Mom's Perfect Boyfriend
Page 20
God, I hope next Christmas is better than this one.
Letter, Received December 25
December 17
Hi Crystal,
I finally made it. It’s almost surreal, but there it is. My ankle held up pretty well, and now I’ve officially walked from Canada to Mexico, all 2650 miles.
I called Mike as soon as I reached the marker, and I really wish he could’ve been there to see it with me. His mom is in the middle of chemo, and the doctor thinks she’ll have a good chance of pulling through, since they caught it in the early stages.
Mom and Dad were there to pick me up at the border, and we’re on our way back north. I’ve had a few good showers at least, and hopefully I’ll be a little less scruffy by the time I see you again. I’ve been Smeagol for so long that I almost forgot what it’s like to be David. The real world almost feels surreal, and even my sense of smell has changed. People smell artificially clean compared to the “trail funk” you get on the PCT.
I had some time to think about my future, and I’ve got some news to share with you. I’m looking forward to seeing you again, and hearing what you’ve been up to these last few weeks.
I’ve also enclosed a little present for you. I know it’s not fancy, but it was the best I could do this year. There aren’t a lot of malls on the PCT, so I hope you’re ok with it.
I filled your sketchbook with all the animals I’ve seen along the trail, because they made me think of you. There are some you’ll recognize, like the squirrels and the pika, but there are also some that I’d never seen before, like this fluffy bird (called a poorwhill). Unfortunately they don’t have fennec foxes in the Mojave, but I did include a gray fox instead.
If you have time, I’d love to give you a call again soon. I should be back at my parents’ place by New Year’s.
Email, December 26
From: Jennifer Smith
To: Crystal Hemmingway
Subject: Re: First three chapters
Hey Crystal,
Thanks for sending along your pages. I’ve attached a copy with my comments. I focused on broader points, as opposed to line edits, as you requested.
There’s some good stuff there. Your writing is definitely coming along, and I could sense some genuine emotions in places. However, right now these first few chapters aren’t quite working for me. It might just be a matter of taste, but it feels like Rapunzel and Dame Gothel have a really complicated relationship, and I don’t see much of the spark or humor that I hear from you normally. It’s fine if you want to focus on writing a more serious and dramatic story, but from the way you initially described it, the story sounded like it was going to be more light-hearted.
I’m not sure if this helps at all, but that’s just my take on it. Please don’t be discouraged. I’d be happy to read more if you’d like, but also feel free to ignore my comments entirely. ;)
P.S. How about lunch next week?
Email, December 26
From: Steamy Reads Submissions
To: Crystal Hemmingway
Subject: New and Novel Contest Closes 1/15
There are just 20 days left to submit your scorcher for the Steamy Reads New and Novel contest! Competition is fierce this year, so send us your best work. As always, don’t forget to proofread. ;)
Steamy Reads Editorial Team
Steamy Reads: Fantasies to light up your night. Check out our latest addition, Santa’s Naughty Little Elf, and stuff her stocking with the gift she really wanted.
Letter, Received December 27
Dear Mom,
I am so sorry for everything. I feel terrible about the Adam thing, and it’s entirely my fault. Lisa was never in support of this plan, and she only found out about it when I asked for her help to end it. Please don’t be mad at her, because this one is on me, and I take full responsibility for it.
I am so, so sorry for lying, and for keeping things from you. I didn’t give you enough credit, and I am really sorry for hurting you. I really appreciated you taking me in when I was down, and giving me a place to write. Boople paid a stipend for the Smart Companion trial, and I tried to give you as much of the money as possible (without it being suspicious). I have included the remainder of the stipend, approximately $7,543, which I unjustly withheld until now.
I feel that the stipend was and always should have been yours, and so I’d like to pay you back for my half of the rent for the months that I stayed with you. I will begin payment in installments as soon as possible.
My presence seemed to cause you a lot of pain and grief, and I feel that it’s time for me to move out again. I’m not trying to run away from my problems, but rather, to take some time to reflect on them and think about how I can make amends. Please accept the rent payments as a show of my good faith.
I’ll send you my forwarding address as soon as I have a new apartment, which I expect will be within the next three weeks. In the meantime, you can reach me by phone or email in case of emergency.
I’m sorry again for all of the trouble, and I love you.
Letter, Received December 27
Dear David,
Congratulations on finishing the PCT. That’s an incredible accomplishment, and one that will stay with you for the rest of your life. I’m sure Mike was with you in spirit, and I’m glad that you had his company earlier on. I never would’ve expected that you’d take such a liking to the great outdoors.
Thank you also for the sketchbook. Your drawings are beautiful, as always, and I will cherish it. Thanks for your notations on the species as well – those poorwills are really fascinating little birds.
I had a rough holiday, to be honest. A lot of stuff came to light that had been hidden for a long time, and I think I messed up pretty badly. I can explain more on the phone, but basically, I wasn’t treating Mom with the compassion that she deserved.
Because of that, and some other things, I wanted to make sure to come clean with you. I told myself that I didn’t want to bother you with some of these things because you were on the trail, but in reality I was probably just scared. So before you read them, I’m sorry, but I really didn’t know where we stood, so I’m doing my best to be brave and tell you now.
I was laid off from my job back in July, shortly after the Hawaii trip. Because of this, I soon ran out of money, and moved in with my mom in October. I was embarrassed about it, especially because I agreed with what you said about needing some distance from Mom, and it felt like the exact opposite of that. But she presented it as a way for me to write and keep my expenses low, and without any other roommates on the horizon, it seemed like the best option.
I would’ve felt better about the whole thing if I’d actually written something decent while I was there. I’ve been working for months on my Rapunzel novel, but I got hit with a bad case of writers’ block. I sent some chapters to Jen for feedback, and what she said pretty much confirmed my fears. Even though it’s some of my better writing, it’s not fun or enjoyable to read. I think I was probably using it as a way to vent my frustrations, and it showed.
The worst part about it is that I’m not really sure where to go next. Jen suggested trying to write something with more humor to it, but I don’t really know where to start.
Since Mom and I had that falling out over Christmas, I’m back in LA for the foreseeable future. I’m going to try to get a real job again, and probably start a new book on the side (once I have a decent idea). I’m not sure if any of my writing is actually worth reading, but I’m going to keep working on it, one word at a time.
I’m sorry again about keeping this from you. I really hadn’t meant to deceive you; we were just out of touch for so long that it became harder and harder to tell you. I completely understand if you’re upset with me, but I felt it was important to be straight with you.
Email, December 28
From: David Richards
To: Crystal Hemmingway
Subject: Your Letter
Hey Crystal,
You don’t need to apologize for moving back in with your mother. It was my fault that you didn’t have the rent money, and I’m sorry that you were trying to hide it for my sake. I was in a bad place in Hawaii, and your mother was only one small part of it.
Jen’s a harsh critic, so I wouldn’t give up on your book because of her. You can always take a break from writing, or maybe just let off some steam. Didn’t you write something funny a few years ago? I thought there was a dinosaur story you wrote for Lisa.
Let’s talk soon.
Emails, January 10
From: Eric Robertson
To: Margot Hemmingway
Subject: Re: Margot’s Mallows Website
Hi Margot,
Thanks for the kind words about my website and portfolio. It’s been years in the making, and I had a great web designer.
Your Margot’s Mallows website looks good, so I don’t think you need to worry about redesigning it. It’s not necessary to add wholesale prices or other information; it’s generally better for people to request that from you directly. It’s good to think about it, but since you already have a contact form, wholesalers will be able to reach you.
If you want to take it further, you’ll want to look into really high quality photos. The images you have so far are good, but if you want to catch the eye of a major grocery chain like Whole Foods (as you said), professional photos will indicate a certain level of quality. I might be biased, but I’ve photographed my fair share of food, and the right image could make your marshmallows absolutely mouth-watering. There are probably some great people in San Diego when you’re ready to take that step. To note, it’s probably not worth getting professional photos until you’ve settled on your final or near-final packaging. I’ve had clients drop thousands on photos, which can make a product look amazing, but an inkjet printer label in HD is still an inkjet printer label. It’s fine if you’re not ready for that yet, but I highly recommend waiting until you’re there before reaching out to the bigger health food stores.
My birthday was good, thanks for asking. I rode my motorcycle out to the Hamptons; my buddy has a house there. The beaches here aren’t as warm as California, but we had a nice time out on the water. I’ve attached a couple of pictures; the sunrises were unbelievable. I think you would’ve enjoyed them. Have you ever been out that way?
Boople Chat, Jan 11 4:02 PM
how’s work?
things are still a mess around here
only a few days left till they shutter our project
aw any word on the transfer?
not yet but i’ve got a good lead
so it’s probably only a week or so now
that’s good
might even be able to turn this into a promotion ;)
so there might be a silver lining after all?
don’t push your luck
so did they give you guys a reason yet?
for shutting us down?
legal complications
oh god
everything ok?
yeah it has nothing to do with northfield ;)
what will happen to adam and the rest of them?
i’ve been trying to find out
so far it sounds like they’re in the boople warehouse
like… in boxes? 0_o
no as workers
wow, really?
do they pay them?
but it’s probably only a temporary solution
ah ok
how’s the new gig?
eh it’s not as fun as writing about princess playsets
but the instructions for these toasters will be ironclad
if one of our users burns their toast, it will NOT be my fault
are you talking to mom again yet?
not much
just sent her a check the other day
ah yeah she mentioned that
is she super excited about the baby?
omg yes
she’s seriously going baby crazy
i think she sent us a dozen presents this week
oh wow
i hope it’s nothing too expensive?
nah it’s mostly necessities like formula…not designer bassinets
ah ok good
so what is everyone doing at work, when they’re not looking for jobs?
some people stopped coming in altogether, because they gave us that option
i prefer to come in and scroll through facebook
my feed is filled with politics and babies these days
it’s not just you
i’m getting babies all over my facebook too
ok this is going to sound really bad so don’t judge me
but have you noticed how some babies are adorable and others are just…ugly?
they might grow up into perfectly fine-looking adults, but some of those babies…
oh you mean the ones that look like hairless monkeys?
yeah exactly
i have come to the earth-shattering realization that some babies are just Not Cute
it’s not their fault, and usually their parents are plenty attractive
i think some people just get the short end of the stick in that department
or maybe their babies get swapped at the hospital
i dunno
what if my babies are ugly? i won’t just be stuck with one hairless monkey, i’m going to have TWO
aww you’ve got nothing to worry about
your babies are going to be the cutest
but you have no way of knowing that
i’m going to be their aunt, that’s how i know
how’s the writing going?
i’m taking a break from the rapunzel novel
just need to think about something different for a while
like what?
Velocirapture, Page 15
A piercing cry cut through the air.
It was the mournful wail of a juvenile, likely a brachiosaurus calf who had wandered too far from the pack. Stella froze, sniffing the air. The other stegosauruses paid little heed; the cry was too far away to concern most of them. But Stella wasn’t like the other herbivores. She was on the hunt – for a certain velociraptor.
She’d first spotted him a few days ago, when she’d wandered off in search of a particular fern. She caught his scent and held her tail poised, ready for an attack. But it was smaller prey that caught his interest that day, and Stella watched from the shadows as he calculated his attack, and leapt in for the kill. His speed was terrifying, and his claws cut with remarkable precision. And when his prey finally lay still, she watched in awe as he began to feed, pinning the creature beneath him.
Stella was frozen in place, and a surge of emotions rushed through her. An herbivore’s life was so dull, so ordinary. Mosses and ferns were mute and willing prey. It was no wonder they left her feeling empty, no matter how many she ate. But here, watching this raptor gorge himself on living flesh, it was terrifying and intoxicating all at once. And, for a brief moment, Stella imagined that it was her pinned beneath the raptor, and that he was running his claw along her tender underbelly, keeping her on the tantalizing edge of pleasure and mortal pain.
The raptor must’ve caught her scent then, because he pulled back from the corpse, and his eyes sought out her own. Stella stumbled backward, frightened by the intelligence and intensity of his gaze. She felt heat rising in her plates as they flushed to a violent crimson, and she felt utterly exposed. Stella knew it was impossible, but it almost felt as if he could see straight into her heart, and that her forbidden lust was on full display. She turned and raced back to her pack, willing her plates to return to their usual soft tan.