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Unexpectedly Royal

Page 39

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Well,” Ophelia says. “Tristan and I can skedaddle and wait for the show to begin.”

  “Good idea,” Tristan says.

  They both walk out leaving Fallyn and me with the brothers and their parents. I notice how the King’s eyes look over Fallyn, and I bet I already know what he’s thinking. Two Americans in his family.

  “Will you be staying long?” the King asks Fallyn.

  “Oh, uh, no, Your Majesty. I return home tomorrow night.”

  He nods. “Will you be back?”

  Her eyes shift to Arlan and he smiles.

  “Yes, Fallyn,” he says. “Will you return?”

  “Well, uh, actually, I was thinking about moving here.”

  The King’s eyes open wide. “For Arlan?”

  Fallyn’s face turns bright red. “No, sir. For Delaney.”

  “And perhaps a little for Arlan,” Arlan says, grinning.

  “Perhaps a little,” Fallyn concedes.

  Surprising all of us, including the Queen, the King chuckles. “I never thought in a million years my sons would find American women to romance, but if I’ve learned anything about the two of you, it’s to expect the unexpected. Fallyn, you are welcome here too.”

  She smiles. “Thank you, sir. That means a lot.”

  “Regardless of what history has shown, I only want my sons to be productive and happy, whatever that looks like.”

  The brothers smile while the Queen beams and the doors open and a man walks in and bows.

  “Your Highness, Prince Arlan, we are ready for you.”

  He looks at all of us. “Well, here we go.”

  If I don’t vomit first, it’ll be a damn miracle.

  As Arlan walks out to the waiting crowd, I hover near the door, listening intently, but keeping an eye on Delaney. She looks completely at ease, but I know she’s not at all. How could she be? All the reassurances in the world don’t help when something is so foreign to you. Even I’m not sure how people will react, but I’m less than minutes away from finding out.

  I hear my name called and the crowd cheer, so I quickly lean over and kiss her cheek. “I love you, and it’ll be fine.”

  She nods. “Okay.”

  The doors open for me and I walk through the crowd waving and nodding, and then… fuck. Gemma is standing right in the front row, a saccharin smile plastered on her face. I haven’t seen her in years, but it hasn’t dulled my disdain at all. I refuse to smile or even acknowledge her as I walk past. I pray she doesn’t make a scene.

  Walking up the stairs, I take a deep breath and turn to the audience and smile.

  “Thank you, brother.” Arlan steps to the side. Hundreds of people stand before me waiting to hear what it is I have to say, and thousands more watch on the outside screens. “Thank you all for a few moments of your attention before the festivities commence. As you know, this has been a time of transition as I begin to take over more of the King’s duties. As you also know, I was away for two years, traveling in America, and I’d like to share some things with you about my time there.”

  I pause, glancing around the room to include everyone. “As you can imagine, my life was completely different. No one knew who I was or treated me like I was special. I had to learn to do all sorts of things for myself. I even took a cookery class.” People laugh softly. “It was a wonderful time full of self-discovery and challenges. I matured there and gained an understanding and a deep appreciation for where I come from. As much as I enjoyed America, I never stopped missing this amazing place and all of you.” People clap for a moment while I nod and wait. “As I stated, it was time for me to come home, but not without some remarkable treasures from America. One in particular, I want to share with you this evening.”

  The back doors open and I gesture for everyone to turn and look. As my parents come into view, I see Delaney standing between them with Fallyn right behind her. A spotlight turns on them, and I hear gasps and whispers as they begin to walk toward me. I find that I am completely transfixed on her, unable to even focus on the crowd’s reaction to her. When they reach me on stage, my father walks up first, offering his hand to Delaney, followed by my mother, then Fallyn, who steps behind us all. I take Delaney’s hand and turn her to face the audience.

  “Ladies and gentleman, I’d like you to meet Delaney Somers, my fiancée and the future princess of Havendon.”

  More gasps happen, but then it’s overcome by clapping and cheers. The noise comes to a halt when my father steps in front of the microphone, but then as he nods, the crowd goes wild again. He raises his hand and everyone quiets down.

  “Thank you,” my father says. “I am very pleased to be with you this evening. My health is stable at this time, thanks in part to this lovely lady on my left.”

  Delaney offers a demure smile, glancing briefly at the crowd, then back at my parents. “The Queen and I, as Prince Lathan’s parents, are pleased to welcome Delaney to Havendon and into our family. We have grown very fond of her and are confident you will too once you have the chance to know her.” He leans in to kiss her cheek as my mother kisses the other, and the room explodes again with clapping. Hundreds of camera flashes go off capturing the moment when Prince Lathan declares his intended bride. “Son, do you have anything else to say?”

  “I do, thank you, Father.” I turn to the crowd. “I want to thank you all for your continuous support of me. I felt it even when I was thousands of miles away, and I feel it now standing here with my future bride.” As we stand before them, the crowd starts to chant “speech” and I can literally feel the terror coming off Delaney.

  I turn to her and whisper. “Just say a few words about being happy to be here or something.”

  She nods forcing a smile to her lips. When she walks in front of the microphone, the clapping dies down, and you could hear a pin drop. My eyes shift to Gemma who’s face is a shade of red I’ve never seen on a human.

  “Thank you for the warm welcome,” Delaney says, calmly, sounding fully confident. “I am so pleased to be here and meet all of you. I look forward to experiencing Havendon to the fullest.”

  “Where are you from in America?” a male voice yells from the crowd.

  Delaney subtly glances at me, and I nod. “Boston, Massachusetts.”

  Before anyone else can start asking questions, I step forward. “A full release will be issued tomorrow for those of you curious about Delaney’s background.” I pull Delaney into my arms, knowing everyone is waiting for me to do this. Smiling, I lean close. “A kiss for the cameras, my love.” She nods, and as my lips come down on hers, the crowd claps for us. I release her and look back at everyone just in time to see a pissed off Gemma glare and stomp off, pushing her way through the crowd.

  “One question, Your Highness?” I look out into the crowd to see a man waving his hand. “Who is the woman behind you?”

  I nod at Arlan who steps forward, pulling Fallyn with him. “This is Fallyn, Delaney’s best friend who came to visit from America.” Putting his arm around her waist, he continues. “We hope she desires to stay.”

  Fallyn smiles and waves at the crowd, but keeps her eyes on Arlan.

  Knowing she doesn’t want too much attention just yet, I announce, “Now, let’s get this party started.”

  The crowd starts to disperse, but many eyes linger on my beautiful fiancée.

  My father pats my arm. “Now we’ll see how people react. I expect they’ll reserve judgment until they have more to go on. Be aware,” he says to Delaney. “All eyes will be on you tonight whether you realize it or not.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  “I’d expect nothing less. Also, I’m sure Lathan told you, but be careful who you speak to,” the King warns.

  “I don’t plan to speak to anyone outside of the royal family and Fallyn, sir.”


  “She always is,” I say. “How do you feel, Father?”

  “Well enough, but I’m going to go rest in
a back room for a bit and pace myself. I’ll return later.”

  “Good idea.” I turn to Delaney. “Shall we dance, my darling?”

  “Now?” she creases her forehead. “Can’t we just sort of keep a low profile?”

  I laugh softly. “No.”

  “Right. I’ll guess we’ll dance.”

  “We will too,” Arlan says.

  Searching the crowd, I see Tristan and Abigail, and next to them, Ophelia and Harris. “Let’s go over there with them.”

  Delaney smiles, I’m sure comforted by being around people she knows. As we walk through the crowd, people look her up and down, trying to steal glances at her left hand. She keeps the smile on her face and people slightly bow their heads as she passes. So far, I detect a cautious acceptance, mixed with quite a bit of curiosity.

  Suddenly a man appears in front of us and bows before me. “Your Highness, may I address your fiancée?”

  “You may.”

  He smiles. “My name is Louis. I just wanted to say hello because I have an aunt that lives in Massachusetts.”

  “You do?” Delaney questions. “What part?”

  “Somerville. She moved there years ago with an American gentleman she fell in love with.”

  “Somerville is nice. Have you visited?”

  “No, but I have always wanted to.”

  “You should if you can. It’s very close to Boston.”

  He nods, then shifts his eyes to me, motioning toward Delaney’s hand. “May I, Your Highness?”

  “Of course.”

  Louis extends his hand to Delaney and when she offers hers, he bends forward to kiss it. I didn’t warn her that some people might do that, only because I didn’t expect it. Delaney smiles.

  “It was a pleasure to speak with you, ma’am,” Louis says. “Thank you for your time.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Louis steps out of our path, and I lead Delaney to the dance floor where we meet the others. Pulling her into my arms, I kiss her forehead.

  “You did phenomenal,” I whisper.

  “I hope so.”

  “You did.”

  “What do you think so far?”

  I glance around discreetly. Every eye in the place is on us with various expressions ranging from subtle disapproval to pure excitement. As expected, really.

  “I think it doesn’t matter, my darling.” I swing her around causing her to laugh softly. “They have no choice because I’m never letting you go. If they don’t like it what can they do?”

  She grins. “They can suck it.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Your Highness?” A man taps me on the shoulder. “You’re needed by the committee.”

  “I am obviously unavailable at the moment.”

  He leans close revealing there is a problem in the kitchen. Frowning, I release Delaney. “I’m sorry, my love. I must handle this.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “Stay close to everyone here.”

  “I will.”

  I follow the man up front, glancing back at Delaney. Ophelia and the others surround her making me feel better. The worst thing that can happen tonight is her getting overwhelmed and saying or doing the wrong thing.

  While I dance slowly within the circle of my friends, I hope Lathan returns quickly. I feel so vulnerable without him surrounded by all these people who haven’t taken their eyes off of me since I walked in the room. Suddenly my attention shifts to the back of the room where a commotion is starting. Arlan grabs my arm.

  “Stay close.”

  “I will.”

  “Something’s going on,” Tristan says, straining his neck to see over the crowd. “Can anyone see anything?”

  Then we hear a man yell something I can’t understand at the top of his voice. Women start to shriek and everyone pushes and runs in our direction. I’m pulled and tossed until I’m separated from my friends. I try to walk toward the front to find Lathan, but the tide of people seems to be pushing against me.

  I feel my arm pulled, and then I’m in a room with tables and tables of food. I twist around to find who rescued me from the crowd, to see a woman standing before me. She’s absolutely stunning, glamorous in a very overdone sort of way. She’s tall, thin, and blonde, with an obvious boob job, and maybe a nose job too. Her long sequined black gown is amazing.

  “Hello,” I say. “Thank you for helping.”

  She just stares at me, and I wonder if she doesn’t speak English, but then remember Lathan told me everyone does. Her eyes shoot down to my left hand, then back at my face.

  “You’re the best he could do?”

  I pull my head back, blinking rapidly, while I try to comprehend what she just said to me. “I’m sorry?”

  “All the women in Havendon and he picks you,” she snarls. “A commoner. An American,” she says, practically spitting the word.

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is Gemma.” She tilts her head. “The woman who is going to make your life pure hell.”

  Shit. “I’m not having this discussion with you.” I turn to leave, but she grabs my arm. I quickly yank it away from her. “Don’t touch me.”

  “I can do as I like. You’re not a princess yet.”

  “Is this about Lathan?”

  Gemma glares at me. “It’s about you. You don’t belong here. I will never rest until you’re gone. I will make sure you’re never accepted here.”

  “Why would you do that? I haven’t done anything to you.”

  “Because I hate him, and I want him to be miserable.” She offers a fake smile. “So, I’ll fuck with you.”

  I hide my surprise at her language choice. “Yeah, well, again, I’m leaving.” As I stomp toward the door, it suddenly opens, and Lathan is standing there. I’m so relieved to have help.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, glaring at Gemma. I nod. “Go out and wait with Arlan. I’ll deal with this.”

  “Are you sure?”

  His eyes stay locked on Gemma. “Quite.”

  “Okay.” I step out, and as Lathan closes the door, I wonder what’s about to happen. Glancing up, I search the room as everyone looks at me, then relax when I see Arlan, Fallyn, Tristan, and Ophelia coming toward me.

  “There’s a microphone on in there,” Fallyn says. “We heard what she said to you.”

  “Really? Can you believe it? She hates me for no reason.”

  “For lots of reason, unfortunately,” Tristan says. “I’m going in to help Lathan. He has no idea what he’s dealing with.”

  “Is she unstable?” I ask.

  Tristan frowns. “When it comes to Lathan, she doesn’t seem to be able to think rationally.” He disappears inside the room too.

  “She’s ruining everything,” I say softly.

  Ophelia squeezes my hand. “She’s a terrible person. No one understands why she’s so hateful, but she’s always been jealous of any woman that comes near Lathan. I’m sure this is a big blow to her, though it shouldn’t be.”

  “Did they date?” Fallyn asks.

  “Oh no. No. Lathan despises Gemma and has since they were very young. I’m not sure about everything that’s transpired between them, but I know that she’s toxic and manipulative. Every man she dates ends up afraid of her. I think Lathan has tried to be kind because of the relationship he has with their family, but if not for that, I’m sure he would not be so understanding.”

  I look back at the closed doors, hoping this doesn’t turn into a scene, but having the feeling that it will.

  After several tense minutes of silence between us, Tristan enters the room, and Gemma moves behind a food table.

  “I want to be alone with Lathan.”

  “Not happening,” Tristan says.

  “I will speak to him alone or I will destroy this room. Don’t test me!”

  “Shit,” Tristan mumbles. “This is not good.”

  “We need to calm her,” I say. “Try to reason with her.”

  “I will.” />
  Tristan moves toward his sister, but she picks up a glass filled with punch and flings it at him. She misses, but the move gets our attention.

  “Don’t come near me, brother.”

  “Gemma, do not embarrass yourself and your family. Come with me.”

  “No! I will only speak to Lathan.”

  I move toward her, fully aware that the microphone is on, waiting for us to start the cocktail hour. Whatever she has to say, she can say it. I have nothing to hide from Delaney.

  Glancing at Tristan, I nod. “I will speak with you. Say your piece, Gemma. Say it now. I’m listening.”

  “I want Tristan to leave.”

  “He will stay. After the last time, you’ll forgive me if I don’t want to be alone with you. Say what you have to say or I’m leaving.”

  Her shoulders fall. “Oh, I have plenty to say.”

  I shake my head. Here we go.

  Standing in the packed, but silent ballroom, all eyes are trained on the closed

  door, as we listen to the exchange happening beyond our sight.

  Gemma’s voice fills the room, amplified by the microphone. “Why didn’t you let me talk to your pretty girlfriend? I just wanted to welcome Delaney to Havendon. I’m sure everyone will love her. She’s so… pretty in such a quaint way. It must be refreshing for you, Your Highness, to find a simple woman, instead of us high maintenance women here in your homeland. I suppose that’s why you chose someone foreign. You just didn’t think any of us were good enough for you.”

  Several people gasp in shock at her obvious insults, looking at me to gauge my reaction. I do my best to maintain a neutral expression as Fallyn grips my arm.

  “I’m gonna kick her fucking ass,” she whispers.

  “Lathan will handle it.”

  “Bitch,” she murmurs.

  “Agreed.” I appear calm, but I want to run in there and drag the bitch outside. Her words might ignite the crowd against me. I just hope she’s not successful.

  “I will ask you, only once,” Lathan states calmly, “to remember your place. Remember who you are speaking with. I assure you, you do not want to push me in this regard.”


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