Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica

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Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica Page 3

by Spade, Harnet

  “You Are young… fate my love, is always cruel. So… do tell, you rather be a dragon’s captive… slave- whore?”

  I abruptly stopped, “I know what you are trying to do, and it won’t work.”

  “Do not call me your love. You sound too much like your king. In fact, I know he put you up to this. He sent you after me, didn’t he?”

  “No… I have my own agenda, and I answer to no one. Face me, I’m done talking to your back.”

  I let out a very un-lady like snort, not believing him. “Right, why did you kill the witch, was it just because you no longer needed her?” I asked feeling his eyes on me.

  No answer. Only silence and feeling him burn a whole in my back.

  I straightened my spine and turned.

  His arms are folded over his chest and he’s waiting for me. Our eyes meet… hold. I ignore what I see in his… it’s too soon for anyone to feel that way about me… well it’s just too soon to find it in his eyes. So I give him a look filled with all the indifference I could inject it with. He smirks down on me, his look saying he is wise, worldly, and his endless years have given him experiences beyond my wildest imaginations.

  “I don’t need experiences like the ones you have in mind, yes I’m young, but I can assure you caged as I was I’ve experienced enough.”

  “The witches fight over you too… everyone is trying to find you. She got in my way. She tried to kill me, but only succeeded in getting herself killed in the end.”

  He hates my answer, I can tell from the distaste in his voice and the anger reflected in his eyes.

  “Do you know what they want from me?” I ask making it sound it was more from curiosity than anything else. Giving him all the uncaring, emotionless tone I could put into my question. If he answered which I believed he would because for some odd reason he looked like he couldn’t stand to see me go- I felt I had to take it with a grain of salt.

  “My guess is they want to control you, and if they can’t than they’ll kill you.”

  “I don’t believe you. Why would the witches want to kill me when most of them have aided the creatures who have captured me?”

  “The witches don’t aid anyone unless there’s something in it for them. Never trust them. They only help themselves in the end.”

  “Tell me who captured you!” He demands suddenly in front of me, seizing my wrist. “Is it the dragon that follows, is he whom you reek of?”

  Taken by surprise at how quickly he was in front of me, I abruptly stopped, looked down at his cuffed hand on my wrist, and waited for him to remove it. When he did… I looked at his clenched fist, then up at the shadows on his face.

  He knew something.

  The witch gave him valuable information about me. Or perhaps it was Eros. I was going to find out who and what it was. “Your king of course, put this ridiculous collar on me… and the dragon you saw, I must smell of him because I slept under his claws all night- trapped.” My finger traced over the symbols of his cuff while he held in his breath. “What do they mean?”

  Was my collar engraved with the same symbols?

  “They symbolize a union, unbreakable bond. No… there is another, his scent is disturbing. Who is he?”

  I wondered the same, who was he bonded to, while standing in front of me and drilling me with more questions of his own.

  “No one,” I said dropping my hand and walking away again. There was no point in our conversation because he wouldn’t tell me what I needed to know, and I wouldn’t tell him of Darius.

  “You lie, I smelled him all over you since you first stepped into the cave. He does not smell like the dragon you were just now running from. In fact, his scent is so infused into your skin it could only mean you either fucked him repeatedly, or he marked you with his seed so all would know you belonged to him. Which was it?”

  I stopped dead in my tracks, turned, and looked at the outraged Lycan. He continued, “But most fascinating is the fact that you did this after the hybrid king placed the engagement collar on you. It is the Lycan ritual when taking a mate, saying the traditional words, the collar appears, blood is exchanged, and well… consummation. But it didn’t happen that way for you. No… you my Queen did things differently. Elucidate how it is you’re willing to take an engagement collar from a Lycan Vampire King, but then repeatedly fuck a dragon, My Queen? I am very curious.” He was feral in his sudden rage.

  I was outraged by the manner in which he felt he had the right to speak to me. Was he defending his king?

  “We did not fuck! And you speak of things you know nothing about.”

  He was instantly in my face, “Didn’t you? Because you, My Queen smell of dragon sex… you see they are very similar to us in the way that we must bite and mark our partners before we mate- an uncontrollable impulse. I’m sure that was quite a sight for the Vampire King. Tell me, was that how he found you on your wedding night? Were you on your back… with a dragon between your thighs?”

  “How dare you!” He was angry with me. He sounded bitter and jealous. He was saying these things to gain the upper hand by shocking me. It was rolling off him in waves. “How dare you reproach me? You know nothing! No… the dragon tried, but I refused him. I killed him the night you speak of and died many more times trying to get free of him.” Perhaps I had just allowed too much information slip, but he’d angered me, and I felt the need to defend myself.

  He smiled showing his fangs, “Yes you did, at first, I imagine… but he’s spilled himself over you and bit you multiple times. There’s nothing stronger than the combination of the two on a female, unless of course he’d done it while inside your body. I wager he made it difficult for you. Dragons… the fuckers are attributed with a mesmerizing quality. Tell me did he use his glowing captivating eyes on you? Did he make you sex-starved? How many times did he make you drink his potent blood, you growing reckless- wanting it until you had every… last… drop? Dragons are mystical creatures. Their blood, saliva, and semen have a sexually charged, very potent drugging quality. It makes the female mindless.”

  I screamed covering my ears. “No… shut up!” He’d just explained so much. The reasons behind my weaknesses since the very beginning to Darius were finally explained. He’d been drinking… kissing me for years. I choked… because he purposefully tricked me into wanting him. I could never trust anyone again, so I left running tracing to the water I heard because I needed to wash Darius away. His smell… I had grown accustomed to, and the memories of his touch consumed me then. I felt if I didn’t get away, I was going to rip the Lycan’s head off.

  I promised I would return to Darius, I felt every part of my body demand I make good on my promise, but now I knew the truth… I couldn’t allow myself to do this. The Lycan was key to finding the witches, and I would end them both… no longer would Darius and Eros have control over me.

  As I stripped, roughly taking off my clothes, all I thought was, he’d told me so many falsehoods, everything was a lie… the fucking bastard. I knew he’d lied about everything, but not my weakness for him, God, not my love for him. His love for me gave him no right to force me to love him.

  I ran into the water, splashing loudly as I entered, and swam until my arms began to ache. Trying to forget all I had sacrificed was for a lie, feelings that never should have been… created by his influence. None of it worth the risks I’d blindly taken for him. He better pray he didn’t find me now because for the first time I thought myself capable of destroying the man I had fought with all my soul to protect.

  A good while passed before the Lycan arrived, his heated look instantly finding me. The Sun was setting, but I didn’t care because my muscles and heart felt sore. All I thought about was washing the lying, cheating brute off me.

  I saw the Lycan pick up my clothes and smell them, sick beast. Maybe he was linked in some way to his king; sending him evidence he had secured his prize.

  I screamed from the frustration. “I want to be alone! Let me be.”

  There was
understanding in his eyes, almost like he knew I was sloughing away, trying to rid myself of the past years. Unfortunately, no amount of washing would erase Darius… I was not so naïve to believe I would no longer love him when I saw him again. The damage had been severely done. I needed to find the witches and beg, cheat, steal, or pay them a small fortune for a spell that would help me feel nothing for him. This is the punishment he deserves. I made myself feel nothing for Eros, I could do it again.

  Or was it you Darius who tricked my mind by overwhelming me with desire for you?

  I wouldn’t allow myself to trust again, ever. Ly, as I would now call the Lycan, took my clothes to the edge of the water and washed them against the rocks. He unbuttoned his shirt, wrung each piece of my clothing and rubbed the two against his neck and chest- water drops traveled sinuously south on the ridges and hollows of his body. Yeah, he was a sight to behold and definitely looked like the best washboard I’d ever seen. How could I have fallen again in the hands of another who sought to use me? Let him try, and I’ll tear out his heart.

  I turned from him, he couldn’t possibly begin to understand because now he wished for me to smell of him. I had to be rid of him and soon, or he would turn into as much of a problem as Darius and Eros. I could read the signs and his were bigger than any billboards I’d ever seen and they started blinking neon.

  I swam further away from him while he patiently sat by the shore and placed my clothes on the lap of his extended leg, waiting for them to dry. His other leg was bent raised at the knee, and I knew he was giving me the precious time I needed. He started throwing pebbles into the water while he intently watched me trying to clean myself with just the light green water. It smelled exquisite, something I couldn’t place, but divine.

  Tuberose, I knew the smell was anything but tuberose, but I couldn’t help feel… remembering it and smelling it in the wind.

  I closed my eyes as I went under. I tried to forget the pools, not think about anything that happened between Darius and I. It was hard because my mind it would seem was bent on making my heart suffer. I tried not to run from it, but instead deal because I wasn’t going to allow for it all to come crashing into me when I saw him again. Better to face all the emotions now than letting them come slamming me down- knocking me off my feet, cold.

  I came up a few moments later, took a much needed breath, and found the Lycan was gone. Swimming closer to shore, I discovered our clothes left behind. He too went for a swim. I thought searching for him. At least, he was decent enough to do it away from me.

  Uncaring, I continued swimming enjoying the feel of the cool water against my skin, he wouldn’t go far without his clothes, or me. My mind kept repeating, find a way to forget Darius. I knew he would soon find me, use his mystical drugging abilities on me… the thought of it did things to me. I was scared because I still wanted him. My body wouldn’t easily forget what it felt like to be near him. To have him touch me.

  My greatest fear just surfaced.

  What if when faced with him… what if I didn’t care? Could I walk away from him after trying so many times to do just that, or would I pretend one last time- just to know what it would feel like to be his woman.

  Fuck Darius, I hate you because here I go again making ridiculous excuses just to be with you once again.

  Chapter 4: Lycan Blood Can’t Hold Me Down

  Night fell and a shining silver moon lit a deep violet sky as I was buttoning up my jeans when I heard the Lycan approach. “How long have you been watching me?”

  “Not nearly as long as I wished, maybe because you put on quite a show for me, My Queen.”

  I refused to turn because I knew him to be naked. His clothes were still damp lying on the ground next to my feet.

  “I didn’t know you watched, I just found it very opportune for you to suddenly appear precisely as I finished getting dressed.”

  “You are a terrible liar, I felt your hesitation when you realized I was watching… you could have easily traced back into the water.”

  Without raising my eyes, I said, “Why did you come back? I thought I had gotten rid of you, found it unlikely, but still hoped.”

  I felt him walk up next to me, breathe me in… then slowly kneel on one leg by my thigh, pick up his clothing as I felt the heat of his eyes on me, and heard him say, “I went to satisfy one of my needs, elsewhere My Queen… tell me… would you be interested in helping me satisfy the other? I know I’ll be so good for you, precisely what you need. I will help you forget.”

  I felt his breath on my hand and thought, If he touches me I’ll rip off his arm- he can still take me to the witches without the limb.

  I stiffened, “No, but very gallant of you to ask… a great change from what I’m used to.” I quickly said while walking away.

  “And you are like no vampire I’ve ever known… they love to fuck their food- get the whole experience kind of philosophy. And you look starved for both cravings. I promise I won’t hold it against you, Love.” He said standing, just as I heard him begin to dress.

  I took in a breath and waited a few seconds before answering trying to draw patience from it. “You definitely have a death wish. I thought you denied me being a vampire.” I clarified with hands on my waist, turning.

  He came up to me, quickly… too fast because I wasn’t expecting his fingers on my lips when he opened my mouth in submission, thrust two fingers between my teeth, and huskily said, “You my dear are very much warm and alive. You walk in our blazing Sun something no vampire would manage. And most importantly you have no fangs. I felt your blunt teeth tear my skin.”

  My eyes close, letting him feel his way in my mouth- slipping over my teeth. Learning me while I thought, Give in! Take what he’s offering… no one would blame you for losing control and killing him. He is practically begging you for it.

  “Tell me Lycan, did you ever dream about seducing death, making her your lover and letting her, with open arms, draw out your pleasure… drop by drop- riding it out, leaving you with nothing in the end but utter ecstasy.”

  His smile is electrifying, “I would have you feed from me again just to feel what you so eloquently described, to feel your hunger for me seize you, your teeth tearing into me while your body comes alive for me. Drawing your pleasure from me, do your worst, Love.”

  Taking deep, calming breaths because he was right… my nature brought on many types of desires, especially knowing an endless source of nourishment was so close. He was faster and stronger than he let on before… I would not make the same mistake of forgetting. He was so tempting because I knew I could control him.

  I nipped and licked his finger as he slowly withdrew it and traced my lips. With his blood wet on my lips, I turned my face from his fingers, feeling them travel over my face leaving a path of blood to my chin, “Don’t mistake hunger for something else, anything… and I do mean anything with blood would do. You are nothing but an insignificant beast and are no different from any other animal I might find out in this desert.”

  I heard his pant zipper rise, fingers closing on my jaw with the hand he used to caress the blood on my face, eyes smiling down at me while the hand he used on his pants grabbed punishing my hip- biting into my skin. I quickly continued speaking. “You smell like the water here, but I didn’t sense you near. Where did you bathe?” I asked lifting my chin out of his grasp, causing his fingers to fall from the corner of my lips to my neck as he was making his way back to them. I felt pangs of hunger when his fingers were so warm, close, and heavy on my skin. His touch was frighteningly familiar. I know his touch. I shook my head, impossible- it’s the hunger you recognize.

  “You sense me? I’m flattered, tell me what do I make you feel when I’m near, touching you? When you know I was watching you… naked as you were?”

  “Hungry, like I can drink you dry, you know the usual.” I responded a bit annoyed, leaving out how much I felt like we’d been here before.

  “I’m sure, Love.” He laughs showing me his f
angs, my heart squeezes. “I went to the other side, figured you wanted some privacy. Was I wrong?” His fingers slide down underneath the low neckline of my shirt between my breasts, opening between them… feeling his way over my heart. “You look like you can use me now, I’d let you- no strings attached. You looked like that a while ago, like you can use a good and thorough fuck by someone who wouldn’t need to cage you to accomplish it.”

  I’d just taken what felt like a verbal slap to the face with his knuckles laying sweet caresses over the tops of my breasts. He was real smooth in his delivery, but I knew this game too well. I was trying really hard not to kill him, but he was making it increasingly difficult for me.

  I was speechless… thinking of which was the best tactic to use on him because he was not just Eros’s lap dog. He knew too much. I opened my mouth, and then closed it. He was enjoying this.

  “It’s why I left because it was either leaving and feeding, or jumping in and fucking you… for many nights, until we were both out of each other’s system, if it would be… simple enough. I say it’s worth a fucking shot. The sooner we get started the better, don’t you think?”

  I pushed past him, hitting my shoulder against his chest as I left, and wiping the blood from my face. I needed some distance between us. “No, you will cease speaking to me like this. I’m just hungry after a swim. I smell the blood you recently fed from. Tell me, what did you find?”

  “Enough with your fucking inhibitions, you aren’t interested in what I fed on, not when you have me here… right before you, offering you my endless supply of blood.” Standing right before me again, his hands swept over his body and out. “And most importantly, I don’t think you would find the creatures here satisfying because although you are not a vampire you do have similar traits. Like I said they enjoy fucking their food, care to give it a try?”


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