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Bachelor for Hire (Bachelor Auction #1)

Page 9

by Charlene Sands

  Hayley drew breath into her lungs and took a moment to think. “It was freaky scary, at first. I didn’t know anyone but the casting director and the producer. They hooked me up with a first class talent agency and I met my agent. They also set me up in an apartment and I had a roommate who knew her way around town. So that part was kind of nice. Everything was new and exciting and frightening. I was so green and raw and that’s what they loved about me. They said all that translated on the screen.”

  “You won an Oscar on your first movie role, Hayley.”

  “No one was more shocked than me and I have to admit, it was pretty awesome. And then from there, it’s been nonstop and hectic. This is the first real break I’ve had in like, five years.”

  “You’d better be careful or you’ll burn out.”

  “That’s why I made the time to come home.”

  “Home? Do you still think of Marietta as home?”

  Hayley lifted her gorgeous green eyes to his and smiled softly. “I’m beginning to feel that way more and more. Are you sorry I won that bid on you, Code? Instead of an easy date, you got me and all my complications?”

  Her expression was exquisitely vulnerable right now as she waited for his answer. He could only give her the truth. He wouldn’t lie. Being with her now and sharing even a small part of their lives was almost better than sharing a bed with her. Almost.

  “No.” He leaned over, took her face in his hand and claimed her mouth in a kiss. She made a slight whimper and his body tightened automatically. “I’ll take all your complications.”

  She smiled again and his heart did a little flip. He wasn’t going to warn himself to hold back because this was over on Sunday, but right now, in the moment he allowed himself the luxury of kissing her and holding her and making love to her.

  She was his.

  For the next few days.

  “Cody,” she whispered.

  Suddenly, he needed her hands on him. “Touch me, babe.”

  She didn’t hesitate. She pushed to his chest and pulled at the snaps of his shirt. The material fell away and her soft palms were on him, stroking, exploring until he burned and burned. The pleasure so great, he was about to lose his mind. And then a rational thought snuck in. He grabbed at her wrists, holding her in place. She deserved fair warning. “Keep it up and I’m gonna lay you down on this blanket and strip you naked.”

  Her teeth nipped at his lips and she whispered, “Cody, I’m never going to refuse you anything. I’m yours, remember?”

  Good God. His threat didn’t even faze her. Every plane in his body grew harder. Except for one tiny spot in his heart, that went soft as a marshmallow.

  Then he kissed her again and lowered her down on the warm blanket under the sun in the middle of nowhere, Montana.


  The sun beat against Hayley’s skin, her entire body taking in warmth as she lay limp and tranquil on the blanket. Code was beside her, his eyes shutting out light, equally spent. A sense of joy and peace kept her gladly immobilized.

  “I’ve never done that before,” she said quietly, as if the sound of her voice would disrupt the moment.

  “Funny, I recall doing that with you twice yesterday.”

  “Not that, silly. I meant I’ve never made love outside. It’s sort of freeing, isn’t it? Having the sun touch our skin with the ground beneath us and the woods surrounding us.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Have you ever?”

  “No, Hayles,” he said, coming up onto his side to play with a lock of her hair. “I’ve never either.”

  She nodded, utterly pleased. “It’s sort of special. Don’t you think?”

  He ran a finger along her jaw and then touched it to the corner of her lips. “I think everything about you is special.”

  It was the very best thing he could’ve said to her. Her joy doubled and all the tingles inside were gathering up together, a conspiracy of emotions reeking extreme havoc to her heart. Something was happening to her. It was powerful and unnamed and she didn’t want to analyze it overly much. She just wanted to feel the sensation and enjoy it.

  “Back home in L.A., I could’ve never done this. I would’ve never been able to be with a man out in the open, and not fear being spied upon. Or worse.”

  Code dropped his hand away. His expression tightened and she felt something was suddenly lost between them. “It’s the life you chose,” he said quietly. “The life you’re going back to.”

  She winced at the truth in those words. She knew she had to go back, but right now, she couldn’t even imagine it.

  Code sat up, braced his forearms on bent knees and stared straight ahead at the Aspens. He’d told her they were called Quivering Aspens, because the slightest breeze made the leaves tremble. That’s exactly how she felt right now, her emotions so raw and fresh that the tiniest upset could cause her to quake.

  She sat up, too, and dressed quickly, quietly with Code sitting pensive beside her. Today had been fun and games up until this moment. When things got all too real.

  “We should head back,” he said, rising.


  They put their boots back on, gathered up their stuff and without saying a word, Code lifted her up onto Salt and handed her the reins.

  He mounted Pepper and gave the horse a signal, a soft clicking sound that got the horse moving without so much as a nudge of his boots. Salt followed behind leaving Hayley nothing to do, but watch Code’s stiff frame from behind as they headed out.

  As they approached the cabin, whatever sour mood Code had been in seemed to have evaporated. The hard lines around his face had loosened and the twinkle was back in his eyes. She’d made that careless comment in the clearing about not being able to make love out in the open with any other man and it only just dawned on her that maybe Code took offense to that. Maybe, he’d wanted to think what they’d done was for them only. Could that have been it? Had he pictured her with another man and not liked it? Had he been jealous?

  A sliver of hope pulsed through her body, warming away the afternoon chill. They’d both agreed this was nothing but a weekend thing and Code, more than any other man she knew, was bound by his word. Even so, the thought that Code might have been jealous lightened her mood far too much.

  She slanted him a look while he was busy doing his usual thorough scan of the grounds, his gaze roaming over the cabin, the shrubs, and what lay beyond the trees to notice. Once he was satisfied, he turned his attention back to her.

  “What are you smiling about, Hayley?” he asked, just as they reined their horses to a stop.

  “I did it, Code. I rode a horse and darn if I don’t feel comfortable in the saddle.”

  “Wait until you dismount. You may be singing a different tune.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He got off his horse and walked over to her. “You’ve been in that saddle three, maybe four hours total, right?”


  She swung her leg around, confident Code would catch her if she lost her balance. Clinging to the saddle horn, she took her foot out of the stirrup and slid more gracefully now along the horse’s side. She dangled for only a second, and saw Code’s arms out, but she shook her head and let go of the horn and sailed down, her boots bouncing onto the ground. The landing was shaky, but she didn’t fall or lose her balance.

  “Not too shabby,” Code said.

  “Thanks,” she said, proud of herself. She took a step away from Salt and immediate stabbing pain gripped her behind. “Oh.”

  Code’s mouth was twitching, but he didn’t dare laugh. “Not too comfortable is it?”

  “Dang, I’m sore.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and then lowered his hands to her butt cheeks.

  “Where? Here?”

  “Yes, there.”

  He squeezed gently, his large hands encompassing her cheeks. “Let me massage the soreness out of you, Hayles,” he whispered as he began to rub and caress the sensitive

  “Oh, baby, that feels so good.” She purred. The tightness in her butt was slowly being eased away by Code’s beautiful stroking.

  “Does this earn me extra brownie points,” he rasped.

  She lifted her chin to look into his eyes. “Because rubbing my butt is a hardship for you?”

  “Because rubbing your ass and not asking for anything in return is damn noble of me.”

  She glanced at his mouth, the stubble on his face, the dark intense look in his eyes. She couldn’t help but want this man. “You can have as many brownie points as you want.” Rising up, she pressed her mouth to his.

  He growled from somewhere deep in his throat and, gathering her closer, brought her pelvis up against his rock-hard erection, his hands never stopping their therapeutic, amazingly arousing massage.

  He continued kissing her, caressing her rear end, and meshing their hips until she knew exactly where this massage was heading. And she was all-in.

  Pepper snorted and both horses shuffled around, growing impatient. At some point, she and Code would have to remove their tack and groom them. Code had given her a lesson in horse etiquette and care on the way out this morning, but she couldn’t think beyond the erotic sensations he was creating with what started off as an innocent massage. Okay, maybe not so innocent, but his massage was working at easing her soreness.

  A minute later, Code broke off the kiss and they came up for air, his hands still working their magic. “Uh-oh. This isn’t going to end well,” he said.

  “Oh, I think it’s going to end very well. Shall we take it inside the house?”

  “It’s too late for that,” he said, shaking his head. “Take a look.”

  From where they stood at the back of the cabin, a sole rider on horseback came out from a batch of trees behind them and approached. Code cursed under his breath. “It’s Uncle Brand.” He stepped away from her and glanced at his watch. “He wasn’t due for another hour. And he must’ve taken a roundabout way on getting here.”

  For an old man, Uncle Brand’s gaze was laser focused and sharp. He didn’t miss a thing and Hayley was sure he knew what was happening between her and Cody.

  “You kids all right?” he asked in a gravelly voice.

  “We’re fine,” Code said. “Just got back from our ride.”

  Uncle Brand’s eyes twinkled kindly. “You like riding, girl?”

  “Yes, it was wonderful. Although, I’m sore. But I guess that comes with the territory.”

  “Sore, huh? Cody might be able to help you with that.”

  Geesh, had he seen Cody massaging her? Heat rose up her throat and Cody’s mouth began twitching again.

  “Cody, didn’t you bring that salve for soreness, like I told you?”

  Cody poked a finger in his eye. “Guess I forgot that, Uncle Brand. You’re early. Everything okay?”

  “Just fine, but Violet has invited me for dinner tonight.” He rolled his eyes. “She said if I didn’t agree, she was gonna bring it out to the ranch. Made some sort of special fried chicken, her mama’s recipe or something. So, not to get her suspicious, I agreed.”

  “Just you and Mrs. Benedict? That should be fun,” Code said.

  “Nah, Mindy Sue will be there. Else, I might not have gone at all.”

  “I was just going to groom the horses. You wanna stay?”

  “Yes, stay for a while, Uncle Brand. I’ll make you tea,” Hayley said.

  “Nah, you kids looked real busy when I got here. Continue on,” he said, giving Hayley a wink. “I’ll take the horses back. Billy and me will groom them. Won’t take but a few minutes.”

  “What will you tell Billy, Uncle Brand? Going back with two riderless horses all saddled up?”

  “Billy comes after school to help out along with some other youngsters,” he told Hayley. “He won’t know that I didn’t have two guests come out for a ride. He’s a good kid, keeps his nose clean. He does what I tell him. He won’t suspect a thing. You want the horses again tomorrow?” he asked Code.

  “Do you,” Code asked her, his gaze dipping down to her butt.

  She wanted to smack him for bringing attention there in front of Uncle Brand. “If you don’t mind. I really like riding.”

  “I don’t mind. I’ll be by at dawn, unless Violet’s dinner gives me the hives or something.”

  Hayley chuckled and Code gathered up the reins and tied the horses loosely to the saddle horn so they’d follow Uncle Brand back to the ranch.

  “See ya!” Hayley said, waving.

  Uncle Brand tipped his hat and took off.

  As soon as he was out of view, Code pivoted on his heels, strode toward her, grabbing her hand and marching her toward the house so fast, her hair went flying. “Where are we going in such a hurry?”

  He mumbled something about a bed and getting her naked.

  And Hayley smiled all the way as she followed him to her bedroom.


  Code was having trouble focusing on anything but Hayley. She was messing with his head and other parts much farther south. God, he hadn’t heard his uncle coming, until it was almost too late. The old man hadn’t been trying to fool him, he’d simply taken a different route and Code had been too damn busy seducing Hayley to listen for intruders. “Stay here,” he said. “I’ll be right back. Gotta check out the house and perimeter.”

  Too little, too late.

  Some damn bodyguard he was turning out to be.

  He left her in the bedroom, his heart thumping at the “what if” scenarios playing in his head. What if it hadn’t been Uncle Brand surprising him? What if, it’d been Hayley’s phantom stalker? What if someone wanted to take a potshot at her? Where the hell was his gun? He’d left it in one of the saddlebags. Luckily, just before Uncle Brand took off, Code remembered it. He had another one stashed away at the house, but little good that would’ve done him, if someone out there had ridden up to the house wielding a weapon.

  Dating Hayley while trying to protect her wasn’t working. He had to give up one of them. He ran his hand down his face measuring his willpower when it came to her.

  Just two more days. You can do this, Code. Because you sure as hell can’t stop protecting her. And you know in your bones, you’re not gonna stop making love to her.

  “Okay, settled,” he muttered, feeling a little better about the situation. He’d just have to be more careful. Not get distracted and take chances. Once he made sure the house was locked up good and tight and his gun was loaded and ready, he returned to Hayley’s room and set his weapon on the dresser.

  When he looked up, all of his breath whooshed out. She lay on the bed in her panties and bra, holding a bottle of lotion. “Want to finish my massage? Then maybe, I can do you.”

  “Oh, babe. You’re gonna do me, all right.”

  She gave him a seductive smile. “Take off your clothes, Code.”

  He obeyed her order, kicking off his boots, undoing his shirt, and then unfastening his belt buckle. Hayley’s eyes turned deep sea green, darkening with every article of clothing he shed. He stood unclothed before her, his arousal thick and erect. He walked over to her and she rose up on her knees and touched him, her fingertips a light brushing of reverence that made him shudder and growl. And then her mouth was on him, and he was lost to the pleasure she was providing. Her tongue worked magic, her lips greedy, and her mouth generous. He brought his hands to the back of her head and guided her deeper.

  She made little sounds in her throat as she gave him a gift, an erotic bone-melting present that only confirmed his decision to stay the course. No way, could he have given her up this weekend. He’d just have to be extra careful, extra diligent in protecting her.

  He moved with her now and stroked inside her as she brought him to the brink. His hands were shaking when he pulled her away from him. “No more,” he said, lifting her up from her knees. He kissed her soundly. “Thanks for the gift,” he said, smiling. “And now you get yours. Lay down on your stomach.”

p; The picture she made on that bed got him hot all over again. He took his time undoing her bra and tossing it aside. Then he lowered her panties, inch by inch, down her legs, his trembling fingers grazing her skin. Next, he grabbed the bottle of lotion and poured some into his hands. It was cool to the touch and smelled of something flowery, not roses but something more exotic, tropical. He warmed the lotion up in his palms then began at her shoulders, rubbing, caressing, gliding the smooth creamy liquid into her skin. “Feel good, babe?”

  “Mmm.” She pushed her hair off her shoulders, all those beautiful auburn tresses spilling onto the bed.

  He moved down her back, his fingers splaying the lotion wide, back and forth. At times, he touched the underside of her breasts and could almost see her nipples stiffen. When he reached the small of her back, she whimpered, pleading with him with her sexy sounds to touch the most delicate parts of her body.

  He poured more lotion and warmed it up, then touched the mounds of her ass, massaging the lotion in. It felt a hell of a lot better than when she had clothes on, but then, he wasn’t complaining either way. She was incredible to touch. He worked diligently on her butt cheeks, hoping to ease her pain and with each stroke, each caress, his shaft grew harder.

  “Uh, Hayley, sweetheart.”

  “I know, Code. It’s okay. I’m so ready.”

  He took care of business, a different kind of protection for her, and waited.

  When he thought she would roll over, she didn’t budge, and then slowly, she lifted up to grip the top of the headboard with her hands. She turned her head around, her hair lush around her face. “This is a day for firsts.”

  His heart beat hard against his chest as he came up behind her, positioning himself and holding onto her hips. If she wanted to experiment he was glad to be the one to initiate her. He entered her folds with one plunge, going deep, and she moaned.

  “Babe, everything good?”

  “More than good.” She managed.

  And then he began thrusting, filling her sweet spot with slow calculated moves so not to hurt her in this new position. He was so turned on, he could barely hold back as they learned the rhythm of their joining. It was amazing. The woman in his arms was incredible. And he struggled to maintain control to make it good for her.


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