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It All Started With a Lima Bean

Page 7

by Kimi Flores

  “Oh Abs, it says here that you had a miscarriage when you were...” He calculated the date and her age. “Seventeen?” He looked perplexed, and she was mortified. “Is that why Peter left you?”

  Anger was starting to rise now, and she was getting impatient. “You said you could be professional. Please don’t ask me questions like that. A professional doctor would not ask me that. I really need to go. Will you please leave the room so I can get dressed?” Ugh. Could this get any worse?

  Concern replaced the confusion in his eyes, and Blaine stood. “Okay Abs, I’ll respect your privacy. I’m sorry though, for your loss.”

  “Thanks but it was a long time ago.” The smile he gave her said that he felt pity. She hated that. With sagged shoulders, he exited the room.

  She couldn’t high tail it out of that office fast enough. Now she was going to have to change doctors. Dr. Jenkins was her favorite doctor, but it was a large medical group. Surely she could find another reputable doctor there. This certainly wasn’t her main concern about the situation though. Now that Blaine knew the truth, he was most likely going to tell his whole family. She was so over the drama that came with that event and didn’t want to relive any of it. Maybe he would keep it professional after all. Doctor/Patient privacy and all, but she doubted it.

  While taking in a deep breath and filling her lungs with air, Abby got into her car and dialed Leah’s cell number.

  “Oh my gosh! The worst thing just happened.” Feeling herself freak out, she got out of her car and paced back and forth. Her footsteps echoed off the cement as she tried to calm her still racing heart.

  “What’s going on?” Leah sounded busy.

  “I went in for my yearly exam, and my doctor was out, so they asked if I didn’t mind having another doctor do it so naturally I was nervous but said ok anyway for some reason I pictured a burly German woman named Helga or something doing it then I was just sitting there on the table with only a paper gown covering me and...” She rambled without taking a pause or a breath.

  “Abby, slow down. You are talking so fast I can barely understand you.” Leah interrupted.

  “It was Peter’s brother that walked in to do my pap.” Even though she said it, she still couldn’t believe it herself.

  “What? Seriously? What did you do?”

  “I panicked and said I just started my period and had to reschedule.”

  “You did not tell that gorgeous doctor that you started your period and had to leave.”

  “Yes I did. What was I supposed to do?” She leaned her forehead onto the hand not holding her phone.

  “I know it was shocking, but that’s his job. You should have been more mature about it, put your big girl panties on, and went through with the exam.”

  “I did get my big girl panties on, but then I got the heck out of there. I have to face him at school a couple of days a week. I wasn’t about to let him go...there.”

  “I guess you’re right. That would be kind of awkward.”

  “Kind of? I would never be able to face him knowing he’d examined my lady parts.” She puffed out a breath of air. “The worst part is that he asked me about the miscarriage. It was humiliating.”

  “Abby, I’m so sorry. What do you say we hit Escalona for some yummy tapas and sangria tonight? I don’t have a wedding to do tomorrow. My treat.”

  “I guess. It doesn’t have to be your treat though.” Abby sighed. “I just don’t get why things have to be so complicated with me.”

  “I don’t know chica, but I’m willing to drown your sorrows in some fruity wine tonight. I’ll pick you up at 8:00. Wear something sexy. You never know whom you might run in to.”

  “Um okay? I’ll see you 8:00. Thanks Leah.” Sexy? Why would she say that?

  “I love ya girl.” Leah laughed as if she were up to something.

  “Love you too.” She finally smiled for the briefest of moments as she got in and started her car until she saw Blaine walking out of the building, probably going to lunch. She had to make sure he wasn’t going to say anything, so she drove up just as he arrived to his truck.

  “Blaine?” He glanced up toward her. “There is some kind of doctor/patient privacy law or something, isn’t there?”

  “Of course, your private life is just that.”

  “Okay. I just wanted to check. Thanks.” She rolled her window up and waved goodbye as she drove away. Well at least there was that.

  Leah arrived a little early, which was odd. She was always just barely on time. She took one look at Abby and shook her head, “Uh uh, no way, my friend. You have to change. You look like a school teacher in that outfit and not even a naughty one.”

  “Leah, I am a school teacher. What is your deal about my outfit tonight?”

  “You have accused us of being old ladies, and you had a rough day. You are only twenty-five, and need to dress more flirty and sexy.”

  “That’s not my personality Leah, it’s yours.”

  “Just humor me, please. I won’t make you look like a tramp just a little sultrier.”

  “I don’t have anything like that.”

  “I bet I can find something. Let me see your closet.” Leah walked into the closet then turned and peered at Abby. “Where did this dress come from? I’ve never seen you wear it.”

  “It was just one of those buy on a whim kind of things. It was on clearance at the mall, but I should have gotten rid of it a long time ago. It’s not my style.”

  “Abby, put the damn thing on. I brought a couple pairs of shoes, and I think I have the perfect ones; let me go get them.”

  “Of course you do. Fine.” She grumbled while taking off her jeans, sweater, and trendy cloth shoes, and then she pulled the thin material over her head and let it flow down her body to hit her right at her knee. She glanced at her image in the mirror. “Not bad but I need a different bra for sure.” She noted that the back was open, and the only thing connecting it was a couple of diagonal straps. She remembered buying a bra to wear with this dress when she got it the year before and went to put it on. A Perfect fit.

  Leah entered the room once more. “Abby that is gorgeous on you. Why haven’t you ever worn that before?”

  “I haven’t really had a reason to.” She shrugged her shoulders

  “Here try these shoes on.” She handed Abby a pair of green-heeled sandals that had jewels across the top resembling large anklets.

  “Is there a color you don’t have in shoes?” Abby struggled to get the strappy contraptions on while standing on one foot.

  “Probably not. Those granny panties have to go though because you can see those big ass panty lines.” Abby had already changed the bra but wasn’t sure what underwear she was supposed to put on. Leah went through her drawer, “Seriously Abby, even your underwear look like an old lady’s. Where are your sexy panties? You’ve got to have a least one pair.” Leah dug though the drawer. “Jackpot. Here put these on.”

  “No way. I won those as a gag gift at a bridal shower. They are not real underwear.”

  “Mujer, let loose. These are very sexy panties, and you won’t have lines on your dress, at least not granny lines.”

  Abby took the thin strip of material from her and eyeballed them, trying to figure out how to put the thing on.

  Leah snatched them back and held them up with her fingers spread. “Like this.” She handed them back.

  Abby hesitantly changed into the tiny strings, and she felt somewhat naked under the dress now. “They aren’t very comfortable.”

  “They aren’t supposed to be; now let’s get out of here. We have reservations in twenty minutes, and I don’t want to be late.” She grabbed Abby’s hand pulling her through the house. The Santa Ana winds had already started blowing that week, and Abby just prayed they wouldn’t get a hold of her dress and give everyone a show of her not really there undies.

  Caleb didn’t know why he’d been so nervous going to dinner with his agent, Chris. He’d told Caleb there was big news but didn�
�t want to talk about it over the phone. He figured that it was probably good news because Chris didn’t travel from San Francisco for just anything. Chris hated leaving his wife and kids behind for business trips.

  “So, I’ve been talking to Lucky Star pictures this week, and they want a meeting to discuss making your Unlawful Encounters series into a movie trilogy.”

  “What? Are you serious man?” This was not what Caleb expected to hear tonight.

  “Yep and the best part is that they approached me, so it’s pretty much in the bag. You just have to hear them out and agree to their terms. We could be filming the first movie by this time next year.”

  “I can’t believe it. I didn’t write those to become movies. I never imagined they would be.” He was shocked. This was amazing.

  “So are you saying this is a bad thing?” Chris looked confused.

  “No, not at all. It’s just not something I’ve ever expected. Wow. You threw me for a loop.”

  “So are you interested in me setting up a meeting then?”

  “Absolutely. I’d love to hear what their ideas are. I would insist on creative control though.”

  “Of course and they expect that.”

  “I’m seriously blown away. This is not what I anticipated tonight.”

  “What did you expect?”

  “I didn’t have a clue but a movie trilogy. That is just...” Caleb trailed off, and his eyes caught the auburn haired beauty in the green dress that had just walked in and been seated not too far from them. “WOW!”

  “I know, amazing, huh?” Chris looked so excited that this had such an impacting effect on Caleb, and then realized his eyes were elsewhere.

  “Uh huh.” That was all Caleb could muster.

  Turning in the direction so he could see what had mesmerized Caleb, Chris spoke, “Wow, I see what has caught your attention. Those women are gorgeous.”

  “Uh huh.” Again was all he could say until he snapped out of it. “Uh, what were you saying?”

  “Dude, you look as if you’ve never witnessed an attractive woman enter a room before.”

  “I know her. She’s Madison’s teacher, but I’ve never seen her dressed like that before.” He felt the goofy smile as it appeared on his face.

  “Which one? Green or red dress?”


  “Well, why don’t you go over and say hi?”

  “I will…” A high pitch squeak came out. Clearing his throat then deepening his voice, he continued. “On the way out.”

  “Are you...nervous?” Chris was far too amused with this situation.

  “NO!” Caleb answered with a little too much enthusiasm.

  “Oh, I see.” He appeared to be entertained. “You like her. No, you actually like her.” He amended.

  “No, I don’t.” He protested like a junior high school boy being teased by his friends about having a crush on a girl.

  “Oh Dude, you so do. This is awesome. You haven’t given any woman a chance since...”

  “I know. I’m not ready.” Caleb cut his friend off.

  “My friend, I think you might just be ready. I can see it in your eyes. We’ve known each other for an awful long time, and I’ve only once seen you look at a woman like that.”

  “Can we move on?” He took a long sip of his drink. “When do you think they would be willing to meet?”

  “When are you going to realize that life must go on, and Rene would want that for you?”

  “Again, move on please.” Caleb gave his agent and longtime friend a warning look.

  “Okay I feel you.”

  “What a coincidence Abby. Look who is seated over there.” Leah smirked.

  Abby turned and met Caleb’s eyes. She smiled, gave a slow small wave, and then turned back to her best friend. “Damn, he looks handsome in a suit.”

  “He sure does. Now aren’t you glad you got all dolled up?” Leah pulled her napkin from the ring and placed it on her lap.

  “Why would I be glad?” Abby looked at her suspiciously as she also put her napkin on her lap.

  “Because he is eating you alive with his eyes right now.” She leaned in with excitement.

  Abby turned back again. Oh my. That look in his eyes. She’d never seen a look like that before.

  “Wait a minute. Did you know he was going to be here tonight?”

  “Now how on earth could I ever know where Caleb Hunter was going to be tonight?” She gave her a knowing smile. How could she know though? Unless she got his phone number the other day. “Stop being so suspicious and let’s order some food.”

  “You know what I like, so you do the honors.” Abby didn’t even bother opening her menu. This was one of their favorite fancy dinner places. They normally only came here on festive occasions. Today was not memorable; it was crappy. This would be their pick-me-up dinner.

  The waiter approached, and Leah spoke to him in Spanish. ¨Buenas noches. Me das por favor una orden de aceitunas en vinagreta, una paella vegetariana, y un en pollo en limón. Por favor trae el pollo separado por que mi amiga es vegetariana. También, necesito que me hagas un favor enorme. Cuando veas a un caballero acercarse a nuestra mas, ¿Le podes traer una silla? Pedro si, no se la traigas antes. Traela cuando el llegue. ¡Oh!, y por supuesto danos un vaso de sangría a cada una. Gracias.”

  “Si, Senorita, Gracias.” He stepped away.

  “So I got that you ordered our usual olives, paella, sangria and your chicken, but what was with all of the instructions?” Abby wondered.

  “I just wanted to make sure he knew to keep all the vegetarian things separate.”

  “But I heard you say caballero and silla. Doesn’t that mean gentleman and chair? What are you up to Leah?” Abby gave her a suspicious look.

  “What? I’m not up to anything.” Leah was a terrible liar.

  Caleb got up from the table and said his goodbye to Chris. “I’ll call you this week and let you know when they are available. I’m really excited about this, man. You are going to be huge.”

  “You know that’s not important to me.”

  “I know, but you will have to get used to the idea if you go through with this. Okay, I’ll call you later. I have a flight to catch.” He gave Caleb a firm handshake then pulled him in for a quick man hug, clapping his back.

  “Talk to you later.” The check was already taken care of when Caleb strolled over to greet the beautiful women on his way out. He ran his palms down his suit jacket before approaching their table. He noticed that Leah was trying to get someone’s attention.

  “Hi ladies.” Leah stood first, gave him a hug then kiss on his cheek. That was unexpected. He turned just as Abby slowly stood and gave him an awkward subtle hug. No kiss on the cheek though. Leah must have kissed him because it was part of her Latin culture and she gave Abby a disapproving look when she hadn’t done the same.

  “Nice running in to you here. Would you like to join us?” Leah asked enthusiastically as the waiter approached with a chair for him.

  “Maybe for a minute. I have to pick Madison up soon.”

  “She’s fine. Grace will keep her as long as you like.” Apparently, Leah didn’t mean to let that slip. Trying to back track but then giving up, she excused herself instead, leaving Abby and him to wonder how she knew where Madison was.

  Smiling, Caleb said, “That wasn’t fishy or anything.” This earned him a flushed face on Abby. Oh well, he knew what was up and decided to go with it. “You look really lovely tonight Abby.”

  “Thank you. You look very businesslike. Did you have a meeting?”

  “Yes, hopefully something really remarkable will come from tonight’s meeting.” He realized what that sounded like. “I mean with my agent.”

  Their food arrived at the table, and Leah was still gone. Abby kept looking at the dishes. Caleb suggested she go ahead and eat. “No, I can’t do that. It’s rude.” She was a girl with manners. He liked that.

  Sauntering to the table with a smirk planted on her lips, Lea
h addressed Abby. “Dig in. I know how hungry you are, and this is all your favorite stuff.” She motioned to the food. Abby just sat there looking around the table.

  “Okay I have to get going anyway. You two enjoy your dinner, and I will see you another time.” He pushed his chair away from the table as he stood up. They both started to stand, “No. Stay seated. I’ll see you ladies later.” He insisted. He didn’t need any more awkward hugs clouding his judgment. It was bad enough that he was staring at Abby as if he had never seen a beautiful woman before. He didn’t need her touching him again. Waving as he headed out of the room, he forced himself not to look back at her.

  The school bell rang ending yet another long week. Grateful that Fridays were always minimum scheduled school days, Abby gathered all of the kids she needed to take to the pickup area, having them grab their belongings along the way. She was thankful that Caleb was there to pick up Madison because she needed to talk to him, so she motioned for him to come closer instead of letting the little girl go out to him. His face showed worry as he made his way over and noticed how sad Madison looked. After the last child in the line was picked up, Abby asked if Madison wanted to go play while she talked to her Daddy. Madison nodded and ran toward the swing set.

  “What’s going on? Everything alright?” Caleb really looked concerned now.

  “Yeah, I just wanted to show you something.” Anxiously, he followed as she walked into her classroom. “We are learning about how plants grow, so we planted lima beans a couple of weeks ago.” Abby pointed to the seeds in the clear plastic baggies taped to the class window. “And as you can see...”

  “Oh no, Madison’s is the only one that didn’t sprout.” Sadness filled his brown eyes.

  “Yeah, so you can imagine how she feels today. I noticed the others starting to sprout this week, and the kids were so excited. Now that it’s Friday, and hers didn’t sprout at all, she kind of had a hard day.”


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