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A Captivating Conundrum

Page 12

by Amy Lignor

  Chris moved back. "Calm down, tiger. We were talking about what I wanted out of love—about how I want a hero even though most people say because of…what I am, I don't deserve one."

  I sat back in the chair, knowing this was one of the very rare times when I saw Chris open up.

  He continued, "Beth spoke to me about Bobby and what he was like, and when I turned the tables back on her and told her about how wonderful you are, she just laughed."

  My heart dropped.

  "She said you were way more than a knight in shining armor."

  The heart restarted.

  "Beth said you were the first person she'd ever met who didn't need armor, because your soul already shines so bright that she could see it from a mile away."

  I stared into a pair of very honest blue eyes.

  Chris nodded. "I thought that was an amazing thing to say for someone who barely knew you. I mean, I know she's a writer and has the right words, but the statement came out of nowhere. She didn't pause before she said it, you know? It was just true, real, and honest and I think it came out before she could stop it."

  The ghost of Gene Kelly, I swear, appeared inside my soul at that moment and wanted nothing more than to head around the kitchen and dance for joy.


  I looked back at him. "What?"

  Chris's voice dropped down to a whisper. "This woman is very…special. You and Beth balance each other out. Whereas you're in an industry that's beyond ridiculous, Beth is down to earth and works in a field that is truly a lone journey. You may be more worldly when it comes to matters of the flesh." Blushing a bit, Chris continued, "But Beth, I think, is way more worldly when it comes to life."

  I stared into my coffee cup. "Do you think she's had her heart broken a lot?"

  He shook his head. "Not the love thing. I just think she's stronger than you because she's had to be. I feel like this is one courageous lady, but I'm not quite sure what brought about all this courage. In other words, I think you could both learn a lot of lessons from each other."

  I nodded.

  "Oh, and since it's not the broken heart she's had difficulties with—don't be the first to introduce it to her."


  He sighed. "I would hate to see someone whose soul shines so bright, become the man who broke the one thing Beth's kept safe from harm."

  Chris's words hit my brain. "I don't want to break her heart…I want it."

  Smiling, my friend sat back in his chair, sending a repulsed glance at the soiled towel. "I know."

  "But," I leaned forward. "I don't even know her, right? There's been no time invested."

  The laugh was loud. "I don't know Bobby either, but I can tell you right now I think he's the one who was made for me."

  I was shocked at the confession. "You do?"

  "Yup. I don't agree with the time thing, either. He's said it, too—how you can't actually be sure about someone until you know everything about them." Chris rolled his eyes at the inane statement. "But I'm not a planner. In this case, I have to side with you."

  I laughed.

  "When you know, you know…you know? And I think that can pretty much happen in a second-and-a-half. Which, to me, is the good part. I mean, if you already know you can get right to work on that life you want without having to wait, then you have a ton of years—hopefully," he said, crossing his fingers, "to be by the side of the person you love. And all those years can be spent getting to know them. From the look I see in your eyes when you even think about Beth, I have a feeling she could reveal that she's a crocodile hunter and you'd still be just as madly in love with her as you are now."

  "True," I chuckled. "There's nothing she could say that would change how I feel."

  We both looked out the window as the car raced up the drive sending pebbles in all directions. Beth jumped out, looking like she was about to declare war on the next person that crossed her path.

  "Uh, oh," Chris muttered, just as Bobby came down the stairs.

  The door slammed behind her as Beth marched into the kitchen, made straight for the coffee pot, and stared at what must've looked like a real motley crew.

  Drinking the scalding liquid down without even wincing, she said, "Men suck!"

  That was really not the statement I wanted to hear.


  ~ Hers ~

  I stared at the table surrounded by what was quickly becoming the one and only group of men I could stand, and sighed. However, it would help if Matt would learn to put on his shirt, because the view was simply hitting below the belt. His abs were already cut into my memory, and I really didn't need to be reminded all the time of what his body looked like. I mean, shit! I'm a writer for crissake, I already have an imagination that would make him blush if he knew how many positions I'd already pictured him in.

  Bobby was the first one to carefully step toward me. Not surprising, seeing as that he already knew exactly how to judge my moods. I saw him glance at the calendar and tried not to laugh. I knew he was checking to see if this was the one week out of the month to keep absolutely quiet and escape the house, but that was still over two weeks away.

  Taking a deep breath, he put a smile on his face and turned back to me. "What did our race do wrong now?"

  "I went to Christie's."

  He rolled his eyes, and his voice rose. "Beth! I told you not to do that. You have got to leave that chick's situation alone. I mean, I know you want to help her, but she screws herself up over and over again!"

  "It's Mark."

  "Of course, it's Mark." Bobby took his coffee cup and returned to the table, stretching his legs out across the floor. "Mark does suck. The whole town knows it—even Christie, by the way."

  I could feel the anger rise inside me. "But-"

  Bobby put up his hand. "Beth, she goes back to him every single time. They're fine, then he strays, she leaves and then goes back. It's how they'll always be."


  "Beth, she's a fool."

  "Wait!" Matt's voice suddenly took over and he stood from the table, taking two steps toward me.

  I looked at his face. In fact, there was no way not to. His eyes were studying mine with such intensity that I could feel the tears start to burn. Quickly, he took me by the elbow. "There's something else."

  I looked away. I so did not want to act like some weepy female in front of this man. I could only imagine how uncomfortable it would make him.

  But I felt the warm hand appear under my chin as he moved my face to look at him once more. "Are you okay?"

  I couldn't help it; one tear escaped, as I choked on my words, "I just came from the E.R….he beat the hell out of her."

  "What?" Bobby jumped from his chair. "God, Beth, I'm sorry."

  I shook my head. I wanted Matt to back up but he kept hold of me.

  "What happened?" His voice was soft and calm.

  "I got there this morning and she wouldn't open the door, so I figured she was just sleeping off the hangover. When I went to get back in the car, I spotted her through the window on the couch. There were beer bottles everywhere and she…" I swallowed, trying to regain the toughness I lived on. "He had beaten her with a bottle. She was cut, bruised…I called the ambulance."

  With no warning, Matt's arm snaked around my waist and he pulled me into that broad chest.

  And, with even less warning, I burst into tears in his arms.

  ~ His ~

  I don't know how long we stood there, but I know I had no desire to let go. Beth was so upset; her eyes had been filled with anger, but when the anger had dissipated I saw the hurt look of a little girl. Beth had seen something horrible, and I could feel the struggle she was having to keep it all bottled up inside.

  I felt her warm tears on my chest and I held her closer, suddenly wanting to shield her from absolutely anything bad that was out there in the world. In fact, there was a part of me that wanted plywood and nails so I could board up this house and never let anyone inside ever again.
She and I could just live here forever, enjoying life like Jerry and his Missy had until they'd been separated.

  I felt her spine straighten and she pushed against me. "Thank you," she whispered.

  Taking a step around me, Beth sat down at the table as Bobby sat by her side. "Is Christie okay?"

  She nodded, taking deep breaths and sipping the hot coffee. Looking across the table at Chris who wore a kind smile, Beth smiled in return.

  "Men suck," Chris said, releasing a small laugh into the kitchen.

  Bobby's fists were clenched. "I hate that son of a bitch. I should go find him at his chosen whore's house and make sure he knows what an 'eye for an eye' really means."

  "I'll come with you," I said.

  Beth shook her head. "Forget it. Mark's been arrested."

  Bobby snorted. "He'll just get out."

  "It won't matter," Beth replied. "Her mother's here now and she's taking Christie back to upstate New York with her when she's released."

  "Alive," Chris reminded the room of the most important point to remember.

  Beth took a deep breath, as if trying to regain some kind of balance. Standing up, she turned to me. "I'm fine. Really."

  Heading around the corner, she walked upstairs. And when I heard the shower, I knew she was attempting to wash the dirt and grime of a very ugly memory from her mind.

  Turning back, I leaned against the doorframe and stared into Bobby's very angry face.

  "She's right," he said. "Men really suck."

  Chris laughed. "Well, thankfully none of those men are in this room."

  I watched in awe as one word and one smile from Chris seemed to lighten Bobby's demeanor in seconds.

  "True." Bobby nodded.

  "And seeing as that there are so few of us good ones left, I think you and I should go out on the town this evening and try to rub our goodness off on others," Chris said slowly, as if scared that Bobby would turn him down.

  Bobby snorted. "Out on the town? What town?"

  Chris wagged his finger in Bobby's face. "You have dining here. You have movies here. Do you not?"

  "Yes, we do," Bobby chuckled.

  "Then I say dinner, dancing, movies—the whole shebang."

  I wanted to tell Bobby to just give in; he was so not going to win this one. Chris would have his way, so he really should just save his oxygen for a different day.

  As if knowing he was already taken, Bobby smiled. "Okay. Sounds like a plan." He sent me a nod. "What's this one gonna do? He coming to make sure his aura of goodness rubs off, too?"

  Chris let out a loud laugh. "No." Standing up, he placed an arm around my shoulder. "This one will be staying here and rubbing off on a very beautiful woman who needs to know that some men don't suck."

  I grinned, knowing I had a tough mission ahead of me.

  "And now what we're going to do is…Matt's finally going to realize that he needs a shower because…well, ick. And then he will don a shirt and accompany me to the market in order to get the ingredients for a stunning meal that he will prepare for Ms. Beth this evening."

  I could almost smell the Italian feast now, as I wondered why I hadn't been quick enough to think of that myself.

  Bobby sat back in the chair. "And Beth will be fine with this, I suppose?"

  Chris looked taken aback. "Well, of course she will. She wants Matt to study that piece in order to be the absolute best he can be up on that stage to help Amber. WE," he said, staring at Bobby, "are going to make ourselves scarce so they can have a 'working' dinner."

  Chris's small nose turned up as he took a step away from me. "Really. Go shower."

  As I walked around the corner, I reached back and pulled Chris into a hug, causing all kinds of screams to erupt. "Ewww!"

  I rubbed my sweaty hair on his cheek and raced away, laughing hysterically.

  Just as I got to the top of the stairs, his little tirade calmed and all I could hear from below was Bobby's voice saying, "God, you're adorable."

  Chris, Jerry and I were all right. There was no time limit; when it was there, it was there.


  ~ Hers ~

  I heard the tap on my door, but I was so completely engrossed with what the angel and warrior were about to do, I completely let it pass me by. Throughout the day I'd heard the mumbled words of the men in my living room as they picked on each other incessantly. I even once thought I saw Matt's amazing figure walking through the gardens outside, singing to himself and carrying a notepad and pen by his side.

  But I didn't wake from the story being created in my mind until Chris came barreling through my bedroom door, appearing at the top of my balcony. He sang out that he and Bobby were leaving to hit the town.

  I laughed out loud, trying to figure out what town he could possibly be referring to.

  Looking up at the tuxedo-clad man, I sent him a whistle of approval. "Well, you certainly will be the belle of the ball, Sir."

  Chris bowed. "Thank you, my dear. So I have your stamp of approval for 'sexy'?"

  "James Bond is nothing compared to you." I grinned. "That is definitely an 'FMN' outfit."


  I laughed. "Never heard of an outfit that screams, Fuck Me Now?"

  Gasping, Chris grabbed his chest and took a step back as if I'd offended his virginal ears.

  I heard the key in the bottom lock, and as Bobby appeared, I witnessed yet another stunning man dressed to the nines.

  Chris stared down at his date and then threw me a wink. "I guess we're both going for 'FMN' this evening."

  "Seems so." I stared at Bobby's confused face. "My goodness, where are you and Chris off to, exactly?"

  "Wake Robin."

  "Ah, tres chic." I sent him a smile that I hoped showed every ounce of love I was feeling for him at that moment. "Have a fantastic time. Chris is a keeper."

  He rolled his eyes. "Yes, Mom."

  "And you be safe, you hear? Don't stay out too late," I giggled.

  The rolling of the eyes continued.

  "What is that smell?" The luscious scent was streaming through my door.

  "Matt made a surprise dinner for you." Bobby winked.

  I swallowed, realizing for the first time that he and I would be alone. "Oh."


  I sighed. "I suppose you told him it was my favorite?"

  "Actually, no." His voice was serious. "The guy knows Italian stuff. Yet another thing you have in common, I suppose." Bobby sent me an evil grin. "So how do you say 'I hope you score' in Italian?"

  I tilted my head and smiled. "Probably the same way we say 'Bite me' in english."

  "Love you, too." Turning back, he said, "By the way, what's 'FMN'?

  I laughed. "You don't need to know."


  As I watched through the window, the handsome couple walked across the driveway, laughing together in a way that made them seem like they'd known each other for years.


  I turned back around to the owner of that incredible voice. "Hey."

  "May I interrupt your work?" Matt looked down at the millions of papers that were now strewn all over the floor.

  "Please do." I sighed.

  "I thought maybe we could work on the play. After all, that is why I crashed your house."

  "That's true." My heart fell a little as I realized this was a business dinner…nothing more. "Just give me a few minutes." I walked to the staircase, trying not to stare back down at the man who seriously smelled just as delicious as my favorite meal.

  …The night ahead was not going to be easy.


  My kitchen hadn't smelled this good since Grandma was at the stove.

  I started down the staircase, listening to Matt's soft voice sing bits of the song he would end Father with. It was so beautiful; and I could hear the tremendous power he was holding back. I knew when he released it onstage Matt would bring the entire city to its knees.

  His head popped around the corner and he smile
d up at me. "There you are."

  I nodded, looking at his casual clothes. The sky blue oxford changed the color of his mesmerizing eyes to a warm blue, and the jeans looked as if he was more than comfortable. In fact, he looked…inviting. Why does he always have to look 'FMN?' It's so not fair.

  A good meal, an inviting man…yup, this was not going to be easy.

  Giving me his hand, Matt walked me to the small dining area. My grandfather's table had been set with the colors of red and russet. The candles were lit, the music was low, and the carafe of a Barbera Superiore rested on the table, ready to transport me to the beauty of an Italian countryside.

  With a kiss on the cheek, Matt led me to the table and sat me down, as I watched him flit back and forth to the kitchen bringing everything from delectable fruits, cheeses and salad to a mammoth lasagna that looked like it could feed a starving country.

  My stomach growled and I coughed to cover it up; I actually couldn't remember when I'd eaten last, except for the stale pretzels on the bar. I don't even remember having any fruit for the day…just coffee. I shuddered, wondering exactly when my heart would give me up for good.

  Matt sat down across from me, never breaking the eye contact that seemed to be making me fidget more than usual.

  I waved my hands around the table, taking in the delectable sight. "This is quite the spread. You didn't have to go to all this trouble."

  He shook his head. "No trouble at all. I mean, I certainly owe you."

  My heart dropped just a tad when I heard those words. Sometimes I could be so stupid. This was a gentleman thanking me for my hospitality and asking me to work on the script which he was only performing out of the kindness of his heart. I ordered the mature woman inside my head to smack the young, dreamy-eyed girl in there who was making me feel more and more like a silly fool.

  "You don't owe me anything, Matt. You're the one who took the project on." I took a deep breath and picked up my fork. "So, should we begin working on that now?"

  Drawing back a little, Matt bit down on his lower lip. "First, I want you to relax—eat and enjoy while I get to learn all about you."


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