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Louis in the Land of Tetra

Page 18

by Frank J. Ling


  “We’re in trouble,” said Gus.

  “We’re in trouble,” agreed Crystal.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll think of something. I’ve got to!” Louis said again.

  They climbed up the ladder and passed through the hole. Across, on the other side of the cliff, the Shadow Warriors sat on humongous black horses, waiting for the order to attack. The log was still connected from the hole to the edge of the cliff.

  “Let’s go!” commanded Louis. The others were doubtful about what they could do against such powerful enemies, but they followed Louis across the log to the other side.

  A strong bond had developed between all of them. It was stronger than friendship. They were all different from one another, but, in spite of this, they were very tightly connected. Any of them would have gladly sacrificed themselves to save the rest.

  Viewing the Shadow Warriors up close was unnerving. The creatures were even more horrible looking than Louis could have imagined in his worst nightmares. They were no longer flat shadows moving fluidly over the surface of the ground. They had taken on a physical substance and form — horrible looking gladiators atop ferocious horses. The horses were terrifying in appearance. Their heads were massive with long black manes that flowed wildly in the air. Their teeth were sharp like shark’s teeth and protruded from angry looking mouths. Dark shiny eyes protruded from angular heads, which shook menacingly from side to side in fury. Sturdy legs propped up strong muscular torsos. The horses seemed to be built for fighting and running without end. They stomped their hooves against the ground and sent up small dust clouds as if to warn away anyone foolish enough to attack them.

  The Shadow Warriors were no less intimidating in appearance. They were covered from head to toe in dark armor so black that no highlight or reflection appeared anywhere on the impenetrable shells. Catlike eyes glowed in a sickly amber color and peered out from behind narrow slits in the helmets. Each Shadow Warrior carried a large jeweled shield and sword studded with black onyx gemstones. The shadow army let out a loud battle cry, which curdled the blood of Louis and his friends.

  “You know something? If we ever get out of this, I’m never going to complain about things being boring ever again!” said Crystal.

  “I know what you mean. I think I’ve had enough adventure and excitement to last me a couple of lifetimes,” replied Louis.

  “Just promise me one thing, Crystal. Don’t leave my side whatever you do. The prophecy said the sweater and ring must never be separated. I don’t understand why, but do your best to stay close to me at all times, okay?”

  She brought her hand up in front of Louis’s face and showed him the ring.

  “See, it’s nice and tight around my thumb. It won’t fall off. Besides, I would have stayed close to you even if I didn’t have to. Did you forget that you are my best friend in the whole world? Besides, it’s my job to look out for you, understand?” she said firmly.

  “I didn’t forget. You’re my best friend too and I’ll do whatever it takes to get us back home. But first things first, we have to fight these characters.”

  “Well, those characters you’re talking about look like they’re ready to attack! When are you going to come up with that brilliant plan of yours?”

  “When the time comes, the time will come.”

  “Oh no, you’re beginning to sound like Chalandoor!”

  “Sound like him, do I sound?”

  “Quit it, this is not the time to do Chalandoor impersonations!”

  Louis’s failed attempt at levity was disrupted by the sounds of someone shouting toward them. It was the leader of the Shadow Warrior tribe.

  “I am Qruzer the Great! Who is the one that wears the garment?”

  “Me. I am Louis, the keeper of the garment.”

  Qruzer pointed all around him and said, “Behold my army! You and your followers are doomed. It would be best for you to surrender yourselves to us and turn over the garment. If you do this, we will release you. You have no other choice. Do it quickly before you forfeit your lives in futile battle!”

  “You know, maybe he’s got a point there,” said Gus.

  “This is no time to joke around!” Crystal yelled.

  “Who’s joking? Not fighting these monsters sounds like a pretty good plan to me.”

  Louis thought over the situation and realized that the tribal leader was giving him an alternative — a way out. Instead of taking the sweater away by force, he was giving him a chance to give it back. But why? The Shadow Warriors were supposed to be ruthless and fearless. Why would the leader uncharacteristically offer them a chance to survive?

  “We await your answer, little one.”

  Qruzer, the tribal leader, reached down into his saddle and took out a small hourglass. He turned it over and placed it on the palm of his hand.

  “As soon as the sand empties from the top chamber, your time will end as well. We will then commence with our attack. Do not make the foolish decision of fighting against us. It will be in vain.”

  “You’ve got that look in your eyes again. I can tell. What’s the matter?” Crystal asked.

  “It doesn’t add up. Why don’t they just attack us and get this thing over with? Look at how outnumbered we are. They could easily wipe us out with their army.”

  “If I didn’t know any better, it almost seems as if they’re afraid of us or something,” Crystal observed.

  Louis considered what Crystal said. There appeared to be some truth in her statement. But if it was true, what could they possibly be afraid of?

  “Don’t be ridiculous. With their might and power, they have nothing to be fearful of, I assure you,” said Mr. Bixbee.

  “It is true. They fear nothing or anyone,” Shining Star added.

  “Fear nothing, they do,” Chalandoor agreed.

  “Well, I guess we’re going to find out one way or another. I’m taking a stand against them. I’m not going to give up the sweater. Let’s see what they do after that.”

  The last grains of sand passed through the narrow waist of the hourglass. “It is time! What is your decision?” demanded the tribal leader, Qruzer.

  Louis walked calmly toward him.

  “Hey, what is Louis up to now?” asked Gus.

  “Your guess is as good as mine. Let’s just watch. I’m sure Louis will amaze us with something,” replied Crystal hopefully.

  Louis stood directly in front of the tribal leader in an open clearing, away from the edge of the cliff.

  Louis called to his friends and said, “Come, stand next to me.”

  “Sure. What have we got to lose?” said Crystal.

  “Our lives maybe?” replied Gus.

  “Very funny,” said Crystal sarcastically.

  “I wasn’t joking,” Gus said.

  “I take it you have decided to surrender yourselves and the garment to us, correct?” the tribal leader said.

  “NO! My friends and I have chosen to fight to the death!” Louis said with such conviction that he was surprised at his own confidence.

  “We’re fighting to the death? When did we make that decision?” said Gus.

  “It would seem that Louis has done this unilaterally,” marveled Mr. Bixbee.

  “You mean he decided this by himself,” said Gus.


  “We’re in trouble,” said Gus.

  “In trouble, we are,” said Chalandoor.

  If anything, Qruzer was more shaken at Louis’s response than his friends.

  The tribal leader said, “Perhaps you do not understand the gravity of your decision. If you choose to go into battle, it will mean certain calamity for you and your associates. No one can defeat us, especially ones as weak as yourselves”, Qruzer bellowed.

  “I doubt that. We are more than a match against you and your army. Let’s stop chattering and start the battle!”

  Crystal whispered to Louis, “Hey, aren’t you going overboard with all this tough talk? You’r
e just making this guy angrier. How can you be so sure of yourself?”

  “I can explain it in one word: ‘destiny’. The prophecy described how someone would come to Tetra to help everyone. You said yourself that it was talking about me. We have no choice except to fight. It is my destiny.”

  “Are you crazy? You’re risking all of our lives on that? Louis, the prophecy didn’t say you would be successful or not. Couldn’t you think of something else?”

  “We’ve run out of time. I don’t have a plan, but I can’t stop because of that. Those Shadow Warriors aren’t just going to wait around until I come up with a strategy. We just have to take it by faith that, somehow, we’ll be able to beat these creatures. I’m counting on the prophecy being right.”

  “Okay, Louis. I’m sticking by you no matter what. That’s what best friends do, right?”

  Shining Star, Mr. Bixbee, Chalandoor, and Gus stood closer to Crystal and Louis.

  “What Crystal says is true. Best friends support each other, even when things don’t look too good. I don’t know what is going to happen, but we’re here for you. We won’t run away and leave you,” announced Gus.

  “How touching,” Qruzer said mockingly. “You will all meet your deaths.” He shouted to his warriors, “Prepare for battle!”

  Unexpectedly, the Shadow Warriors turned and galloped away.

  “Look! They’re running from us!” Crystal said with hope.

  “No, they are forming in groups to charge. They will come at us wave after wave until we are completely annihilated. This is typical of their assault. I have observed this once before, when a village was completely decimated within a matter of hours,” Mr. Bixbee said.

  “Wow. Thanks for the encouraging words,” Crystal said. “I feel much better now.”

  “Does she speak the opposite of what she means?” asked Chalandoor.

  “You got it,” said Gus.

  “Strange and odd creatures, you are. How is it that you understand one another is a mystery to me, it is.”

  “No time to argue about it now. Here they come!” shouted Gus.

  The first attackers charged furiously toward them. The sound of thundering hooves was deafeningly loud. Shadow Warriors flashed their swords back and forth, slicing through the air, daring anyone to stop them. They struck large rocks which violently shattered at the mere touch of the sharp weapons.

  It was an effective demonstration. Louis and his friends were terrified.

  One warrior from the charging horde swooped down on Crystal and swung his mighty sword in a wide arc.

  Crystal ducked under the blade but wasn’t quick enough to avoid the razor-sharp weapon. The tip of the sword made contact with and pierced the skin of her arm. She screamed in pain and held her bleeding arm in disbelief.

  “Crystal!” Louis shrieked.

  “Ow! My arm! That awful monster hurt me!” she cried.

  Louis’s shock quickly turned into rage after seeing Crystal’s injury.

  Instead of continuing the offense, the marauders suddenly turned and retreated.

  “Why don’t you pick on someone who can fight back! I swear that I’ll get you for this. I won’t let you get away no matter where you run!” he said with a righteous anger that flooded over him.

  “Crystal, are you okay?”

  “I think so. I guess the cut is only skin deep, but it still hurts a lot.”

  “You stay right here with the others. I’m going after them!”

  “Louis, what are you talking about? You’ll be killed!” Crystal said with alarm. She started to run after him but the rest of the group held her back.

  “No, Crystal! You can’t help him now. You’ll only jeopardize your own safety. Stay with us. We can only hope that he will be able to survive,” said Mr. Bixbee.

  Crystal let out a sob and watched helplessly as her friend ran toward apparent obliteration.

  Mr. Bixbee watched Louis pursue the enemy and wondered why they had run away before the attack had barely begun. There was no reason for them to do so. What was the meaning of this? He pondered this and suddenly realized the answer.

  “Louis! Come back! It’s a trap! They’re luring you away so they can isolate and ambush you! Louis, come back!!” Mr. Bixbee shouted in desperation.

  But it was too late. Louis was already too far away to hear Mr. Bixbee’s warning.

  The withdrawing warriors ran a good distance away from him. They abruptly stopped and waited for Louis to catch up. He was so intent on pursuing them; he didn’t notice the rest of the tribe quietly encircling him.

  “Well, little one. It would seem that you have run out of options,” laughed Qruzer, the tribal leader.

  Louis now understood he had been drawn into an elaborate trap. The Shadow Warriors purposely hurt Crystal to lure him away from the others. But why was it so important for them to separate him from his friends? Why go through all this trouble? He felt he was almost upon the answer until his train of thought was interrupted by Qruzer.

  “There is no sense in expending all of this energy. You have no use for the garment. Why sacrifice the well-being of your friends over an object which you have no use for? Be reasonable and hand it over. If you do this, you and your friends will not be harmed.”

  Something deep inside Louis was warning him Qruzer was lying. He was certain his friends would never live to see another day if he surrendered the sweater. There didn’t seem to be any other course of action for him except to fight. Surrender was out of the question.

  But what would he fight with? Yes, he had the sweater, but so far, it was only used in defense. He had no weapons and, it seemed, no friends either.

  He now realized how foolish it was to run off alone. He had let his emotions take control. He should have stayed with the others to ensure their safety. He not only endangered them by leaving, he had put himself in extreme jeopardy as well.

  He suddenly felt very alone.

  “Louis, we’re here. All of us.”

  He thought he heard Crystal’s voice. Surely, he must be imagining things.

  “Hey, didn’t you hear me?”

  He turned and was startled to see Crystal and his friends.

  “What are all of you doing here!” he said in surprise and relief.

  “I couldn’t let my best buddy get into trouble now, could I?” she smiled.

  Crystal had convinced everyone it was wrong to stand by and do nothing. Louis always stood by them in their time of need, and it was their turn to come to his aid.

  “I’m glad you’re with me, Crystal. And everyone else too!”

  While Qruzer watched this reunion, an unmistakable look of alarm crossed over his face. It was only a quick glint of doubt, but Louis perceived it immediately.

  “Qruzer, you look a little worried. What are you afraid of?” Louis asked.

  “I fear nothing!” he lied. “You will return the garment to me or die!”

  “You know something, Qruzer? For someone who is supposed to be so strong, you sure are taking your time in getting that sweater away from Louis. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were stalling.”

  “Maybe he’s afraid of you, Crystal. You know how scary you can be when you’re mad,” Louis joked.

  “You sure pick the worst times for humor,” Crystal replied.

  As Crystal finished her rebuke, Louis noticed Qruzer involuntarily gazing at Crystal’s hand. Then, it occurred to him that it wasn’t her hand he was looking at — it was what was on her hand. Qruzer was staring at the double-hearted ring.

  “Crystal, he’s looking at my mom’s ring. There’s something about it that seems to bother him. I see it in his eyes.”

  “Why would he be afraid of a small ring? It’s not as though it could hurt him or anything,” she said.

  The words Crystal said hit him like a truck. He suddenly realized why Qruzer was staring at it.

  “Wait a second. What you just said. It makes sense! You’re a genius, Crystal!”

  “I am?

  “The prophecy!” he shouted with comprehension.

  Things were starting to make sense. Just as a jigsaw puzzle’s image becomes clearer with each added piece, Louis was beginning to understand the meaning of the prophecy.

  He turned to Chalandoor and asked, “Do you remember the prophecy you read to us before? What did it exactly say again?

  “Remember, yes I do. We are required to memorize the book, we are.”

  “Please do it now. Quickly!”

  Chalandoor recited from memory:

  “The ring and the garment, together they must be,

  for both will be present for possible victory.

  A true ring within a ring, indestructible, can never be torn,

  It can never be hurt and can never be worn.

  The garment to protect and fight against Evil,

  two close hearts within a ring of friendship to do what cannot be revealed.

  One without the other, this can never become,

  for if the two are separated the Final Battle will not be won.

  No hope of triumph, success or glory in any shape they will say,

  only despair and defeat to follow all the rest of the days.

  But if the two are victorious, it will perplex and amaze,

  for those who once were, will change in all of their ways.”

  “One without the other, this can never become, for if the two are separated the Final Battle will not be won,” Crystal repeated.

  “So, that’s why they were trying to divide us! They must know about the prophecy too! They’re afraid of us being together. No wonder they were trying to separate us,” Crystal said.

  “It’s not really us that they’re afraid of, it’s what we have. I’ve got the sweater and you have the ring. That’s why they were trying to keep us apart. If the sweater and the ring are together, we have a chance to defeat them. That’s why they’re so afraid.”

  “The power must be great indeed, if it frightens them so,” added Mr. Bixbee.

  While Louis and Crystal were deep in their conversation, a Shadow Warrior was silently sneaking up from the rear.

  “I have you!” said the warrior as he grabbed Crystal from behind. He took her hand and wrenched the ring off her thumb before she could pull herself away.


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