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Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica

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by Spade, Harnet

  I remembered how I’d left Eros and thought maybe I’d gotten a little carried away- driving a storm towards us. The storm was getting violent and closer which could only mean Eros was also nearby. Wind blew strong, banging on the windows and doors while some opened with the driving force. Guests tried to rush into the main house running to the more secure structure.

  “I’m sorry but there is something I must do. Will you wait for me in the gallery? I wish to know who you are.” It seemed a fitting place for him to wait.

  “No, leave him… to rot in his corruption. He isn’t of your concern.” He said as the rain hit us from an open window because as everyone tried to flee… he drew us closer to the walls, away from everyone. His hands holding me tight and not letting me go.

  “I assure you, I don’t know what you are referring to.” I screamed over the wind in sudden panic.

  “I saw you rushing after the Vampire King out into the gardens.” He said watching the main doors before his eyes came back to my lips.

  “Did you follow me?” I asked him, my hands traveling up, fingers reaching for his mask because I needed to see who he was, and why he took such an interest – how he… a stranger managed to know what I’d kept hidden from everyone.

  Eros would kill him for showing interest and captivating my attention.

  “You cannot stay, he’ll kill you… especially after what I’ve recently done to him.” I pushed him away, frantic now, because I could feel Eros nearing the entry doors. “Go now… it’s not safe for you here.”

  He pulled me with him, “We’re leaving together… hold on to me.”

  I did what he asked, without question, because I feared Eros would find my stranger and I. As soon as I grabbed him, he pulled on the diamond necklace Eros had given me, broke it free from me, and let it fall to the floor at our feet.

  “You shouldn’t be wearing this if you want him to leave you alone.”

  We took flight, escaping through an open window. Black, as the night that surrounded us, leathered wings opened wide and carried us away. I gasped at how wonderful it felt to be held by him, moving through the night together in each other’s arms.

  “What is your name?” I asked him breathlessly.

  “You can call me Dracos, the second in line for the Draconian Throne and your willing slave. Why don’t I show you why you don’t need a whip to master a beast, Angel.”

  “How do you know so much… you overheard everything didn’t you?”

  “Shhhh, have you never thought of me again since we were last in each other’s arms because all I’ve done is held on to that brief moment?”

  He landed in front of a cottage, while I quietly searched my mind- intently watching him.

  “How about you follow me inside, and I’ll show you the steps you need to take to never think of him again?”

  I should have killed him for all that he knew, but I… followed him instead.

  He led me towards the entrance, I stopped suddenly because this sounded too good to be true, “My prince are you hiding a pitchfork and tail somewhere because your offer sounds too tempting to resist; although, I must confess I am profoundly curious, but fear of the consequences upon my soul… will you promise to return it intact if I should follow you into the depths of your humble cottage?”

  Chapter 23: Your Eyes Shine Bright, and I Fall Deeper into You

  “My Dear Princess, I only wish to free you of the burden you wish to liberate yourself from. Trust me… your soul will be lighter than an exhaled breath and as unpolluted as your white gloves.” His eyes were focused upon my neck and shoulders wandering down the length of me, consuming me.

  “Then please be so kind as to lead the way, and I shall all too gladly follow, My Prince.” I said as I bowed inclining my head slightly.

  I wasn’t prepared for the sight of what lay beyond the foyer. The full moon shone brightly through the tall glass doors that led to the outside courtyard where there was a shimmering lake just beyond a cherry blossom tree. Two swans swimming side by side, made it picture perfect… but the beauty of it all was what awaited me over the lake.

  In the center of it all, a floating dock supported a generous round table lit by two candelabras- it was set for two. I blindly let him lead me through the doors and so quickly- he held me against him, taking me over the lake and onto the dock. My hands slid over him right before my arms enveloped his neck, and I realized with just one look, such as the one he was giving me now, I had no need for my soul just as long as it belonged to him.

  My hands slid down just as my feet touched the thick glass dock. “How have you accomplished this?” I whispered.

  “I can’t give all my secrets away, Angel.” I smiled up at him. “My God, but you are more beautiful in the flesh.” He said shedding his coat and throwing it into the water. “Let’s go for a swim… I wish to dine- naked.”

  My smile turned serious because he was good, and I was falling fast… there was something troubling me, but I couldn’t focus on the thought long enough to pin point it. Probably because his fingers were undoing his black bow-tie, and soon after I saw a shirt button coming undone… I feel like the button… I’m coming undone while impatiently waiting for him to undress.

  “Dracos, we must stop… this has gone too far.”

  “Princess you must permit me to make good on my offer to you, it is the gift I wish to bestow you with. Please, if you’ll just take a seat you will see it is all very simple and harmless.” He moved with fluid grace behind the chair and lifted it back patiently waiting for me to accept his request.

  I feel myself move towards the offered chair because he is so good at making requests seem more like demands.

  Looking at his lips, I make my way to him, and realize I don’t need much more reassurance because I find myself eagerly taking the seat he provides as his lips find my shoulder, and he lays tender kisses on my skin. My eyes close in surrender, my head slowly tipping back as his kisses climbed higher on my neck and my mouth opens on a moan.

  Presently, it was his tongue I was losing my will to, “What will you do with me?” I asked hopelessly because I failed to put up any fight in the battle he so expertly waged against me.

  “I’m removing him from your thoughts, your skin, your soul… you will now only wish to know me, be with me, feel me… you despise him, his lies, but most importantly you despise his touch. Is it not so, Angel?”

  I smile thinking us foolish and impulsive, “Do you believe it to be so simple, My Prince?”

  His hand captures my neck… gently squeezing and my eyes open to find him turning my chair and kneeling before me. We are staring into each other’s eyes, and I feel him trapping me, “Do you wish to have my heart, Eva?”

  “Yes.” I moan breathlessly because it is not the first time he has asked me this… I’ve heard him call me that name, a hazy memory- making it sound so familiar on his lips.

  With his hand on my neck he roughly pulls me to him, kissing me passionately as I begin to feel stripped of all the years that transpired between Eros and I. They are erased, nulled… they even never happened. He’s taken them from me, and I understand they are his burden to carry. I am freed. He has saved me from myself.

  This man has done this with just one bonding kiss. I gasp ashamed because Dracos is in my head stripping me of my last year, his grip tightens on me… pulling me up roughly against him and taking me down to my knees, the chair sliding away from us- clattering on the glass.

  He views it all through my eyes and witnesses the pain of my pride being shredded, my shame, need, guilt, selfish love, self-hate, sexual discovery, and the ardor to continue with the vicious cycle just to witness Eros’s triumphant fervor to take it all, use it as a driving force that unites us- ultimately consuming the both of us.

  There are tears burning my eyes because I cannot breathe as his lips release me, and I try gasping for air because he is choking me.

  “I will not share you, your obsession with him ends now! Do yo
u understand me, Eva?” He roars. My fists hit his chest as I shake my head no because I don’t want to completely lose all those years.

  All too late, it is clear to me… because I know I will lose them… Eros forever. I realize Eros was madly in love with me… perhaps it was because Dracos discovered it- opened my eyes to the truth just in the moments I was forever losing My Beloved.

  “No, stop… please, I can’t fail him. He means everything to me… always has!” I am openly crying because too late I am left with the knowledge that we both tried to love each other the only way we knew how, and I understand I have traded my soul with the devil for empty promises.

  Rain is hitting us, just as I’m hitting him harder each time because I’m drawing strength from the elements around me. His shirt is ripped to pieces as my fingers dig in and draw his blood. He is losing his grip on me when his claws slide into my neck, but I laugh knowing he can’t kill me. The unwavering wind blows breaking a champagne flute on our glass floor, so I take the stem and drive it through his neck.

  He begins shifting, the flute glass slips out of his neck, his skin begins mending itself, and he becomes this huge form of half man and half dragon… a tail forms and I scramble away, screaming at the top of my lungs.

  “Eros, please My King!”

  His blood on my fingers… feels like a drug permeating into my skin… making me weak all over. I can’t fight him like this on my own.

  I’m screaming for Eros because I know the wind will carry my plea to him.

  His tail crashes against the glass floor around me. Everything is sinking into the cold, dark abyss- the table, chairs, candelabras, and in the middle of it- I’m falling into the void of the lake knowing I’m going deeper into hell. I refuse to go down but my dress is weighing me down as I lethargically try to make my way up to the surface.

  Just when I’m about to win my struggle with my dress and the water, I reach and grasp the air that will free me, but the lake is suddenly engulfed in flames, and I have no choice, but to let myself sink.

  I think I can wait an eternity to be with Eros again because all I have is time and my love for him, so I make a silent promise to myself never to forget him.

  The dragon dives into the fiery lake. I try to hide in the darkness of the water behind some huge rocks, but my hair… the shining beacon that it is- gives me away. I begin to use the moon’s energy to pull me out of the lake when his tail wraps… constricting around my waist, and he hits me with a beam of electrifying blue light.

  The light channels into me… igniting my body for him. I feel myself shining brighter than the Sun, and I’m left burning for him because… he is my only reason. I think I seal the lake above us, covering it in ice so we are never found. I know it will successfully keep his light from shining through.

  Maybe it’s a defense mechanism because the more he scorches me with his heat the more the ice travels down, nearing us, but one thing is certain… I can’t help myself from reaching for him as he is nearing me- the monstrosity that he is, and I would give myself to him.

  His tail loosens and arms wrap around me taking me down further from the ice… I feel him shifting back into his human form while swimming through the underwater tunnels. I know he’s done it to take me deeper into this abyss, his blue-light shines illuminating our way through the underwater passageways.

  I’m breathless by the time we break the water’s surface inside a grotto, but it’s not due to lack of air… the truth is I don’t need it. I’m breathless because I know he is naked… I can feel his warmth through the thin lace and satin fabric of my gown.

  He is staring deep into my eyes…weaving threads of steal around my soul. “You put up quite a fight, Angel.” He said fangs extending.

  “You know if you bite me… it all ends here because no one can drink from me, that is, not without meeting their death seconds later.” I warn lacing my gloved fingers behind his neck and joining our bodies underneath the water.

  “I’m the luckiest monster on this realm, Eva because this gift the gods have bestowed upon you to ensure your safety against all those who will seek to take you from me… has absolutely no effect on me other than… tying us to one another.” He groans the last words against my ear. I feel his teeth taking my earlobe, pulling it into his mouth just as I begin to pull the gloves off and enjoy placing my hands over his back, roaming his body- pushing up against him.

  I groan from frustration because my dress is in the way. His wings expand… open high above us, and we are instantly on land.

  “Let me help you with that, Angel.”

  “You can read my thoughts!”


  I take two steps back, still wearing my lace strappy heels which tie with diamonds around my ankles. His hand shoots out because he believes I seek distance from him when the truth is I only wish to have him inside me… underneath my skin, but I wish to see all of him first… not just his beautiful sapphire-blue eyes and his captivating lips.

  He growls deep in his throat and his shaft throbs twitching as my eyes take a hold of him… catching the movement.

  “Are you still reading my thoughts?” I ask unable to meet his eyes enthralled by a new feature of this alluring creature.

  “Yes, you want me to fuck you, but first you wish to appreciate me.” His hands take the rim of my dress, over my breasts, and shred it off me.

  I’m barely left standing in black lacey heels and a black lace thong.

  “I wish to do the same, with my stolen treasure.” He says before I read his movements. He is about to go to his knees and breathe me in.

  I push him roughly against the wall, “Too bad dragon, I’m done admiring you… I want to love you.” I say mounting him while he easily lifts me over him.

  “No Eva, say what you will have me do to you!”

  He is eager to hear it, so I can’t help but to tell him what I initially couldn’t bring myself to say.

  “What I want… My Prince is…”

  “Darius is my first name Angel, just as Emmaley is yours, but I choose to call you by your second name… Eva because I know no one has ever spoken it to you, since you were taken. Say it by calling me Darius.” He pleads over my lips.

  “I want you to… fuck me, Darius.” I say before taking his lips and savagely kissing him.

  “Are you ready to take me, Eva?” His mind whispers when his hands grip my hands away, from going down on his body; he brings them over my head, and unites them into one of his. I struggle against his hold- my breasts quivering against him.

  “Why are you teasing me? I know you don’t wish to go all the way! I can see how you’re holding back from me.”

  “Eva, baby… please, hold still because I won’t allow myself from taking what I want more than anything- tonight. I can’t make you mine, but we can come damn close if you just let me keep some control…baby please!”

  “Why do all this? Take me from him and make me tell you what I want… only for you to deny me!” I cry against his neck because I won’t stop trying for him to give me what I want. Is this his sick game?

  “No Eva, I will have you choose me… out of your own free will, but until then I promise not to steal your innocence from you. Please baby… remember how lost you feel without me now, when I ask you to choose.”

  I discover something new about myself and that is… I can take anything, but this man begging me like a dying man begging for salvation.

  “Do what you will, baby… just please do it now… I need you.” I beg just as shamelessly. My struggles stop against him… trying to show him I’m worthy, I’m good… I’m his.

  “You Are… Mine, Angel!” He says lifting me higher, his lips blowing warm air over my nipple before he claims it… leisurely savoring, sucking me. He stops, lifts his face opening his lips, and dips his tongue onto my other breast… licking and blowing sweet torture on me.

  “Say it out loud Eva, or I won’t give you what you want tonight… It’s almost midnight baby…
hurry this was your present. The release from the guilt you have been silently begging for.”

  “I’m yours Darius… I promise to always be yours. Promise never to leave me… baby.”

  His mouth claims my nipple, his hand squeezing me against his mouth. I scream from the mindless thrill and begin shaking against him. I want my hands freed… I need them to torture him just as he is doing to me.

  He roars nipping my breast when I feel his saliva sinking into my skin meeting with my blood, and I come roaring like a wild beast. He is drinking me…and I feel him losing the battle to preserve his composure.

  His head is suddenly thrown back, his hand is reaching for my thong and ripping it in one quick move… his hand stops caging mine and he growls, “Eva take a hold of my shoulders baby… hold on and bite down on me.”

  I do as he says, his blood bursting flavors and sensations on my tongue, and I feel shivers traveling through him and into me… he is losing his battle and I am drowning, so I take advantage and beg hoping he won’t be able to deny me. “Baby… I saw you, saw how big you are, and I know you fear what you might do to me, but I was made to take you baby… because I need you so badly… please.”

  I feel him at my opening… his head is so thick, pulsing with so much pressure… expanding, yet slowly sinking into me… I bite my lips to stop myself from begging him to stop because it does hurt.

  “Fuck baby… I fucking can’t hold it any longer!” He yells saving me from further pain while he comes over my lower lips… I feel him spurting against my clit, and I can’t help but to join him- coming again while screaming his name.

  I’m consumed with so much pleasure, I’m reckless thinking of sinking myself harshly on him and joining us forever, but before I can I’m on the ground.

  He is between my thighs, cradling my head over his forearm, “Don’t worry Eva, I’m not done pleasuring you baby. I promise you, to pleasure you always.”

  “Stop reading my thoughts…it’s not fair.” I feel cheated because with his blood in my mouth I’d felt strong enough to join us.


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