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A Force of Nature

Page 17

by Kara Liane

  He lowered one hand from where it had been clutching my face and moved it under my skirt. He ran his hand across my mound, finding I was bare. He growled with absolute abandon at his discovery. I was grinding on his clothed cock, moaning heavily into his mouth. We were so starved for breath, but I needed to attack his mouth even more with my tongue. The fierceness and ferociousness of our attacks on each other spoke volumes about the way we both ached and craved to connect. For the time being, he’d drawn me out of my funk, and for that I would reward him immensely.

  I stopped sucking his mouth and whispered in his ear, “Start the car, put it in drive, and hang on tight. This ride is going to get even more wild.”

  Chapter 20: Full Speed Ahead


  Before I let Ev climb back over into her own seat, I took advantage of the handful of woman I had in front of me. Fuck, she’s so damn sexy. I felt like an asshole because the night hadn’t gone as planned at all, not after what she revealed.

  I think kissing her when she was upset might have been a dick move; no, really, it was. But I had bet that she maybe felt like I did about needing an escape. There’s no better stress reliever than going at it. You get out all that frustration, pent-up anxiety and emotion, and work it out physically in the hottest way possible. Still . . . a selfish, dick move, though!

  I gripped her ass cheeks as she was moving up and down on my pants-covered crotch. I couldn’t believe she hadn’t worn wear panties. No woman ever went commando for me—just another reason Everly got to me. It’s like she always knew what I needed and wanted without me having to voice it. We still had a lot to talk about and work out, of course, but for now . . . I’d take it. It would take both our minds off the heavy, hard shit. I could definitely use the breather. I sucked at her lips for another minute or two, then reluctantly released the grip on her fine hiney.

  “Sweetheart, we need to get moving. As much as I’d love to fuck you in public, you’re right. Let’s get out of here and continue this wild ride at your home, where I can properly worship you,” I said with a devilish look.

  She slid back farther on my lap and slowly moved off me. Then she slid back into her seat. Once she was strapped in, I turned on the ignition, put the car in gear, and exited the parking lot. We drove for a few minutes in silence, maneuvering down one-way streets. We were both content just sitting there. Then, I finally made it to the on-ramp, and we were on I-76 and heading back to her apartment. She flipped up the truck’s middle console, which divided her seat from mine. At first I was confused, but then she stretched her seatbelt until it was all the way extended and made her way toward me. Oh fuck, her intensions are becoming perfectly clear. How am I going to drive if she’s driving me crazy?

  I growled, either in warning or by way of invitation—not sure which. Maybe both. Safety first at least, because I was happy she still had the damn seatbelt on. She took her beautiful, long fingers and undid my belt and then the button and zipper of my fly. I swallowed hard in anticipation. I also adjusted my position in my seat, preparing myself to pay attention to the road as best as I could. This was the worst type of distracted driving—and the ultimate test for a man to not fucking crash. It is also the hottest thing of your life to have a woman’s lips wrapped around your dick when there’s no escape for either of you. We both were in control of a big engine, and that made it even hotter.

  She reached inside my fly and shimmied my cock out of my boxers. She really had to work my dick out of the tangled fabric because it was so engorged from all of her teasing. Once free, it jutted out like a solid, granite statue. I had been dreaming of a moment just like this since we first met. Any guy can attest to the fact that women size up a man in a second and deem them hubby material or not. Well, ladies, we dudes do the same thing—except we’re sizing up your oral skills.

  The moment she leaned down and put her mouth on me, I about came flying out of the seat. I gripped the wheel and let loose a slew of obscenities. I just looked straight ahead and kept focusing on keeping on the road. I have to concentrate on the lines; they’ll guide me through this. That was my one, singular goal: to stay within the lines. I can totally do this. I have to do this. Not only was she playing with my manhood, she was playing with my sanity too. Her lips hugged my cock like a warm blanket. Her mouth was smooth, silky, and so very wet. The sucking sounds she made while her head bobbed up and down had me sweating bullets.

  I shifted every few seconds, practically squirming like a newbie getting his first blow job. Road head, though, is something indescribable. You can’t put into words what it does to a man. Conveying what it feels like is pretty much trying to describe where you go during your takeoff from an orgasm. Some things were just a mystery—and would always remain a mystery.

  “Fuck!” I yelled. I needed to try again. Must not lose consciousness, I repeated to myself like a mantra.

  “Fuck! You feel so good. I’m not going to be able to last that long,” I murmured.

  It was almost comical, the welcome torture and pain that was being delivered to my dick. Her velvety tongue just kept lapping at my sensitive tip. I was sure semen was already starting to leak out. She didn’t even need to use her other hand to move up and down my shaft. Her mouth was enough.

  She succeeded in giving me a bonus by softly cupping my balls and caressing them while she serviced my cock. It was amazing that she managed to get her hand through the small opening of my fly, but somehow she did. I didn’t want to be one of those guys who moved my pants down to my knees—it would be my luck to get pulled over like that. I was not going to be caught with my pants literally down.

  She practically purred. Maybe she had been spending a little too much time with Pussy these days. Aw, fuck. My mind was going to mush. I wasn’t making sense. I was going to that place you had to go in order to refrain from spilling your seed early. I thought of everything I could that was unsexy. It was a difficult task given that fact Ev was moaning. She even removed her hand from my balls and moved it under her skirt to pleasure herself. Her moans grew louder and harsher, and then she bit down lightly on my cock, which made her come by her own hand from the finger-fucking she was administering to herself. No amount of thinking unsexy things was going to get me out of this one now. Too late!

  I moaned and white-knuckled the wheel as I thrust up into her mouth. My hips moved of their own volition as I pumped into her throat. Fuck, it felt like it would never end. She kept swallowing and sucking all the while. She was a damn dream. Every man’s fantasy. I’d said it more times than I could count—she was perfect!

  I rode out the storm until finally my dick was done throbbing and I could feel the blood starting to retreat; consequently, my cock softened. Usually chicks can’t wait to be done and spit out your spunk, but Ev didn’t seem bothered by it one bit. She had taken everything I had given her, and she even licked her lips when I glanced down at her.

  Fuck! Again, it was a miracle I didn’t crash. I had just experienced the biggest high of my life. It was earth-shattering and moving in so many ways. She kissed the tip one last time, tucked me back into my pants, and buttoned and zipped me up. God, she took such good care of me. Even simple gestures like that surprised me. Well, I would definitely reciprocate when we got back to her place. I was completely undone and at her mercy. I could and would never let her go, and she would really learn that later. I had already told her that she was mine, but I needed to spell everything else out for her.

  She straightened back in her seat and pulled the passenger visor mirror down to fluff her hair and reapply the lip gloss that she had pulled out from her purse. That action was sexy too. I liked to think about how she had rubbed off her gloss in the process of rubbing out cum from my cock. I let out a shuddering sigh. I was still coming down from the mountain, but this was the time to remind her of important things.

  “As I told you before: you are mine, Everly. We are going to make this fucking work. I need you, and I’m not letting you go,” I explained. />
  “It was really that good, huh?” she teased.

  “This is no joking matter. Of course it was mind-blowing. You damn well know that! But we are happening. We’re going to talk once and for all when we get back to your place. Then after that, I’m taking you to bed. We’re not coming up for air until you’re close to passing out,” I threatened.

  She licked her lips again. Damn, I guess she’ll have to reapply her pout with another coat of gloss.


  Shit, there was no getting out of this one. Okay, I’d be a big girl, suck it up, and take one for the team. I guess it was better to get it over with. We arrived back at my place. We greeted Pussy, who couldn’t have been any more disinterested, and I made us some coffee. We didn’t dare go near the bedroom because we knew we’d never talk if a bed was near us. Even though we had made use of the couch before, I would muster the strength to behave myself.

  Crap, where to start? Okay, I’ll take the lead and go with this. I owed him an explanation about Stuart anyway. So I guess it was only fair that I be the one to run up the white flag.

  “So Stuart’s been texting me for several months. They’ve been flirty in nature. I, of course, ignored them and told him to back off. I said that it was unprofessional. I tried to be diplomatic, given the fact that his dad owns the building. Thank God I didn’t do what I really wanted to do, which was knee him in the balls. But I guess he’s my new boss, so there will be no knee-balling now or in the future.” I shuddered with the willies just thinking about that prospect.

  I sipped at my coffee lightly, needing to occupy my hands. Brent didn’t interrupt; he was being a good listener and letting me pace myself. I held my mug in one hand and reached for my necklace with the other, moving the pendant back and forth along the chain. You could hear the metal-on-metal sound of the pendant sliding. But Brent, being the good military boy he is, just continued to sit and wait. I looked at his beautiful face. I was so grateful for his patience and understanding.

  “Anyway, I don’t want to talk about work. Just know that I didn’t welcome his advances. Hopefully, there will be no more of it going forward. I’m assuming it was all a game to him anyway. I don’t know if he was just buttering me up for the takeover, or if he wanted some office slut, or what. It doesn’t matter. I’ll figure it out another day. I’ll be damned if he runs me off, though. I will leave on my own terms—that’s for damn sure. No man gets to decide my future for me.” I winced when I realized how my choice of words there at the end probably sounded to Brent.

  Brent frowned and took a sip of his coffee. Probably mulling over my last statement. He remained silent, in his reticent way.

  “Okay, so next subject will be short, simple, and not so sweet. As far as me being an orphan, there’s not much to tell there. I had a very shitty childhood. I was abandoned at birth and I grew up in the system, right outside of Pittsburgh. I was shuffled from foster home to foster home. It went on for years. You never develop a sense of belonging, or home, when that shuffling happens. You never get comfortable because you know you’ll be moving on again sooner or later. All the horror stories you hear about foster kids are pretty much true,” I said with a sad sigh.

  Brent paled and looked sick, probably realizing our childhoods couldn’t have been more different. He was about to say something, or ask me something, but I held up my hand, halting his speech.

  “Before you ask or say anything, I want you to know I was never sexually assaulted or anything like that. They tried. Fuck. Did the men and boys in those homes ever try as I got older. But I was a smart girl, and I was very resourceful. I never made myself pretty. I just tried to blend in. I purposely made myself look like a mousy little thing, made my appearance as unattractive as possible. You might think they would prey on ones like that more, but they actually didn’t. I was like the tomboy no one messed with. When I started developing boobs, that was a little harder to deal with. I eventually resorted to taping them down and wearing baggy clothes. I don’t have big boobs anyway, as you know. But I did whatever I could to not draw attention to them. And you damn well know how hard it is for me to not stand up for myself,” I admitted in a sad tone.

  Brent shifted in his seat. I knew he wanted to hold me, but I scooted back to rest against the frame of the couch. He inched closer and put his hand on my knee. That was fine. I let go of my necklace and patted his hand. I know he wanted to comfort me, but he needed the comforting more than I did, hearing this for the first time. I puffed out my cheeks and held back the biting tears that wanted to flow. I was braver than that. I would not break. Again, it wasn’t because I was afraid to have Brent to see me like that, it was because I was not going to let the bastards from my past win.

  My brows knit together in consternation as I went on. “There was all manner of shit that went on in those homes. Sex, drugs, no food, no love. There were even those Mommie Dearest moments of ‘no wire hangers’ or everyone asking at school how Billy managed to fall down the stairs again. I was grateful I made myself small—a wallflower and a dirtbag that no one gave a shit about.”

  I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair to smooth the nonexistent tangles, suddenly feeling dirty. I also worked my hands up and down my arms, feeling suddenly chilled to the bone. Fuck, I hoped some of those other kids were as lucky as I had been. I managed to make it out practically unscathed. I don’t know how any of us survived.

  “So as you can imagine, when I finally was considered a legal adult, I made a vow that I would always be in control. The panic attacks are a byproduct of me having to hold it all in for all those years. There was no one to tell. No one to cry to. No one to listen to me. So I decided I would never feel small again. I would never be taken advantage of, and I would be sure to say what I wanted. That does get me into trouble sometimes, but it also saves me. It reminds me that I am a survivor of sorts. That I will not let my childhood define me. That I can be strong,” I breathed out and closed my eyes.

  “Brent, I have never told a living soul about what my necklace means. It means everything to me. It may sound corny or cheesy to someone else’s ears, but I don’t give a shit. I’m sure you’ve wondered what the letters mean. They’re not the initials of a former crush, or something scandalous like that. It’s simply an acronym. The N-G-U stands for ‘never give up.’ It’s my daily reminder that I will persevere. I will be a success, and I will overcome anything. I will not be that mousy, tomboy girl who hid behind layers of clothes, dirt, and Little Orphan Annie crazy curls. I will be a fierce woman, a warrior, and an advocate for females. Above all, I’ll call it like I see it. If that makes other people see me as a bitter, spiteful bitch, then so be it. I’ve been called a lot worse before, so ‘bring it the fuck on’ is what I say to them,” I declared.

  Brent couldn’t resist. He took the mug out of my other hand, placed it on the coffee table, and pulled me to his chest in the tightest bear hug. I felt cherished, safe, and loved. I hugged him back, infusing myself with his love. It is love, isn’t it? I swallowed hard and then gently extricated myself from his embrace.

  “Well, anyway, that’s my sob story. And no, I don’t want to try and find my birth parents, if you were going to ask. I don’t give a damn. Even if they had their own sob story to explain how I came to be or why they ended up giving me away, it is what it is, and that’s that. I wish them well if they’re alive, and if they’re not, then I’m sorry they’re dead. Actually, your sister said something to me that got me thinking about them recently. She said something about roots and wings, but it still doesn’t compel me to want to find them. I don’t know them. They are strangers to me, and I’d rather remain blissfully unaware.” I was adamant about this.

  “Ev, of course I’m curious—but I wasn’t going to ask. If I’ve learned anything so far about you, it’s that I have to let you tell me things in your own way, and in your own time,” he clarified as he ran his fingers through some stubborn pieces of my hair that wanted to curl up again.

e sat back and propped his ankle on his knee, as if he was getting comfortable and settling in for something. I assumed his body language alluded to the unpleasant nature of what he was about to share.

  “Well, I suppose it’s my turn to tell my story. And I think I may need to borrow your necklace for this one,” he said half-jokingly.

  Chapter 21: Front-Page News


  Well, this is going to suck. But if Everly could be brave, then I needed to match her attitude and determination by being brave myself. Some wounds were better left covered up by a bandage. The covering let the cut heal, and the bonus was that at least it stayed covered. But when you rip off a bandage and force the wound to be exposed to the air? Well, you’re just inviting a whole host of things to happen, aren’t you? I was actually serious about rubbing the necklace. It would be nice to have a fidget spinner, talisman, or stress ball for a change, to help keep me in the here and now.

  After all, the nightmare that haunted me was the fear of letting myself retreat elsewhere. I was afraid I’d go off again to some faraway place in my mind. I needed to keep repeating a mantra to myself: I will remain here, with Ev, in body, mind, and spirit. I sighed heavily after taking a sip of the now-almost-cold coffee. It wasn’t the temperature that bothered me; it was just bad and left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth that stuck to my tongue. I swallowed and began my tale of woe.

  “I joined up before –9/11. Before our world was forever changed. Before the days of constant deployments and absolute terror heard ’round the world. Each attack or terrorist threat reopens these wounds for me. It’s a gripping horror that keeps me up at night or pulls me back into a place I can’t describe. The thing is, I’m not afraid of meeting my maker; it’s more that I worry I won’t be here to protect my family. Of course I don’t want to die; I’ll fight like hell to stay in this world. I fight for what I believe in and fight for those I love,” I conveyed as I looked deeply into Everly’s sparkling eyes.


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