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I Am Lioness (The Bloodshed Series Book 1)

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by Dee Garcia

  The Strip was a bedazzled playground of casinos, hotels, and endless entertainment options, teeming with diverse life 24/7. From drunk bachelor’s to your typical suburban family of four—and everything else in between—Las Vegas offered a little something for everyone, making it a magical experience unlike any other.

  Aside from the Finals, fight night in Vegas was the ultimate adrenaline high of the season. Something about the thrilling, super-charged atmosphere surrounding the city, along with the jam-packed arena and rambunctious fans, amped me up to a whole ‘nother level.

  Even Bernie, Jason, and Manny buzzed alive with energy. They roared in excitement after each win like a group of teenage girls at an N’Sync concert. If only the cameras would focus on them instead of me for five seconds, they would have been able to capture that hysterically priceless image for all time. I’d pay big money for those prints too.

  This year proved to be no different than the three seasons prior. From the moment I stepped into that cage, my opponent—Bethany ‘Black Widow’ Harris—was annihilated in record time. Four tap outs and a KO in the final round. It was almost too easy. Almost.

  After a few photo-ops and autographs with some of my fans, the boys left me to freshen up while they waited out by the SUV. Jason assured me one too many times that he’d be back to escort me out after the crowd died down, but twenty minutes later, as I was on my way out of the locker room to meet him in the lobby, I nearly ran headfirst into Reyna.

  “Woah!” She chuckled, stopping me with her hands at my shoulders.

  “Oh, God, I’m sorry.” I adjusted my bag onto my shoulder. “I didn’t see you there.”

  She waved me off, shaking her head. “No biggie. Where are you off to in such a hurry though?”

  “Nowhere important. Just heading back to the hotel.”

  One dark eyebrow quirked. “So early?”

  Nodding, I fidgeted with my bag again. “I’m starving and I’m tired as hell. Looking forward to a long, hot shower and a movie in bed.”

  “Sounds boring.” Reyna joked.

  I shrugged. “Coach worked my ass off this week. Boring is exactly what I need.”

  “You do realize you’re in Vegas, right?” She asked with an amused smirk on her lips.

  “Yeah, and?”

  “Vegas is the exact opposite of boring! You know, I’m heading out to Foxtail tonight with some friends. You should come!”

  She was just so sweet, I almost felt bad declining her invitation, but an outing with Reyna and her friends was not how I'd envisioned—or wanted—to spend my evening.

  “Thanks for the invite, Reyna. I'm gonna pass though. My bed is calling me and I guarantee I won't even make it through half of the movie, much less a night out on the town.”

  Jason chose that moment to saunter around the corner, a look of sheer confusion flashing across his face when he noticed me standing in the middle of the hallway chatting with Reyna. Again. Closing in the distance, his eyes flickered between us before he lifted my bag over my head and hefted it over his shoulder.

  Reyna acknowledged him with a small smile and promptly returned her attention to me. “You should really come. It'll be fun.”

  “You’ll have more fun without me, I swear. I really am beat.”

  “You can sleep when you're dead, girl”—she laughed—“C’mon, live a little!”

  I dragged my gaze to Jason for some assistance but he shrugged and held his hands up. “Don't look at me. She asked you to go.”

  “Yeah, what he said.” Reyna agreed, jutting out her bottom lip and clasping her hands together. “Pleaseeee?”

  As I stared into her hopeful brown eyes, my resolve slipped away, uncharacteristically so. I couldn’t find it in me to decline her a second time, especially when she seemed genuinely interested in me tagging along. After all, she had a point. We were in Vegas.

  “Fine.” I conceded. “What time were you all planning on meeting up? I'm staying at the SLS, so Foxtail is just an elevator ride away for me.”

  Reyna clapped excitedly as a wide smile spread across her face. “So are we! Just meet us by the elevators at 10.”

  After exchanging numbers and going our separate ways, I noticed Jason was oddly quiet. I chose not to comment though. My guess was the impromptu plans for the evening had something to do with it. He opened the back door of the SUV idling on the curb .

  “So you're really going out with them?” His tone was a cross between baffled and incredulous.

  I slid into the plush black leather seat and pulled on my seatbelt. “I said I would, didn't I?”

  He climbed in beside me, dropping my bag between us, and shut the door a tad harder than necessary. “Yes, but, I don't know”—he shrugged—“once again it is oddly out of character for you.”

  “You heard her. We’re in Vegas. I might as well take advantage, right?”

  “I guess…”

  “You guess? Weren't you the one begging me to walk down the strip with you and Manny just last night?”

  “That's different,” he muttered.

  I rolled my eyes. “How so?”

  “We’re friends, Hazel. Friends hang out, shoot the shit.”

  “So now I’m limited to how many friends I can have?” I all but barked, crossing my arms defensively.

  “I didn’t say that, I just don’t understand this sudden…”

  “Both of you, enough!” Bernie snapped from up front, effectively cutting Jason off mid-sentence. He turned in his seat and glanced between the two of us. “Is all this bickering really necessary?”

  “He started it.” I grumbled.

  Bernie peered at me with the famous side-eye, then pointed a finger at Jason. “She’s going out for one night and actually enjoying herself, as she should be after a win like that. Get over it and let her be.”

  And just like that the SUV was drowned in silence the rest of the way to the hotel.

  Truthfully, I was thankful. I didn't need Jason souring my mood with his unnecessary inquisition and unwanted opinion. For once I was actually excited to be doing something other than hanging solo in my suite and I’d be damned if he was going to take that away from me. When Emmanuel pulled up in front of the hotel, I grabbed my bag and bolted for the doors, eager to get to my room and primp myself for the night ahead.

  Around ten-ish, I stepped out of the elevator into the hall of mirrors, feeling like a million bucks. I'd chosen my favorite long sleeved burgundy jersey dress with an exaggerated neckline and a draped slit that cut up the middle. A gold belt was cinched around my waist and a matching gold cuff adorned one of my wrists. Wild blonde curls and peep-toe black pumps finished off the look, along with some fiercely winged liner, several coats of mascara, and a deep shade of maroon lip stain painted perfectly on my lips.

  When my phone vibrated inside my black clutch, I assumed it was Reyna.

  It was most definitely not Reyna though.

  My heart slammed repeatedly within my chest at the name displayed on my screen.


  Hey, beautiful.

  Heard you kicked some serious ass tonight. Congrats!

  It was likely the smile on my face was wider than the Nile as I read and re-read the message. Knox and I had only spoken twice since I left Cali but that didn't mean I hadn't thought about him often. It was impossible not to.

  The night we met I felt this spark, this intense, electrifying, blood-rushing spark that consumed me, every part of me. I’d never experienced anything quite like it in my life and as cliché as it may sound, I was instantly addicted. That right there presented one hell of a problem for me because I couldn’t just have what I wanted. My life didn't work that way. The risk factor was too high and the consequences grave, yet still I found myself texting him only a few days after arriving in Vegas.

  His business card had been burning a hole through my wallet since the day he gave it to me and although I promised myself I wouldn’t let temptation cloud my better judgement, I somehow convin
ced myself one little text couldn't hurt... and I caved.

  But one text turned into five and another five turned into a phone call. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to cut him loose.

  Our connection was much too strong to deny and I felt compelled to respond each and every time, regardless of my warning conscience. Now here we were again, him attempting to inch his way a little closer and me simply allowing it. Like reflex, I swiped the screen and clicked reply, typing out my response in the prompt box.

  Hey, stud. Thank you!

  You know I go hard out there. ;P

  Oh, believe me, sweets… I know. ;-)

  I’d imagine you’re celebrating tonight, right?

  Kind of lol. Reyna begged me to come out with her and some of her friends to one of the clubs in the hotel. What are you up to tonight?

  Ironically heading out w. Reyna’s brother lol. We’re heading to Foxtail for a few beers. Nothing too extravagant.

  My eyes widened. I blinked several times, certain my mind was playing a cruel trick on me, but a moment later, a picture popped up on my screen.

  It was Knox.

  A Knox selfie.

  A Knox selfie taken in the very same corridor I was currently standing in, the black and white zigzag carpet beneath my feet reflecting seamlessly off the mirrors around him. The same mirrors I’d passed when I had exited the elevators.

  Oh my god.

  The frantic beating in my chest amped up to a wildly thrashing rate. I could hear the blood roaring through my ears, feel it thrumming through my veins. Inhaling deeply, I took a shaky breath through my nose, then let it out between my lips, bracing myself as I turned my head to peer down the hallway.

  And there he was, Knox Carr, standing tall in the middle of the elevator banks like he owned the damn place. Dressed in all black with full sleeves of tattoos on display and that make you weak in the knees smile spread on his fine face, he was impossibly more gorgeous than I remembered. My jaw nearly hit the floor.

  Clear blue eyes pinned me in place as he sauntered down the hall, skittering heat over my skin. The closer he got, the harder my chest heaved. Knox burst right into my personal bubble and wrapped an arm around my waist, smashing our bodies together. He dipped his head low and kissed my cheek, his lips lingering against my skin.

  “Surprise.” He purred. “You look amazing.”

  My cheeks flamed. I peeked up at him beneath blackened lashes to find him mid-peruse up the length of my body, the tip of his tongue trapped between his teeth. When our eyes met, he grinned like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Seriously, you’re stunning.”

  Clenching his tee in my fist, I leaned into him and pressed my lips to the very corner of his mouth. “You're not so bad yourself, stud, but you know I have to ask...What are you doing here?”

  “To see you.” He murmured, completely unabashed in his concession.

  My heart almost burst through my chest. “You came all the way here to see me?”

  “Absolutely.” He chuckled. “You act like Vegas is so far from home.”

  “Well, I mean, I know it’s not, but…”

  “Shhhh,” he cooed, wrapping me up in both arms. “Just accept it. I wanted to see you again before you were on the other side of the country, so Luis and I drove down for the weekend.”

  A swarm of butterflies attacked me from the inside out in a way I hadn’t felt in so long. I couldn't hide the smile that split my face in two even if I wanted to.

  “You make it really hard to resist you, you know that?” I admitted.

  “So don’t resist me then, problem solved.”

  “Jesus, Knox, let the girl breathe.” Reyna’s voice sounded off around us. From where I wasn’t sure. I hadn’t even heard the elevator ding.

  She appeared beside us moments later with Luis at her side wearing identical smiles.

  “I told you.” Luis snickered at his sister.

  Reyna shook her head, giggling. “I legit thought you were exaggerating.”

  He pointed a finger at her. “You owe me a drink.”

  “And you owe me a drink, asshole.” Knox interjected, unwinding his arms from around me.

  “Being stuck in the car with you for almost four hours was fucking torture.”

  “You’re the one that begged me to come with you like a dog begging at the table.”

  “I thought you didn't beg…” I found myself saying before Knox had the opportunity to fire back at his friend.

  Three sets of eyes latched onto me. Luis and Reyna were clearly amused and Knox, well, he seemed impressed, a wicked grin spreading his lips.

  He shrugged and said, “I told you, I wanted to see you again before you were hundreds of miles away.”

  Luis whipped his arm with the sound effect and all.

  “Pussy whipped and he hasn’t even…”

  Reyna gasped and shoved her brother, smacking him upside the head thereafter. “God, you are so rude! Do you not remember a damn thing Ma taught you?”

  He tried to add in his two cents but Reyna wasn’t having it. “Walk, you ass. I’ll buy you that damn drink if it’ll shut you up long enough for them to get through a conversation without your unnecessary interruptions.”

  I stifled a giggle as Knox and I fell into step behind them.

  “It’s going to be like this all night.” He said, grabbing my hand.

  “Well then it’s going to be one hell of a night.”

  Just the warmth of his hand wrapped around mine was enough to melt away the world around me. In that moment we were in our own bubble and I smiled, lacing my fingers through his without a care in the world…

  Foxtail was unlike any nightclub I'd ever been to. Luxurious and modern, it was one of the prime spots in Vegas for a night out on The Strip.

  The massive room was split-level and separated by different sections, each one adorned with plush black leather couches and sleek, oval-shaped tables. Charcoal gray walls were decorated with enlarged white calligraphy that ran along thick columns and up the trey ceilings, where they swirled around like an intricately painted mosaic. One side of the club housed a fully-stocked bar and the other was exposed to the exterior of the hotel, showcasing a lush pool surrounded by private cabanas. Overall, it was dark yet classy, and as I peered around the room, my excitement grew in tenfold.

  Reyna was keen on hitting the dance floor, swaying her hips perfectly in time with the beat. Her brother, however, was adamant on that drink she owed him. He looped his arms through hers and ushered her away through the crowd. She scowled at his profile and stuck out her tongue but he didn’t seem to notice. That, or he didn’t care. I assumed it was the latter.

  He also didn’t care for the substantial cluster of people surrounding the bar. The bartenders were cranking out drinks like no ones business, but for every four drinks they served, another six people stepped into the line. It was a vicious never-ending cycle. Thankfully, the line moved along at a decent pace and as we inched closer to the front, I saw two empty stools off to the side of the bar. Reyna and I snatched them up while the boys hung back to order our drinks.

  “So...Knox.” She said, sidling onto the metal stool.

  Oh no… Here we go.

  I set my clutch down on the bar top and crossed my legs. “What about him?”

  “Hazel,” she started, cocking her head to one side. “Don’t play stupid. He came all the way here to see you. Spill it! What is going on with you two?”

  I shrugged, not really knowing how to answer. Obviously we were friends but the pull between us far exceeded ‘just friends’ territory. That, and I was supposed to stay away, not give in. Great job I was doing of that so far, right?

  “Would you believe me if I said I didn’t know?”

  Reyna gave me a quizzical look, then turned to glance over at Knox and Luis who were now at the front of the line. She turned back to me, a small smile tilting up one corner of her mouth. “Oddly enough, I would. The question now is, what do you
want to happen?”

  If it were only so easy to choose. What I wanted and what my life allowed were on two different ends of the spectrum. It was my own fault I even had to make a decision in the first place. I never should have sent that first text…

  Knox and Luis appeared beside us seconds later, thus saving me from having to lie to Reyna.

  We fell into easy conversation, the drinks flowing one after the other and before I knew it, we were finishing off round three. Reyna then claimed she was feeling unwell and her brother was all too quick to suggest they head back to her suite so she could rest.

  I couldn't help but think it was all a total sack of crap. Surely this was their grand scheme to leave Knox and I alone for the rest of the evening and while we were having a great time, I wasn’t about to argue. Knox didn’t seem inclined to stop them either, and after exchanging goodbyes and feel betters, they disappeared through the sea of people packed tightly all around us.

  For the next hour or so, Knox and I continued chatting above the music, exchanging playful glances and stealing light caresses every so often. It was all so natural, too natural almost. Nothing about it was forced or remotely awkward, regardless of the fact it was our first time alone for an extended period of time. But as the minutes ticked by and the alcohol began to take its effect, it started to become intense.

  The sexual tension swirling between us was utterly palpable, the urge to press myself against him and kiss him growing harder and harder to ignore. Each time he lifted the beer bottle to his lips, I wanted to snatch it from his hand and plant one on him. Carrying on with our conversation was proving to be difficult when his mouth was just so...distracting.

  With my arm still resting on the bar top, I dropped my chin into my hand. “Penny for your thoughts, Mr. Carr?” I asked, sensing he was itching to ask me something.

  His smirked and took another swig of his beer.

  “C’mon,” I coaxed.

  “Alright,” he said, sitting up a little straighter and squaring his shoulders as if taking on a challenge. “You should know though, it's out of pure curiosity.”


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