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Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica

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by Spade, Harnet

  “Shut your eyes Emmaley, or I’ll have to kill my own men. I will kill the witches and dragon for poisoning you.” His men were shifting, preparing to walk through the flames.

  I would imprison him in the center and get my answers still. “I won’t be able to shut them for long, get your men out of here! I’ll kill the witches and dragon myself.” I shouted over the crackling blaze.

  Flames rose all around us in a circle, and I screamed feeling them burning me… only it wasn’t the flames which seared me it was my own temperature rising as the hunger intensified. Opening my eyes in horror, I watched a witch chanting.

  “Luke, it’s the witches, they won’t let you out of the circle. They’re doing a spell… it’s making me worse!”

  He continued towards them, no… the flames. It would kill him and his beast… Eros was in there- he couldn’t die. “Don’t you dare move!”

  “Luke… please, I want you… I don’t care about them.”

  He got close to the flames and they burst alive licking at him.

  “No! Luke, don’t.” I shot up and went straight for the witch I had within my sights. I felt resistance as I fought my way towards her. She chanted louder as the flames began climbing towards me, igniting my skin.

  I welcomed the heat, feeling the fire burn life within me. I was already burning, so now feeling the flames engulfing me inexplicably relieved me, making me feel complete. I kept approaching her as she held her hands higher, and she chanted louder.

  The beast yelled, a terrible haunted sound from behind me, unable to hold on to me because I was already too far into the flames. I lifted my hand placing him, by the force given to me by the moon, in the center away from the flames. His body contracted as he prepared to shift. He would have burned himself trying to get me out of the flames, I wouldn’t allow it.

  He was desperately shouting at me, at his men too because we were all entering the flames. My face turned, and I saw it was too late to try and save his men, but I would ensure his safety. Within seconds, I stepped out of the flames and tore through the fire to the first witch, “Stop, and I shall allow you to live.”

  “He will come for you… you will be helpless against him. Our master will finish him… for now you won’t remember what you discovered in this circle because if you do the prophecy will hold.” She replied, blowing dust in my face.

  I reacted on instinct, tearing out her heart and throwing it into the flames. I traced to the next and one by one they fell- their hearts burning- charred in the flames of their own making.

  Chapter 10: A Last Kiss Goodbye

  It all ended at once. The pain, the burning, my yearning, the fire, the desire … but Luke, he still remained. He was still fighting, lying on the ground unable to get up because I was still holding him down. I had sealed him over the center, caging him and the beast, I prevented him from reaching for his beast with the power I was throwing his way- he wouldn’t be able to shift no matter how much he tried.

  I knew I had to keep him away from whatever or whoever was coming for me.

  With my voice devoid of all emotion, I explained to him, “I’m sorry about your men, Luke. You will be released when I’ve covered enough distance from you. Stay away from me. Forget all that has happened between us. I have no further use for you.”

  My earlier words to him, spoken in the heat of the moment, had scared me to death. Perhaps it was the witches’ death, or whatever she’d thrown in my face… but I now felt empty and detached. All I wanted was all the distance in the world between Luke and I.

  I could not think of the witches or the guilt would consume my mind.

  He furiously strained, tried reaching me with every muscle in his powerful body, looking at me as if I was the monster from his nightmares. I thought he blamed me for his men, but instead he said, “You need me! You’ve used up too much power. You will die until you’ve fed from me. You will die without me!”

  His words haunted me. He didn’t know he was driving me away with them.

  “I’ll find another, besides Darius is probably behind this, and you don’t want to be caught in the middle of it when he finds me. He must be close when I was saying his name like a fool in love. Don’t forget it was he who I smelled of, who I yearned for.”

  “Don’t go back on your words to me, I know what you felt for me!” He howled in anger as he relentlessly struggled against my hold on him. “You were made to call out for him. I won’t leave you, I’ll be the one to kill him. You can only feed from me now, by the time you understand this… it will be too late for you.”

  “Again, I will find someone else. Who I feed from is unimportant. Your only use was for you to take me to the witches. It was a huge failure, seeing as how they are now dead and all, so I have no further need for you.” I said trying to be clear with the both of us.

  “And no one touches Darius, but me.” I would not let him harm him. Darius was mine.

  He looked enraged. His problem- not mine. I turned walking away unable to trace. He was right… it had taken everything from me to use so much power fighting against the witches’ united strength, and now keeping him down.

  “There will be no one else for you. Mark my words, you will come running back!”

  I paused and stiffened, almost turned back to kill him for screaming those words at me.

  “Wait, take my fucking shirt… you’re completely uncovered, I won’t have you roaming the desert naked, you can’t continue looking like… well what you are Beauty, a Goddess bathed in your moonlight.”

  Unaware of my appearance, I looked down and saw my jeans had burned away and the only thing that covered me was my long hair.

  I made my way back towards him. The beast tried to keep his eyes averted from me, but as I walked by his shoulder he looked up.

  I fought the urge to go to him as his composure crumbled, and he went wild, howling… trying to fight the hold I had placed on him, his body lifting- straining out of control. And by the bulge in his pants, I knew if I released him I wouldn’t be going anywhere for a long time.

  “Release me.” He pleaded. “Let me feed you… stand by me. You don’t understand the dangers of this place. Don’t fucking leave me like this!” His body looked incredible, delectable as he fought my hold. I knew the real reasons behind his struggles- he feared Darius was near, and that I was going to go running into his arms like I always did.

  It was tempting to find Darius precisely now, but for ulterior motives. I wondered what Darius’s plan to destroy Eros was because he had once said that he waited for Eros to come for him and try to kill him… he’d said it was all in vain because Eros never came. Darius planned to turn the tables on Eros, but I came between his epic plan of revenge when I offered myself to him… instead I allowed Eros to keep me captive. What if I was in control of whatever it is Darius found?

  I looked away from him, ignoring him, and focusing on the shirt lying just beyond his head. I bent down uncaring if his head was turned, watching me. “Darling, I’m doing you a disservice, if I comply. They will kill you and if they don’t… I imagine I surely will. It would be such a pity. A man like you, wasted. Will you behave, so I can kiss you goodbye?” I whispered because he was a sight to behold, and now I just wished for a last one of his soothing caresses.

  He could soothe me as I left him… or kill me. What would he choose?

  “Yes, come to me Beauty… give me a kiss to savor you by before you go.”

  I buttoned the Lycan’s shirt… smelling him on me… feeling him. “You smell real good… too good to kiss you goodbye and leave you, Lycan.” I said intending to leave him, perhaps I was a masochist after all and enjoyed carrying the pain of leaving him… but something stopped me- walking past him, I swiftly scented his blood.

  “My name is Luke. You should be able to say it now, glistening as you are for me. You said it before like a prayer upon your lips when you were invitingly rubbing up against my cock while begging for more… eagerly awaiting my touch- drenche
d in your need for me. I think you remember it.”

  “Know this… where you go I will follow, always Emma.”

  I dropped on all fours, right by his thigh- where I had immobilized his hand... digging out his claws from his thigh.

  “What have you done? You don’t play fair.”

  Blood was gushing out through his slashed pants when my open lips came down on him. “My blood is the only blood you’ll be drinking from now on, Emmaley. Not even your precious Darius can save you now.”

  “I don’t need saving, Ly… I’m beyond it.”

  My eyes close in surrender. I feel his hand griping my hair, probably thinking he can hold me down when the time comes for me to leave him. I look at him as I feel the surge of his exquisite blood flowing through me. He’s gorgeous, looks like a bronzed god, and taste just as good as he looks. If I’m the Goddess of the Moon than he is my Sun God- providing light to all my darkness.

  I know I can read his thoughts now, drinking from him, but I refrain because I can see fierce desire burning in his eyes. I recognize the power his thoughts may have on me, so I wish to stay detached… I think the less I know, the less I’ll feel. I’m afraid I’ll end up wanting the same things he does and then… lose all reason. It’s too soon to trust my feelings for anyone.

  Besides Darius was the first face I saw in my new life… deep down that naïve girl of my past was still a part of me. She made sure he would always be the one. This was simple… I wanted the blood that was offered. Nothing more.

  I must learn to separate bloodlust from actual emotions; I cannot allow myself to care.

  After just a few moments, I hear just how much pleasure I bring him. He smiles triumphant while my eyes search his, pleasure shinning dark at seeing me mindless for him- showing the tips of his fangs, making my breasts peak. He relishes in the pleasure he brings me.

  Then abruptly, he shifts his head holding my hair tight in his hand, “Let’s go- we will finish this when I know you’re safe! You will be Mine, tonight.” He growls in anger.

  Something’s wrong, I see it reflected in his eyes. But his blood is too perfect, and I’m not ready to give it up.

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but stop… listen Emma, do you hear that?”

  I realize I shouldn’t be doing this anyway, so I try to stop from drinking him like it’s the end of the world.

  “Mmmm, hear what?” I say before licking the remaining drops from his thigh.

  He turns us. I am now on my back with him on me as he holds my face down, away from him, and I see him smiling down on me before he gets all serious again. All I could do was stare at him, at the expanse of his veined neck. His silver eyes finding mine, he says, “Stop… I need you to listen!”

  I knew it was important, so I did. There was a distant humming… it sounded like, I was trying to place it- quick movement and… wind; almost like… I searched my mind. Flapping wings.

  No, Darius has come for me. This terrified me because Darius would not trap me again, I would not allow it. I knew I couldn’t fight Darius while trying to protect Luke.

  “Get up,” I yelled multidimensional. “You’re released.”

  As soon as I’d said it, he jumped in front of me blocking my path, I tried to feign left, but he read my movements, trapped me, and threw me over his shoulder, holding on to me with great strength- his hand holding down the material of his shirt over my ass, covering me. He ran faster than I imagined possible.

  I heard the dragon, he was miles away, but gaining speed.

  “Put me down, I’m slowing you down! The dragon wants me, I’ll deal with it… you’re free to go.”

  “You should worry about dealing with me! Stop struggling, we’re almost there. I have a plan.” Within seconds we’re soaring through the wind. I look down, and see he’s climbing a canyon. He’s already climbed so high. I feel the wind in my back because he is using both his hands to climb while he lifts us both over the edge so easily. He enters a dark cavern. Of course more caves. I think I begin to hate the damn things.

  Chapter 11: Proceed with Caution, Heartbreak Ahead!

  “Shut it with the shield you used to keep the flames off me, now.” He instructed me.

  I do as he says, waiting for him to set me down. We could no longer hear the flapping of wings, and I’m sure it couldn’t hear or scent us any longer.

  He climbs down, jumping the last twenty feet with me still over his shoulder while searching the cave. He doesn’t release me until he’s found a comfortable spot well within the cave to gently set me down on. When his face comes into view, as he’s straightening away, I see his tongue snake over his teeth, looking like he wants to drink me.

  He is so still, I know he’s fitting for control.

  I watch him closely, fearing him because I am still weak from all the energy I’ve exerted tonight- the barrier is draining most of my strength again. I know him to be stronger at the moment. I’d felt weak since the witches poisoned me, but when the witch I approached blew the powder on my face, everything seemed altered… almost as if I lost my ability to care.

  If he tried to drink from me now, he would die because I was too tired to keep running. “Do not. I did not just save you, to kill you now.”

  He looked tired of our bickering, worried, stressed, but mostly unsatisfied and paranoid. I caught all these emotions in the seconds before he realized I was watching him. Now he just stared me down with an angered look on his face. He did have his reasons to be angry with me. I understood he thought he had feelings for me.

  “How long has it been since you slept?” I asked genuinely worried.

  “I don’t.”

  I sat, pushing my heels and my palms into the soft pebbles bringing my back against the wall. I bended my legs, my knees coming up making his long shirt bundle between my thighs- covering me.

  “When was the last time you fed?” I asked because I was afraid he would try to feed on me. He looked ravenous, and we both understood he risked his life if he lost control.

  He inquisitively looked at me, but chose to ignore me. “Tell me who Darius is. How long have the two of you been sharing blood? How long have you been lovers? He is who you smelled of. Because if I’m right My Queen, you need to forget him. Now you only smell of me, and you will only drink me.”

  “It doesn’t concern you. You do not know what you say. We will never be.”

  He walked up to me. My eyes rose looking at his thighs, over his chiseled abdomen, his taut berry nipples, and came to rest with his intense silver eyes.

  “Like hell it doesn’t when you start calling me his name and begging me to fuck you. If it weren’t for me struggling for control, you’d be completely mine.”

  “I’m sorry for being poisoned.” I yelled sarcastically.

  “It wasn’t just the poison because if that were true you would have called me his name till the end. But I saw the change in you. You felt it… coming to your senses you recognized us, just as I recognize you. Realizing you’d rather be fucked by me, your crazed-wild-beast- making the moon full for me with your blue light. Did you want me to shift because it took all I had to contain the beast! The beast would not have cared for anything other than claiming you.”

  “I knew not what I did. It was not my will.”

  “No, you knew… you know what the full moon does to Mated Lycans, yet you couldn’t take your eyes off the moon. Then the witches become a problem, so you decide to eliminate them. But… that’s not the end because after killing those witches, you decide you’ve had enough and think to leave me unsatisfied, immobile on the ground- wanting… needing you like I’ve never needed anything before. You were going to leave me without a backward glance, and shit for goodbyes. Was it for him? Are you going to go and fuck him in an attempt to erase what you feel for me?” He asked enraged, reminding me so much of his king in that moment.

  I shot up and slapped him making him bleed. “Beware of how you speak to me, dog. If I had not killed the witches you’
d be dead just like your men. Just because I saved your life just moments earlier doesn’t mean I won’t take it now. And do not Dare mention the word Mate to me again. I’ve heard it enough to last me a lifetime, and it will only guarantee- I’ll surely rip out your life and smile while it slips through my fingers.”

  His face had turned away from me with the force of my blow, yet he kept it turned away from me. He sucked in his bloodied lip while his hands dripped blood on the floor. He clawed his palms, fisting his hands.

  “Do not think you’ll trick me again with your blood.” I dug the knife in deeper, “You seem to forget how easily I can kill you.” I said informing him.

  “As easily as you can fuck me and leave me, it would seem.” He grabbed his shirt, and swiftly undid all the buttons down my front.

  “It ends now, you’ll give me what you promised me tonight. Everything you promised.”

  Grabbing his raised wrist to stop him, I said, “I don’t need to take this insult from you, in fact, I don’t even have to look at you right now.” I said as my body warmed, making it difficult to walk away from him, he nudged me back against the wall- trapping me with his body. My hands came up to his chest, and I had an unshakeable feeling we were back to where we began.

  “No, I suppose you don’t have to look at me while I fuck you, Beauty. I can take you from behind. I’d fucking love it and so would you.” He groaned brutally through his fangs.

  “I loathe your touch.” I argued hoarsely.

  “Really is this how you show your hate for me? You hate me so much you repeatedly love begging me for it? I wouldn’t mistake your reactions to me, Emma.” He laughed. “I can sense your desire. You’re helpless to me right now. You want to beg me to fuck you now.”

  “Am I wrong? I bet you’re wet for me.” He asked when I felt his hand forcefully grab my thigh and lift it against the wall, enslaving me with his hips.

  His face lowered… seeking to kiss me. I turned my face from him in defiance. His lips found my cheek while his hand fought with his pants.


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