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Darkness Rises ig-4

Page 18

by Dianne Duvall

  Krysta jumped.

  Unperturbed, Roland returned his irate stare. “One of your mortal pets decided a billion dollars in his bank account sounded pretty damned good and sold us out. Probably one of your techno-geeps.”

  “Geeks,” his wife murmured, chewing her lower lip.

  “Fuck you, Roland! My people are handpicked and loyal to the core. You have no reason to doubt them beyond your massive paranoia and I’m sick of you trying to dump that shit on my doorstep!”

  Roland’s eyes flashed amber.

  Krysta’s heartbeat picked up nervously.

  Étienne reached across her lap and rested a hand on the thigh farthest from him as though readying himself to sweep her behind him if all hell broke loose.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Sean palm a dagger under the table.

  Oh, crap.

  Roland leaned forward. “I doubt everyone because of what you call my massive paranoia. Experience has taught me that even those I trust the most could stab me in the back. And have. However, I doubt your people and think them responsible for this new threat because it is the only plausible explanation. No one else knew. No one else could gain access to the tranquilizer, of which you keep a substantial supply at network headquarters. A network employee or employees, therefore, must be responsible.”

  Judging by the looks of things, Roland wasn’t the only one present who thought so now that he had suggested it.

  Chris was furious. “That isn’t the only explanation. Maybe one of the memory wipes didn’t work.”

  “The memory wipes worked,” Seth said. “Had Étienne or Lisette handled the memories, then I would be concerned.”

  Krysta looked at Étienne, who shrugged. I told you there were limits to my telepathic abilities. I am only a couple hundred years old.

  Uh-huh. Just a couple, she thought back to him. A veritable infant.

  His lips twitched. But he kept his hand on her thigh and didn’t relax.

  “However, David and I handled it,” Seth continued. “Any memories we bury never see the light of day again.”

  Jenna slowly raised a hand.

  Seth smiled. “Yes, Jenna?”

  “I’m confused. Do you erase the memories or bury them?”

  “We bury them. Truly wiping them or erasing them can cause brain damage and scarring.”


  Roland leaned back. “And thus my point is proven.”

  “Well,” Chris said, “we must have missed something on the technical side. A laptop or a DVD or an exterior hard drive one of the mercenaries took home.”

  David shook his head. “We searched their minds before we buried the pertinent memories. If someone so much as wrote themselves a note on a napkin and took it home with them, we found it and destroyed it.”

  Even though Étienne thought Chris wanted to interrogate her, Krysta actually found herself feeling sorry for him. The blond looked both furious and crushed at the idea that one of his own people may have strayed from the fold.

  “Look into it,” Seth told him. “It’s the most logical hypothesis. Someone at the network must have taken information to another mercenary group and sold them the tranquilizer. Narrow down the possibilities.”

  Stone-faced, Chris nodded.

  “Seconds,” David said, “make sure your immortals have an ample supply of the antidote and don’t let them leave the house without it.”

  The mortals around the table nodded.

  Seth leaned back. “Immortals, start carrying your infrared goggles and scopes again and check periodically for heat signatures in shadows even your acute vision cannot penetrate. If you are struck with a dart, get the hell out of there and call your Second. The younger immortals among us should consider returning to hunting in pairs. For now, I leave the decision up to you. That will change if another mercenary attack ensues.”

  Bastien cleared his throat. “We should also step up our attempts to recruit vampires.”

  “What?” Krysta blurted, then flushed when everyone looked at her.

  “The ones who have not yet entirely lost their sanity,” he clarified. “We can’t risk the mercenaries getting their hands on the virus by capturing a vampire, so we must convince the vampires we’re the lesser of two evils and see if we can’t bring them over to our side.”

  “Why don’t you just kill them all?” she asked. No way in hell would she partner with a freaking vampire.

  Marcus smiled. “I like this woman.”

  Roland nodded.

  Bastien shook his head. “The point is to have them spread the word to the other vampires that they should do everything they can to stay out of the hands of the human mercenaries. We can’t let the soldiers get their hands on the virus.”

  Seth nodded. “Do it. I know you don’t like it, but vampires outnumber us and could be a valuable tool we could use to thwart our new enemies. Recruit those you can. Kill the rest. David, have you anything you wish to add?”

  The other elder looked to Chris. “Only that I will make myself available anytime you wish me to examine the thoughts of network employees you think may be involved in this.”

  Chris gave an abrupt nod.

  “All right” Seth said. “Meeting adjourned. Safe hunting, everyone.”

  Several mumbled a response.

  Étienne’s hand on Krysta’s thigh relaxed.

  “Étienne,” David said as they rose, “would you, Krysta, Sean, and Cameron join Seth, Chris, and I in my study?”

  Krysta cursed inwardly. They had been that close to getting away unscathed.

  “Of course,” Étienne responded.

  Seth strode around the table, Chris on his heels, and joined David as he walked through the throng and crossed the living room.

  Trying to ignore the stares she drew, Krysta peered through the black-clad bodies and glimpsed a wicker basket on the floor near one of the sofas.


  The multicolored fur pile shifted, revealing a little triangle-shaped face.

  Yes, kittens. In a house full of incredibly powerful men and women who instantly seemed less intimidating.

  Well, everyone except Roland and the two elders.

  She returned her gaze to Seth and David’s broad backs.

  Following them to the study, she felt a bit like a child being called to the principal’s office. To distract herself she studied the elders’ auras.

  So bright and beautiful. Almost mesmerizing.

  You’re drooling, Étienne spoke in her mind.

  Krysta detected a bit of rancor in his tone. What?

  You can’t take your eyes off them.

  It isn’t what you think. Their auras are different.

  He rested a hand on her lower back. Different from what?

  Different from yours. From mine. From vampires’. From humans’. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  The two elders shared a look as they entered a darkened hallway.

  Were they listening?

  David and Seth paused before an open doorway and motioned for them to enter.

  Étienne and Krysta proceeded inside, followed by Chris, Cameron, and Sean, then the elders. As Seth started to close the door, Darnell slipped inside.

  Smiling, Seth closed the door.

  Nice study. Books lined floor-to-ceiling shelves on every wall, and the room had ten- or twelve-foot ceilings. The little home she and Sean rented had ceilings that ranged from eight feet to a mere six and a half. These men wouldn’t even be able to stand upright in her kitchen, so she imagined they appreciated the extra headroom here.

  Potted plants abounded, filling the room with color. A massive desk had been planted close enough to the large windows to allow anyone seated in the chair behind it to benefit from the natural light without sitting directly in it. Five chairs faced the desk. Two looked as though they had been there for years. Three more appeared to be new additions, probably added for this little get-together.

  Some distance away, a smaller desk resi
ded, something vaguely feminine in its appearance.

  As they all congregated near the large desk, she waited anxiously to see what would happen. Would the interrogation Étienne feared begin now? Would they threaten her? Threaten Sean? Bury their memories of all of this?

  Did they think her in league with the mercenaries? She had killed two of them. Didn’t that count for anything and show where her loyalties lay?

  Wait. Was she saying she was loyal to the immortals?

  She thought about everything she had learned at the meeting and from her time with Étienne.

  Hell. Why not? They seemed like good guys.

  Seth and David smiled.

  Seth held out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Krysta.”

  “Oh.” She took it. And, wow, was it large. Her own hand looked like a child’s in his. “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  He covered their clasped hands with his other hand. Her own heated with a tingling warmth that swept up her arm and rippled through her body.

  She gasped. “What just happened?”

  He patted her hand, then released her and shook Sean’s hand. “I healed your injuries,” he said as he stepped back.

  She looked at Sean, whose eyes widened.

  “Just like that?” Sean asked.

  Seth nodded. “The older the immortal, the stronger his or her gifts.”

  Beside him, David smiled. “The two of us have lived so long and seen so much that very little surprises us.”

  “You two surprised us,” Seth admitted. “We are very impressed with your successes and all that you have accomplished.”

  “Really?” She had been more impressed herself before she had found out that they hadn’t even made a dent in the vampire population.

  “Mortal vampire hunters, particularly those who hunt alone or in small numbers, have traditionally had very short careers. The fact that you have been doing what you do for six years now and still possess all of your limbs is nothing short of extraordinary.”

  “Please,” David said, “have a seat.”

  Krysta and Sean took the two chairs in the middle. Étienne sat beside Krysta with Cam on his other side. Chris sat beside Sean. Darnell carried another chair from the corner over and placed it beside David, who took the chair behind the desk. Seth sat beside him.

  Darnell stood beside David.

  “As I said earlier,” Seth began, “I am the leader of the Immortal Guardians. David is my Second in Command. We are the highest authorities in the Immortal Guardian world. We know you are both gifted ones. All immortals were gifted ones before being infected with the virus, so we hope you will consider us your brethren.”

  David nodded. “It is how we think of you. As one of us. As family.”

  That was not what she had expected. What were they saying exactly?

  Seth smiled. “We would like you to join us.”

  Sean looked at Krysta. “Are you saying you want to infect us with the virus?”

  “Not necessarily. Because you are gifted ones, you can safely transform without suffering brain damage and losing your sanity. But it is not a requirement. Many mortals, both humans and gifted ones, work with us and aid us in our desire to eliminate the vampire threat.”

  Krysta stared at them. “I’m sorry. I thought you were going to interrogate us or threaten us or castigate us for whatever wrong this one here”—she hooked a thumb in Chris’s direction—“imagines we’ve committed.”

  Darnell laughed.

  Chris sighed. “Had I met with you earlier today, I would have interviewed you.”

  Darnell coughed. “Interrogated.”

  Chris scowled. “But since Seth and David have cleared you and determined you aren’t a threat, that won’t be necessary and I would welcome you on our side.”

  Krysta slid a look in Étienne’s direction. You’re being awfully quiet.

  He arched a brow. This is your decision. I thought you wouldn’t appreciate my weighing in on it.

  Do you think I should join you?

  Hell, yes.

  She returned her attention to the elders. “In what capacity?”

  Seth looked to Reordon. “Chris?”

  “Sean, since you’re a healer and are already studying medicine—”

  “Do I even want to know how you know that?” he asked.

  Chris shrugged. “Once I had your name, I traced you to Duke. And Seth told me you were a healer. Anyway, we could use someone with your gifts and knowledge in our medical department. Should you decide to join us, we will pay off all of the student loan debt you’ve accumulated.” Which was considerable. “And pay all future tuition. I’m sure Dr. Lipton, the immortal woman who sat beside me at the table, would be happy to mentor you and appreciate your aid in her pursuit of a cure or treatment for the virus.”

  Krysta met her brother’s gaze and knew he was thinking the same thing she was.

  It sounded incredibly good. Too good. What’s-the-catch good.

  “We also,” Chris continued, “would immediately put you on the payroll, so you could quit your current job as early as tomorrow. I recommend that you do that anyway to ensure the mercenaries can’t trace you there as we did. Krysta, we’d like you to train as a Second. Your fighting skills already exceed the needs of the position, so we would—”

  “Wait,” she interrupted. “A Second? Do they hunt vampires?”

  “Not actively, no. They guard and assist the immortals who do and back them up whenever necessary.”

  “I’m not giving up hunting.”

  Étienne swore. “You would be accomplishing the same goal without subjecting yourself to so much risk.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not giving up hunting,” she insisted stubbornly.

  “Not even for a six-figure salary?” Chris asked.

  Six figures? Really?

  No. Despite the temptation, she couldn’t do it.

  Sean shook his head. “Krys, don’t be stupid. This is perfect.”

  “Perfect!” she exclaimed. “You still thought these people were our enemies and in league with the vampires an hour ago!”

  “Well, clearly they aren’t,” he snapped. “And you can’t go on the way you have been. How many times have you nearly died in the past six years? In the past one or two? You’ve been coming up against larger and larger numbers and even admitted yourself that you would have been killed twice in the past month if Étienne hadn’t saved your ass!”

  “Those were exceptions,” she protested, anger and panic rising. She couldn’t stop hunting vampires and just sit on the sidelines. Hunting was what she did. It was who she was.

  Sean snorted. “Those exceptions nearly killed you.”

  “I can’t stop hunting,” she insisted.

  “You would still be contributing to the destruction of vampires,” he insisted. “You’d still be making a difference.”

  “Not the way I want to.”

  He clamped his lips shut, his face tightening in anger. “And when you’re mortally injured and I die healing you?” It had been her biggest fear all along. “It’s an even greater possibility now than ever before because you’re battling vampires and being hunted by mercenaries who are shooting at you,” he pressed.

  She swallowed hard. “If I suffer a fatal injury, you’ll just have to let me go.”

  “You know I won’t do that.”

  She did. And it killed her to think that he would die for her.

  Her eyes began to burn as her throat thickened. She had promised herself she wouldn’t stop hunting until the vampire threat had been eliminated. Not hunting would feel like giving up. She didn’t want to give up. She wasn’t ready to give up.

  Étienne clear his throat. “She can hunt with me.”

  The silence that followed was deafening.

  Chapter 11

  While Étienne inwardly cursed himself in every language he knew, Krysta swung around to gape up at him in disbelief.

  “What?” Chris, Cam, and Sea
n spoke at the same time.

  He gritted his teeth. “I said, she can hunt with me.”

  It wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted Krysta safe, damn it. But when her brother had slapped her in the face with reality, the barriers of her mind had crumbled. He had heard every panicked thought and hadn’t been able to bear her unhappiness and dismay.

  Seth and David glanced at each other, then examined Krysta and Étienne for several long moments, during which he suspected they were communicating telepathically.

  If Seth and David nixed the idea . . .

  Seth met Étienne’s gaze. “She’ll be a liability.”

  Krysta did not like hearing that. A dozen denials immediately flooded her mind, overriding the panicked despair.

  But Étienne couldn’t contradict it.

  David drew Krysta’s gaze. “Though they don’t like it, immortals’ orders are very clear. If they are tranqed, they are to immediately flee the battle in order to avoid being captured and call their Seconds before they lose consciousness. When the two of you were attacked by mercenaries, Étienne put himself in a position where he would likely be captured in order to keep them from killing you.”

  She lost some of her fight. “But I kept them from taking him.”

  Seth acknowledged her words with a slight nod. “Had he been hunting alone, however, he would not have lingered once he saw that first dart. He would have gotten away without further injury.”

  Quiet descended upon them, heavy and uncomfortable.

  “Krysta,” Chris said, “you have to understand that, if you and Sean join us, your actions will affect us all. If you had been shot despite Étienne’s efforts to keep you safe, he would have been captured, tortured, and killed before we could even identify whoever the hell our new enemy is. The mercenaries would have then obtained both the virus and the DNA evidence they need to build their research and their army.”

  “The fault was not entirely Krysta’s,” Étienne mentioned. “I thought the mercenary threat over. Had I not been so caught off guard by their reappearance, I would have reacted faster and likely could have gotten us both out of there before they could hit me with a second dart.”

  Cam shook his head. “I could just as easily argue that you may have noticed the mercenaries’ approach and not been so caught off guard if Krysta hadn’t been distracting you.”


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