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Shut Out

Page 1

by Liz Crowe

  The Black Jack Gentlemen Series by Liz Crowe

  A city and a sport with something to prove—Meet the men who take that challenge.

  The Black Jack Gentlemen—Detroit’s expansion soccer team.

  They play hard. And live harder.

  Shut Out

  (The Black Jack Gentlemen - Book 3)

  A submissive once, a submissive forever?

  A man on the run from the only life he’s ever known, Brody Vaughn is poised to accept the Black Jack Gentleman’s newly vacant goalkeeper’s position. It’s a desperate move, but one he must take to regain his emotional equilibrium. Reeling from his Mistress’s rejection and on the ragged edge of a total breakdown, he arrives in Detroit. Numb with thinly veiled grief, he walks into the club’s front office completely unaware that an encounter with true destiny awaits him.

  Sophie Harrison has seen it all—as Domme, sub, and victim. Now that her complicated circumstances have landed her as legal counsel for the expansion Black Jacks team, she holds herself aloof in body and spirit. Nothing and no one gets past her fiercely guarded walls. Until the day she looks up to greet the new goalie standing in her doorway, his raw combination of vulnerability and strength making her breathless.

  Two people, horribly scarred by the excesses of the BDSM lifestyle and hiding from their true selves, meet across a desk over a simple contract. All bets are off.

  Shut Out

  (The Black Jack Gentlemen – Book 3)

  A Sizzlin’ Book published by permission of the author

  Copyright © 2013 by Liz Crowe

  Cover Art and Design by Lindee Robinson

  All rights reserved.

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced

  in any form without permission.

  For more information: Tri Destiny Publishing

  P.O. Box 330 Arcola, IL 61910

  ISBN: 978-0-9893069-5-9

  Visit our website at

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  Title Page



  Part One

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Part Two

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  Man On (The Black Jack Gentlemen – Book 1)

  Red Card (The Black Jack Gentlemen – Book 2)

  About Liz Crowe

  Other Books by Liz Crowe

  Dedicated to the one I trust the most.

  Part One

  Chapter One

  Sophie kept her chair turned from the office door unwilling to even acknowledge the next soccer player awaiting her. Sweaty and exhausted, she had a bitch of an afternoon low-caffeine headache. Talking overpaid, over-sexed, full-of-themselves prima donnas through their final contracts and benefits packages did not help one bit. However, as head of legal for the team in its third year, she had a new crop of new players to orient—ten to be exact.

  But if one more of them waltzed in, reeking of sweat and staring at her as if she were the last crumb on the cookie tray, their flirty high beams blazing—so help her. Like she would ever be interested in any of their little boy bullshit. For the thousandth time, she questioned her sanity, taking on this utter crapshoot of a project.

  Oh, right. She closed her eyes a moment, shutting down her natural reaction to ponder the reasons, poke at them, rip off the scab that had more or less healed over them in her desperate attempt to start over.

  “Hey,” a deep, syrupy-sounding voice intoned, sending a strange tremor straight down her spine. “Um, am I in the right place?” It hit her ears as: ’m ah in the raht playce?

  She swiveled around and shoved her glasses up her nose to get a good look at the next player looming in her doorway, taking in his jet-black hair, the strong lines of his stubbled jaw, and his T-shirt clad shoulders. The Black Jack Gentlemen wore gray when they practiced, their uniforms provided by a famous shoe company she didn’t recognize, its logo emblazoned across the front. And said shirt clung to his sculptured torso in a way that really ought to be outlawed. All the while, Mr. Southern Accent stood stock still, as if used to being so frankly appraised.

  A drop of sweat formed at her temple. She resisted the extreme urge to wipe it away. He cleared his throat so she jerked her gaze up to a set of the darkest eyes she had ever encountered. He smiled—a sweet, lopsided thing that imprinted itself on her retinas in a wholly annoying way. She tried not to swallow her own tongue.

  “Hey…uh…I’m Brody. Brody Vaughn.” He ran fingers through his hair, nervousness as bright as a neon sign over his head.

  Adorable. Her radar pinged like mad. But she forced it to shut the hell up. She had no business thinking about these…these kids in any way other than purely professional.

  So far they had all been the exact same breed of cocky assholes, alternating between eye-fucking her and extreme boredom in response to her monotonous drone of legalese. Sexy Southern Accent—“Brody,” she muttered under her breath—put his hand out, as if to shake hers. His face reddened charmingly when she raised an eyebrow at his outstretched palm—the same one he’d just dragged through his sweat-soaked hair

  She rose slowly to her feet, needing to be at his level. He blinked, then dropped, bonelessly into the chair opposite hers without a word. Sophie took a long, calming breath, forcing herself to focus in ways she had learned, practiced, utilized in her years as a professional Dominatrix—a woman who took money in exchange for bringing pain and raw, rough sex to the men who requested her services.

  As she shut the door, keeping her back to the boy…to…Brody…her pulse continued to race, her heart pounded out its disconcerting rhythm, no matter what tricks she employed, which pissed her off. And that, finally, calmed her enough to face him.

  “Hello, Mr. Vaughn, I’m Sophie Harrison, legal counsel for the Black Jack Gentlemen. I’ll be explaining the terms of the contract you or your agent negotiated with our organization.” She talked, using words she’d said a hundred times already. But her own voice echoed around in her head. She purposely focused on the paper in front of her, irritated by her glasses which kept sliding down her nose. All the while ignoring the raw, visceral reaction her finely-tuned body and brain were having to the man across from her—Brody, a twenty-five-year-old man, his employee fact sheet stated.

  No, he is a boy, and you do not play with boys—no
t anymore.

  She compressed her lips, pretending to find a nonexistent problem with the stack of legal documents pertaining to his agreement. To his credit, he stayed silent and very, very still, in a way that intrigued her.

  Finally, she met his gaze once more and blinked—then frowned. “So, another goalkeeper?” she asked, fully aware how it would needle the average, ego-driven, high-level athlete. A glimpse at his salary indicated his golden-child status. The keeper the club had managed to sign, thanks to the aggressive recruiting activity by their assistant coach.

  She tried out a casual smirk but discarded it. The way he looked at her as if memorizing or hoping to intimidate her brought a hot flush to her cheeks. Straightening, she sucked in her gut and forced her thoughts to her next real workout—the kind she preferred that involved tight leather, her favorite bullwhip and a willing submissive.

  “You okay there…Miz Harrison?” His voice slithered around in her brain, nestling in nice and low, gripping the base of her skull and making her want to jump up and run out of the room. Asshole. She glared at him.

  “Of course. I’m fine.” Shoving her glasses back up her nose, she slapped the contracts down in front of him, probably a little too hard, but fuck it. She needed Mr. Brody Vaughn the hell out of her office. She attempted to use her neutral face, to not snarl or growl or snap the poor kid’s head off.

  He shifted in his seat, cleared his throat, and glanced down at the papers she’d pinned under her manicured fingers, giving her a rush of control over the situation. Her spine tingled in a familiar way, but she channeled it—recognizing the distinct, loose, fluid feeling of familiar compulsion.

  “Now, let’s go through this….” She glanced down at her desk. His hand covered hers. Surprised, she flinched, and a strange, embarrassing sound emerged from her throat.

  “I think you need a drink of water. You seem a little…done in.” His deep drawl coated her nerves like the sweetest honey-infused bourbon.

  She snatched her water bottle, gulped some, and took a breath. Within thirty minutes she had laid out the terms of the contract, including his non-disclosure and good-behavior clauses, the health insurance guarantees, all of it. He had asked few questions, his voice soft, musical, and soothing in a way that somehow had the opposite effect on her nerves. She gritted her teeth against the urge to lock the door and yank the kid’s sweaty clothes off. Jesus, help me. Get him out of here.

  He rose quickly, startling her. “Well, if that’s it.”

  She got to her feet unwilling to look up at him at first and then noting how his chocolate brown eyes appeared to somehow darken even further when she faced him.

  “Yes. That will definitely be it.” Wincing at her squeaky voice, she willed her knees to stop shaking. She would have little reason to ever see him again, unless he landed in trouble and she had to handle a legal problem on his behalf.

  His physical presence, not that different than all the others who’d paraded through there in the last few days, compelled her in ways she refused to acknowledge. He stood nearly six-foot-eight, with broad shoulders, a narrow waist, long, strong legs….

  He cleared his throat. And the traitorous flush crept up her neck to her face again. His angular features at that moment were set, and bored, perhaps a touch amused at her obvious discomfort. She narrowed her gaze. Why hadn’t she noticed it before? Her pulse fluttered as she put a hand to her throat.

  As if reading her mind, Brody Vaughn lifted his chin slightly, and she got a good look at the black chain imprinted at the base of his neck. A dark, circular pattern of interlocking, heavy loops was imprinted on deeply tanned flesh. He smiled again, slow moving like his drawl, and touched it once, then turned, giving her a breathtaking rear view of the chain as he walked toward the office door.

  The man wore a collar, a permanent one, inked on his skin. But the vibes he threw her proclaimed one thing loud and clear—the person who’d bestowed the collar no longer had a say about him at all.

  Her mind swooped, whirled, and doubled around on itself, picturing him—Brody, the man—at her knees, bound, and awaiting her command. She shivered and jumped when her assistant appeared at the door. Brody had left, trailing that mysterious aura of vulnerability and strength behind him.

  Chapter Two

  “Vaughn! Goddamn it.”

  Brody sat staring at his feet, ignoring the usual post-match noise and bustle around him. Reminders of how poorly he’d performed today were not going to help him. He’d been playing soccer in some capacity since he walked, since he had memories of anything. And today had been among his worst performances, ever.

  From the streets of Nashville and the hills of East Tennessee, he’d been on teams, in clubs, trained by himself, trained by pros, the whole nine yards. He’d seen every sort of match condition, coaching, officiating misstep, and parental overreaction. He realized what it meant to suck serious ass—he’d done so today. And he understood why, too—hence the dark clouds draping his consciousness

  “Fucking…shit.” The team manager drew closer, his deep voice joined by another, as a sort of bonus, really. He leaned against the dark wood lining the walls in the over-the-top, fancy locker room.

  Metin Sevim, the Turkish coach, once a Spanish league phenom, had had the world at his feet until a horrific tragedy struck, leaving him drunk and useless for years. Now recovered, he had a look on his face Brody Vaughn caught loud and clear—the we lost and it is pretty much your fucking fault glare that coaches the world over affected.

  Exhausted in mind and spirit, sick of the chewing out before it even started, Brody gazed at both men. Rafael Inez, the team’s manager, had snapping eyes that reflected the same displeasure as Metin’s. He opened his mouth first, but the Turk put a hand on his arm. The men regarded each other as the swirl of post-match activity came to a loud peak.

  Players in various stages of undress wandered in and out of the main locker room, grabbing towels, pulling on the dress pants, shirts, and ties the club required of them when entering and leaving the facility. One thing Brody would say about the former-hot-headed, player-turned-failure-turned-coach, Metin knew when not to talk. He tilted his head, still pinning Brody with something that faded from this is your fault to what the hell is wrong with you?

  Then he sighed and, to Brody’s surprise, dropped onto the chair next to him, leaned forward, elbows on knees, and seemed to examine the expensive, rubberized floor. Brody hadn’t even made it to the shower yet. He felt so weighed down and lethargic, just lifting his arms to put his head in his hands took more energy than existed on the planet. He understood why, along with the fact that there wasn’t a thing to be done about it.

  How would he even begin to describe his…issue? Heart pounding, legs aching, shoulder screaming where he’d landed on it, hard, then waved away the trainer at the sixty-fifth minute. By that time all of the players were pretty gassed from the late summer heat, but held on, toe-to-toe, with the Canadian national team in a friendly. The stupid, sneaky forward had seen him wincing, favoring his left shoulder, and drove the ball right in on his newly-weakened side. It had been a simple fifty-fifty ball—face to face. He had blown it, him and his overpaid, lame ass, wobbly self.

  Thanks to his one quick encounter with the front office legal woman, he’d been left in a quivering, useless, uncertain heap of need. Fuck that. He had to get a grip.

  “So,” his new coach said, his voice low, soft, and more ominous than if he were slamming shit around and calling Brody every foul name in the book. “You want to explain to me how that happened? Because I have to tell you, Vaughn, that flat-footed, rookie-ass move on your part killed us. You know how Jackson works. He always goes left. We talked about this and you caught…what…four other tries? Then you miss one that he projected like a fucking Sunday matinee.”

  His coach’s voice tightened, and Brody clenched his jaw. To his credit, the guy maintained his cool. Rafael started to speak, but Metin held up his palm again without tearing his gaze from B
rody’s face. The tension rose between the two coaches.

  Great, now I’m gonna get caught in some kind of power play between these two? When all I want…what I require…is…oh, god.

  The whole scene was too confusing to tolerate. He leapt to his feet, skin crawling with nervous energy, and mumbled, “I gotta take a shower.” Used to coaches ripping, roaring, cursing, throwing, tearing, spitting, coming just short of actual physical abuse, this quiet, contemplative coaches question time made him nervous.

  As the new kid—the highest paid one on the team thanks to his razor-sharp agent—he’d lost the Black Jack Gentlemen’s first friendly of the new season. The mental blackness kept coming, threatening and terrifying. He shouldn’t have come there. He should have stayed behind, in a second string goalkeeper slot and remained firmly ensconced in his comfort zone. He shouldn’t have let his agent talk him into the stupid expansion team. And he definitely should have never walked into Sophie Harrison’s office.

  He waited for his coach and the team manager to say more, but they stayed silent. Figuring it some kind of reverse psychology bullshit, he shrugged, stripped out of his uniform, and stalked into the luxurious shower room. Fuck them if they weren’t going to coach him. He’d figure it out on his own. Maybe. The steam rolled around him, opening his sinuses, clearing his head some. Although she remained there, lodged, nice and firm in his cerebellum and wouldn’t be budged.

  He sighed, turned his face up to the water, and propped his hands on the tiled wall. Wound tight and out of her league in the soccer world, but dear god and sonny Jesus, she had legs that went on for miles, ending in a pair of sky-high leather boots. Her curves nipped into that soft, expensive gray suit, the jacket gapped just enough in the front for him to get a glimpse of the tops of her breasts.


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