Mating Mal
Page 14
Fiona nodded. As the alpha mate one of the gifts bestowed upon her by the Fates was the ability to feel the emotions of the pack members. It was daunting at first because she hadn’t learned how to control the flow of emotion. She often felt as if she were suffocating under the weight of their emotions. Now she knew how to assess their well-being without taking on their sorrows and joys as her own. Unfortunately, that newly acquired skill was proving harder to utilize in this instance. Probably because her own life experiences were getting in the way and bringing up old hurts and anger.
Unfortunately, Fiona knew no matter how well your soul healed, the memories of what happened never truly faded away. Nick would carry those with him forever. Her anger boiled over. Craden Speer should not be allowed to get away with his crimes. “We’re going to make that motherfucker pay for what he did to them, right?”
Declan growled. “Damn right we are. Summer and Daniel’s deaths will be avenged and Nick and Leo will find peace, safety, and happiness among our family.” Resting his hands on her baby bump, he kissed her neck next to the mating mark he’d placed there. “How’s our cub doing today?”
“Wiggling around, craving kettle chips and pizza. I already took the liberty of ordering delivery for dinner and Maddie is hitting up the store for my chips. I even ordered enough so we can invite Mal and Nick to join us.”
“You have such a big heart, my love. Sharing your coveted pizza,” he teased.
She tilted her head back and frowned at Declan. “Er. I’m not sharing my pizza. I said I ordered extra. Meaning: in addition to my pizza. Get it straight and don’t go spreading your lies. I’m a horribly selfish pregnant lady.”
Declan barked a laugh. “Of course. I was just talking crazy. I must have been thinking of some other generous person.”
“Obviously,” she snarked.
He squeezed her lightly around the middle, resting his chin on the top of her head. “Cade and I are so very blessed to have found you. Have I told you how much I love you today?”
Fiona smiled. He told her that very thing several times a day every day. “Yes, but I don’t mind hearing how awesome I am, so go ahead, tell me again.”
He growled and playfully nipped at her neck making her giggle. She loved it when her big strong alpha let his playful side loose. She knew that the weight of responsibly for his pack often wore him down. And because of that he sometimes forgot how to lighten up. His smiles and laughter were special gifts to Fiona, and she cherished them.
“Are we hugging it out?” Cade walked up next to them and wagged his eyebrows. “Is this a preamble to the real deal? You know―” Cade leaned in and whispered. “―S.E.X.” He shot her a wide toothy grin that spelled trouble.
“You’re a dork.” Fiona laughed.
Declan kissed her temple then without hesitation passed her to Cade.
“Oh, yeah. That’s the stuff.” Cade moaned as he wrapped his arms around her. She closed her eyes and breathed in his scent. She felt Declan press against her back completing them. She heard someone enter the kitchen and opened her eyes. Mal shot her little wink and wave. Fiona let her eyes slide shut once again. She heard Mal moving around in the background, but ignored his presence. Wolves were tactile creatures. She knew he didn’t think anything of Fiona and her mates indulging in public cuddles. In fact, she knew Mal would be doing the same thing with Nick once he was within arm’s reach. Declan and Cade both let out happy, contented sighs. The perfection of the moment was shattered when the back door opened and slammed against the wall. Fiona rolled her eyes.
She dropped her forehead to Cade’s chest and muttered. “Emma Grace.”
“She’s your cub when she acts like that.” Declan swatted her butt.
“No. She’s Cade’s.” She shot a wink over her shoulder at him.
“Good point,” Declan agreed with a deadpan expression.
“Hey! I’m right here.” Cade protested looking back and forth between her and Declan.
“We know.” She and Declan responded at the same time then burst into laughter.
Emma Grace entered the kitchen and stared at the door looking shocked that it had opened so easily. As if, she hadn’t done that very thing a thousand times eventually creating the doorknob sized dent in the wall. Cade snorted and shook his head. His baby girl was a mess. Her face lit up when she saw him.
“Daddy! You’re here.” She ran to Cade.
He let Fiona go and lifted his daughter into his arms and kissed her cheek.
“Me and Uncle Nick played tea party with real tea and scones. Aunt Maddie made them and they were ‘licious. Even Leo liked them. He had to gum the scones because he doesn’t have any teeth. He made a slobbery mess. It was gross.” Emma grace scrunched up her nose.
“I bet.” Cade tapped her on the nose. “One question.”
“Yes, Daddy?” She entwined her fingers in his shoulder-length hair.
“Why wasn’t I invited to this ‘licious tea party?” Cade asked poking out his lower lip and giving Emma Grace puppy dog eyes.
She giggled at his antics like he knew she would. He loved to hear her laugh.
She tugged on his hair with one hand and patted his chest with the other. “Cause you were doing work stuff with Da, Uncle Mal, Uncle Kell, and Elder Frey. Nick was sad, and I wanted to make him feel better. And guess what?”
“What?” He rubbed his nose against Emma Grace’s.
“He does,” she said happily. Emma Grace peered over her shoulder. “Don’t you, Uncle Nick?”
“I do, pixie.” Nick smiled at her. “Thank you. Leo and I had a wonderful time.” He bounced Leo in his arms making the cub giggle.
Mal wrapped his arms around his mate and cub from behind. Nick’s back to Mal’s front. They made a beautiful family, Cade thought. He met Mal’s eyes and smiled. Even with all the shit surrounding them, Mal was the happiest Cade had ever seen him. The Fates may have sent Nick to them because he needed protection and justice, but that wasn’t the endgame. The three of them together, Mal, Nick, and Leo, living as a family was. His cousins―both old and new―were finally experiencing the forever love destined for mates. Cade was extremely happy for them, especially Mal. Cade knew watching him and Declan, plus his brothers find their mates had been hard on Mal. Mal may be the youngest between them, but he’d been the first one of them to long for a mate. Growing up as the only out gay kid in school wasn’t easy on Mal, Cade knew that. Copper Creek didn’t exactly have a large LGBT community when they were younger so there weren’t a lot of prospects for a gay adolescent to get his date on. There were gay and lesbian pack members, but dating or making out with a pack member who wasn’t your mate was like kissing your sibling. Gross. Once he was old enough, Mal would head off to Austin or Dallas in search of companionship. Something Cade noticed Mal stopped doing a few months ago.
“Hey, guess what else, Daddy?” Emma Grace asked pulling Cade from his musings.
“What else?”
“Uncle Nick is going to teach me to do the piano.”
“He is.” Cade thought that was an awesome idea. The young man was extremely talented. He couldn’t have chosen a better teacher for Emma Grace. It would also help Nick acclimate to his new home if he felt as if he were contributing to the pack.
She nodded vigorously. “He promised. Uncle Nick said he’d teach me a song I can play for the baby. Isn’t that nice?”
“That’s very nice, munchkin. I can’t wait to hear you play your song.” He glanced at his cousin’s mate. Cade could feel the contentment and purpose rolling off Nick. He’d make a point to speak with Nick later about offering lessons to other pack members. If that was something he was interested in.
“It won’t be a hard song, but it will be pretty. Uncle Nick said so.”
Cade grinned. “Uncle Nick said that too, huh?” Emma Grace nodded with a wide grin. It appeared as though his little girl found herself experiencing a little hero worship where Mal’s mate was concerned. He gla
nced over at the man in question. “Wow, Nick. I hope you don’t get a nose bleed from the heighth of that pedestal.” He shot Nick a sly grin. Mal returned it with a narrow eyed glare. Cade probably shouldn’t have teased Nick, who blushed profusely, but then again, Cade did a lot of things he shouldn’t.
Nick met his eyes and there was an unexpected slyness in his expression. He reached up and scratched his nose with his middle finger. Cade’s mouth dropped open in shock. Did shy, easily embarrassed Nick Speer just flip him off?
Declan cuffed his brother on the back of the head. “Cade,” he growled. “Behave.” Cade met his stern gaze. Declan shook his head. He couldn’t remember a time when Cade wasn’t making trouble in some form or another. His impish brother certainly made life entertaining and a hell of a lot less stressful.
“I was paying the man a compliment, thank you very much. That’s a lot of hype to live up to.” Cade argued his position then pointed at Nick. “He flipped me off.”
Declan cocked an eyebrow. “That’s quite the accusation, little brother.” He glanced at Nick and fought to keep a straight face. He’d seen Nick covertly shoot Cade the middle finger, not that he would admit it. Declan was having entirely too much fun at his brother’s expense. “How is it possible Nick did that when he’s holding Leo?”
“He only needed one arm for that. He had a free hand. He may look innocent, but there’s a sassy troublemaker behind that pretty boy face.” Cade sniffed and stuck his nose in the air.
Fiona muttered, “Hello pot this is kettle.”
Cade stomped his foot. “I was being supportive of his skills.”
“Sure you were.” Declan fought the urge to roll his eyes like a teenage girl.
Emma Grace’s eyes bounced back and forth between him and Cade as if she were watching a tennis match. Amusement danced in her big brown eyes as she quietly giggled behind her hand. “Daddy, you’re always causing trouble.”
Declan winked at his princess.
“I’m an extremely loyal cousin,” Cade countered.
“That’s why the devil was dancing your eyes? As Mom used to say.” He refuted Cade’s bullshit claim.
Cade scoffed. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“That wasn’t a denial, Cade.” Fiona jumped in. “In fact, I know not to which you speak is code for yep it was me. I did it.”
“Whatever,” Cade mumbled.
“It’s okay, we still love you.” Fiona kissed Cade’s cheek before making her way over to Nick. She held out her arms to Leo who immediately leaned toward her. Nick handed the cub over without argument.
A grin spread across Declan’s lips at the sight. He couldn’t help but imagine his beautiful mate holding and nurturing their cub. They had a few months yet before the baby growing and thriving in Fiona’s womb would make an appearance. Impatience to meet the little life created by their love often rode him hard, like today.
He turned to Emma Grace and held out his hands. “Do you have a hug for me too, princess?”
“Yes!” She chirped. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed. “I love you, Da.” His heart melted every time he heard those words.
“I love you, too.” He kissed her cheek. “Why don’t you go wash your hands? We’ll be eating dinner soon.”
“Kay.” Cade set Emma Grace on her feet. She took off the second her feet touched the floor.
He turned his attention back to the room. “Our mate has ordered pizza for dinner. Mal and Nick, you’re joining us. Fiona ordered plenty.”
Declan studied Nick as they all sat around the table eating pizza, talking, and laughing. Cade hadn’t been wrong. Nick did have a pretty boy face. He had that whole boy band thing going for him. Declan imagined both women and men would find Nick attractive. His face caught your attention, but it was Nick’s kindness, big heart, and colorful personality that held you captive. Declan wasn’t immune to him either. Nick’s vulnerability that spoke to the alpha in him. It was his job to protect his pack. He would have given Nick and Leo sanctuary had they weren’t Mal’s destiny. He would not allow Craden Speer to use his position to terrorize the newest members of his family ever again. Declan would end him. Whether Craden Speer still drew breath when the dust settled remained to be seen.
Chapter 19
Nick placed Leo in his crib. It had been an exciting and busy day for the cub. He’d had fun and played hard with the other children. Unfortunately―for everyone―Leo had refused to take his usual afternoon nap and was an unhappy boy by dinner time. Thank the Fates he’d fallen asleep on the way home from Declan’s. Nick prayed his nephew slept through the night.
Nick’s day had been long and emotional. Loneliness and sadness warred with happy memories. Some played in his mind like snippets from a movie. Nick and his older sister playing in the backyard or trying to catch fireflies after the sun went down as their parents watched over them. The day his father taught him to ride a bike. His mother baking cookies. Others were like the photographs gracing the walls of his new home. Little still-life moments in time. The elated smile on Summer’s face when she met Daniel and realized he was her mate. Daniel and Summer gazing down at newborn Leo. Nick knew it was stupid to wish for what would never be. Life was what it was, and pining over what “might have been” was a waste of time and energy, but that hadn’t stopped him from longing for it.
He entered the master bedroom and froze just inside the door when he spotted his mate. All thoughts of the meeting today and tragic memories departed his mind leaving nothing but lust and need behind. His cock went instantly hard.
Mal laid on the bed, completely naked. His hands resting behind his head and a come and get me smile on his face.
“Holy shit. You look so fucking hot.” He licked his lips. “You’re always naked when I come in here. I’m sensing this is a thing now.”
Mal didn’t respond. His lips twitched and his green eyes sparkled with mirth telling Nick his assumption was correct.
Looking at his mate in all his glory, Nick understood Mal’s need to grab his camera and capture the moment. Nick wished he had one now. Not that he would share photos of his subject. However, they would be nice to have around for a private showing. “I want to taste you. I want you to come down my throat.” Nick felt his cheeks and tips of his ears go hot. This whole talking dirty thing still felt a little weird, but the heat in Mal’s eyes every time he threw out a dirty innuendo or blatantly asked for what he wanted made any embarrassment Nick felt worth it.
“Good. Because I want you to taste me. I want to come down your throat.” Mal wagged his eyebrows. “Get over here and do your worst, baby. I am all yours.”
Nick shut the door. Nick tugged his t-shirt off over his head and tossed it in the hamper. He did the same with his boxers. “Is the monitor on?”
“It is.” Mal’s eyes darted to the device sitting on the bedside table.
Nick moved to the bed. He imagined he must look as if he were stalking prey. In a way, he was. He was a wolf on a mission. Nick wanted to eat Mal up. He crawled onto the mattress and settled himself between Mal’s thighs. He leaned over and buried his nose in his mate’s groin inhaling his scent. “By the Fates, I love how you smell.” His mouth watered with the need to taste his mate. He stuck out his tongue and licked Mal’s cock from root to tip taking the bead of pre-cum that leaked from the slit with him. A long groan left Mal and Nick snickered. “You haven’t seen anything yet. I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll go blind,” he boasted. Mal’s eyebrows shot up. Yeah, Nick was surprised those words left his lips, too. He didn’t know where this sudden confidence came from, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to fight it. Hell no. He was embracing that shit. He was going to rock his mate’s world or at least try damnedest to.
Grasping Mal’s cock, he sucked the head into his mouth teasing the underside with the tip of his tongue. He pulled off with a pop before engulfing Mal’s cock until his nose was buried in his sexy
, manscaped pubic hair.
“Son of a bitch, you have a talented mouth. You’re a natural.” Mal moaned.
Nick smiled around his dick. Mal’s praise warmed him. He never expected to be great at giving head right out the gate. He’d hoped his enthusiasm would make up for his lack of experience. The fact that Mal was already enjoying himself was a gift. It also meant he’d let Nick do this again, sooner rather than later preferably.
When Nick was a horny teenage boy he’d dreamed of sucking his mate’s cock. But his young and inexperienced imagination hadn’t done this act justice. At the time, his mind couldn’t fathom the depth of intimacy or power behind a blowjob. He just thought giving one sounded really hot.
He loved the feel of Mal’s cock in his mouth, hard as steel and soft as velvet. He sucked him to the root and inhaled Mal’s musky scent into his nostrils.
“Fuck. No gag reflex.” Mal fisted Nick’s hair. Nick glanced up as he pulled back leaving only the head of his mate’s cock in his mouth. Mal’s head dropped back, and he groaned. “Again.”
Nick obliged. Soon Mal’s hands fell away and fisted the sheet, as if he were trying to ground himself. He jacked and blew Mal’s cock at the same time. Mal’s breathing grew heavier, and he thrust his hips slightly as Nick pleasured him.
He cupped Mal’s balls, rolling them in his palm, then brushed his finger over Mal’s taint. He could feel the muscles in Mal’s thighs tighten. His arms became rigid. Nick knew it wouldn’t be long before his mate blew and Nick got a mouthful of his come. He couldn’t wait to taste him. To drink him down.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I’m coming, baby. Drink me, mate.” Mal thrust his hips as he came. Jet after jet of his come hit the back of Nick’s throat. He eagerly swallowed all of him. Essence of Mal was now his new favorite dessert. As soon as Mal’s body went lax, Nick released his dick and sat back on his heels. He sent Mal a smug smile. His mate looked totally sated and debauched. Yeah, he thought feeling a sense of pride, he did that.