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Mating Mal

Page 19

by Kasey Belle

  “So you had this done there?”

  “Yep. Max did it.”

  “Shelly’s big scary lion shifter mate?”

  “One and the same.”

  “Max did an awesome job. This is truly beautiful.”

  She tossed him a smile over her shoulder. “Thanks. Do you have any?” Nick shook his head and pulled Fiona’s zipper back up. “You want one?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I obviously like color in my life.” He waved his hand at his blue streaked hair and bright shirt. “But, needles? I’m not really into pain. Besides, I don’t know how Mal feels about them.”

  Fiona turned and faced him with her hands firmly planted on her hips. “What our mate’s find pleasing is important, but you can’t let that dictate what you do with your body. If you love something and it makes you happy, as long as it doesn’t harm you, Mal will love it, too. As your mate he’ll want you happy.”

  “Shouldn’t that work both ways, though?”

  “Yes. But, ask yourself this. Would you forbid Mal from adorning his body as he wishes whether it’s a new pair of jeans or a tattoo?”

  “No. I wouldn’t. As long as he’s doing it for himself and not to impress someone else.” Nick growled at the thought.

  “He’s your mate. The latter would never happen.”

  “I know.” Just the thought made Nick want to rip someone a part, and he wasn’t normally a violent person.

  “Look. If you decide you want a little body art, let me know. We can go see Max together. Mal can come too if he wants.” She shot him a wink. “Now come on. We better get back out there before our mates send out a search party or some such shit.” Fiona threaded her arm through his and they left the bathroom to join the others.

  Chapter 25

  Nick and Mal took their seats in the second row behind Mal’s parents. Other guests had already begun to arrive in advance of the ceremony that would take place in the large back yard of the pack house. Nick breathed a sigh of relief when he saw how everyone was dressed. Not that he didn’t trust Mal’s opinion on wedding attire, but Nick had a tendency to be a bit of a fashion diva. He didn’t like being under or over dressed for an occasion. Not that he had attended many in the past decade, but he had when he was younger. Even as a boy wearing improper attire made him extremely self-conscious. Although it wasn’t necessary, Nick still felt the need to make a good impression today.

  He studied Mal’s parents. Ilene sat between Damon and Erik. It was clear to anyone with eyes how much they truly loved and adored Mal’s mother. Ilene favored her older sister, Maddie. Same blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and an open heart the size of Texas. Damon was a big man at six and a half feet and two hundred fifty pounds or so. Erik was a few inches shorter and not as stocky, but had the same dark brown hair and green eyes as Damon. Paul and Kell took after their father Damon in both size and stature. Damon always wore a serious expression and Erik’s was more open and light-hearted. Mal was built like Erik and had his sense of humor. He had Damon’s focused determination and his mother’s smile.

  So far Leo was behaving. Mal held him in his lap and Leo’s little eyes took in their surroundings with wide-eyed curiosity. Random pack members made a point to introduce themselves to both Nick and Leo. His nephew smiled and cooed at everyone who made eye contact with him. When Leo spotted Lada he flirted and batted his little eyes like a tiny Casanova. Nick was not looking forward to Leo’s teenage years. He was going to have all the girls or boys or both wrapped around his finger.

  Paul stood at the dais with Luke who had assumed the role as best man. Nick questioned Mal about Paul’s choice, because he figured Paul would have chosen one of his brothers to stand with him. Mal explained that Paul wanted to include Luke in the ceremony since the cub was the second most important person in his life. His mate being the first, of course. That was about the sweetest thing Nick had ever heard. Mal touted Paul was an honorable, kind, and loving man, but seeing it played out in such a loving gesture toward Luke…. Nick was in awe. He had a newfound respect for Sheriff Paul Creed, Spanker of Cathy’s Ass.

  Music began playing through the strategically placed speakers and the back doors opened. Emma Grace and Jay stepped from the house. Nick smiled. The little pixie looked so sweet in her bright yellow sundress and white cowgirl boots. Jay was handsome in his blue plaid western shirt and dark jeans. Jay held her hand as they walked down the deck steps. He walked beside Emma Grace as she tossed her petals and they made their way up the aisle. When got to the dais, Jay dug into his pocket, pulled out the rings, and gave them to Luke.

  Fiona was next as Matron of Honor. Nick’s gaze went directly to her feet. She’d added a pair of cream cowgirl boots blinged out with orange and blue rhinestones to her outfit. The ensemble totally fit her personality. Bold and sassy.

  Once Fiona made it to the altar and took her place the music changed to an acoustic version of Pachelbel’s Canon in D. Pachelbel’s classic was one of Nick’s favorite songs to play on the piano. Paul and Luke stood a bit taller. Their eyes riveted to the back French doors. Nick and Mal turned and waited for the bride to make her appearance. An audible gasp filled the air when Cathy stepped outside.

  “Wow, Mom. You look beautiful,” Luke praised in a loud voice.

  The congregation snickered. None of them seemed the least bit put out by the boy’s outburst. Paul smiled down at his son. He held out his fist and Luke bumped it.

  Luke was so right. Wearing a wedding dress of candlelight silk with a halter top that gathered just below the bust, Cathy was a vision of elegance and beauty. She reminded Nick of a Grecian goddess. Her long red hair flowed down her back. The large waves lifting in the breeze. Her only jewelry besides an engagement ring was a simple delicate gold necklace with a strange heart shaped pendant. However, it was the expression on her face and the emotion rolling off her that held Nick’s attention. Cathy radiated love and happiness. She held her head high and kept her absolute focus on her mate and son as she walked down the aisle.

  Luke met Cathy when she made it to the altar. He held out his hand and assisted his mother as she stepped up onto the dais. Cathy leaned down and kissed Luke on the cheek before she took her place next to Paul.

  Paul gazed lovingly into her eyes. “He’s right. You do look beautiful, kitten. Stunning.” They joined hands and turned toward the Justice of the Peace.

  “Today, we celebrate the marriage of Sheriff Paul Creed and Catherine O’Brien.” Justice Mallick announced in a deep booming voice. “Who gives this woman to be wed?”

  “I do,” Luke stated with pride. “Dad’s marrying me, too though, Judge.”

  Everyone laughed, but that didn’t faze Luke. His huge smile never wavered and positively preened when Paul wrapped an arm around his slim shoulders. “I’m going to officially be Dad’s son as soon as he marries, Mom.”

  Justice Mallick smiled then addressed the congregation once again. “Luke will also become a Creed. Officially.” Then he looked to the happy couple. “Paul and Cathy, are you ready to give and receive your vows?”

  “We are.” They answered as one.

  Nick laid his head on Mal’s shoulder as they sat witness to the couple taking their vows and exchanging rings. It was really beautiful. He’d seen weddings on television and in movies, but there was something about actually being a part of one, experiencing the reverence and flow of love in real time touched Nick’s soul. He could definitely see the appeal and why human mates felt the need to marry.

  Just as Nick thought the judge would pronounce them husband and wife, because that’s what came next according to Hollywood, Paul did something that shocked the hell out of him. He knelt on one knee in front of Luke, putting himself on eye level with the auburn-haired cub. Luke eye’s held hero worship as he gazed at his father.

  “Lucas Devlin O’Brien, I love you with all my heart. We may not share blood, but you are my son in every way that counts. I promise to be a good father to you. To protect you and guide you.
To eat Oreos with you in the middle of the night and not tell your mother. You’ll always be able to count on me to be there for you. I’ll never let you down. I am so proud to call you my son.” Paul pinned a small replica badge identical to the one he carried on Luke’s shirt. The boy glanced it then flung his arms around Paul’s neck.

  “I love you, Dad.”

  “I love you, too, son.” Paul’s voice cracked on the last word.

  Fiona passed a tissue to Cathy so she could blot the tears from her eyes.

  The entire congregation sat silently watching the exchange with awe and reverence. Even Leo was transfixed as if he understood the importance of the moment. Nick sniffed and wiped away a tear. Mal squeezed his hand. The moment between father and son was beautiful. He idly wondered if Mal would ever do something like that.


  Contentment filled Mal when Nick snuggled into his side, his head coming to rest on Mal’s shoulder. Leo leaned his little body back against Mal’s chest and let out a little baby sigh before popping his thumb into his mouth. Mal felt complete as he was surrounded by his mate and cub’s scents. All was right in Mal’s world.

  Thank the fates his mate had a sense of humor and wasn’t one to hold a grudge. Maybe it was a little underhanded setting Nick up the way he did, but the opportunity had presented itself and was too tempting to pass up. Playing a little prank on Nick lightened the mood and give him something else to focus on. His poor mate practically made himself sick he was so nervous about attending the wedding. Mal knew once Nick saw Paul in his uniform his quick mind would put two and two together and he’d put his worry aside in order to dole out a little retribution. It had worked, too. Mal hadn’t expected the leather daddy comment though, which had been impressive, hilarious, not to mention unexpected. It surprised him to learn his Nico even knew the term. He definitely needed to explore this new knowledge further preferably when he and Nick were alone and naked.

  There wasn’t a dry eye left in the place after Paul spoke his promises to Luke. It was one of the most beautiful displays of parental affection Mal had ever witnessed. The exchange hit Mal particularly hard in feels because he could picture himself doing the same with Leo.

  When the wedding concluded, they made their way over to the large white tent that dominated the area behind the pack house. Mal smiled when they entered. His Aunt Maddie had outdone herself again. He’d wondered what Cathy meant by country elegance, now he knew. Eighteen round tables with eight chairs each were scattered around the space and covered in white linen tablecloths with burlap runners down the center. Each place was set with a place setting of sterling silver flatware and fine china with little blue flowers sitting on silver plate things you only used for decoration.

  Mal frowned. There was more silverware than he knew what to do with beside each plate. Coffee cups sat on the right side and bread plates on the left. Each place setting had two goblets: one for water and the other for wine and was reserved by a name card in the center of the dinner plate. In the center of each table candles glowed from inside old-fashioned hurricane lanterns surrounded by a ring of wild flowers and baby’s breath.

  A small table in the far right corner held a wedding cake of sorts. A large multi-tiered tray held cupcakes covered in either blue or yellow frosting. On the top tier sat a mini cake with a ceramic topper of entwined hearts. The scents of barbequed meat filled the air. Mal’s stomach growled. A line had already started to form at the long buffet table off to the left.

  “Wow,” Nick sighed. “This is awesome and so Cathy.”

  He held Nick’s hand and led him over to his family’s table. Leo sat securely in Mal’s arms. His little head whipped around as if he couldn’t decide what to focus on. Then he looked up and his big blue eyes widened as they took in all the twinkling white lights strung across the tent ceiling.

  Nick followed the cub’s eyes and chuckled. “Well, those will keep him occupied for a while. Nothing grabs a baby’s attentions like shiny bright objects.”

  “Are you suggesting babies are like cats?” Damon stepped up next to them and held his arms out to Leo who went willing to him.

  Nick laughed. “I guess you could say they are.”

  Mal felt the immediate loss of Leo’s slight weight and fought the urge to snatch him away from his father. He loved how his family had brought both Nick and Leo into the fold. He expected nothing less, but he could admit he hated giving the cub up to his new grandpa. He didn’t like trusting Leo with anyone but Nick. Mal considered Leo his son and needed to keep a constant watch over him.

  Mal glanced down at his mate. Although he kept a vigilant eye on Leo, his Nico wasn’t the least bit anxious with having Leo out of his control. How was Nick the calm one while Mal was the one freaking out inside? My how the tables have turned.

  Chapter 26

  Mal pulled out a chair for him and Nick smiled his thanks before taking it. Chivalry definitely wasn’t dead where his mate was concerned. Damon made silly faces at Leo whose giggles soon became contagious. It warmed Nick’s heart to witness the love Mal’s family had for Leo. Damon doted on his new grandson much like Nick imagined his own father would have if he were still alive. His nephew may not have his blood grandparents, but he’d gained three adopted ones who loved him unconditionally. For that, Nick was truly grateful.

  He glanced around and everywhere he looked, Nick was reminded how very little importance blood held within the pack when it came to those they cared about. Mal’s family wasn’t the exception they were the rule. It didn’t matter to any of them if a person was blood related, wolf, human, or a completely different species, their love and acceptance was unconditional.

  A wave of anxiety hit Nick, and he realized it was coming from Mal. He leaned over and whispered, “Are you okay?” Mal clenched his jaw and nodded. “Why don’t I believe you?”

  Mal stared into his eyes and responded to Nick using their link. “How do you do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “Not freak out when Leo’s so far away?”

  Nick’s lips twitched and he willed himself not to laugh. “Didn’t you promise me that you would tell me if a situation wasn’t safe for Leo? He’s on the other side of the table with your father. Is he not safe with Damon?”

  “I did promise and yes, he is.”

  “That’s how. I trust you and those you trust.”

  “You are so getting some when we get home.”

  Nick snickered. Mal sent him a mental image of what he planned to do to him later. His body immediately responded. His cock hardened pressing uncomfortably against his zipper. He jabbed Mal in the ribs. “Cut it out. I can’t walk around with a hard-on at your brother’s wedding.”

  Emma Grace’s unmistakable squeal filled the air causing everyone to fall silent. Nick and Mal’s heads whipped around to see what had the little girl so excited. Two extremely scary and imposing men had entered the tent. Both men had rugged good looks and wore their dark blonde hair military short. They stood next to each other, one of them constantly scanned their surroundings and the other stood with his arms folded across his chest, his face blank of emotion, and his eyes covered in dark sunglasses.

  “Who the hell are they?” Nick asked as Emma Grace ran past their table in the men’s direction. “And oh my goddess, should she be charging at them like that?”

  “Mister Hunter. Mister Alan,” She shouted waving her arm back and forth as she made her way across the floor.

  “In case you were still wondering, that’s Hunter and Alan.” Mal snickered.

  “The men who you sent to pick up my car from Dalton’s?” Mal nodded. “Damn. They’re huge.”

  Nick fought a grin when a low growl rumbled in Mal’s chest. “You aren’t thinking about replacing me are you mate?”

  “Oh, please.” He rolled his eyes. “Nobody could replace my soul.”

  Erik barked a laugh as he dropped down into the seat next to Damon. “Good answer, Nick. Speechless and feeling like shit aren’t
you son?”

  Mal blushed and shrugged one shoulder.

  Nick couldn’t resist the urge to kiss his rosy cheek. “You’re adorable. Now back to the issue at hand. Who is who?” He nodded toward the men.

  “Alan is the one wearing the shades,” Mal explained as they watched the scene unfolding between Emma Grace, Hunter, and Alan. “They’re not only pack enforcers, but they also own their own security firm. When Emma Grace and Fiona came to us, Declan assigned them to the pixie as her bodyguards. It was love at first sight.”

  “For who?”

  “All of them.”

  Nick didn’t doubt Mal’s claim when the formidable enforcers’ lips curled into smiles as they tracked Emma Grace’s progress. When she was close enough to the men, Emma Grace took her usual running leap and Alan snatched out of mid-air. His hands were so big that his fingers and thumbs touched as he wrapped them around her middle as he pulled her into his arms. Nick knew the shifter could crush her with little effort if he wanted, but he held her as if she were precious. Once in his arms, Emma Grace wrapped her little arms around his neck and whispered something in his ear. Hunter and Alan turned their heads and looked directly at Nick. He tried not to squirm under their scrutiny, but they were entirely too big, not to mention scary as hell. He leaned into Mal’s side and his mate wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulder.

  “They are harmless, Nico.” Nick pulled a face letting Mal know exactly what he thought of that falsehood. Mal snorted. “Okay. I’ll rephrase. They won’t harm you.”

  While the enforcers made their way over to Nick and Mal, Emma Grace sat perched in Alan’s arms and kept up a constant stream of chatter. She seemed completely enamored with her large friends and oblivious to their lethality. Amazing

  “Look who came home, Uncle Mal.” She waved her hands back and forth between newcomers. “Hunter and Alan.”

  “I can see that.” Mal’s lips twitched. He shook hands with the men. “Good to see you guys. Glad you could make it.”


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