simply a desire to remain detached from the regular world outside, Lars didn’t know.

  “Would you look at me?” Owen flung Lars’s arm away from his face. “This self-hatred bullshit is starting to get annoying.”

  They’d fucked not fifteen minutes ago, but Lars’s cock stirred when he turned his head to gaze at the lover he’d never intended to take.

  Owen’s body looked as if it had been carved from dark wood. He was crisscrossed with scars that proved he wasn’t about to back down from anything. His broad shoulders were tightly muscled, his arms a study in subdued power. His sitting position tightened his abs until they looked as unforgiving as his habitually stoic expression. Like his smooth, copper-toned skin, his facial features bespoke his Native American heritage. Add in the set of three interlocking blue circles tattooed on each side of his collarbone, and he was an awe-inspiring sight. He had a high forehead, elegant black brows, a straight, aquiline nose, and cheekbones that belonged on a museum statue.

  And the prickliest personality ever spawned.

  “If you’re done eye-fucking me”—Owen arched one eyebrow, managing to make it the most acerbic gesture ever—“you can either get out of my room, or roll over and let me put my cock in your tight little ass.”

  Lars knew he should get out of the bed, get dressed, and leave the club. He just couldn’t make himself do it. Being with Owen wasn’t the right choice, but when they were together, it was possible to shut out everything else.

  “Fine, I’ll make the choice for you,” Owen said.

  Before Lars could react, his lover had flipped him onto his stomach. Owen straddled Lars’s legs. Owen’s erect cock brushed the base of Lars’s buttocks. The teasing touch made him groan.

  “You want this.” Owen swept his palms from Lars’s shoulders all the way to his ass cheeks. “Why won’t you admit it?”

  The words seemed to wake something inside Lars. He braced his hands on the mattress and lifted his shoulders. A primal instinct demanded he reverse their positions.

  Owen only laughed. “Fuck yes! Fight me, you stubborn jackass.”

  Lars groaned when Owen lowered his body to rub his chest against Lars’s back. Their skin slid together like silk. Owen’s lips trailed along the nape of Lars’s neck. He set his teeth to the shoulder, biting hard and raising goose bumps.

  Lars’s cock was already hard. It had been since the moment Owen had taken control. Lars thrust against the soft cotton sheets. They felt like sandpaper on his sensitized skin. His ass throbbed. His brain screamed no, but his body wanted nothing more than to give itself over to Owen’s possession.

  “You are so gorgeous,” Owen murmured. He sat up and rested his weight on Lars’s legs. “Your skin tastes like heaven.” He ran his tongue up Lars’s spine as if to prove a point.

  Chills made Lars gasp. He clenched his fingers restlessly in the sheets. He wanted to beg, to spread his legs, arch his spine, and present his ass to his lover.

  Owen began to knead Lars’s nether cheeks. He pinched the tight flesh and spread it wide to expose the puckered entrance. He brushed his fingers over Lars’s anus and chuckled at the shudder it caused.

  “Tell me this is mine, Lars,” he demanded. “Tell me no one else is going to fuck it.”

  Damn you, and damn me for the truth. Lars couldn’t hold back the words. “Yours, Owen. It’s only yours.”

  There was a pause, and Lars’s belly clenched with anticipation. Owen retrieved the lube from a drawer with unhurried motions that drove Lars insane. After five months, Lars knew Owen was making him wait on purpose. The cool slide of lubricant across his anal star made him tense with gratification.

  Owen slid one finger around the rim of Lars’s asshole. The teasing began slowly, increasing to quick circles before dipping inside. The penetration stretched Lars open and made him grunt. Owen added a second digit to the first, and Lars folded his elbows beneath his upper body and let the pleasure wash over him.

  It had never been like this for him with any other man. His previous experiences had been between randy boys locked in a boarding school with no girls, or college guys experimenting with their sexuality. This was different. It was more.

  It’s Owen.

  Owen retreated, and Lars felt the broad head of his lover’s cock pushing past the tight ring of outer muscle. The burn quickly gave way to satisfaction. It felt so good when Owen tunneled inside. The man’s long prick seemed contoured for Lars’s ass. Each inch brought Owen closer to the sweet spot, the place that drove Lars absolutely wild.

  Lars felt the shift of Owen’s legs as he gained purchase on the bed. They both knew what came next, but when Owen backed out and then thrust home, it made stars burst behind Lars’s eyelids.

  “You’re so tight,” Owen rasped. “I had you less than an hour ago, and I’m ready to come again.”

  Lars forced his body up until he was on hands and knees. Owen’s arm wrapped around his waist like a band of iron. He used it to fuck harder. The sounds of their skin slapping together filled the room. The scent of sex grew heavy. Lars’s cock was throbbing as he thrust reflexively into the air.

  Owen changed his angle of penetration. Lars let out a deep moan of gratification when the crown of his lover’s cock began massaging the magic spot. Lars’s ass grew tight. His ball sac drew up toward his body as his climax began to buil
d. Muscle spasms in Lars’s anal passage rippled around Owen’s cock. The sensation was like a mini cataclysm, and Lars shuddered with the intensity.

  Owen’s shout made the hair on the back of Lars’s neck stand on end. His lover gripped his hips in both hands and thrust once more. Owen’s shaft throbbed as he poured his seed into Lars’s ass.

  Both men collapsed to the bed. It felt good to be in Owen’s arms even if Lars was still hard and desperate for release.

  “I don’t know what you do with that ass, but it pushes me over the edge every time.” Owen maneuvered onto his side and stared down into Lars’s face. The coppery darkness of his complexion made his smile seem brilliant. “We can’t leave you hanging like that, though, can we?”

  The sensual promise made Lars’s belly do a flip. Owen leaned down and gave him an openmouthed kiss. Their tongues rubbed together, mimicking sex. Lars reached up and tangled his fingers in Owen’s long black hair. He would never get enough of tasting and feeling this man, no matter how badly he wished he could.

  Owen grasped Lars’s shaft in his hand and pumped it a few times. Precum spilled from the tip to coat Owen’s fingers. Breaking their kiss, he lifted his fingers to his mouth and licked them clean.

  “Suck me,” Lars begged. “Make me come.”

  “If you’re sure.” A wicked smile twisted the corners of Owen’s sexy mouth as he shifted so he could lower his head to Lars’s groin.

  The first touch of Owen’s mouth on his cock made Lars moan in ecstasy. He’d never known another lover, male or female, with this kind of oral skill. Owen swallowed Lars’s entire considerable length. The back of his throat was soft and warm. His lips brushed the base of Lars’s erection, and he used his hand to cup Lars’s balls.

  Owen began to slide up and down in quick, long strokes. Lars wondered if the man stopped breathing to accomplish the feat. Every damn thrust was a deep-throated piece of heaven. His lover’s clever tongue swirled erotic patterns every time he took Lars’s length inside his mouth.


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