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Bachelor for Hire (Bachelor Auction #1)

Page 3

by Charlene Sands

  The coach walked to the podium at the edge of the stage and spoke into the mic. “Code’s offering a weekend date of the winner’s choice. That’s right, ladies, he’s prepared to take you anywhere you choose to go. Isn’t that a great way to start off the auction? The rules are simple. All you have to do is raise your hand and call out your bid loud and clear. We’ll start the bidding at five hundred dollars.”

  A female voice rang out. “Five hundred.”

  “Thank you, miss,” Coach said. “Do I hear six hundred?”

  Another bidder joined in, “Six hundred.”

  Mrs. Benedict finally lifted her hand. “Seven hundred.”

  Uncle Brand gave the woman a sweet smile and a nod.

  “Eight hundred,” came the next bid.

  Mrs. Benedict lifted her hand again. “One thousand dollars.”

  To Code’s surprise, another woman from the crowd offered a higher bid, “Twelve hundred.” And the bidding continued.

  The coach’s voice became more and more animated as the bids continued to rise. And shortly after, he said, “Okay, folks, we’re at twenty-two hundred dollars. Do I hear twenty-three? Going once, going twice…”

  “Twenty-five hundred dollars.” Dear Mrs. Benedict was showing some sass. Hell, if the bidding stopped now and the widow won, he’d be happy to match that amount as a donation.

  “Twenty-five hundred dollars from the lady in blue. Do I hear twenty-six? Twenty-six anyone? Going once, going twice…”

  “Ten thousand dollars.” The voice sounded from the very last row of seats in the saloon. Code winced.

  He knew that voice. Shit. He ran his hands down his face but no one noticed because all heads had swiveled around. And then Hayley Dawn stood up, wearing a sexy black dress and a charming smile.

  Coach D recognized her immediately. “Well, would you look at that! Folks, we have a bid from none other than Hayley Dawn O’Malley for ten thousand dollars. That’s very generous of you.” Coach fastened his gaze on her for a few seconds, giving the bidders in the saloon a chance to gawk as well. Hayley sure did know how to make an entrance, even from the back of the room.

  “Uh, do I hear ten thousand one hundred? Anyone?”

  Coach was met with silence and he didn’t press his luck. “Going once, going twice, sold to Miss Hayley Dawn for ten thousand dollars.”

  Amid the shock and awe, cheers slowly went up and the entire crowd began to applaud. Hayley gave a timid wave and then walked out the back door.

  The coach congratulated Code and they shook hands, then Helen Downey ushered him off the stage. “This is wonderful, Cody,” she said. “I’m grateful for the generous bid. I didn’t know Hayley was back in town.”

  “She was supposed to keep a low profile.” So much for that now.

  Helen smiled. “The girl I remember was always in the eye of the storm. And now that she’s famous, I would imagine that laying low would be near impossible. But, I’m sure you two will have a fun date together. You know what they say?”

  His brows lifted.

  “Opposites attract.”

  He rubbed at the back of his neck. “Can’t get any more opposite than Hayley and me.”

  “Then, I’d say you’re a good match. You may not know it, but the coach wasn’t exactly a saint when I met him. He and I were as different as night and day. He’d been troubled as a boy and then I came along and saw all these wonderful things in him and…well, forty years later, here we are. Oh, I think I hear Ken stepping up to the mic again. God bless you, Cody. You’re a good man.” She squeezed his arm and then headed back toward the stage.

  Well, Helen had it wrong. No woman was a good match for him. He’d sworn off all women until hell froze over and beautiful, sexy, green-eyed Hayley Dawn was at the top of that list.


  Hayley opened the door to her grandmother’s 1995, once silver Chevy sedan and slid into the worn driver’s seat. She fumbled with the key, her hands trembling toward the ignition. She wasn’t usually one to cut and run. But seeing the look on Cody’s face when she won that bid made her doubt her decision to force his hand. She wanted his help. She wanted him to like her again. She wanted things to go back like they were in high school.

  And she was scared. Her grandmother’s death, the old empty house, and that creepy note had set her nerves on edge. Her instincts were telling her the threat was real. She picked up her cell phone and texted Rowan that she was leaving the auction early and she would call her tomorrow. Then she inserted the key into the ignition and pressed her foot to the gas pedal.

  The engine tried and tried, but wouldn’t turn over. “Come on, sweetheart, you can do it.” If only she could coax the old girl into action with sweet talk. She turned the key once more and powered the gas pedal again and again. The darn engine gave her the finger and died on the spot, right there in the parking lot. “Really?”

  No amount of pleading or key turning was going to help. She banged out her frustration on the steering wheel.

  “You flooded the engine.”

  She jumped and swiveled to find the man she’d just won in the auction standing beside her car window. She rolled down the window and cool Montana air hit her in the face. “Darn it, Code. You scared the life out of me.”

  “I never knew you to spook so easily, Hayley.”

  “You don’t know me at all anymore.”

  He folded his arms over his chest. All that muscle and brawn trussed up in a gorgeous suit was enough to turn her insides all warm and gooey. “I told you I was frightened the other day. And now this.”

  His brows gathered like a brewing storm. “Now, what?”

  “I had this car serviced the other day. The mechanic told me it was in great running order or else I wouldn’t have taken it out tonight.”

  “That so? I can’t figure why you’d take this old rattletrap out anyway? You must have other options.” He opened the car door for her. Despite his recent rebuff, Code was a gentleman when it really counted. He put out his hand and she took it and climbed out of the car.

  God, his hand was big and warm and comforting. She loved being momentarily connected to him and once he released her, the toes of her shoes touched his snakeskin boots. She stared up at him and her heart sputtered like crazy. “I, uh…I don’t know if this will make any sense to you, but driving my grandmother’s car makes me feel closer to her. She loved this car. And I figured the old girl needed a spin around the block or two while I was here.”

  Something soft touched his eyes for a split second. Cody should understand. He’d lost his folks a long time ago and his Uncle Brand had been like a father to him while growing up, much like Grandma Marie had been like a mother to her. The only difference being, his folks hadn’t chosen to leave him, like her parents had. No, her folks had much more important things to do around the globe than raising their only daughter. The knife always pierced and twisted in her chest when she thought about it.

  “Okay. So now you’re stuck.”

  “I’ll call for a tow. Or I’ll wait for Rowan. She’ll give me a ride home.”

  “She’s gonna be busy most the night. She’s staying to help the Downeys clean up the place after the auction.”

  “Fine, then.” Shoot. Now she had to wait out here for help to arrive. “Tow it is.”

  “It’s probably the battery. I’ve got jumper cables in my car. You want me to jump you?”

  She blinked and couldn’t resist offering him a delicious smile.

  He snorted. “Shit, Hayley,” he said, stepping away from her like she was lit on fire. “Why’d you do it anyway? You couldn’t hire me as your bodyguard, so you bought me?”

  “I need your services, Code. I don’t trust anyone else.”

  Code exhaled as if the weight of world rested on his shoulders. He gave her a once over, those deep dark eyes traveling up and down her body, causing her bones to melt everywhere they touched. “I can’t promise you anything.”

  “Ten thousand dollars says you�
��ll protect me and keep me safe.”


  “It’s for a good cause, Cody. I would’ve donated that much even if you weren’t up for grabs.”

  He winced.

  “Sorry.” She chuckled.

  And finally, Code’s anguished face found some light. Amusement crinkled the corners of his eyes and he actually smiled. “You’re something else.”

  “That’s what they tell me. So, you’ll do it, Code?”

  “I’ve offered a weekend date. That’s what you’ll get.”


  “Next weekend.”

  “That’s a long time from now.”

  “It’s less than a week.”

  “Friday to Monday morning?”

  Code glared at her. “Friday until Sunday night.”

  “But you’ll give me a jump with your cables tonight?”

  Code sent up a curse to the universe. Then he marched over and faced her nose to nose, the scent of his cologne a big, hopeless turn-on. “You want reckless sex in the back of your grandmother’s car, Hayley? Go find someone else to guard your body. It won’t be me. Got that?”

  Oh, boy. Loud and clear. She’d pushed him too hard. She hadn’t meant to, but seeing him up on that stage, having women bidding on him, jerked something loose in her heart. She’d never been able to love anyone in her life, but she’d come close to it with Code. Back in his Uncle’s barn that day, she was getting close to giving him not only her body, but her heart. And it had scared the life out of her. Now, she’d be satisfied to have his protection. “I got it.” And then she folded her arms across her middle and trembled. From the cold. From fear. From standing next to Code.

  He noticed her quivering and made a production of working a kink out of his neck. She held back a smile. She was getting to him, though he’d rather eat dirt than admit it.

  “Listen,” he said. “I’ll jump your car, follow you home and make sure you get into the house safely tonight.”

  “That’s wonderful.”

  He gave her a stern shake of his head. And waved a finger in her face. “Just don’t mess with me, Hayley. I’m not that heartsick boy who can be outmaneuvered anymore.”

  She didn’t want to outmaneuver him. He’d gotten it all wrong, but she’d hurt him once and while she may have all the faith in the world in him, he had none in her. “I won’t mess with you, Cody.” She lifted up on tiptoes and kissed the firm, stubbly flesh of his cheek. “Thank you.”

  He didn’t react to the kiss. Instead, he ordered her back into her car. “Get warm. Stay put. Lock yourself in. I’ll be right back.”

  “Don’t worry,” she said cheerfully. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  And he shot her a look that said in no uncertain terms, that was exactly what was worrying him.


  Code pulled up to Marie O’Malley’s weather-beaten house, Hayley sitting right beside him in the car. The old Chevy didn’t need a jump after all. The battery hadn’t gone bad, like he’d thought and he’d had no choice but to call a tow for her car and drive her home. According to Hayley, the car had been running well until she left it in the parking lot at Grey’s Saloon. It could be nothing more than a bad starter, but Code didn’t want to take the chance. If her car had been tampered with, then Hayley might very well be in danger.

  He was skeptical, to say the least. But he couldn’t afford to make another mistake like the last one where he underestimated the situation. Tori would be alive today, if he hadn’t lost sight of his responsibility. And a little girl would still have her mother.

  “You’re awfully quiet, Code,” Hayley said, as he killed the engine. “What kind of thoughts are roaming around in your head?”

  She’d angled her body toward him on the drive here, crossing her legs all cozy-like in the comfort of his SUV, giving him her undivided attention. He hadn’t said too much, that was true. He wasn’t a talker, not like Hayley. She could make picking weeds seem exciting. It was part of her charm. He’d kept his eyes on the road and off her body.

  Breathing in the heady scent of her perfume was nearly killing him. “I’m thinking ole Mrs. Benedict gave you a run for your money tonight.”

  She tossed her head back and laughed. All that pretty hair went flying and settled wild around her face. “I felt bad, cheating her out of her date.”

  “Didn’t stop you though.”

  She hooked strands of hair behind her ear. “No, it didn’t,” she said softly. “I’m pretty relentless when I want something.”

  Code corralled his ego. He knew why she wanted him around and he wasn’t going to get pulled into this conversation. He got out of the car, gave the O’Malley property a good scan before walking around to Hayley’s side. She slid out of the seat with the grace of a queen, her legs gliding toward him and this time, he couldn’t look away.



  She handed him the key to the house. At any other time, with any other woman, he’d be considering himself a lucky bastard. But not with Hayley. Not under these circumstances.

  “Will you come in and check out the house?”

  He nodded and they climbed the steps together.

  “The sheriff agreed to have the street patrolled more frequently, but he can’t do anything more right now. No crime has been committed. He’s got the note though, and is going to have his people check it out.” Hayley sighed. “Do you think it’s a coincidence? The note and then the car?”

  “You don’t know that the car was tampered with. We’ll find out more in the next day or so.”

  Christ, had he just said, we? He inserted the key and pushed the front door open. “Hang on,” he said, entering first. Hayley must’ve been scared when she left the house today. Every light downstairs was on. When he turned she was right behind him. “You fixing to keep these lights on all night?”

  “No, but I didn’t know you’d be here to check out the house for me,” she said, giving her purse a gentle toss. It landed on the plaid sofa. She shed her black jacket, too, a match to the dress she wore. “I never liked coming home to a dark house.”

  “Do you live alone in Hollywood?”

  “Pacific Palisades. I have a housekeeper and a watch cat.”

  “What the heck is a watch cat?”

  “She’s a maniac, Code. She won’t let anyone get near me. She’s very territorial. You’d be surprised how much damage my calico can do. Selena has to lock her in a bedroom when I have visitors. Let me make you a cup of coffee and I’ll tell you all about her.”

  “You do that. I’ll check out the rest of the house.”

  “Just don’t go into my bedroom at the end of the stairs. It’s a holy disaster.”

  He stared at her. “Because the bad guys don’t like messy rooms?”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Right, I get your point. Go, I’ll make you a nice hot cup of coffee.”

  Code checked out every nook and cranny in the old Victorian house on the first floor and then climbed the creaky old staircase to the rest of the rooms. A perfume trail led him straight to Hayley’s room. Her scent filled his nostrils and he tried like hell not to peek at the nightie laying the bed, waiting for her. A soft pink lace thing with no sleeves and a scoop neckline. Ah, hell. He’d probably close his eyes tonight when he was trying to sleep and imagine her in it.

  After that, he made fast work of checking her closet, under her bed and then moved on to the rest of the rooms. Windows were shut. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

  “Everything checked out,” he said as he entered the kitchen. Hayley was wearing a white frilly apron, filling a small coffeepot with water.

  It was his sexy housemaid fantasy come to life.

  “Really? That’s good to hear. I feel better. Thank you, Cody. And to show my gratitude, I just heated up some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. They melt in your mouth. You have to try one.”

  He took a seat at the big, wooden table, his eyes feasting on a generous pile of coo
kies on a plate. They smelled like heaven. “I’m not refusing, darlin’. Uncle Brand’s not much of a cook. And I can barely boil water.” He grabbed a cookie and took a bite. It melted like butter in his mouth.

  “Really? You? I’d think you’d have all those bachelor skills down pat.”

  “Bachelor skills?”

  “You know, doing laundry, cooking meals, cleaning house.”

  “I barely get by on those things. What about you? Do you cook and bake?”

  “Actually, I’m enjoying being in the kitchen again. I’ve been baking every day.”

  “Clearly, you don’t eat what you bake,” he said, popping half a cookie in his mouth.

  “Are they that bad?” Her face fell.

  “Hell no. They’re delicious. What I meant was that…”

  He had her full attention now. She was standing by the coffeemaker, eyeing him. “That what?”

  “Your body. It’s perfect. Doesn’t seem like you could keep yourself so fit if you’re eating all those cookies you’re making.” He shoved another cookie in his mouth to keep his foot out.

  She smiled. “Well, that’s a hefty dose of honesty.”

  “Don’t fault me on it. I’m in cookie heaven right now. Might be on a sugar high, too.”

  She chuckled at his absurdity. “You know, it’s my job to keep fit. I have…oh, never mind.”

  “You have a certain image to uphold.”

  “Yes. I work out every day.”

  “Oh, yeah? What do you do?”

  “At home, I run. About five miles every day, very early in the morning. And I have a gym in my house. I do some weight training, too.”

  “Well, it’s paying off,” Code said.

  She poured coffee into mugs and sat down at the table, sliding his mug over. “Here you go.”


  “I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me since I’ve been home.”

  “What? That you’re beautiful? Any man with eyes in his head can see that.” He sipped his coffee to plug up his mouth again. Maybe, the sugar was really getting to him.


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