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A Captivating Conundrum

Page 28

by Amy Lignor

  "Sorry. My mistake."

  "I'm going to see Chris!"

  And with that announcement, the little body disappeared and took yet another part of my heart along with her. I sat there shaking my head, suddenly wishing I could dance with my own daughter on stage tonight.

  Looking in the mirror I took a deep breath, trying to extract Matt and bring on Morris, the amazingly intricate Father that my Beth had written.

  ~ Hers ~

  Riding with Nicole and Ken, Bobby and I both enjoyed listening to the southern accent and charm that seemed to ooze out of the gentleman. I was so thrilled for my friend. Her face was made of absolute joy. I'd never seen her look at anyone like this, and my heart felt light as I listened to them banter back and forth.

  Ken suddenly turned to me. "You look happy, Miss Beth," he said. "And, if I am allowed to say, extraordinarily beautiful this evening."

  Nicole chuckled. "You CAN say, and I have to agree. Where on earth did you get that dress?"

  I looked down at the black and white silk gown and smiled. "Just something I picked up." I didn't want to add that I had literally gone to every store in the city after leaving the library in a desperate search to make sure I looked my absolute best for Matt's big night.

  "Well, the fans will be pleased," Nicole said.

  "About that." I sat forward on the limo's seat; a limo, by the way, that certainly fit the Texas owner. In fact, it was so large I wondered why there were no steer horns mounted to the front. "Nic, tonight is ALL about these kids and these incredible celebrities who gave up their time to help them. I understand you want me to walk the carpet and tell everyone who I am and drop Lily Stone, and I will, but that's it. I'll introduce myself to the world and then I'm headed straight inside."

  "But you're going to be asked a million questions. And afterwards, when Matt joins us, there will be even more questions if he announces that you two are dating."

  I sat back, as if hit by a softball from left field. "He's not going to announce something like that, Nic. Again, it's for the kids and he wants it for the kids."

  She shrugged. "Whatever you say."

  As she turned back to the man of her dreams, I looked out the window, seeing the crowd looming up ahead. Taking a deep breath, I thought about what to say. As with anything, once I did this there was no taking it back, and all I could think about was how it could negatively affect Matt.

  Bobby took my hand in his, and whispered in my ear, "Everything will be okay. Matt wants this for you, Beth. And he wants to be a part of it."

  All I could do was nod and pray that he was right.


  ~ Hers ~

  The lights fell, the curtains parted and the music began.

  I was in one of the stunning balconies staring down at that amazing stage that seemed to grow in size and stature simply because of the beauty and rich history that surrounded it.

  The carpet had gone smoothly and quickly. Yes, there were questions, but for the most part Lily Stone was simply a veil dropped and now they could all text and Google like crazy to see if they could unearth some horrific hidden secret from my past that simply wasn't there. I knew the worst of me, and in the scheme of things it was rather boring. After seeing the slightly shark-like gleam in their eyes, I was truly thrilled that my many travels had never included nights in prison or one-night-stands with some jerk that could possibly come up with pictures of the event.

  Show after show went by. The material was amazing. I was thrilled for Jason that the 'hottest young actor in Hollywood' brought his accent, poise and looks to the narrator role. But it was the life and vibrancy of Chris that made the piece go over big. The audience applauded and stood on their feet, calling out Chris's name and reminding him of the fact that he was more than just talented; he was truly becoming one of the most beloved names on the planet.

  Bobby squeezed my hand and I looked over at his proud face. His eyes were glazed over from the beautiful medley the man he loved had belted out in the grand theatre. "He was magnificent," I said.

  Bobby nodded. "He absolutely is."

  My laughter turned to heart palpitations as the soft music came forth from the orchestra, rising slowly as the finale was announced.

  "Here we go."

  ~ His ~

  The lines just came. I felt the pull—that pull on the heartstrings where a young man finds himself stuck in a situation he has no idea how to get out of…or, even wants to.

  As the mature version of Morris I spoke to the audience about that first love—the one that means everything and is literally the only future you can see, or even want to see at the age of seventeen. I fell into Beth's well of emotions. Yes, her story was different, but the emotions of life, youth, a child and escaping a world that just wasn't living up to the potential that she wanted for herself came forth. Embarking on a journey that would take her everywhere, give her the ultimate career, this I understood—and I shared it with the audience.

  I even reached into that parental feeling—the journey I wanted to embark on someday—and I thought about how it would feel to almost be a father, just to watch it all be stripped away. My character believed, as did Beth, that perhaps there was only that one chance to make it happen—that one chance for a family. The emotions, the doubt, the regret…all of her words were filled with power.

  When the lights dimmed and the orchestra began to play once more, I could feel the emotion in the room. I could almost hear it, and when I opened my mouth to 'call all the angels' and Amber appeared in the spotlight, I could almost hear the collective intake of breath.

  This was the first time I felt that the acting was the monumental part of what I was portraying, and the singing and waltz with my 'daughter' was simply the icing on a very large, emotional cake. I had been seen by many tonight as having a new 'voice,' and I was beyond proud.

  I danced with Amber. I listened to her light tone mix with mine as she stared into my eyes with the love of a child for her father. When the song ended, when the lights dimmed and I held Amber to me, relishing the feel of having someone look at me as if I were the only one to be trusted, my heart was full.

  When the lights reappeared I stared out at the pool of black and white mixed with the colorful gowns sparkling under the enchanting chandeliers. It was mesmerizing. Amber curtsied beside me and the crowd roared, as she raced from the stage leaving me to stand alone. The applause continued and grew in volume; the people were on their feet offering their sincere approval for everything I'd done…and I searched for Beth.

  Of course, with the lights, colors and extreme emotions clouding my sight, all I could do was bow. I sent a kiss to the audience, hoping that Beth would know it was for her, and that because of her words a career that I truly loved was about to become even more grand…because she picked me.

  ~ Hers ~

  "I love the fact I don't wear mascara."

  Bobby laughed beside me, wiping his own eyes. "Right? With your black and white ensemble you'd look like a seriously elegant raccoon right now."

  I couldn't stop clapping. "My hands haven't hurt this much since I typed that five hundred page book over one weekend."

  Bobby nodded. "Talk about obsessions." He smiled, staring down at my hands. "I see a Ben-Gay par-tay in your very near future."

  I grinned, looking down at the man who had not only captured my heart but those of a thousand others who were on their feet, absolutely blown away by his never-ending talent.

  "I say go to him, girlfriend."

  I looked over at Bobby. "I believe someone named Christopher is waiting down there, as well."

  "I'm on it!" Taking my arm, Bobby and I moved out of the balcony area as the crowd continued to heap their praise on the most worthy individual I'd ever met in my life.

  Finally getting backstage, Bobby spotted Chris and went straight to him, offering him the embrace of love he so richly deserved. I was next in line.

  "You were spectacular," I said, pulling Chris close.
br />   "I know," he said. His grin was spread from ear to ear, as he wiped at the tears that Matt had brought forth. "What can I say? Pure talent runs in my family tree."

  "Where's Amber?" I looked around, trying desperately to find the munchkin amid the very tall and excited performers.

  Chris looked with me. "Probably changing."

  "Or, Nic got to her." I laughed.

  Bobby smiled. "I'd bet on that one. Nicole probably brought the contract with her to nab the kid up as fast as possible. Shark."

  "Well," Chris said, smiling out at the stage. "He's certainly eating this up. Spoiled brat," he teased.

  I laughed as Matt turned his head toward us and suddenly abandoned the stage.

  "I don't think they're done yet," I shouted out over the crowd.

  He said nothing. The face was…brilliant, I suppose is the right word. Matt honestly looked as if he'd just been introduced to Gene Kelly and Paul Newman all at the same time.

  I was so thrilled for him…and so unbelievably proud.

  ~ His ~

  When I turned and saw that vision in black and white, I had to be with her. She almost reminded me of one of her book covers—the Yin and Yang that made up the most stunning creature on the planet.

  Beth's hair was long and flowing, like the dress, and fell over her shoulders in dark waves that offered that seductive glint of fire under the backstage lights. Her face was perfect. Her smile was bright as the sun, and every inch of the picture called to me like a Rembrandt to an artist.

  I knew there were others. I knew there were people around me cheering, applauding, but suddenly it all dimmed. All I could see was Beth, until my perfect, beautiful sun was blocked out by a bright blue moon.

  ~ Hers ~

  My heart was beating so hard as I stared at Matt that I thought I was going to lose it. No, seriously, I was two seconds away from reaching for a microphone, heading to the stage and shouting out to the world how much I loved him.

  But seeing a glimpse of the familiar face out of the corner of my eye, masked a bit by the bright white-blond wave falling across his forehead, I suddenly knew in the back of my mind what was about to happen. When I spotted Chance, I spotted the electric blue shape. The sheath of sequins was bold, and when the body stepped between Matt and me and flung itself into his arms, the words I so wanted to scream turned to sour milk in my mouth.

  ~ His ~

  The lips struck me hard and without warning. "Rebecca!" I pushed her back, trying to put space in between me and the body that was pressed up against mine.

  "Surprise!" she shouted, as if a birthday cake had just been wheeled into the room and my greatest wish had just popped out of it.

  I looked over her shoulder searching for Beth, but the sequins of Rebecca's dress were blinding. "I called you days ago and left a message," I practically shouted.

  "I know," she purred. Offering a seductive tilt of her hips, she exposed the body underneath the gown…the one I'd already seen. "I figured you missed me and wanted to talk, so I decided to surprise you here. We can have a romantic time in the big city, just you and I."

  "Rebecca, look," I held her arms at her sides, pushing her in the opposite direction.

  She wouldn't budge. "Come on, hot stuff, it'll be fun." Her voice grew quiet, "I wanted to talk to you about something, too. I agree, I think we should become exclusive."

  "What?" My mind was spinning. Everything seemed to deflate as I stared at the woman who I once, very briefly, thought of having a future with.

  "Exclusive, silly." Rebecca shook her long black hair. "I think we should give it a try. I really missed you when I was in Paris. The runway was so dull knowing you were nowhere near me."

  I shook my head. It was as if I was realizing, at this moment, that the woman before me was almost comical. Her heart was nice, her body and face were a lovely package, and her mind was, well…in there somewhere. But everything I was screamed at me to find Beth. I wanted to hold that woman. I wanted to hear her praise, and look in those deep brown eyes while wrapping that perfect body around me. I wanted…I wanted Beth to be my wife.

  Bobby, thankfully, came closer and blocked out the bright lights gleaming off Rebecca's dress. "Hey, man. That was an incredible show."

  I shook his hand, searching the background for the black and white clothed beauty that seemed to have disappeared.

  "She went to find Amber," Bobby said, reading my urgent thoughts.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, sending up a small thanks to whoever was listening for making sure she hadn't run out the back door and was halfway home to Connecticut by now. "I'll find her."

  "Hey, hon!"

  "Look, Rebecca." I turned back to her. "We do need to talk, but I have to find the writer first, okay?"

  "Oh," her voice sounded a bit dull. "That woman we met this morning?" She looked at Bobby. "I'm sure her dreamboat can locate her so you can say thanks. You, however, need to stay with me so we can get this party started!" Her eyes flashed with excitement. "I'm sure you have a tux waiting back in the dressing room. Time to put it on and walk the carpet, my love. We have to be seen!"

  My stomach felt nauseous, as if seeing that Hollywood look in her eyes for the very first time. My anger rose. "Bobby is not Beth's dreamboat, Bobby is Chris's dreamboat."

  "Who's Beth?" Rebecca shot an odd glance at Bobby.

  Chris appeared and put an arm around the man he loved, offering him a small kiss in order to enunciate the point of who, exactly, the handsome Bobby belonged to.

  "Lily Stone said this man was her partner."

  "He is," I sighed. "He's her writing partner. Bobby helps her. And her name is Beth Carrier, not Lily Stone."


  I stared into eyes that seemed even dimmer when put next to the horrendous shine of her gown. "Rebecca, I'm in love with Beth Carrier. I called you to break things off." Wanting to be a gentleman and wanting to bolt at the same time was really tough.

  "Excuse me?" Finally the light dawned. "You're telling me you're in love with that auburn-haired slut?"

  Bobby tensed beside me, as Chris spoke fast, "Look, sweetheart. I don't remember if Matt said you were a model or a stewardess, but if you ever say anything rude about Beth in MY presence again, I'll make sure you eat that dress." His voice was loud, causing heads to turn. "And, by the way? Sequins went out circa 1970, although I'm a firm proponent of them in Vegas."

  Rebecca's face went into shock as she turned back and slapped me hard across the face.

  "I can't find Amber anywhere."

  I looked up into the eyes that made me once again catch my breath.

  Bobby looked at Beth's slightly frightened expression. "Don't worry, she's fine."

  "But…she should be here, tripping us all."

  He shook his head. "I'm sure she's with the Prescott's. Remember? Her new family was coming tonight."

  Beth breathed a deep sigh of relief. "I forgot all about that." She laughed. "Jesus, where's my head?"

  Without warning Rebecca turned on her heel and faced Beth. "Boy, was I off about writers. Not only are they not overweight spinsters, but apparently they like to steal other women's men."

  "Excuse me?" Beth's eyebrow rose up her forehead.

  "Rebecca, knock it off." I grabbed her elbow.

  "I will not!" She threw me off and took a step closer to Beth.

  I was literally dumbfounded watching this strange creature that was suddenly nothing more than a red-faced bitch, stand toe-to-toe with a woman who emitted pure class.

  Beth's eyes flashed with fire, but her back remained straight, as she clasped her delicate hands in front of her gown. "This is a charity event for children, Ms. Fabris. If you want to act like a moron, we should move this conversation somewhere else."

  "I'll converse wherever I damn well feel like it." Rebecca's neck moved up and down, as if she was part of a street gang and about to throw down.

  I reached out for her. "Rebecca. Enough!"

  "Don't t
ell me what to do. You gave up this." She ran her hands along her many curves. "And now you're stuck with Miss Frigid over there."

  I wanted to laugh, considering how far off-base she was on that particular point. Chris and Bobby also sent smiles to the pissed-off woman, knowing that Beth was the warmest being they'd ever met.

  Beth remained still; the only movement came from the air conditioning vent up above as it released a silent breeze that fluttered the skirt of her magnificent dress.

  "You got anything to say, bitch?" Rebecca shouted.

  A cold smile appeared on Beth's face. "Okay."

  "Beth," Bobby said, in a slightly warning tone.

  "No, leave her alone," Chris cut in. "I want to see this."

  Beth's gaze locked on Rebecca's face. "I am a bitch. A complete and utter bitch and I am also truly proud of that fact. And if I was not in this gown, standing inside this stunning building on this amazing evening," her voice sounded menacing as she took a step forward. "I would show you exactly how frigid I am by taking that man you so want to glom onto so you can get your picture taken, and rip his clothes off. Then I would proceed to make him scream my name at the top of his lungs." Beth stepped back; her gown blew gently, offering a peek at the stunning legs underneath. "But since I'm a lady, I won't be doing that."

  Beth raised her chin in the air and gave Rebecca the once over with a look of sheer distaste on her face. "Actually, forget it. You're not exactly competition for me; it would be a waste of my time and energy to embarrass you. Why don't you just go shake your hips up on some catwalk and call it a day. Okay?"

  Rebecca raised her hand and I caught it in the air, twirling her around to face me. "That is the woman I'm going to marry, so I would suggest you don't even think about it."

  "Marry? Are you insane?"

  I turned my neck and stared into Beth's wide-eyed gaze. Perhaps she was wondering if—on just this one point—Rebecca might be right.

  "No. I'm not." I reached into my pocket; I'd carried the ring with me during the performance, feeling as if Beth's very energy was coming from the emerald, showing me the other half of life that I could have…with her.


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