Book Read Free

Unexpectedly Royal

Page 6

by Jennifer Domenico

  She shifts her eyes up to mine, and I’m encouraged when they soften. “A little bit.”

  “Be rebellious with me. Take a chance. Let’s see where it goes. I can’t promise you anything but my complete attention and time for as long as I can give it. Maybe it’ll be a few years, maybe it will be many. Maybe you’ll hate me two months from now and never want to see me again. Let’s find out together. What do you say?”

  She nods. “Okay, Lathan. You wore me down. I’ll take a chance with you.”

  I smile and kiss her again. “Thank you. May I walk you home?”


  I take her gloved hand in mine as we turn to go to her apartment. I don’t know what she’s thinking, but I’m wondering what in the bloody hell has gotten into me. I’m chasing a woman I hardly know and throwing myself at her. There’s just something about her that’s got me interested. Intrigued. Captivated.

  A short walk later, we arrive in front of her building.

  “We’re here,” she says.

  “Yes.” I pull her into an embrace, kissing the top of her head. “Thank you for tonight.” I step back, gazing into her eyes. “I mean it.”

  “I know you do. If anything, I can tell you’re an honest man.”

  “I am. Will you come back to class?”

  “If you want to see me again, you don’t need the class. Just ask me.”

  “I want to see you again, but I want to cook with you again too. It’s our last class. Let’s not let Janice ruin the fun we were having.”

  Her eyebrow raises. “We were having fun?”

  I chuckle. “Some of it was fun.”

  “Okay.” She smiles. “I’ll go back.”

  “Good. In the meantime, may I have your phone number?”


  I pull my phone out of my coat pocket and enter her contact information when she gives it to me. “Expect a call.”

  “I will.”

  I pull her close again, happy when she doesn’t resist me. “Since I am an honest man, I’ll tell you something.”


  “I know we don’t know each other well yet at all.” She nods. “But, that doesn’t mean I don’t feel something. Sure, it’s attraction, but there’s something else. Curiosity maybe. I want to know more about you, and I hope you’re interested in me beyond attraction as well.”

  “I am.”

  “Good.” Leaning in, I kiss her again. She has the softest lips I’ve ever felt. “Good night, Delaney.”

  “Night, Lathan.”

  I watch her go inside as she turns to wave at me before disappearing. I don’t know what it is that’s pulling me to her, but I plan to find out.

  Once inside my apartment, I pull my phone out to call Fallyn. She answers right away.

  “Hey, girl. What’s up?”

  “I have a problem.”

  “Tell me.”

  I explain what happened in class, then over dinner, then finally the kiss.

  “Sooo, what’s the problem?” Fallyn asks.

  “What’s the problem?” I sigh. “Were you listening?”

  “Yeah, I was. All I heard was hot guy with an accent kissed you, asked you to be open to a relationship, and wants to keep seeing you. Did I miss something?”


  “Then… problem?”

  “Apparently you didn’t hear the part where he said he’s gonna move back at some point.”

  “At some point. Could be years from now and not even matter to you by then.”

  “What if it does matter?”

  “What if it doesn’t?”

  I sigh. “You don’t understand.”

  “Yes, I do. You’re scared of falling for him, but that’s a ridiculous fear. First of all, falling in love is not scary. Second, you have no idea if it will lead to that or not. None of your other relationships have.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “I speak the truth. If you need flattery look elsewhere.”

  “Okay, but isn’t it kind of stupid to start something with someone that you know is temporary?”

  “Not in this case. He didn’t say he’s leaving next week. He said it could be years, right?”


  “What’s the longest relationship you’ve had so far?”

  “Ten months.”

  “Not even a single year, and you’re worried about something that might happen many years from now. You get my point?”

  “I guess so.”

  “Besides, once people are in love, everything changes. What he thinks right now, what you think, all of that is altered when love is part of the equation.”

  “Maybe, but he said it would be bad if he had an American girlfriend.”

  “Yeah, well, if it comes to that, you’ll deal with it then. Maybe he’s braver than he even knows. His rebellion could work out for him.”

  “I guess.”

  “Do you like him, Delaney?” she asks.


  “Want to see him again?”


  “You’d like another kiss?”


  “Well, then, I guess you’ll have to be rebellious too. You’ll have to take a chance and see what happens. I know that’s hard for you, but it might be fun. You never know what could happen.”

  I allow a smile. “I guess so.”

  “And seriously, do I need to fucking come up there and kick this Janice bitch’s ass?”

  I laugh. “She’s not coming back.”

  “She better not if she doesn’t want a piece of this.”

  “Not necessary. I was ready to fight if I had to. I think she thought I was a princess. Little does she know.”

  “That your best friend is a bad ass and taught you how to fight.”

  “Right. Honestly, I was ready to punch her face in. I even dropped an F bomb.”

  Fallyn laughs. “That’s my girl. Your Boston was showing.”

  “It’s in there somewhere.”

  “Oh, I know it. Did it help to talk?”

  “It always does.”

  “Okay, see you for dinner tomorrow?”

  “Yep, see you then. Oh by the way, you only dropped one F bomb our whole chat. I’d say that’s improvement. Night.”

  Fallyn laughs. “Night.”

  After hanging up, I peel off my clothes and climb into bed. Lathan’s kiss was phenomenal. Better than most for sure. Soft, sensual, really nice. I would happily take a thousand more. Fallyn’s right. The only way that happens is if I let him in. If I take the chance that I could fall for him and he leaves. I don’t even know why I’m thinking like this. None of my relationships ever work out. I just hope they do. Lathan makes me hope even harder.

  As I close my eyes for sleep, my phone buzzes. I pick it up reading a text message.

  Your kiss lingers on my lips, your beauty in my mind, the softness of your skin in my dreams. Like a stunning piece of art, I await the next time my eyes have the pleasure of viewing you again. Sleep well, my darling Delaney. Your “rebellious” Lathan.

  As I read the message again, a smile spreads across my lips. It’s pure poetry. I consider my response. What could I say?

  Your words are like poetry, just like your face, your voice, your smile. I look forward to our next meeting. Yours in rebellion, Delaney.

  A moment later, I receive a “wow” emoticon back. Then another moment later, a new text.

  Your words match your beauty.

  Putting my phone on the nightstand, I smile. He’s something else, that guy. As I close my eyes again, a thought passes through my mind. Rebellion feels kind of good.

  I walk toward the door when I hear the bell ring. Opening it, I see a young, somewhat attractive woman standing there, carrying several binders and a tote bag.

  Her eyes open wide for a moment before she speaks. “Hi, are you Lathan?”

  “I am. You must be Sylvia?”

  “Yes, nice to meet you.” S
he smiles. “I’d shake, but my hands are full.”

  “No problem. Please come in.”

  “Thank you.”

  She walks past me into the living room, setting her items on the coffee table. As she looks around my space, I wonder how this is going to go.

  “Should we get started?” she asks.

  “Yes, please.”

  “Okay, let’s start with a questionnaire.” She pulls a sheet out of a folder. “Answer these either/or questions so I can get a sense of your style profile.”


  “While you do that, is it okay with you if I walk around?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  As I start my questions, I watch her from the corner of my eye as she measures my space, then disappears down the hallway. Looking at my paper, it’s a series of pictures to choose between and simple questions about things like comfort, use of space, and textures, none of which I’ve ever given any thought to. Back home, these decisions were made for me. How do I use my bedroom? What kind of question is that? Sleep of course. Isn’t that what everyone uses a bedroom for? I finish the questions just as Sylvia reappears.


  “I am.”

  “What were you looking for? A space or two?”

  “No, the whole apartment.”

  She smiles. “I see. That’s good since it’s basically a blank slate.” She takes my questionnaire looking it over. “You don’t use your bedroom for anything else?”


  “Reading. Entertaining a lady. Things like that?”

  “No. I sleep in there.”

  “Ah. So you’re single?”

  Smiling, I reply. “Somewhat. I do plan to entertain a lady, as you say, soon.”

  “Oh.” Her face falls a bit. “Well, the reason I’m asking is to decide what kind of feeling you want from the space. Minimalist, old world, masculine. Do you have any idea?”

  “I want a space that feels…” I consider my words for a moment while imagining Delaney there. “I want it to be so comfortable it’s difficult to leave. I want it to be the warmest place on the coldest night.” I step closer to Sylvia. “When she sees it, I want her to crave being in my bed. Can you do that?”

  Sylvia nods, swallowing hard. “I can do that.”

  “Good. I want the entire apartment like that. So nice she never wants to leave. I don’t care what materials or colors or textures or styles you use. I just want it to be a place that a woman feels welcome, comfortable. I want her to think it’s sexy.”

  “Got it.”

  “Good. Now what?”

  “I can draw some sketches for you based on what we discussed today.”

  “How long will it take to complete?”

  “I can make it a priority and have it done in a couple of weeks.”

  I think about her answer for a moment. “Can you make it more of a priority than that?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m very busy.”

  “Cost is not a barrier.” I reply, flashing the smile I’m famous for back home, and knowing that American women also react well to it. “Are you sure you can’t work it out for me, Sylvia?”

  “Uh, it doesn’t cost extra.” She fumbles as she grabs a notebook, flipping it open to a calendar. “It looks like I can move some stuff around and work on it full time this week. Does that work for you?”

  “Yes, that would be perfect. I want to ask her over soon, and I want it done before then.”


  “Great. When will you be back?”

  “I can start with the living room tomorrow.”

  “Can you start with the bedroom? I’m especially interested in that space.”

  She nods, staring into my eyes. I’m quite aware that I’m using my charm to get what I want. It works every time.

  “I’d be happy to start in the bedroom.”

  “Thank you, Sylvia. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Yes.” She exhales and gathers her things. “Goodbye, then.”

  “Bye.” I walk her to the door, grinning. The accent gets women here. So funny since everyone talks like this where I come from. Sitting back on the couch, I think of my chat last night with Delaney and read her message over again with a smile. Yours in rebellion. For the first time since landing in America, I’m excited over a woman. I don’t want to think about the day when I have to leave, and if I’ll have to break her heart to do it. Or break my own. Eventually I’ll have to settle down, but I just can’t imagine doing that with any of my choices back home. Certainly not the evil Gemma. That woman nearly ruined my life. The only thing she’ll ever get from me is a cold shoulder. Unlike most of my friends and family, I’m not interested in just picking someone out of convenience. I’ve always wanted love of the passionate variety. The kind people write about in romances. The love Tristan was lucky enough to find. The trouble is, how do you find that kind of love when you literally know every woman in your country? If a spark hasn’t been lit yet, when will it?

  Ah, but the idea of ushering an American woman into town scares the bloody hell out of me. Rebellion is one thing, but marrying outside of my nationality? Blasphemy. A scandal like none other. Not only would my father fall into an early grave, but the public wouldn’t accept it either. No way. It’s never been done. Well, not for a very long time at least.

  I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I’m getting way ahead of myself. I haven’t even asked the woman on a proper date yet. Who knows if by this time next month, she’ll even be part of my life anymore. I suppose I’m just hoping she is.

  The next morning, promptly at ten, Sylvia shows up with a crew of people carrying various items, from pillows to lamps.

  “Morning,” she says. “Ready for us?”

  “I am.”

  “Good. Furniture should be here in about an hour. I’m going to start on paint.”


  “White walls just won’t do.”

  “Of course. Paint away. Are you okay if I go out for a few hours?”

  “As long as you’re fine leaving me here.”

  “I am.” I grab my coat and my computer, deciding I’d rather be at a coffee shop for a few hours than here in this chaos. “Call me if you need anything.”

  “I will. We’ll be here the majority of the day, but when you get back, it’ll be a transformation.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.”

  I leave, stepping out into the fresh air. The sun is shining today, taking just enough of the chill out of the air. Living here, even when the sun shines, can still be very cold. As much as I enjoy Boston, I sometimes long for the Mediterranean climate of home. The sun always shines in Havendon leaving the air pleasantly warm. I make my way down the street and pop into the local coffee shop where I join the queue of morning professionals waiting for a shot of caffeine. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turn around surprised to see Delaney.

  “Oh my god, hi.”

  She smiles. “Hi.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Probably the same thing you are.”

  “Oh, right. I was just surprised.”

  “I was just taking a quick coffee break. I work just across the street and down a block.”

  “What good fortune to bump into you.”

  “You’re sweet.”

  “Do you have a moment to sit?”


  “What would you like to drink?”

  “Just a black coffee.”

  “Why don’t you find us a table,” I suggest.

  “Sounds good.”

  She wanders off as I move up the line. It’s like she knew I was thinking of her and just showed up. When it’s my turn, I order two coffees, pay and wait the few moments until they’re handed to me, then make my way over to the corner table where the lovely Delaney sits. She looks up at me as I approach, gracing me with her beautiful smile.

  “Here you go,” I say, handing her a cup.

  “Thank you

  I sit across from her. “How’s your day going so far?”

  “Good. I have to write performance reviews for three employees so I needed more caffeine.”

  “I understand.” Sort of.

  “Are you on a break from work?”

  “Oh, I don’t work.”

  “Oh. Right. So what do you do all day?”

  I laugh softly. “Nothing, actually. Explore the city, read, mess around on the internet. Nothing of substance.”

  “Don’t you get bored?”

  “Yes, hence the cooking class.”


  “I’m not legally able to work or I would. I think it would be fascinating to learn about an American workplace.”

  Delaney laughs. “Fascinating. That’s cute. I guess it’s all perspective, right?”


  “Do you want to see where I work?”

  I smile, pulling my head back slightly. “May I?”

  “Sure. You can come back with me and I’ll sign you in, give you a little tour, and you can see my office and what I do all day. I don’t know how fascinating it will be for you, but you can be the judge of that.”

  “I would love to.”

  “Come on then.”

  Standing, we go outside and walk the brief distance to a tall high rise.

  “I work on the fifth floor, but I’m trying to get to the top. That’s where the executives sit.”

  “Ambitious, are you?”

  She shrugs. “Not really, I just want to be able to take care of myself. Boston’s an expensive city. I live in a tiny studio. My bedroom at my parent’s house is bigger than my whole apartment now, but Boston is where it’s at. The jobs, the energy.”

  I nod, thinking of the apartment I live in and what she would think.

  “Do you have a nice place?” she asks.

  “I think it is. I’d like to have you over sometime.”

  “I’d like that too.”

  We walk inside the building and Delaney signs me in with the security guard, who hands me a small badge with my name on it.

  “You have to have that while you’re here.”

  “I understand.”


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