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A Guardian's Loving Caress (Enigma, Maine)

Page 3

by Iris Abbott

  Jessica opened the pumpkin shaped purse she was carrying and pulled out the invitation. She watched Lucian pass it to a man that was almost as intimidating as he was. Both men were about six feet tall and in perfect shape. Lucian’s muscles were thicker, but the other man wasn’t a slouch. They really knew how to grow men in this town. Too bad she couldn’t enjoy that aspect of Enigma. It wouldn’t do to become involved with anyone while her life was so dangerous. She’d never forgive herself if she caused someone’s death.

  Hottie number two took her invitation and disappeared down a back hallway. She turned her attention back to the man at her side. “Well thanks for the ride. It would have taken me forever to walk all the way up the drive.” She let out a wistful and breathy sigh. “It would have been worth the hike though to see this place.” The reverence and admiration were evident in her voice. “I’m sure you have other people you want to say hello to. You don’t have to stay by my side all night. Now that I’m here, I want to take advantage of this lovely surprise and see as much of the castle as I can.”

  Lucian wasn’t about to let her out of his sight. There were too many unanswered questions. “I know the owners quite well actually. I could arrange a private tour for you if you’d like.” Well played he silently congratulated himself. That would keep them isolated from most of the partygoers and it would keep her by his side until he heard from Justin.

  Jessica lightly chewed on her bottom lip. She would love to be able to see more of the place, but she didn’t want to be a bother. A personal tour by the owners would also put her on someone’s radar. Maybe she should pass. “I don’t want to be a burden,” she finally said. “I’m sure the owners want to spend their time visiting with friends and family, not catering to a complete stranger.”

  Lucian could tell she really wanted to get a better look at the castle, but for whatever reason was denying herself the pleasure. “It’s no trouble at all. Alessandro has been promising to give me a private tour forever. He and his lovely wife are right over there. You stay here and I will find out if it’s convenient for them to show us around in the next few minutes.”

  Jessica was enthralled enough with the idea of seeing more of the architectural masterpiece that she didn’t argue when Luc stepped away. Instead she went right back to admiring the angles and lines that made up the castle. She’d had hopes of designing something this grand once. Now those dreams were on the backburner probably forever. Her career along with everything else in her life was stalled maybe permanently.

  Lucian cornered Alessandro and Julie Russo. They were engrossed in a deep conversation with Phillip and Selena Saint John. “I picked up a stranger on my way to the party.” He inserted himself into the discussion without bothering with a greeting. Lucian could be abrupt and most of his acquaintances were aware of that fact. They accepted him as he was. Besides no one had enough guts to take the legendary cat shifter to task. If he was a tad rude, well they just learned to deal with it.

  Alessandro looked over Lucian’s shoulder. He stiffened and subtly shifted his body in front of Julie. He was now firmly located between his wife and the stranger with the fiery red hair. “I don’t recognize her. Are you sure she should be here?” His voice vibrated with power, but was laced with concern for his mate.

  Alessandro Russo and Phillip Saint John, the second oldest living cat shifter were powerful forces in their own right. They were both several centuries old. And with age came power. They were not as old and powerful as Lucian was, but they were still formidable. He could feel their need to protect their mates. He felt an answering need to protect the woman on the other side of the room.

  It was time to take back control of this conversation. He squared his shoulders. Then he pinned both vampire and cat shifter with a warning glare. “She has an invitation. She claims she doesn’t know who gave it to her. Justin has it now and he’s trying to determine the origin as we speak. Anyway, she seems fascinated with the castle. I promised her a private tour. If you could do it now, we would be able to keep her isolated from the other guests until we know why she’s here.”

  Julie finally spoke up. “I think we should do it Alessandro. At first glance, something about her seems familiar. I would like to spend a few minutes in her company and see if I can figure out why.”

  “You know you’re right,” Selena Saint John agreed with her friend. “I’m drawn to her for some reason. I feel like I should know her.”

  “Interesting, I thought the exact same thing,” Lucian interjected. “I know I’ve never met her before.” Nope you didn’t forget a woman like that no matter how many centuries you lived.

  Lucian glanced back at the stranger. She was lovingly running a hand over the intricately carved staircase. He shuddered. He could imagine those hands on his body: touching, rubbing, and loving. And in return he would thoroughly caress every inch of her body until she was screaming his name in a blind haze of want and need. Yes. She was utterly unforgettable. No way had she ever crossed his path before.

  Lucian was snapped out of the lust-filled trance by the arrival of Justin Gannon. The wolf shifter had a slight frown on his face. The invitation was held tightly in the wolf shifter’s hands. He nodded a greeting when Justin joined the group and waited for him to share what he’d been able to find out about their mystery guest.

  “Well, I was able to trace the invitation. It was originally sent to Brianna Sheldon.”

  “Brittany’s grandmother?” Julie snapped her fingers. “That’s it! She reminds me of Brittany!”

  “Darken the hair to a deep auburn, cut it and shape it into an elegant bob, and you could be looking at Brittany’s twin!” This pronouncement came from a very excited Selena.

  Alessandro frowned. “I don’t think she looks anything like your friend Brittany. Just because they both have red hair doesn’t make them look alike.”

  “No it doesn’t,” Julie agreed. “It’s not just the red hair. It’s the way she moves, her mannerisms.”

  Lucian already had his phone out and was pressing buttons. He waited until Brianna answered. “I’m at the Halloween party you practically begged me to attend. So imagine my surprise when a stranger shows up in possession of your invitation.”

  “Oh you found out about that little trick did you?” Brianna wasn’t going to pretend or play stupid. She wanted Lucian to help the stranger and getting him angry wasn’t the key to his cooperation. Cats could hold a grudge like no one else.

  “Quite by accident I assure you. I found your friend hiking up the driveway and gave her a lift.” He remembered what Julie and Selena had said. “Is she related to you Brianna?”

  “I don’t know, maybe.”

  That was a surprising answer. “Explain?” The one word command was enough and Brianna launched into an explanation.

  “She has the aura of a very powerful witch, but I don’t sense any magic about her. My niece and her family were killed several years ago. There was one baby, a female. Even though the body was never found she was presumed to be dead just like her parents. Now I’m wondering if this stranger and the long lost baby are one and the same.”

  Lucian could not believe what he was hearing. Things were getting more and more complicated as time ticked by. He remembered the horrifying incident and how upset Brianna had been by losing part of her family in such a way. He ran a hand through his close-cropped hair. “Is she the reason you wanted me here?”

  “Yes, she needs protection. She is surrounded by fear and she’s been marked for death. No one gets the best of you, Lucian. I’m almost positive this woman is my great niece and I need you to keep her alive, for me.”

  Lucian almost snorted. He and Brianna had been close friends for decades. She knew he’d do almost anything for her. “I was interested in her before this, but now I’m downright intrigued. You have my word that no harm will come to her. I won’t leave her side until we figure out what exactly is going on with this woman.” He couldn’t keep calling her this woman or the stranger.
“Do you happen to know her name?”

  Brianna laughed so hard she was cackling. “Lucian you must be losing your touch. Loosen up a little. Try not to be so taciturn.” She sobered suddenly. She didn’t want to risk alienating the only person who could help her keep this woman alive. “I’m just teasing you my old friend. She wouldn’t introduce herself to me either. She came into the shop to get her Halloween costume,” she explained. “The good news is that I managed to snag a few strands of her hair. I’ve already sent a sample along with my own hair to a friend at the hospital. She put a rush on the DNA test and I should have the results soon.”

  “What are you going to do if she is related to you?”

  “I’m going to confess to her about the DNA test. I’ll tell her everything I know about her family and her disappearance. Then I’m going to try to build a relationship with her.” She paused for a second. “Lucian, if you see Brittany, please do not tell her about this. She was three years old when this happened. I doubt if she even remembers. It hasn’t been spoken of in years. I don’t want Brittany to put herself in the middle of whatever is coming, because I know there is danger, grave danger on its way. I feel it. It is a thick suffocating black cloud of toxin bearing down on us and chocking the life out of everything in its path.”

  “I understand. Let me know when you get the test results. I’ll keep you informed, and I will let you know if I find out why she’s in danger.” Lucian ended the call and turned to the other people standing around him. “Thanks Justin. Apparently Brianna is the one that slipped the invitation under our mystery guest’s door.”

  Relieved that nothing seemed to be amiss, Justin returned the invitation. “I’ll make my rounds then.”

  “Justin, you need to be extra vigilant tonight,” Lucian ordered. “It’s not the redhead, but trouble is coming.”

  Justin nodded. “Good night everyone,” he turned and blended with the crowd.

  “Is she related to Brittany?” Julie and Selena both asked at the same time.

  “We don’t know yet.” His eyes narrowed and he used his most commanding voice. “Say nothing about this to Brittany. Whoever the stranger is, it’s Brianna’s place to discuss the possibilities with her granddaughter.”

  Julie pursed her lips and Selena put her hands on her hips in a defensive stance. The three witches were close, like sisters. They both had sense enough however to realize it wouldn’t do to upset Brianna or Lucian. Both of them were powerful beings used to getting their own way. They looked at each other and by silent communication agreed to lie to their friend by omission. What other choice did they have?

  That didn’t mean Julie couldn’t tell Lucian what they thought about it. “We don’t like it, but you’re right. We promise not to say anything. And if for some reason Brittany asks questions, Selena and I will send her your way.”

  That was good enough for Lucian. He nodded his agreement. “Even though we know why she’s here, she’s still shrouded in secrecy and danger. It’s probably a good idea to keep her out of Brittany’s sight. I still think the private tour is the best way to proceed,” he informed Alessandro and Julie.

  “I’ll do it,” Julie offered. “At least one of us should mingle with the guests and greet newcomers.” When her husband looked like he was about to argue, she stopped him. “Selena can go with me. And Lucian will be there. I’m pretty sure two strong witches and the most powerful paranormal being known to exist will be safe with one little redhead.”

  Glad that was finally settled, Lucian agreed and then hurried back to his mystery woman with Julie and Selena in tow. He placed a hand on her shoulder to get her attention. “This is Julie Russo and Selena Saint John. They’ve agreed to give us a tour. Julie and her husband own this monstrosity that you are so enamored with.”

  Jessica couldn’t contain her excitement. She stuck out a hand and vigorously shook the one that Selena and then Julie offered. “Thank you so much! You have such a wonderful home from both an architectural and artistic standpoint. I’m Jessica by the way.”

  “Jessica,” Lucian let the name roll off his tongue. “I like it,” he pronounced.

  The smile faded from her face. In her excitement over the tour, she’d inadvertently used her real name. This was not good, not good at all.

  Julie and Selena looked at each other. The sharp tang of fear followed by bone-weary sadness was enough to send a lesser being to its knees in despair. They both linked arms with the stranger in an attempt to make her feel more at home. “I’ve actually lived here less than a year, but this is my husband’s ancestral home. I’m sure he’s shown me every nook and cranny by now. I’d be more than happy to share it with you and Lucian.” She looked at the cat shifter over her shoulder and gave him a wink. She could have sworn she heard him hiss.

  Selena burst into laughter. “Jessica, I think we’re all going to be fast friends. Welcome to Enigma by the way.”

  Jessica let the women lead her away. This castle and these people felt safe. Just this one time she was going to let her guard down and enjoy the beauty around her. With Julie on one side, Selena on the other, and Luc standing guard behind they explored almost every inch of the castle. She asked way too many questions and took in every glorious detail. This was the first time in a long time she actually felt happy. She hoped she could remember this moment later on down the road. It would bring her comfort if she was still on the run.


  Jessica tugged slightly, but she couldn’t pull free from Luc’s iron grip. It was midnight and the party was ending, time for everyone to leave. “I’ll call a cab. You really don’t need to take me home.” She didn’t want to get in any deeper with this man. He just drew her in and she wanted to soak up his essence. That wasn’t a very good idea for either one of them.

  “You aren’t going to get a cab to come this far from the city center this late at night.” And he knew for sure no one would come to this address, just like the previous cab driver who had dropped her off at the end of the drive.

  Jessica knew he was right. She hadn’t planned to stay this long, but she’d been engrossed in the tour and Julie’s tales about the castle. And she’d lost all track of time. “Okay I admit you’re probably right about this one.”

  Lucian raised a brow. He sensed that was a great concession coming from Jessica. “I know I’m right, as I usually am,” he couldn’t help but add.

  “Umm, modest much?” She couldn’t help but smile when she said it. Lucian had seemed detached, almost cold to the people around them tonight. She didn’t feel that coldness when he dealt with her though. He had that tall, dark, and deadly look about him. She almost wanted to confide her trouble to him, because he looked like someone who could take care of himself and anything that came his way.

  The truth was she didn’t really know enough about him to bare her soul and in the process put him in danger. She’d let him drop her off at the inn and that would have to be goodbye. She felt a pang of longing and regret. Under normal circumstances she would have really liked to get to know this man better. Nothing about her life right now was normal, and she couldn’t forget it.

  “I’m staying at Inn Enigma. You know the one on Main Street with the cute apple green door and royal purple awning.”

  “I know where it is. Let’s go.” He didn’t let go of her arm and she had no choice but to follow him to the valet area. His car was already there waiting for them with the keys in the ignition.

  “Wow now that’s service,” Jessica mumbled under her breath.

  Lucian gave her a small smile as he opened the door, but he didn’t comment. She was learning that he was a man of few words.

  The trip to Enigma’s town square happened in relative silence. Luc seemed deep in thought and she was loath to disturb him. She tried to look straight ahead to see where they were going, but spent most of the time sneaking peeks at Luc from underneath her lowered lashes. She knew it was silly. She wanted to look her fill, but she didn’t want to get caught doing

  Lucian neatly parallel parked the car in a convenient spot just right of the inn’s main entrance. Jessica shook her head. That space would have never been open if she’d been driving. She turned in her seat and finally faced him head on. “Thanks for everything, Luc.” He started to say something, but she put up a hand to stop him. “No I mean it. You made this night special for me and I’m truly grateful for everything: the lift up the drive, the tour, the ride home, but most especially your kindness.”

  Lucian snorted. No one had ever called him kind before, not even Brianna.

  Jessica leaned close and placed a tentative kiss on his cheek. “I guess this is goodbye.” It had to be. She opened the door and climbed out of the car without a second glance. Every step she took away from Luc made her heart feel heavier. Boy did she have it bad. She gritted her teeth in a fit of determination and walked faster.

  Lucian watched her try to make her get away for a full three seconds before he snapped out of the self-imposed trance. He’d been watching the sway of her hips and admiring the little glimpse of creamy skin he caught here and there when her costume shifted. Now his mind was back in working order. He jumped out of the car in hot pursuit.

  Jessica sensed Lucian right before he wrapped a possessive arm around her waist. “Luc, I’m perfectly capable of making it to my room on my own. I’m a big girl and I’ve been alone for a while now.” Her voice trembled even though she did her best to hide her churning emotions.

  Not in the mood for an argument he refused to lose, Lucian just took the old fashioned skeleton key from her hand. He glanced at the room number engraved on the key and headed for the stairs. The grip on her waist tightened and Jessica’s only choice was to keep walking. They climbed the single flight of stairs quickly. In fact Lucian didn’t stop his brisk pace until they were standing outside her door.


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