Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica

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Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica Page 4

by Spade, Harnet

  “You are morbidly sick.”

  “Stop fighting the urge!”

  “You mean the urge I have to kill you!”

  “Fuck Me! Do I have to spell it out for you?”

  “Can you stop speaking! It sickens me to hear how weak you believe vampires to be. We possess a stronger will than mindless beasts like you for instance. We are led by more than just our need for sex and blood. These aren’t the middle ages.”

  “Might as well be for all your repressed feelings. No… your problem is you are fighting your nature instead of embracing it. I just seek to make you stronger. Once you have what you crave, you will be able to conquer it, but until then you’re a slave to it.”

  “You are saying, correct me if I misinterpreted you, I just need to get these overwhelming urges out of my system… with you? To ride the beast for everything it’s worth?” I asked as if I was actually considering his stupid suggestion.

  Chapter 5: Hungrier than The Wolf

  “You my dear, are wound up… so uptight with sexual frustration. You need to drink and yes… fuck me.”

  I laugh at how irrational I find him to be, “I’m sorry, really… but I do have my standards to uphold.”

  “Touché, Darius gave you no choice, but to lower your standards… yet I speak of something else entirely. I’m speaking about survival. Those who captured you know this… your weakness. You see my Queen, you are unable to become a vampire because you cannot die, but taking the blood from the vampire king while both of you lay close to dying does have its consequences. It did do some permanent changes to you.” What had started off like a playful conversation ended in rage. He said it sounding angered for the second time. It must be because his attempts at riling me up weren’t working.

  I congratulated myself on my patience and perseverance for not drinking him dead as I so wished to do. It was a sure way of silencing him… that and his blood was delicious. More reason to stay the hell away from him.

  “You say it, as if I had a choice. You just said the key words, we were both dying. Anyways, I don’t have to explain myself to you.” I continued walking eager to find some prey other than him to satisfy my hunger because he did look very delectable and sounded very convincing at the moment. I needed to learn my lesson and stay away from the breeds I drew in. And he was right, I was starved.

  “Wait how is it you know this?” I stopped, turning to look at him.

  His eyes were serious, with an almost haunted look passing over his features. I zoned in on it and caught what briefly passed through his mind before he quickly recovered and masked it.

  I was hanging from a castle wall, with flayed strips of lace, begging for mercy that was denied me.

  “My God, you know… but not only do you know, you saw.” I whispered walking up towards him and slapping him with so much determination, wishing to beat those images from him. “You had no right to see, you don’t even know me.” His now yellow eyes flashed silver like the moon, and I stepped back seeing for the first time he truly did hide an animal within him, and it was ready to attack.

  “I warn you, be very careful with how you act with me. Us Lycanthropes are not known for our patience. We are foremost appetite driven beasts, more so than any other species, whichever craving we may be feeling at the particular moment governs us. Like I stated before, I’ve only satisfied one. And you have induced an appetite, I can’t satisfy anywhere else.”

  “You think to scare me? You had no right to see what was done to me by Eros!” I yelled bringing my face up to meet him, “You don’t even know how much I want to kill you right now! How much I’m holding back from feasting on your heart. By the time I’m through with you, you’ll wish you never set your sights on me!”

  “Do you speak from experience, Love? Because I can assure you I’m different from what you are used to, you My Queen have no idea how strong my beast is even against a hybrid such as you.” He spoke deceptively quiet while taking a step, closing all the distance between us. “Try feasting on me, and I will succeed on feasting on all of you tonight.”

  I challenged him, staring deep into his eyes. I was breathing his scent heavily into my lungs. He smelled of nightfall out in the woods on a raining night; spice, forest greens, musk, leather, and wood. He was invading my senses, overwhelming them on all levels.

  I focused on his beating vein wanting to open my lips over his skin and feel how his vein pulsed against my tongue while tasting his skin. I rapidly lifted my gaze and saw a satisfied smile lift his lips and ignite his gaze. He was so sure of himself, knew he affected me. His gaze lowered slowly over the expanse of my neck, he licked his lips and growled. My skin responded, prickling at the sounds he made.

  He was a dead man walking if Eros or Darius found us now as we were.

  He had the nerve to lower his gaze to my breasts watching them as they rose on each breath, pressing against the damp shirt. My hands went up to cover them from his view; although, I was wearing a black shirt, he made me feel like he was undressing me with his gaze.

  He slowly raised his eyes when he said, “Tell me something, I couldn’t understand… I still can’t wrap my head around. How is it you took all that pain for Dracos, the dragon your father sent to retrieve you, but instead he betrayed your father by luring his daughter and killing his wife? You see My Queen, the things you accused Eros of doing are nothing compared to what Dracos has done.”

  That was so unexpected and entirely painful, I barely hung on to the control I was so quickly losing. I took the opportunity to defend myself against his words because he looked consumed by me.

  “You speak lies, and are tempting fate. My mother was incapable of dying and much less by a slave. She is so much more powerful than he, stupid Lycan.” I claimed right before I punched him in his solar plexus; a move I had Kimmy to thank for. Then, as his claws tried to capture me… I was fleeing once again, lost in this desert.

  I was not fleeing out of fear, but I was doing him a favor because the hunger his blood caused made me reckless and dangerous. I didn’t want to kill the stupid imbecile because I needed him to find the witches. He is going to ruin my only chance.

  I soon realized the Lycan was close behind my heels- unable to hide or find cover in this open desert. He was faster and probably stronger because of the moon’s pull. I tried tracing, but I couldn’t, furthermore, I didn’t understand why it didn’t work now. It wasn’t that long ago since I last fed.

  Perhaps, the explanation was because of my confused state of mind. I soon felt his claws reach for my shirt and tear at my collar trying to get a grip, holding me back. I felt my cold metal collar choke me, just now realizing, he did see it; although, Darius never had in the cave. I found it so surprising because what was so special about this Lycan? I reasoned it was probably visible to all Lycans since Eros was technically their King now.

  He gripped it, pulling me back against his body. Feeling his hands all over me, I yelled and struggled against him tearing my right sleeve free as my left fist lifted- turning my body rapidly, I punched him on his jaw. He flew back landing on his back when I lunged myself at him. His legs shot up as he straightened his body now standing in a wide stance. His eyes were completely silver now, and I knew the beast took over. The man was gone.

  My hand clawed for his heart as he back handed me, crushing my cheekbone and sending me backwards with such raw power. I felt my cheek and saw blood on my fingers. I tried to get up from my sprawling position on my side… momentarily losing my bearings when too quickly I felt him pushing me on my back and swiftly climb over me. He captured my hands as I tried to strike his Adam’s apple, and instantly regained control by trapping my hands over my head- subduing me.

  He opened his lips showing me his fangs as his face lowered to inhale my scent. He rubbed his face against my injured cheek, passionately wiping away my blood with his temple, his hair caressing me while his tongue traced my neck, my lips, and jaw meanwhile I struggled- pushing my body against him. His lips low
ered to where I was so tempted moments earlier to taste him. I screamed my frustration.

  “No Stop! Let me go, you… you mindless fool.”

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you, I don’t want to.” He said struggling to form the words. “I’m different from them.”

  “Stop you can’t taste my blood,” I cried besieged with worry, “or you will die tonight. I’m trying not to hurt you, you fucking animal!”

  “You haven’t seen just what kind of an animal you are dealing with. You’ll beg me for more when I’m through with you.” Both his hands struggled with me as he sat on my chest making it difficult for me to breath. “Try harder, don’t hold back.” he growled excitedly, his fangs extending as I smelled his desire for me. It was taking all he had to keep me down, and I was restraining myself… trying not to let the blood lust take over. Maybe I had the upper hand because he seemed to be fighting himself for control as well- trying to tame whatever raged inside.

  He stretched my hands high over my head as he pressed down on my chest. When I read his intentions I became terrified for him. “No… you must fight it, you hear me… you senseless freaking dog!”

  “Fight it!” I yelled as his tight muscled thighs closed in on my neck while he lifted off my chest, cutting off my air supply at my neck. I struggled for breath becoming weak when I felt him take both my wrists in one of his hands and his head jerked back as he howled at the tiny shining sliver that was the moon tonight. I suppose I was lucky there wouldn’t be a full moon until two weeks. Should give me plenty of time to find the witches and dispose of the Lycan.

  With a last attempt at trying not to hurt him, because soon I wouldn’t care about killing him, I brought my lips to his thigh and bit hard through the butter soft leather.

  His howl turned into a groan of pleasure as he let go of my hands reaching for my breasts, capturing…squeezing them, and losing his fight to the animal who now controlled him.

  I threw him off me feeling uncontrollable rage. Looking down on him, I saw he landed in a crouch intently watching me… holding himself, feeling his shaft under his leather pants- stroking himself. I watched a moment too long, before I realized what I did, and stopped myself… inhaling his scent. He was ridiculously good looking, good smelling, just all over good in a very ravenously bad kind of way, the kind that would get us both killed.

  I knew this. But that didn’t stop me from watching his back lithely move with increasing force, his rushed rhythm hurriedly bringing him closer to climax. My eyes slowly made their way over his tightening body, to his face, and saw he was lasciviously staring back at me while grunting with the pleasure he was causing himself to feel.

  “Come here, let me touch you, tease you.” He demanded in a voice that hardly sounded human. “I won’t force on you anything you don’t want to give.”

  It was difficult to breathe let alone say what I needed to, so the only thing that came out was short and straight to the point. “Then stay away.” I knew he understood his effect on me. He was going to be a problem.

  I turned walking quickly away from him, not wanting to run… knowing it would excite him and immediately cause him to come after me. Once I was far enough from him, I ran into the water forgetting I still wore my jeans and half a shirt. I swam to the other side of the river rubbing the blood away; uncaring about anything but washing his blood off my neck and seeking the clarity only the water could provide. When I reached the other side… I quickly traced out putting as much distance from the Lycan and I.

  The stupid fool almost drank from me. Idiot would have died. I thought as I ran towards the witches. I needed to find a way out of this crazy planet.

  I looked down when I felt a breeze over the swell of my right breast. “Shit,” I whispered as I saw a quarter of my shirt missing. I stopped, grabbing the frayed remains of the right side and knotting them over my shoulder.

  I remembered what the witch probably showed him and knew he had already seen a lot more of my flesh. Hell, he’d seen it this evening by the riverbank. The moment I realized he watched, I thought of turning, but decided against it knowing he’d already seen so much; this was not the first time we met or seen each other. I felt this every time we touched.

  I couldn’t trust my memories because they were limited to what I was slowly remembering, but we definitely knew each other- my body recognized him even if I didn’t.

  I knew what it felt like to have his arms holding me to him, kissing me. It was a powerful feeling and one I knew I didn’t want to revisit. This was all becoming more apparent the more time we spent together. I was angered all over again as I continued to run.

  I was definitely my mother’s daughter, and I was fighting it with everything I had.

  If a pretty boy is willing to give it, then I’m not turning down a chance like that. Kimmy’s voice whispered through my mind.

  I turned up the pace, I’d been a master at running from the ghosts of my past, and I wasn’t about to quit now.

  After hours of running and only encountering canyons and sand dunes, I knew the Sun would soon rise, so I looked for another cave to sleep the morning hours because I had run myself to the point of collapse.

  I knew it was best to run and search for the witches during the night. It helped to keep moving because after the Sun set the temperature always dropped very low. While it was paramount to seek refuge during the day with the increasingly high temperatures and the unforgiving heat, at night it was best to feed and continue in this vast open desert.

  Brushing off the sand and thinking of how to best the beast, I imagined he let me gain enough distance from him. The beast, I knew, was always trying to behave. He thought himself different and in a class above Darius and Eros. I wasn’t too keen in believing in him. Lucky for him, I thought him necessary for my witch hunt- probably the only reason he was still alive chasing me.

  I entered another cave I found along the way in a distant canyon I had seen, hoping it was empty of any Lycans. As I traveled the dark, cold, and rocky hallways and thought it was better to be cold within one of these than out in the unforgiving Sun come morning.

  The cave would keep me safe because it was warmer inside without the cold wind in my face, but most importantly I hoped to be away from the unpredictable Lycan. If I was lucky, in his haste to reach the camp, he would pass right by me thinking I was getting away. I could only hope he’d let me catch up on my own; although, knowing what I knew about him he wouldn’t be far for long.

  I was wet and so cold, two things I hated most… yet I repeated an anthem in my head… I would be strong, free, and I wouldn’t let the memories surface. I traced to a crevice that was about fifty feet off the ground. Thinking it secure, and highly unlikely for Ly to find it, I lay on the hard dirty ground.

  Shivering myself to sleep in a corner high into the cave, I tried to remember if I ever came into contact with the Lycans while under my mother’s care. I only remembered she despised them, believing them more animal than anything else… “they always let their emotions lead, urges drove the beast,” she’d say. She hated them because she respected their unyielding strength, but thought it wasted on such temperamental beasts.

  I smiled thinking how outraged she would be if she could see me now.

  Chapter 6: Fighting for Survival in a Sea of Need

  I dreamt of the Lycan. Imagined he was following my faint scent in the wind, passing the cave in his hurry to the camp, believing I wouldn’t want to rest until I found the witches.

  I dream I can lose the man, but the beast all urges and instincts realizes the errors of a man driven by rational thought and forces him to heel. I feel the beast’s anger and passion elevate to an extreme he doesn’t even recognize because the man controlling him has been out maneuvered.

  The chase he greedily hungered for- is on.

  The raging beast lets go to his passions, shifting into his true self. I’m panting and restless, trying to wake myself up from sleep, expecting the worst in this nightmare. My hand co
mes up to my neck as I lay gasping for breath, unable to open my eyes and run from this terrible dream and the beast. I feel my perspiration on my slick neck and chest, and fear the beast will find me, killing me in my sleep.

  Gasping for air in the pit of darkness that is my dream, I am blind with no other choice but to be a captive of my own emotions. I can’t run from my demons this time, all I have is to feel them consuming me. Now, I realize I spend so much time running from my overwhelming emotions, it terrifies me, believing my death is a more merciful end than drowning in my memories.

  I know my end has finally caught up with me when I feel the hot breath of a spurned, famished animal on my neck. I am hopeless but to react, my skin is in pain feeling every single one of the miniscule hairs, covering my body, standing up at attention anxiously awaiting the orders from this beast.

  They are the dominated soldiers of a losing battle.

  He is hot and huge, a monstrosity over me, and I’m paralyzed with fear.

  “Will I never be free of you?” My mind screams, and I lay in shocked confusion because not even I understand the depths in which my mind has sought this new accusation in its abyss.

  I anticipate the pain of his fangs shredding me to pieces. My body arches and strains as I try to fight the hold he has on me. There is so much tension in my body I’m afraid I’ll snap from it.

  Instead, I feel my tattered shirt rise on my body… feeling the heat of his skin right before I feel a wet smooth tongue connect between my breasts. I can feel the beast’s forehead on the mounds of my breasts, his silky hair like feathers caressing my nipples and his tongue tasting… bending me to his will.

  I feel fevered… overwhelmed by sensation and an animal to my own desires. I grasp that the beast has taken my shirt crushing it on my skin, pushing it up as my arms obey and lift over my head. He completely removes it from me while my mind tries to find reason in the absurdity of what my passions are making me feel. But what cuts deepest is… I know Eros is above me, and I also know I am powerless to stop him.


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