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Preacher and The Prostitute

Page 17

by Barrett, Brenda

  “Thank you.” His voice was husky.

  “How did you know I was not with Fisher and Smith anymore?” Maribel whispered hoarsely.

  “Vivian told me.”

  “Oh.” She was tongue-tied.

  “How about lunch?” He had a smile in his voice.

  “How? Where? When?” Maribel was so surprised her heart was beating a mile a minute.

  “I got in last night for your birthday,” Brian said smoothly. “I always wanted to propose on your birthday.”

  “Yes,” Maribel said eagerly.

  “Yes what?” Brian asked, puzzled.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you.” Maribel started shoving her things in her bag. She was definitely going to spend the day with him.

  “Thank God for that, but I am still going to ask properly,” Brian said. “What time should I pick you up for lunch?”

  “Now,” Maribel demanded.

  “It is eight-thirty in the morning,” Brian laughed. “I will be there in ten minutes.”

  Maribel couldn’t stop smiling.


  “Isn’t it crass and completely lacking in taste to print as a headline The Preacher and The Prostitute Tie the Knot?” Brian’s mother, Catherine, was pacing around the room as she rocked Cathy’s four-month-old baby Matthew to sleep and glancing disdainfully at the newspaper headline.

  Vivian was lounging on the bed, a mirror propped on her knee as she applied her eyeliner carefully. “I like that word crass. I must use it next time Paul’s mother comes to Jamaica.”

  “That’s next month,” Maribel said pointedly, “for your wedding.” She was in a white slip and nothing else; the wedding was not going to start for another hour.

  “I like it,” Cathy said, pinning up her hair. “The Preacher and the Prostitute has a nice ring to it.”

  “The Preacher and the ex-Prostitute would be even better for our charity.” Karen was in the corner reading a copy of the paper. “And look, the critters spelled my surname incorrectly. It says here 'Maribel Contrell, soon to be Edwards, a former prostitute who is an accountant with UNICEF and a motivational speaker for the charity organization Women Unite, has decided to tie the knot with popular Canadian pastor Brian Edwards. Her close friend and head of Women Unite, Karen Meekle'—they spelt my name MEEKLE? Can you believe it?”

  “Read more,” Cathy mumbled, “I am sure my name has to be mentioned.”

  Karen cleared her throat. “Her close friend and head of Women Unite, Doctor Karen Miekle, says that Maribel’s marriage will create a huge gap when she leaves for Canada next month. ‘She was our best motivational speaker, the best example of what women can achieve when they decide to empower themselves from the shackles of prostitution.’”

  “Read about me,” Cathy said. “They must mention me.”

  Karen snorted. “Cathy Norwood, Maribel’s best friend …”

  “Nuh uh,” Vivian retorted. “I am Maribel’s best friend.”

  “I knew her first,” Cathy spun around from the mirror. “I introduced her to God.”

  Catherine cleared her throat before Vivian could retort. “Ladies, ladies. Before your argument gets louder, I am going to put this little one down with his grandmother,” she indicated a drowsy Matthew, “and I will be back to referee, so freeze there for a while.”

  Maribel giggled. “You guys are ridiculous; you are all my closest friends and I can’t imagine my big day without you three. And to tell you the truth, I am kinda dreading going to Canada without you all.”

  Vivian sniffed and got off the bed. Cathy and Karen walked to her and hugged her.

  “You will be with the man you love; we are happy for you.” Vivian squeezed her and then glanced in the mirror. “My dratted eye makeup is now on my cheeks.”

  They laughed together and were still chuckling when a knock sounded on the door. Karen opened the door and then giggled, “Ladies, the preacher has sent a gift.”

  Karen handed a small glass bottle to Maribel. It contained a neatly wrapped scroll. She took it and opened up the paper and read out loud. “If I speak in the languages of men and of angels but have not love I am a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal … Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. I love you, Maribel.”

  And with tears all dried and Maribel resplendent in her off-white wedding dress, she glided through the pews, her attendants behind her as she stared at Brian—his handsome face wreathed in smiles. She placed her hands in his and whispered, “I love you too.”

  Author's Notes

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  Continue scrolling for an excerpt from Private Sins, Book 1, in the Three Rivers Series.

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  Private Sins.

  “I can't do this anymore,” Kelly said, looking at Chris with guilt in her eyes.

  He was driving along the scenic coastline of Runaway Bay, heading towards his villa. He flinched and tightened his hand on the steering wheel and in a voice belying his tension, asked gently, “You can't do what? You can’t be my interior decorator anymore?”

  “Be your mistress, girlfriend, bit-on-the-side. Whatever this is, Chris,” Kelly replied, glancing at him pleadingly. “This is wrong; so wrong on many levels.” She clasped her hands in her lap and inhaled. “It should not have started.”

  “You love me,” he said, slowing down the vehicle and turning into the villa's entrance. The landscaping was still unfinished and some men were busy constructing a stone wall. Chris tooted them as he navigated up the meandering driveway. The landscaper, who was transplanting a palm tree, waved to him.

  He stopped under the overhang at the front entrance; already the landscaper had planted white roses beside the trellis. They were supposed to entwine around the posts and create a scenic point of interest.

  He tried to avoid Kelly's startled look as he got out of the car, slamming the door harder than he should.

  Kelly scrambled out of the car and walked around to his side quickly.

  “No, I don't. I don’t think I do. This is just a fling, remember? We agreed, six months ago, when this whole thing started, that it would just be a one off. Chris…Chris! Are you listening to me?”

  Chris strolled into the villa and headed straight for his temporary office, which was a suite of rooms behind the receptionist area.

  Kelly swiftly walked in after him, her high heels making an echo on the marble tiles. The lobby area was the last place that she had to decorate and furnish, then she would be done with the job. She had done the ten two-bedroom villas that Chris had commissioned her to do, and in the process had lost all sense of morality.

  This job had been her moral undoing.

  She winced when she thought about how many days she spent in this very space with Chris Donahue in a sensual haze—hiding away from the real world, and lying to herself and her family.

  She leaned against the reception desk. It was not yet varnished, but the furniture maker had finished the design to her dictates. It would perfectly complement the forest theme she had envisioned when she had first seen the space.

  She glanced in the mirrors
that lined the wall in front of the desk and tried to avoid looking at herself. Her reflection seemed slightly accusing and her heartfelt sigh echoed into the hollow room. She cupped her hand under her chin and a rush of guilt—so raw and suffocating—grasped her by the chest that she found that she was breathing shallowly.

  She heard the door behind the desk open. The whole wall was covered in wood and the door was a seamless addition. She glanced around to see Chris standing there with a wounded look in his eyes.

  “I don't want to end this,” he whispered pleadingly.

  Kelly sighed. “I know, but it has to.”

  Chris ran his fingers through his curly hair and leaned against the door. “You could get a divorce…marry me.”

  Kelly inhaled then exhaled rapidly. “I have two children, Chris! That decision would have far-reaching consequences.”

  “I can take care of all of you,” Chris said earnestly, now standing before her—his hazel eyes glistening with tears.

  Kelly looked away from him and shook her head. “I still love my husband. I don't think I ever stopped loving him.”

  Her words stood between them and he backed away slightly. “He doesn’t give you the love and attention that you crave. I have watched you both over the years. He is so involved with his job that you are a mere second in his affections. I am a property developer. We could build hotels and villas together and you decorate them. We complement each other. You love me too, Kelly! I know you do. I can see you are trying to fight it because of some misplaced loyalty to a husband who doesn’t care about you. If you went missing, he wouldn’t care.”

  “That’s not true,” Kelly said, sobbing. “I can't just throw away ten years and two kids because of lust! I can't. I won't!”

  “Lust!” Chris snorted. “I have loved you for longer than ten years. The sad part about this is that you knew, but you married him anyway. I wasn’t good enough for you then and apparently I am not good enough for you now.”

  “Chris…don't.” Kelly wiped her eyes and gave him a beseeching look. “I am sorry, okay. I am sorry, sorrier than you would ever know. I'm sorry that this whole thing escalated into what it is now. You are handsome and young and rich. You will find somebody and…”

  “Shut up!” Chris shouted. “Just shut up! You accepted this job willingly, Kelly. For years you refused whenever I asked you to work on a project with me because you knew how I felt about you. You have always felt the tension between us. You wanted to start this affair. You wanted a reason to leave your relationship. Here I am Kelly! Here's the reason!”

  Chris jabbed himself in the chest, a stormy glint in his eyes. “Leave Theo and come to me. I am not marrying anyone else. I am not interested in anyone else.”

  Kelly turned away from him, her eyes damp. “I am choosing my family, Chris. Please, just take me home. Drat it, I wish I had driven my car. I will try to finish up the lobby in the agreed time, but I am putting an end to this now. Can we please not discuss this affair again?”

  “We'll see about that.” Chris stormed toward the car. “You can't just use me and then dump me! I love you.”

  Kelly walked behind him. “You can't tell him, Chris. He’s your pastor! You are his first elder! The church would have a field day with this if it ever gets out. Please see reason.”

  Chris slammed the car door, and Kelly had to hobble fast to get in before he drove off.


  The Scarlett Family Series

  Scarlett Baby (Book 1)- When the head of the Scarlett family died, Yuri had to return home to Treasure Beach for the funeral. What he didn't count on was seeing Marla, his childhood sweetheart and his best friend's wife. And when emotions overwhelm them and a few months later Marla is pregnant, Yuri wants the impossible: his best friend's wife and the baby they made together...

  Scarlett Sinner (Book 2)- Pastor Troy Scarlett realizes the hard way that some sins are bound to be revealed, like the child that he had out of wedlock with his wife's mortal enemy from college. His wife Chelsea was not happy with the status quo. She was not taking care of the son of the woman she had so despised from college. And she could not get over the deep betrayal that she felt from her husband's indiscretion.

  Scarlett Secret (Book 3)- Terri Scarlett had a soft spot for her friend, Lola. She was funny and sweet and they looked remarkably alike. But when Lola's Arab prince demands his bride, Terri foolishly exchange places with her friend and they meet up on a world of trouble.

  Scarlett Love (Book 4)- Slater always looked forward to delivering packages to the law firm where he could get a glimpse of the stunning female lawyer, Amoy Gardener. Unfortunately, for Slater a woman like Amoy would not take him seriously, especially when she found out that he could not read!

  Scarlett Promise (Book 5)- Lisa Barclay was not who she thought she was! Driven by desperation she decides to make some extra money by prostituting herself after being kicked out onto the streets. Her first customer turns out to be a popular government senator and then to her horror he dies...

  Scarlett Bride (Book 6)- Oliver Scarlett loved his job as a missionary doctor in the rarely visited, highly populated village of Kidogo, located in the midlands of the Congo region. He rescued a young village woman from a horrible fate of marrying the old witch doctor by marrying her himself. Now it is time to return home, he has to take his newly acquired bride with him or rescuing her would have been in vain.

  Scarlett Heart (Book 7)- After receiving a heart transplant shy librarian Noah Scarlett started to take on character traits that were unlike him. He was going to the gym and loving cherry malt sodas and he kept dreaming of a girl named Charlotte Green...

  Rebound Series

  On The Rebound--For Better or Worse, Brandon vowed to stay with Ashley, but when worse got too much he moved out and met Nadine. For the first time in years he felt happy, but then Ashley remembered her wedding vows...

  On The Rebound 2- Ashley reinvented herself and was now a first lady in a country church in Primrose Hill, but her obsessed ex friend Regina showed up and started digging into the lives of the saints at church. Somebody didn't like Regina's digging. Someone had secrets that were shocking enough to kill for...

  Magnolia Sisters

  Dear Mystery Guy (Book 1)- Della Gold details her life in a journal dedicated to a mystery guy. But when fascination turns into obsession she finds herself wanting to learn even more about him but in her pursuit of the mystery guy she begins to learn more about herself...

  Bad Girl Blues (Book 2)- Brigid Manderson wanted to go to med school but for the time being she was an escort working for her mother, an ex-prostitute. When her latest customer offers her the opportunity of a lifetime would she take it? Or would she choose the harder path and uncertain love with a Christian guy?

  Her Mistaken Dreams (Book 3)- Caitlin Denvers dream guy had serious issues. He has a dead wife in his past and he was the main suspect in her murder. Did he really do it? Or did Caitlin for the first time have a mistaken dream?

  Just Like Yesterday (Book 4)- Hazel Brown lost six months of memory including the summer that she conceived her son, and had no idea who his father could be. Now that she had the means to fight to get him back from the Deckers, she finds out that the handsome Curtis Decker is willing to share her son with her after all.

  New Song Series

  Going Solo (Book 1)- Carson Bell, had a lovely voice, a heart of gold, and was no slouch in the looks department. So why did Alice abandon him and their daughter? What did she want after ten years of silence?

  Duet on Fire (Book 2)- Ian and Ruby had problems trying to conceive a child. If that wasn't enough, her ex-lover the current pastor of their church wants her back...

  Tangled Chords (Book 3)- Xavier Bell, the poor, ugly duckling has made it rich and his looks have been incredibly improved too. Farrah Knight, hotel heiress had cruelly rejected him in the past but now she needed help. Could Xavier forgive and forget?

  Broken Harmony(Book 4)- Aaron L
ee, wanted the top job in his family company but he had a moral clause to consider just when Alka, his married ex-girlfriend walks back into his life.

  A Past Refrain (Book 5)- Jayce had issues with forgetting Haley Greenwald even though he had a new woman in his life. Will he ever be able to shake his love for Haley?

  Perfect Melody (Book 6)- Logan Moore had the perfect wife, Melody but his secretary Sabrina was hell bent on breaking up the family. Sabrina wanted Logan whatever the cost and she had a secret about Melody, that could shatter Melody's image to everyone.

  The Bancroft Family Series

  Homely Girl (Book 0) - April and Taj were opposites in so many ways. He was the cute, athletic boy that everybody wanted to be friends with. She was the overweight, shy, and withdrawn girl. Do April and Taj have a love that can last a lifetime? Or will time and separate paths rip them apart?

  Saving Face (Book 1) - Mount Faith University drama begins with a dead president and several suspects including the president in waiting Ryan Bancroft.


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