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When Christakos Meets His Match

Page 8

by Abby Green

  ‘Not here...’ he said roughly, his breath uneven.


  But Sidonie’s question was halted as she was scooped up into Alexio’s arms and he strode through the apartment to the stairs. Her arms had gone around his neck automatically and the friction of his chest against her deeply sensitised breasts was almost excruciating.

  She looked at his face and his jaw was tight. He glanced down at her and that sexy mouth tipped up at one corner. Butterflies danced with the lava in her belly.

  He said, ‘I refuse to take you on a pool table for the first time. I’ve been fantasising all day about laying you out and tasting every inch of you, and for that we need a bed.’

  The heat inside Sidonie shot to boiling point at the thought of him fantasising about this, and at the thought of being spreadeagled, naked, for this man to explore. And that this would be their first time, not their only time.

  ‘Oh...’ was all she could manage as Alexio shouldered his way into his room, which was dark apart from one low light in the corner and the glittering lights of the city outside.

  When he got to the bed he laid Sidonie down and stood back. She was breathless. Her body was still hovering on the edge of fulfilment and she ached for completion. But she sensed that Alexio wasn’t about to allow either of them a quick release.

  As if reading her mind, he said throatily, ‘I want you so much that I’m tempted to take you now, hard and fast... I want to...’

  She’d never experienced hard and fast. She’d experienced mundane and underwhelming. Feeling unaccountably shy, although she was all but naked and panting for the man, Sidonie said in a small voice, ‘I don’t mind...’

  Alexio shook his head and looked grim, his hands going to his jeans, where Sidonie’s eyes dropped to watch with mounting fascination.

  ‘No, you don’t get off that easily—not after that little sideshow back there.’

  Sidonie couldn’t drag her gaze back up. She could only watch, helpless, as Alexio opened his buttons and then pushed his jeans down, taking his underwear with them. Her eyes widened and she went even hotter, if that was possible. He was...magnificent. And big.

  A shiver of trepidation ran through her and finally she managed to look at him.

  He almost grimaced at her wide eyes. ‘Another reason why this won’t be hard and fast... I need to make sure you’re ready... I don’t want to hurt you.’

  His concern made Sidonie’s chest constrict, and even through the heat haze engulfing her she was aware of a little voice: danger...danger...

  But then Alexio was bending over her, his big hands making quick work of her underwear, tugging it off her hips and down her legs.

  He stood back and looked at her again. Sidonie wanted to turn away and hide herself. Instantly self-conscious. Was he measuring her up against his last lover? Finding her wanting? A disappointment? Did the fact that she wasn’t shaved everywhere turn him off?

  She brought her arm over her breasts and turned her head, unable to watch him looking at her so intently. And then the bed dipped and his long, powerful body was beside her, legs touching hers, his erection between them, his arms coming around her.

  ‘Don’t feel shy...’ His hand tipped her chin towards him so she had to meet his gaze. ‘You’re beautiful...and I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.’

  Sidonie looked into those gorgeous exotic eyes and searched for some hint of insincerity. She couldn’t see it. She could see something, though—something unguarded for a moment, as if he was surprised by what he’d said. She was afraid of the tug of emotion in the pit of her being.

  Suddenly Sidonie was aware of thinking too much again, and she put her hand up to touch his jaw, reached up to kiss him. All she knew was that she wanted him too—more than anything she’d ever experienced.

  When he drew her into his body so that they were touching length to length a wave of intense desire washed through her, brushing aside any doubts and questions. She wanted Alexio to slide into her right then, couldn’t bear the thought of the drawn-out torture he’d promised to inflict, and as if reading her mind—again—he stopped and pulled back for a moment.

  His voice was guttural. ‘I don’t think I can wait—as much as I want to...’

  Sidonie moved so that his leg slid between hers. She could feel how wet she was, ready for him, and she moved against his thigh. His eyes flared.

  ‘I don’t want you to wait... I need you too.’

  It was a primal, urgent request. Alexio reached behind him to a small cabinet by the bed and took something out. Sidonie realised what it was when he ripped open the foil packet and stroked the condom onto his thick length.

  Pressing her down, Alexio came over her, pushing her legs apart. He reached between them and touched her with his fingers, stroking her, entering her. She bent her knees on either side of him and had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from begging him to go on.

  And then he took his hand away and he was guiding the thickness of his erection to her soft folds, pushing in gently, stretching her. Pushing deeper. He was awe-inspiring as he loomed over her. Shoulders broad and powerful, chest sheened with sweat. He pushed her knees further apart, baring her to him completely. Demanding she open up to him.

  Something was happening inside Sidonie—some awakening. She’d had sex before, but this felt different. Infinitely different. Slowly, inch by torturous inch, Alexio slid into her, giving her time to adapt and take him, his eyes never leaving hers. She saw sweat break out on his brow, felt the tension in his big body.

  ‘Moro’re so tight...’

  Instinctively Sidonie tilted her hips, forcing Alexio to thrust deeper, and the movement made her gasp. He filled her now completely.

  ‘Are you okay?’ he asked.

  Sidonie was speechless. But she nodded. She was okay. More than okay. She felt whole, joined to him like this. She moved her hips again experimentally and Alexio drew out a little. Her body clasped at him as he went, already relishing the moment when he would slide back in again, seeking for that delicious friction.

  With slow, deliberate thrusts Alexio moved in and out, and the storm grew again inside Sidonie, increasing in its strength and power. With every move of Alexio’s body within hers something tightened inside her. He thrust a little harder and Sidonie welcomed it, feeling it burn but not noticing because she ached for it too much.

  The tempo changed, became more desperate. Sidonie was aware of small sounds coming from her mouth—moans and laboured breathing, incoherent words. Alexio’s body moved faster within hers now, gathering pace. He came closer, hands cupping her face, tangling in her hair, as his mouth met hers and his body thrust powerfully over and over again.

  His tongue stabbed deep and she stroked him fiercely, teeth nipping, holding him to her with a desperation as they raced together, hearts thumping in unison.

  Sidonie’s arms were around his neck, her breasts pressed flat against his chest. She wrapped her legs around his hips. The crescendo was building, leaving her no control over anything. She was part of something huge, magical. Their mouths clung, their kisses became more desperate, biting, and then, just when she thought her body would break in two with the building tension, it broke apart into a million tiny pieces on a wave of orgasmic pleasure, robbing Sidonie of every rational thought. She was flung high into a place she’d never dreamed existed.

  Alexio’s powerful body thrust one more time and he broke free of their kiss and shouted out as his release swept him up too, seconds behind her.

  Sidonie realised she was trembling in the aftermath and was horrified. She tried to pull away from Alexio but he only dragged her closer, wrapping his arms around her until the tremors ceased. She felt more than a little overwhelmed. Alexio pulled his head back and looked at her. She was almost afraid to look at h
im—afraid he might see something she wasn’t ready to expose yet.


  Reluctantly she looked at him and his eyes were molten, still. It had an instant effect on her body. Already. She felt ashamed. How could she want him again so soon?

  He was frowning now, pulling away from her, and she tried not to be acutely aware of her nakedness, of feeling vulnerable.

  He rested on one elbow. ‘Did I hurt you? You weren’t innocent?’

  Sidonie came up on one elbow too. She shook her head, her hair falling forward. Alexio brushed it back and something about that small gesture heartened her. ‘No,’ she admitted huskily. ‘I’ve been with a couple of guys. In college. was never like that...I didn’t...’

  She stopped and went puce, looked down at the sheet. Predictably Alexio tipped her chin up again, not letting her escape.

  ‘You didn’t...what? Come like that?’

  Sidonie shook her head, mortified to be talking about this when she imagined that his usual post-coital repartee must be far more sophisticated. Still, she was stuck now.

  ‘No,’ she got out. ‘I mean, I’ve...come...before, but not during sex. Not with a guy.’

  Alexio’s voice seemed to drop an octave and it sent shivers of sensation right to her core. ‘You mean you’ve experienced it when you’ve...?’

  ‘Done it to myself. Yes...’

  Sidonie glared at him now, beyond embarrassed, and not remotely mollified by the way his eyes had darkened suspiciously. ‘Can we stop talking about this now?’

  Sidonie reached for the sheet, trying to tuck it around her, but Alexio swatted her hands away and pulled her into him, making her gasp when tender flesh came into contact with his fast reviving arousal.

  ‘I’m glad you told me,’ he said gruffly. ‘And those guys were idiots.’

  The embarrassment drained away, leaving Sidonie feeling the effects of their lovemaking again. Her body was sensitive all over, but sated in a way that was truly wicked.

  With awe-inspiring strength Alexio scooped her up and took her into the bathroom with its black-tiled shower. He put her down, keeping an arm around her, and leaned in to turn on the powerful spray. Then he walked her into the shower, following right behind her.

  It was pure bliss to have steaming water pounding her skin and then Alexio’s big hands, soapy, running all over her body. Over her breasts and belly, down between her legs, across her buttocks. His touch wasn’t overtly sexual, but she could see his erection and her body hummed with satisfaction, ready to flare fully back to life if only she wasn’t feeling equally ready to crawl into a small space and sleep.

  She could only sag against the wall and look at him, so huge and dark in the hot mist, like some kind of pagan warrior. She was boneless, and as if he could sense the lethargy rolling through her body he turned off the spray and wrapped her in a towel, rubbing her brusquely before scooping up her long hair and wrapping it up turban-style.

  Then he picked her up again and Sidonie protested weakly. ‘I can walk, you know.’ But even as she said the words she doubted that she could walk right now.

  Alexio pulled back the covers and laid her gently on the bed. Sidonie’s eyes were already closing and she fought to keep them open, aware of the towel on her head.

  ‘My hair will be frizzy...’ she protested sleepily.

  Alexio pulled a cover over her, still naked and damp from the shower himself. Sidonie was very aware of that.

  ‘Shh, it’ll be fine. You need to rest now. I’ll be back in a minute.’ He pressed his mouth to her forehead.

  Sidonie cracked her eyes open enough to see Alexio drag on his jeans, leaving them tantalisingly open, before he walked out of the room. And then it was too much to fight. She slid into sweet oblivion.


  WHEN ALEXIO POURED whisky into the glass his hand was shaking. He’d had to get away from Sidonie and he cursed himself for thinking it would be a good idea to take her into the shower. Washing her supple body, seeing her delicate skin marked after their making love and knowing he couldn’t touch her again so soon, had been a torture he wouldn’t inflict on an enemy.

  He’d barely been able to walk away from her in bed, even though her eyes had been closing.

  Sex. It had been sex. Alexio knew all about sex. He’d been having it and excelling at it pretty much since he’d been seduced by the sister of a friend of his older brother at the age of fifteen.

  But what he’d just experienced up there in his bedroom, with someone he’d met mere hours before, had not been any kind of sex he knew. It had blown his mind. And yet they’d done nothing kinky... Apart from that little striptease downstairs it had been perfectly straightforward. Sidonie obviously wasn’t experienced.

  Alexio’s brain struggled to grapple with this anomaly. Was it that? That she was a little gauche? Was his palate so jaded that the sheer novelty of an inexperienced lover turned him on?

  But he knew in his gut it was more than that. Deeper. And he hated to admit it. Alexio threw the whisky down his throat as if it could burn away the hunger that was already building again, which had abated only for mere seconds after his orgasm. He prided himself on his stamina, but this was ridiculous.

  When he went back into his room Sidonie had shifted to lie on her front. The sheet clung precariously to her bottom, barely hiding its voluptuous swell, and those dimples were making his mouth water. Her hair had come out of the towel, which had been flung aside haphazardly, and the damp strawberry golden tresses were spread out around her head like glowing halo.

  Alexio curled his hands into fists. No way could he go near her on that bed and not rouse her and make love to her again. Silently he turned and took his aching body to his office, where he tried to distract himself with some work.

  After staring at the computer screen for a while and seeing nothing but the memory of Sidonie’s face as he’d slid into her tight body for the first time, he sat back and rubbed his hands over his face. This was crazy. He was useless. He needed Sidonie again. Now.

  When he padded back into the bedroom she had moved again and now lay on her back, the sheet pulled up, just about covering her breasts. She moved minutely, as if sensing him. He came close to the bed and saw those dark lashes flutter on pale cheeks scored with pink. Her mouth moved and he wanted to cover it with his. His gaze was riveted to its lush lines and he wondered again how he’d dismissed her at first glance.


  Her husky voice startled him. Her eyes were open, slumberous. Shy. Something punched him in the gut. He had the bizarre feeling that everything in his life up till now had been a bit of a blur and he quashed it ruthlessly. This was no different from anything he’d done before. It was a little more intense, maybe...good chemistry. That was it.

  ‘Hey, yourself...mind if I join you?’

  Sidonie shook her head and Alexio undid his jeans, taking them off. When he got into bed he couldn’t not reach for Sidonie and she came willingly, her arms sliding around him like missing pieces of a jigsaw fitting together. Their mouths found each other and before Alexio could articulate another word he was giving up any attempt to rationalise what was happening because the urge not to think and just to act was stronger than anything he could resist.

  * * *

  ‘I want you to come to Greece with me.’

  Sidonie was in paradise. A paradise where she felt at peace and sated and in a state of bliss she’d only ever read about. And that gorgeous voice...

  ‘Sid...wake up.’

  Sid. No one had ever called her that before. She liked it. A mouth brushed hers and Sidonie instinctively followed it, seeking more. The by now familiar spurt of desire and awareness was rousing her. Arousing her.

  She opened her eyes to see Alexio’s hard-boned stunning face and bare torso. Sh
e was aware of light flooding the big sparse room. Daylight. She blinked. Alexio hovered over her on one arm. His jaw was dark with stubble and she recalled feeling the delicious abrasion on her skin, her thighs. Her belly swooped alarmingly. A jumble of X-rated images tumbled through her mind and she had to breathe to try and not let them overwhelm her.

  She remembered him waking her last night...making love to her again. Showing her that the first time, as spectacular as it had been, had only been a precursor. She’d never known it could be like that—so intensely, violently pleasurable. So altering. She felt different.

  Alexio was looking at her, waiting for her to say something. Her voice felt rusty, hoarse from crying out over and over again. ‘What did you say?’

  His hand was on her bare belly under the sheet now and it quivered. Instantly Sidonie’s body came to life, nerves tingling, skin tightening. As if well aware of his effect on her, Alexio moved his hand up with exquisite slowness until he cupped her breast, trapping her nipple between his fingers, tightening it gently, enough to pinch.

  Sidonie sucked in a breath, wide awake now.

  ‘I said,’ he repeated, ‘I want you to come to Greece with me. I have a place on Santorini. I’ve decided to take a few days’ break...’

  Sidonie automatically went to shake her head but Alexio’s hand left her breast and swept up to cup her chin.

  Softly he said, ‘We’ve been here before, know what happens if you say no to me.’

  Sid. The way he said it made her feel as if she were drowning—as if she’d known this man for aeons when it had been a mere twenty-four hours. All she could see were those amazing golden-green eyes, hypnotising her. Drugging her.

  ‘You said yourself you don’t have a job to go back why not extend your trip for a few days? Come with me...and I’ll show you paradise.’

  He bent his head to kiss Sidonie and she felt like letting out a short, shocked laugh. He’d already unwittingly shown her paradise. But then his mouth was on hers and she couldn’t think. She struggled to try and focus. She knew that her aunt was safe and secure for a couple of weeks. All that responsibility hovered in the wings, but it didn’t have to be dealt with right at this moment—could she stretch one night into a few days? She wanted to, with a fierceness that surprised her.


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