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The Boys of Banana Court: Box Set

Page 17

by Alex Carreras

  “It’ll be your turn soon,” Josh assured.

  “Just wait,” Mitch said. “You’ll be just as happy and just as annoying as us once it does happen.”

  Isaac wasn’t so sure. He had never dated anyone more than a month, and he was beginning to wonder if he ever would. Most men never held his attention long enough, and the fireworks he usually felt at the beginning of a relationship typically petered to a few damp sparklers faster than he cared to admit.

  “I’ll take your word for it, but I’m not holding my breath.”

  “I felt that way too,” Mitch admitted. “But now look at me. I can’t imagine living life without Austin. It’s … unimaginable.”

  “Agreed,” Josh chimed.

  “Like I said, not holding my breath.” Isaac tilted his beer bottle back, draining it completely.

  “How about that one?” Josh said, indicating with his chin. “He’s tall, dark, and handsome with the perfect furry chest. Has a few nice tats too.”

  Mitch whistled. “And he can fill a pair of jeans.” He raised his eyebrows. “Both front and back.”

  Isaac blinked, wondering if his contacts were cloudy or the dance floor lights were playing tricks with his vision. The guy was certainly what Mitch and Josh said—and then some. But he always thought that. “He’s in my class. Statistical Inference in Management.”

  “Sounds sexy,” Josh said.

  “So, he’s not only sexy,” Mitch said, “he’s smart. That almost never happens.”

  Isaac attempted to swallow the tightness from his throat, unable to tear his gaze away from his classmate’s smooth olive skin and perfectly sculpted muscles. He had never imagined him to look like that under the vintage rock T-shirts he preferred.

  “I can’t believe he’s here … and I can’t believe he looks like that.”

  Josh nudged Isaac. “Go say something, offer to buy him a drink.”

  “He never gives me the time a day in class so I doubt he would here.”

  “Brains,” Mitch said. “You are usually more confident than this. You must really think he’s hot.”

  “B–b–but he’s straight,” Isaac stuttered, unable to force it back.

  Josh and Mitch chuckled. “He is not straight,” Mitch said.

  “Far from straight,” Josh seconded. “Straight guys don’t come here looking like that.”

  “Go ask if you can buy him a beer,” Mitch said. “He has nothing on you, so march your sexy ass over there and talk to him. We’ll be watching from here.”

  His head said No! and his heart said Hell No!, but for some reason, Isaac’s feet were not listening to either. Before Britney could finish a stanza, he found himself standing directly beside the man he daydreamed about when his professor’s droning voice no longer held his attention. Be confident, he coached himself, wishing that he had made time for a gym workout before heading out for the night. He inhaled a sustaining breath through his nose and blew out through his mouth. Here goes nothing.

  “Isaac, right?”

  He went to open his mouth, but no words came. He nodded.

  “We have class together. I’m Mohammed.”

  When he stuck out his hand, Isaac took it. He could have stayed just like that the entire night, staring into the handsome man’s dark chocolate-colored eyes and holding his firm but still soft hand.

  “You’re Isaac.” A wide smile flashed in the dim.

  He had to say something soon, or Mohammed was going to wonder if he rode the short bus to school. He also had to let go of his hand.

  “Yes.” He allowed his fingers to slide away. “Isaac.” Finally, he was moving in the right direction.

  “I thought I recognized you standing in line. If I knew you were coming, I would have offered you a VIP pass. My buddy is part owner of this club, and he gave me a few.”

  “That’s a nice friend to have.”

  “He knows how impatient I am and knew I’d never come if there were a long line wrapping around the building.”

  “There was one, by the way.”

  Mohammed cocked his head, a movement that make him just that much sexier. “And that’s why my pass came in handy.” He wiped his hand across his chest and continued down his taut abdomen. “It’s hot in here. I’m sweating.”

  Isaac took that as an invitation to look. “You have a great body. Which gym do you work out at?”

  “One across town. It’s a smaller gym where the clients talk by grunting. Pretty basic but it has all I need, plus it’s not hard on the wallet.”

  “I have friends who work at IGNITE. That’s where I go.”

  “I’ve been there. It’s nice, but I prefer a gym where I don’t have to wear a matching outfit and do my hair first.” That could have sounded like a snide comment if it wasn’t said with a friendly smile.

  “I understand what you mean. It can be intimidating when you’re not feeling your best, but you don’t appear to have that problem.” Isaac scanned Mohammed’s body again before returning his gaze to eyes that were surround by the lushest lashes he had ever seen. He knew women who would kill for lashes that thick.

  “I have my days,” Mohammed admitted. “But I don’t see where you would worry about it either.”

  What Isaac saw in the man’s eyes made his knees weak, and his asshole twitch. His pulse began to race as the temperature in the room spiked. “Are you thirsty? Can I buy you a drink?”

  Mohammed turned to face Isaac fully, Isaac noticing his tank top tucked in the waistband of his pants. He was long, lean, and breathtaking. “You can, but I’d like to dance first.”

  Isaac took a tentative step back and indicated with both hands toward the throng of bodies on the dance floor, a mass of heaving, writhing flesh. “By all means, have it. Don’t let me keep you.”

  A look of hesitation or confusion, Isaac wasn’t sure which, passed over Mohammed’s eyes. “I should have been clearer. I would like to dance … with you.”

  The air was sucked from his lungs. “With me?”

  “That’s what I said. Is there a problem?”

  Isaac shook his head. “No. None whatsoever.”

  “You do dance?”

  “What kind of gay guy would I be if I didn’t?”

  Mohammed took Isaac’s hand, leading him onto the dance floor. They pushed through the wall of mostly men to the dead center of the action. And when Mohammed started to sway, slowly at first, taking Isaac into his arms, Isaac moved with the dark-haired, dark-eyed man, their bodies meeting and becoming one. Surprisingly, Isaac felt his tank top pull up over him and then Mohammed tucked it into his pants along with his own. He wrapped his arms around Isaac again, but this time pulled him closer. Isaac wasn’t familiar with the song blasting at him from every angle, but he didn’t care. It was Mohammed he was following, not the beat of the music.

  “You can dance,” Mohammed said, pressing his lips against Isaac’s ear, his sensuous lips touching his lobe.

  Small shock waves radiated throughout his entire body from that single, gentle touch, so intimate that it made Isaac shut his eyes for a second so he could revel in its full effect. He felt drunk, and it wasn’t due to his meager alcohol consumption.

  Isaac leaned in too, brushing his cheek against Mohammed’s stubble. “My parents forced me to take dancing lessons when I was a kid,” Isaac admitted. “Not the same type of dancing. but it taught me to move without feeling self-conscious.”

  Mohammed chuckled, his moist breath racing across Isaac’s ear. “Maybe you can show me how to foxtrot when the next song comes on.”

  Isaac answered him with a wink as Mohammed’s large hands slid up his back and his hips pressed into Isaac’s. He wasn’t sure if he imagined it, wishful thinking on his part, but Isaac felt Mohammed’s hardness pressing against him. In two gyrations, Isaac was positive that his mind was not playing tricks. This is what dreams are made of, Isaac thought as the song blended into another and Mohammed closed any remaining distance between them, his sweating chest sliding ag
ainst Isaac’s. Friction played across Isaac’s sensitive nipples driving him toward ecstasy. And then when that crushing kiss occurred, Isaac surpassed ecstasy, cannonballing right into pure unadulterated nirvana. His heart soared, and his brain exploded when Mohammed’s tongue tangled with his. He felt as if time stood still and no one else existed. Pulling him out of bliss, a drunk couple fell against them breaking their kiss. When they recovered, the couple apologized profusely. Eager for more, Isaac leaned in for a kiss, but Mohammed stopped him by placing both hands firmly on his chest.

  “Wait,” he said. His eyes were intense.

  “What’s the matter?” Isaac’s words rushed out breathlessly. “Do I have beer breath?”

  The right corner of Mohammed’s lips curled up, causing his cheek to dimple. “You couldn’t taste any sweeter.”

  “Then what is it?”

  Mohammed hesitated, and his hands released their hold against Isaac’s chest, his touch becoming friendlier. “Would you sleep with me tonight?”

  Isaac almost couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He had had men in his life, but when he was propositioned in the past, it usually didn’t happen this quickly. He surprised himself when the word “yes” tumbled from his mouth.

  “Where do you live?”

  “I can’t have you at my place because I don’t have a place. I still live with my parents.” Isaac was embarrassed to admit it, but that still didn’t change the circumstances.

  “No worries,” Mohammed replied. “I live alone. Downtown.”

  Isaac nodded as the air around them crackled with sexual energy and expectation.

  Taking his hand, Isaac followed Mohammed off the dance floor and toward the exit. In a moment of clarity, he caught the attention of Josh and Mitch, his friends already realizing what was about to go down—or up.

  Isaac smirked at their thumbs-up as he waved and slipped out the door of Scandals to head for Mohammed’s car.

  * * * *

  They wasted no time with formalities once inside Mohammed’s.

  Besides, it was an efficiency apartment, and one complete spin said it all.

  Kicking off his shoes and tearing off his socks, Mohammed walked the few feet to his bed and sat. He was even sexier than in the club. Mohammed switched on a lamp that was on a nightstand by the bed.

  “Come,” he said, tapping the space beside him. Isaac wished he had more to drink before leaving the club. He was suddenly nervous. Without breaking Mohammed’s intense gaze, he took the seat that was offered.

  “Relax,” Mohammed said. “You’re going to enjoy this.”

  If he weren’t so nervous, he would have been embarrassed. Isaac closed his eyes as Mohammed’s fingers found the button of his jeans. He unfastened it and continued by lowering his zipper. Each slow ticking sound of the zipper was a long drawn out but still sweet torture. Isaac was so hard it hurt. He opened his eyes to see Mohammed reach into his underwear and unfold his rigid cock from the cotton restraint. His gentle touch made Isaac suck in a breath and hold it.

  “Now that’s a nice cock,” Mohammed said. “I would have never imagined this hanging between your legs in class.” He stroked. “You’re so damn smooth.”

  Before he passed out, Isaac exhaled. “Damn, bro, you are driving me crazy. I’m so hard.”

  Mohammed squeezed, causing Isaac’s cockhead to plump and deepen in color. He bent over and licked, nothing but a quick lap with the tip of his tongue.

  Isaac moaned. “More,” he begged.

  Mohammed’s throaty laugh sounded sinister and sexy. “I can feel you pulsing.”

  Isaac shifted on the bed, thrusting his hips upward. “Please suck it.”

  Mohammed leaned in and touched his lips gently to Isaac’s cock and slid his pointed tongue along the slit.

  Isaac couldn’t tear his gaze away. He was being toyed with, but it was driving him mad. In one swift motion, Mohammed took Isaac entirely. Over and over, he continued until Isaac was dangerously close.

  He placed his hand on the back of Mohammed’s head. “You have to stop, or I’m going to lose it.”

  Without making eye contact, Mohammed paused and said, “Then go ahead. I want to taste you.”

  Isaac had no choice as his lover sucked with renewed vigor. Leaning back and resting his elbows against the mattress, he arched his neck, allowing Mohammed to take him to heaven. In one brief, mind-shattering second, he exploded into Mohammed. His attempt at stifling his cries of passion proved to be a failure as a series of gut-wrenching moans broke the silence in the room. Lustful waves washed over him, and his arms trembled with fatigue. Unable to hold his position any longer, Isaac fell to the mattress, spent and sated as Mohammed lapped every inch of him clean.

  “Jesus,” Isaac said languorously when he was finally able to speak. “That was incredible.” He licked his bottom lip, overtaken by a sudden thirst. “Where did you learn to do that?”

  Mohammed straightened, looking at Isaac. “I’m not like that with every man. You turn me on.”

  “I’d like to believe you.”

  Before he knew what was happening, Mohammed twisted and threw his leg over Isaac, straddling him around his hips. His demeanor was playful, and he moved with athleticism, Isaac noted as he stared up at the man who was more sexy than classically handsome. His nose tilted slightly to the left, and he had a scar that ran less than an inch under his right eye. It was obtained long ago, but it was still noticeable.

  Isaac reached up and touched his fingertip to it. “What happened here?”

  Mohammed smiled with the memory. “Tony Bartow slugged me.”


  “Because I said he was a wimp and a bully and he should pick on people his own size, and so he did.” He cocked his head, and that smile that sent shivers down Isaac’s spine appeared on Mohammed’s lips. “That was the first, and the last time he hit me.”

  Before Isaac could ask any more questions, Mohammed rushed in and kissed him. Hard.

  * * * *

  He didn’t mean to spend the night. He only meant to close his eyes for five minutes. When he opened them again, it was daylight, and Mohammed’s strong arms were wrapped around him. Listening to the steady rhythm of his breathing, Isaac wanted to stay in Mohammed’s warmth forever.

  He allowed himself to steal a few moments before moving.

  “What time is it?” Mohammed’s voice was thick with sleep. Instead of pushing Isaac away like he had feared, regretting last night, Mohammed pulled him in closer and snuggled his face against the crook of Isaac’s neck. His beard, which had surpassed a five o’clock shadow hours ago, scratched Isaac’s jaw. He felt manly and raw and sexual.

  Isaac’s cock stirred, wanting more of his lover, but he had to leave and refused to rush lovemaking. A quickie would only leave him frustrated and wanting more.

  “Early,” Isaac replied as he felt Mohammed’s cock beginning to grow and press into his buttock.

  Mohammed peppered delicate kisses down Isaac’s neck. Isaac shuddered with each one.

  “You’re so smooth, so beautiful,” Mohammed mumbled as his hands reached around Isaac’s body and traveled over Isaac’s chest. “I’m so glad you stayed. I half expected you to jump up and run out of here last night.”

  “I half expected you to kick me out.”

  His laugh was a low rumble. “What kind of person would I be if I did that?”

  “You wouldn’t be the first man to do it.”

  “I like to think that I’m better than that.”

  When Mohammed reached Isaac’s nipples, he took an involuntary breath but still managed to have the strength to pull away from his intoxicating touch. He had to fight temptation.

  Slipping away from the warmth of Mohammed, he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. “I have to go. I have work today, and I promised my parents I’d at least present myself over a cup of coffee. They’ve been complaining that they haven’t seen me in weeks.”

  Mohammed propped himself on
to an elbow. “I thought you said you lived with them?”

  “I do.”

  “Then where have you been?”

  “Library.” Isaac shrugged. “Starbucks. Studying. I have a GPA to maintain. I’m on scholarship.”

  “I understand. I’ve been sequestered here doing the same. Last night was the first night I’ve been out in a long time. It felt good to be among the living again.”

  Isaac stood and began to search for his clothes, tossed in the heat of passion.

  “Your pants are on the chair, and your underwear is probably on the floor somewhere.”

  Isaac searched the immediate area finding his boxer briefs. He took a few steps and then bent to retrieve them.

  “Are you sure you’re ready to go?” Mohammed asked. “Your cock begs to differ.” His eyes dipped down.

  Cheeks flushing, Isaac was embarrassed by his erection. “I’d never get anything done if I allowed my cock to rule my life. It’s always hard and wanting attention.”

  Mohammed hummed his approval. “I could take care of it for you. Give it what it wants.”

  “I think you already have. A few times.”

  “What’s a few more?” There was a devilish smile.

  Isaac fought every cell in his body not to jump in that bed again, but responsibility won out—for now. “Maybe we could do this again sometime?” Asking instead of waiting to be asked was a risk Isaac figured was worth taking. He waited torturous seconds for an answer.

  “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  Isaac dressed as Mohammed watched, elated by his lover’s response. He looked around for his keys but then remembered that Mohammed had driven last night and his car was still in the club’s parking lot.

  As if reading Isaac’s thoughts, Mohammed got out of bed and said, “I’ll be ready in a few,” before passing him and going into the bathroom.


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